
Friday 2 February 2018

Something Floral For Friday

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's Floral Friday card was designed by Our Karen, it's such a delicate and very pretty design.  I will share Karen's description below...

"The die is Sw Petite Petals Striplet I used Topsy Turvy card for the background and paper piecing together with a bit of Lidl green I typed the sentiment with a free font called Jennifer Lynne I hope this helps" 

I love the font you have used, it looks almost hand written, I think this card shows the lovely Sue Wilson Striplet die at its very best, the paper piecing really highlights the detail of the die, your perfect matting and those delicate pearls really finish your card beautifully Karen, thank you so much for sharing it with us. XXX

We have Sophie and Lucy's 18th birthday on Sunday, I can hardly believe my babies will be adults!  They have a weekend of partying planned, while we will be scrubbing and Paul will be gardening, we will have a Celebratory Dinner on Sunday evening.

I had the call today to say that my craft unit will arrive on 13th February, I am so excited, I just can't wait to get it all organised, although I am sure deciding what should go where will be as tricky as organising the kitchen. 

This is the unit that I decided on after many hours of deliberation, it seemed to be the best choice for papercrafting, the two desks all give more work space to accommodate my Gemini etc. I particularly love the ribbon holder and the magnetic wall for those dies we use all the time.  I first unit I looked at had Velcro covered doors which i first thought would be useful but after thinking about it, I would have to add velcro to all of my tools too which I don't think would work.  I also had visions of coming down in the morning to find a Cat attached to each door!! 

Wrap up warm my lovelies it's going to get quite chilly over the next few days, both Paul and Matt came home with a bag of coal last night, both after hearing the weather forecast, I wonder if Paul will let me light the Aga ??! 

Have a lovely Friday Ladies, 

Huge hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-what a beautiful card, it’s really lovely.

    Sandra-your new craft unit looks fabulous, it will be so exciting filling that and organising your craft room. Affger all this cleaning, it’s something nice to look forward to plus the family meal on Sunday.


    1. Thank you Michele I was really pleased how it turned out

    2. Hi Michele
      I hope you've had a goodish day today and it's not been mega busy.

  2. Me again

    Lynda-you’ve won last Fridays card on Julia Watts blog and it’s a real beauty. Well done.


  3. Morning Everyone

    KAREN- a beautiful simple but very effective card.

    SANDRA- How wonder how many times you organise and re-organise your beautiful craft unit in your head before it arrives lol.

    It's my 'swear word day' so as usual I have the washer already churning away with towels and cleaning for the rest of the day.........

    The CAFE is OPEN and inviting you all to walk in and have a sit and a chat. It's also warm and cosy too.

    HUGS on their way to you all with lots of extras today for LILIAN. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      We could do with warm and cosy with this very windy weather we're having. The sun is shining and our washing dried today as well.

  4. Thank you SANDRA for sharing my card I made it for the neighbour who had that nasty fire We hope to have a small collection for her and give her some flowers when she comes back home
    It was a very easy card to make and the sentiment could always be a stamped sentiment
    Your storage looks devine SANDRA You’ll have great fun “filling” it up
    Don’t swear too much JANET and please everyone take care xxxx

    1. Hi Karen
      How lovely that she'll have some flowers when she comes home. Let's hope it's not to long before she does come home. Great card by the way.

  5. Morning ladies,

    A glorious start to the morning here in my little corner of Somerset. Whilst putting out the recycle bins, I looked up and saw the white full moon just hanging in the pale sky with a dark line of clouds underneath it. So beautiful.

    You are going to have fun with your new unit Sandra, you will rearrange the boxes more than once to get it exactly as you require, as did I. I still find though that the storage space under the lone table a bit of a bind. You have to take all your machines off so that you can put the table back up for access. I cannot see you on the floor trying to get your boxes out somehow.
    Disaster struck yesterday as my friend Bev (she has been an absolute treasure helping me to sew the Emerald City dresses) and I were checking on how many to finish we found one was missing. Where it has gone we do not know but I think it may have been one of the ones I gave to another lady to sew in November. Bev and I had already sewn the bodices and skirts, all she had left to do was to set in the sleeves, attach the skirt, place the zip and hem. They came back with no zip... and only three of them. One more to cut this morning.
    Aaaaagh.. I am now really fed up to my earholes with the whole business. Never ever again.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Beautiful card Karen, so simple and pretty.

    2. Thank you Cheryl and how frustrating. Some people are very thoughtless.

    3. Hi Cheryl
      Oh dear how frustrating for you. This year you were so hoping it wouldn't be such a rush at the end before the Panto starts. I'd also be tearing my hair out and saying never again.

