
Monday 29 January 2018

Michele's Monday Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

This week's Challenge was chosen by Michele, I was so grateful when she messaged me yesterday morning asking if I needed help with today's Challenge, we had another full day at the old house so I wasn't going to get chance to sit and organise a challenge for today.  So thank you Michele for helping me out, I am very grateful. 

I would like to offer any of you the chance to choose the challenge for the week, all you have to do is suggest a challenge and maybe make a card to inspire everyone for that Challenge, I'm sure yet you all have brilliant ideas that we would love to try, just let me know, send me the idea for the challenge and a card and I will do the rest.

Now onto Michele's Challenge, it's very simple and leaves you with so many different options. 
The challenge is to make a card using Anything Floral.

Michele made her card using Cream and Navy card, that stunning die cut is a Freebie from 'Die cutting Essentials' magazine issue 22 (in case any of you might like it)!
Such a lovely card Michele, thank you so much. XXX

We had a very busy weekend, got lots done, hopefully by the end of this week we should be finished. I think it will take Paul a month to recover!
I am going to contact the window people today to see when then are wanting to start their work, as this is one thing that is causing a huge hold up, if we go round cleaning every room to a ''march-out" standard then have them go around behind us making a mess as the rip Windows and walls out.  We'll see what they say today, fingers crossed!

I hope that you all this week's ''floral' challenge, I can't wait to see your cards.

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    I hope you all like today’s challenge-I’m really excited & have lots more ideas buzzing about in my head (scary place)! The Floral part of your card could be stamped, embossed or just patterned paper. I thought it could be used for so many occasions that everyone could join in.

    The weekend certainly went quickly.chatted to my Dad last night. He’d been to the Crematorium on Friday as it was 5 years since Mum died. My brother & wife were planning on visiting but the car needed something fixing so they’re coming next weekend-all this was news to me! That means everyone will end up here, having a takeaway. Will be nice to see them again.

    Best get ready for work....!!


    1. Hi Michele
      Great idea for the challenge. Hope your brother and his wife manage to come down next weekend. Hope this week goes ok for you. Take care.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Love this week's Challenge.
    Thank you MICHELE for choosing it.

    We had a lovely lunch at a local Italian place. It was so lovely not to have to prepare and then cook. I cannot include washing up as I don't do

    It's still dark here but it looks dry which is a bonus.

    Not much on today. It's Mr Tesco first thing this morning and then who knows.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual though I can see that it's getting round to having a 'Spring Clean'. Perhaps when the weather gets a little

    HUGS are on their way to you all with extras this morning for CHERYL who is probably still somewhere under the 'Dames' skirts.xxxx

  3. Morning everyone,

    Lovely idea for the challenge card Michele, looking forward to what my tired brain will think of. I have one male & one female 60th plus a female 80th to do for March.

    Time out today for me to catch up on the (shhhh!) housework, it has been a busy weekend stuck to my sewing machine, I am so glad the dame's costumes are all finished now, thank goodness.
    You are so right Margaret, the director has not thought about the practicalities of getting the dame's hoop through the flats, although she did in the beginning when she decided the dame would wear a tutu under her clothes because last year the dame got stuck with his hoop. Ce la vie! will be so interesting to see what happens.

    Will pop in later to have a chat
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I bet yoyr glad to see the back of yoyr sewing for the time being. Hope that you don't have to undo all your hard work because of the directors mistakes. Hopefully you've finished your housework by now.

