
Tuesday 30 January 2018

Margaret's Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I didn't receive Margaret's Challenge card in time to share it with you all on Sunday, so today it gets a post all of its own, it's a stunning card and totally worthy of its own post too! 
I will share Margaret's description below:

I love the papers you have used Margaret they are so pretty, both the gold foil dotty paper and that beautiful floral piece too.  The addition of the little lace butterflies makes it even prettier!
Thank you so much for taking part in the challenge my lovely. XXX

I have discovered the best cleaning products ever.....White Vinegar and Baking Soda (bicarbonate of soda).
Both have their own strengths, white vinegar is the very best thing for removing limescale build up on just about anything, I run about half a bottle through the coffee machine every couple of weeks as it has an indicator saying when the limescale has built up, I was worried at first that it would taint the taste of the coffee somehow but it doesn't, I also run to cycles of just wanted through just to make sure there is no vinegar left.  I am going to try it on the kettle next.  I use it on the shower head too.
If you soak some cotton wool in vinegar and wrap it around the base of your taps it cleans the limescale off there too. 
I am also going to try a combination of baking soda and vinegar to revive my towels next, some of them seem a little rough, mostly because we use fabric conditioner I believe but I think they have detergent residue in them too, I discovered this when using a face cloth, I popped it into a sink of clean water and it immediately went cloudy as though the flannel hadn't been rinsed.  I only hope that the towels don't smell of vinegar at the end of the wash. It will probably clean the machine at the same time.
Bicarbonate of soda is great for lifting smells out of carpets, you can sprinkle it on your mattress too leave for a while and then vacuum it up.
The two mixed together made into a paste are like a miracle cleaning product, our microwave/combination oven has a base plate that was once white but years of roasting chickens etc have left it  "baked on" brown! We have soaked it, scrubbed it, popped in the dishwasher but we couldn't get it clean.  While I was 'gloved up' on Friday I thought I would have a go at it with bicarb/Vinegar paste, it was like a miracle!!! It isn't as good as new but it's 95% better !  So we can dispense with the cupboard full of sprays, creams, aerosols and just have Baking Soda and vinegar oh and Bleach, I couldn't live without without bleach! 
The best thing about it is that the white vinegar costs about 30p in Aldi and I ordered a Kilo of Baking Soda for about £4 from Amazon, that's so much cheaper than all of these fancy cleaners!

Do you have any amazing cleaning tips and tricks?? I would love to hear everyone's cleaning ideas.

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Margaret-your Card is really lovely, so pretty & the papers you have used are lovely.

    Sandra-interesting to hear all about the uses of baking soda & white vinegar , I think I need to invest in both items as I really don’t like using harsh chemical cleaners especially in the kitchen + bathroom.

    Work was ok yesterday. We had thought of trying a new restaurant-Hickory Smokehouse but it’s fully booked so 6 of us are out for a curry. I’m trying to tempt my friend into booking the Hickory Smokehouse for her 50th Birthday.


    1. Thank you for your comment Michele, it certainly is a lovely pad. Hope you enjoy your meal, hugs xxx

  2. Morning Ladies,

    So you have finally found the 'secret cleaning ingredients' in your kitchen cupboards Sandra lol, this way of cleaning has been around for many more years than I know of. I always use it to get the burnt on meat juices in my frying pan after frying steaks etc. Like you though I cannot junk my bottle of bleach either.

    Beautiful card Margaret, love the papers.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Thank you Cheryl for your comments, I love this particular pad. Hugs on

  3. Morning Everyone
    MARGARET - a beautiful Challenge Card. It's so gentle and pretty. The Works are doing well in their crafting dept recently. I've bought one or two of their paper pads.

    Thank you SANDRA for the tip. I've read and seen recommendations before but never tried it. I must remember to try it out.

    I have a cupboard to sort out this morning. This is because yesterday I opened the door and things came tumbling out. I just might need rescuing too so can the 'Rescue Team' please be on stand by.

    The CAFE is OPEN and ready for you all.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.xxxx

    1. Thank you for your lovely comments on my card Janet, they do have some lovely pads in now, I have to make sure I don't go in very often, unfortunately they are inside our local Co-op so tempting to go & look. Will keep on eye on you while you are clearing cupboard, hugs on

    2. Hello Janet, I haven’t heard any cries for help, so can we (the rescue team) stand down now?
      Seriously, I hope you managed without doing yourself any harm xx

  4. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Margaret your card is so pretty I love the papers you have used.
    I can't live without bleach either but i have white vinegar but haven't used bicarbonate soda so I'm definitely going to buy some of that.
    I just looked back on yesterday's comments but mine seems to have disappeared Michele love your challenge for this week. I think I will try that this morning/afternoon. Yesterday I spent so much time sorting out all the cosmetic shimmer embossing powders / mica powders / gilding wax & Gorden & Justing be created-products. Now I have to go through the many Tattered Lace embossing folders / Textured embossing folders. All from Margaret.
    So that's my goal this morning &I try the c challenge.
    I should get a clear run as Terry's got a day's work.
    We have a dry day with sun but boy it's sooo cold thermal knickers I think 😂😂.
    VAL hope your feeling better today.
    Have good day everyone see you later.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Thank you Lynda, I think I'm finally back in the land of the living today.
      Hope you Pete and cute fur babies are doing wellxxx