  6. Morning all.
    Beautiful card Karen. Can be used for so many occasions.x
    I love your unit Sandra. I bet you'll have lots of fun filling it up.
    I have 3 tablets and t the moment I can use any of them for emails. It's such a pain. Tried to send some photos to you yesterday but wouldn't work. Paul's promised to look at them tonight. You don't realise how much you rely on the internet until you don't have it any more.
    Off to craft club today. Haven't seen the girls for a month so looking forward to it.
    Take care everyone and thinking of you today Lilian.x
    Love Valx

    1. Thank you Val. it's good to see that you are now well enough to go to craft club. The internet is the most wonderful thing and also the most awful thing ever invented

    2. Hi Val
      I'm glad you were feeling better enough to go to craft club. Crikey 3 tablets and you can't use either of them. Pete would be tearing his hair out. Sometimes his Scrabble drops out. ( He's addicted to scrabble ). But it's the scrabble that's nit working. He does get himself worked up about it if it's not working.

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I hope Lucy & Sophie have a lovely weekend & birthday meal. Thankyou for showing Karen's lovely card. You will be counting the days now waiting for your unit to arrive, have fun arranging it. Hope you can light the aga they are lovely. Have a good
    Karen this is such a simple card but soo effective., love
    Lynda hope you have no after effects of kissing the floor, hugs on
    Cheryl how annoying for you you must feel so frustrated, hugs on
    Lilian thinking of you hugs on
    Sending hugs to all still feeling poorly love Margaret xxx

    1. Thank you Margaret I really enjoyed making it. There aren't too many pieces to place back into position AND I'm looking at Topsy Turvy card in a new light now!

  8. Thank you all ladies for your lovely comments. I have to say that I was exceptionally pleased how it turned out and was so easy to do. as VAL mentioned, it can be used for all sorts of occasions and the die is small enough to fit on small cards too. This one is going to be signed by lots of people and so needed to be this size.
    I am looking at Topsy Turvy from C&C card in a whole new light now.
    I hope SOPHIE and LUCY have a fantastic week end and don't get too drunk because it's legal now!
    I hope you successfully light the Aga SANDRA and once your craft unti is in place there'll be no stopping you - you lucky thing
    Seeing OSCAR this afternoon, I cannot wait for the morning to finish!

    1. Great paper piecing Karen. Enjoy your time with Oscar,

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A fantastic card Karen. Great paperpiecing on this card. I've done a few cards using this method but found it to time consuming. Although this is quite a small area.
    Congratulations to both Lucy and Sophie on reaching their 18th birthday. Hope they both have a lovely weekend.
    The unit looks great Sandra. Such a shame for you that it's going to take another 2 weeks to get there. Considering you weren't given that long a time frame when you ordered it. It might be quite a while before your properly up and running.
    Had to ring the hospital yesterday afternoon as we'd had no letters telling what his appointments times were on Tues and Thurs. all sorted now though.

    1. Thank you Pat Yes It was easy and I only paper pieces the flowers and leaves

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    KAREN, I love your card, it really is perfect for your neighbour she will love it. Have a lovely afternoon with Oscar, give him a hug from me.

    SANDRA you are going to have a great time organising your new craft unit. I expect you have already started to do that (well in your mind ) love the idea of the large magnetic sheet for holding your favourite dies. I have an A4 sheet on the wall behind my warm area, I have all my sentiment dies on it, so if I want a Happy Birthday die I can reach for it. Just one small problem now ... it isn’t big enough, so must put another one next to it.

    Sending HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY wishes to SOPHIE and LUCY hope you have a great birthday weekend. xx

    LYNDA Hope you are not feeling to sore after kissing the floor xx

    CHERYL what a pain having to make another dress at this late stage. I hope all your efforts will be appreciated. xx

    Oh dear, I completed this message before lunch, thought I had pressed publish... Good job I picked up the iPad before the morning.

    Take care ladies, hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Thank you Brenda A magnetic sheet on the wall sounds like a great idea

    2. Hi Brenda
      Yes, a magnetic sheet sounds a great idea. However, the few I have are double sided so not to sure how that would work.

  11. Hi ladies.
    Love the card Karen,I like doing paper piercing. Have a lovely afternoon with Oscar, big hug to him.
    Lynda, hope you alright after the fall, gentle hugs.
    Val, have fun at craft club. Glad you feeling better.
    Cheryl, what a disaster. They really keeping you on your toes but as you say, enough now.
    Like the work place you bought Sandra, sure you mind is whirling to think where all your stuff will go.
    Wish the girls a wonderful Birthday from me, 18 and all grown up already. Hope they have good one.
    Going to Colchester for the weekend so might be missing a few days, won't take my lappi as the connection is so bad at the hotel. Having a hedgehog in my throat and streaming eyes and hubby sneezing for england so it will be a good weekend Lol
    Warm hugs to all, Maria xxx

    1. Oh Maria Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well I hope it doesn’t spoil your weekend too much
      Thank you for your lovely comment about my card It was easy to make