  4. It is a great challenge MICHELE I have been asked to make a 70th birthday card So I will probably use the challenge for that
    As you say SANDRA if the window people are going to be making a huge mess than do you need to do a “marching out” clean
    I hope you’re feeling better VAL This viruses are tricky customers and linger
    I hope you’ve managed to sort out the dame’s costume CHERYL Wil it go through the side flaps?
    OH started clearing the garage yesterday ready for a false wall to be added to extend the kitchen into a utility area and we started clearing the cupboards It’s knowing what to leave out because I will still need to cook until “building day”
    Diabetic clinic this afternoon and out dancing tonight So crafting will have to wait until tomorrow
    Take care everyone xx

    1. Hi Karen
      Sounds like your going to be in a bit of a mess for awhile. Kieth Pete's daughters partner has been pondering an extension for years. By the time he decides what he wants all his 4 girls will have left home. If it gets built at all. I have my doubts. They have badly needed new windows and a back door for years. Most of the windows are cracked and the black door has some window panes boarded up. His idea of decorating the kitchen has been to put Christmas wallpaper along the long wall.

  5. Nice cc Michele.
    Hope to have a go this week.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hello Val, Hope you are starting to feel a little better. xx

  6. Good Morning All
    I’m writing this in bed as our heating has decided to break down, not sure what’s wrong with the boiler, the service department lady asked a lot of questions, had to own up to being in bed, still they are sending some one out today. The boiler is not even 8yrs, and it was a very expensive Swiss one the builders put in because it’s supposed to last, we shall see.

    Michele love your card, and this challenge is just up my street, need something to take my mind of Friday.

    Sandra hope you are settling into your new home, and your blitz on the old one will soon be over.

    Have a good day all, il pop in later to see what everyone is up to, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I hope your boiler has been fixed by now and your a lot warmer. Seems a mighty expensive boiler to me if it's only 8 yrs old and broken down already.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Missed yesterday's post.p as yesterday seem to disappear before my very eyes.
    Great selection of cards yesterday ladies. Once again not one the same.
    We've actually no hospital appointments this week. Two next week and three the week after. Although we're still waiting for an appointment time for one appointment next week. Because it's monthly it has to come from the secretary, who has to juggle appointments around to fit Pete in. We have appointment dates and times for his Radium treatments for the next six months. So why they can't do that for his week before check ups I don't know.
    Hugs to all who need one this week.

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sorry I didn’t get in over the weekend Saturday I tried to post several times but everytime I got on the website the comment box was missing I gave up in the end didn’t have it with me or what! Yesterday we had visitors and they stayed longer than expected which was lovely. Then by the time I made dinner I was really tired.
    MICHELE thank you for the magazine reviews on Saturday and for coming up with a very interesting challenge for this week. XX
    KAREN - WOW your friend who knitted tiny garments must have such nimble fingers they really are superb. XX
    JANET Your water colouring is lovely you really have a gift, you have got the shading spot on. XX
    PAT Your card using the groovy plates is lovely, wish I was closer I could come to the classes with you. I really must use mine more.!!! XX
    DANIELLE Love your cards and the way you have just coloured part of the front one really works, thank you for the inspiration. XX

    Sunday’s cards were all gorgeous as always and everyone different.

    Sandra, could the MOD not check the bungalow before the window people start? I’m sure you’ll agree it’s ridiculous you and Paul have been working your socks off making everywhere clean. They will come in and create lots of mess dust everywhere. They couldn’t care less. Paul must feel he is taking one step forward and two backwards. I would suggest you take photographs of the rooms as you’ve finished them just in case!

    Sending hugs to everyone, take care love Brenda XXXX

  9. Great idea that Brenda. Yes, I had a lovely time. Carole who rubs the class. Well it's not a class as such. She gives us some things to do. Then helps us achieve a finished card. Hints and tips along the way. I've seen lovely cards in Groovi Worldwide on Facebook. Not to sure about the picot cutting work, but I'll hopefully work up to that,

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I agree with Brenda it seems silly you have to clean & they are going to come in & take windows out, madness I think. Hope you can finish asap, take
    Michele thank you for suggesting the great challenge for this week hope to have a go
    I heard from Sue today she is still feeling poorly, this flue bug seems to be knocking people for six. Val I hope you feel better soon, healing hugs on way to you
    I have had frustrating day today nothing has gone to plan, tomorrow is another day although I have chiropractor im the morning & Alan has physio, both in Wroughton a village near us luckily.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love