    2. Thank you Lynda for your lovely comment. Have fun sorting all your new goodies out. Hugs on

    3. Wow It must feel like Christmas sorting through everything If you need any help sorting through craft goodies I don’t mind helping

  5. Hi Sandra and all, thanks for the tip re bicarb. I do use white vinegar to clean the floors but must try other things. Hope you're not doing too much cleaning on the old house Sandra especially if they're planning on doing renovation.
    MARGARET love your card. The paper is so pretty.x
    I'm still coughing for England but thankfully that horrible flu feeling has passed. That was a nasty virus.
    Wendy is calling round later so she's bound to cheer me up.
    Hugs to all.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Val good to see you feel a little better. Thank you for your comment on my card, it is such a pretty lot of papers I have not used them much. Healing hugs on

    2. Hello Val, Pleased the flu feeling has gone. Unfortunately the coughing doesn’t seem to want to leave as quickly. My cough lasted for weeks. Take care. I hope Lynn is also improving xx

  6. Morning ladies.
    Lovely card Margaret, nice papers.
    Val -glad you starting to feel some better.
    Sue- you hang in there.
    Thanks Sandra for the cleaning tips.
    Like the challenge for this week so will have a play this afternoon but first it is time for the weekly shopping with coffee out.
    Have a nice day as possible everyone. Love Maria xxx

    1. Thank you for your lovely comments Maria. Enjoy your coffee out & playing with your craft things later, which I hope to do. Hugs on way xxx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing my card & your lovely comments.
    I must admit I use white vinegar for lits of things but not baking soda will give it a
    Sue hope you are beginning to improve, healing hugs on way love
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Margaret your card is lovely and those papers from the works looks so pretty.

    It’s a lovely bright day here today but very cold with frost on the lawn and on the car windscreen. So I think I’ll be happier indoors in the warm

    Sandra I’m with you 100% on white vinegar and bicarb. Many moons ago when I first started working in school the cooks the we had then would make a paste of bicarb and water, brush it on the oven lining leave it to dry overnight when they came in the next morning wash it off, the ovens were immaculate. I use a paste of bicarb and water brush it on the tile grout, leave it for about 10 minutes and then spray it with white vinegar, it effervesces immediately, after about five minutes you can watch this all off and the tile grout is beautiful clean.
    Recently I was giving the kitchen floor a quick wipe over with a microfibrer cloth, I was pushing it around with the brush. Now this cloth has a hole on the centre (I burnt It wiping the hob, before it was relegated to being a floor cloth ) Well I had a ‘What if’ moment, .... what if I put the brush handle through the hole. It works brilliantly and is quick and easy to wash out, also takes almost no storage space, unlike a mop and bucket. That’s my top tip!!!

    Have a good day everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. I should have said when the bicarb and vinegar start to effervesce give the grout a rub with a toothbrush or similar something similar.

    2. Hi Brenda 3rd attempt at thank you for your comments, they kept disappearing. Will keep it short, hugs on

  9. Hello All, guess what? It’s raining again.

    Margaret, lovely card, especially like the metallic dotty paper.

    Sandra great cleaning tips, I’m wondering if it would work on the grouting in my wet room, it’s coloured , so can’t use bleach on it, might do a small test patch.

    Am trying to do c card this morning, thought I’d use some gold wax, but it’s given me a headache, so will try again later.

    Have a lovely day , hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Brenda's tip on cleaning the grouting in the bathroom might work. I'm certain ink going to try that as I'd usually use bleach on the end of an ok'd toothbrush which tates forever.

    2. Hi Lilian thank you for your comments, all the papers in thus pad are lovely. Hope you have heat today, hugs pn

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Great card Margaret. Love the butterflies you've used on this card as well. I've used White Vinegar for quite awhile now. It's very good mixed with salt to kill the weeds.
    Soda Crystals are also good at getting rid of washing machine smells. Plus you can add it to the wash.
    Sandra, I've used white vinegar with washing my towels and it doesn't make them smell.

    1. Hi Pat thanks for your comment on my card. I know Sue uses white vinegar in her towel wash & also cleaning. Take care xxx

    2. Hello Pat, Soda Crystles are great for keeping drains free of odour.
      Sprinkle some around the drain and pour some very hot water over them, works a treat. xx

  11. Beautiful card MARGARET and deserves a day on its own
    I use a paste of bicarb and water to clean kitchen sink I am going to buy some white vinegar and try that!
    I clean my windows with a mild solution of washing up liquid and polish them up with scrunched up newspaper I think I will try vinegar and newspaper next time

    1. Karen thank you for your comment, good luck with your kitchen worse room to manage without, hugs on way xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Lots of lovely cards ladies, thank you
    And thanks for a great challenge this week Michele, love your card.
    I'm still in bed, sulking that i am not well enough to come and see you Sandra. I hope you aren't in too much pain my lovely xx
    Val, I'm so glad you are feeling a bit better. Take it easy please. I'm starting to cough now as well so not a happy bunny 😞
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hello Sue, lovely to see you are able to look in. Please take things easy, take care and listen to your body, rest will help you on the way to recovery. xx
