
Friday 16 February 2018

Something Floral For Friday

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you ladies are all well and are looking forward to the weekend, I am looking forward to the fact that 'the end' is in sight!!! 

Paul is taking Sophie to Leicester University on Saturday for a look around, frustratingly Lucy has been offered a place there too but she can't get the day off work, she said that she trusts Sophie's judgement but Sophie will be looking at the Art & Design Department not the Biological sciences so no doubt we will be visiting again in a few weeks, I would like to go but I honestly don't think I will be fit enough and wouldn't want to affect Sophie's experience, it's nice for them to have some Dad/Daughter time anyway.

Today's 'Something Floral' card is one of Our Janet's, she has used Sue Wilson's Californian Collection Corner dies to create the outside of the card, the inside is (I believe) Sue's Spanish Collection Background Die cut down to make a square, the joins have been cleverly disguised with those carefully placed Flowers.
I love this card Janet, the red and white are a absolute classic combination that works beautifully. 
Thank you so much for sending it in for me to share. XXX

I am hoping to email you all an update today.  Thank you for your love and kindness.

Love and hugs 

xxx ❤ xxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Don’t know what’s up with Blogger but it keeps logging me out!!

    Janet-what a beautiful card , it’s gorgeous.

    Sandra-staying home & resting sounds like a good plan on Saturday.

    Hurrah-it’s Friday!!! It’s been a long, trying sort of week so I’m very glad it’s Friday. My boss is off 3 days next week which I’m not looking forward to but that’s another week.


    1. Hi Michele
      Thanks for the info re the stepper card you made.
      Blogger has been playing up for quite awhile now. Cyber space has a lot to answer for as well.
      Hope your not to busy at work today, and hopefully next week won't be to bad without your boss.

    2. Have a nice relaxing weekend Michele, take care xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    from a sunny but bitterly cold Sheffield.

    SANDRA- hope you're feeling somewhat better today and I think you're right not going to Leicester although I know just how disappointed you are.
    I can still remember (even though it is years and years ago now)Christina visiting Uni's. It's a very long long day not only in the traveling but going round the Campus.

    I was surprised to see one of my cards this morning as it was only sent in yesterday after SANDRA requested cards. I have to admit that it's one I made a few years ago but I still like it. It's not very often I use red/white but it must have been for someone who likes those colours.

    KAREN- so pleased you're back home and that you enjoyed Paris. We have found that the best time of the year to visit is August when all the French are on their annual hols and so it's not so busy but of course the tourists are always their. When we have visited we have chosen one particular area each time so that we aren't rushing about.

    Sorry to hear that you still haven't got a kitchen but if you really get desperate I'm sure you can use the CAFE facilities hehehe. Seriously I hope it's not too long before all is finished.
    It's that 'swear' word today so better get a move on.
    The CAFE doors are open so pop in when you can.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with extras for Dear Friends not feeling too good. xxxx

    1. Wonderful card Janet, love the dies you have used and it look fantastic in red and white.
      The dreaded word here to today so now the weekend can begin xx

  3. I love the card JANET and thanks for the tip re visiting The Louvre/Paris
    News on the kitchen front - there ain’t one! The builders are still here but the walls are still damp and can’t be decorated The flooring was delayed (or so they tell me!) and so it’s at a bit of a standstill
    I hope you’re beginning to feel a bit better and quite rightly should be staying at home Sounds like you may be doing a visit with Lucy anyway
    Must dash Back to work and the dreaded dentist later Take care

    1. Hi Karen
      I do hope there not much longer finishing your kitchen. Glad you enjoyed your few days away as well.
      Hope the dentist isn't to expensive.

    2. Hope the dentist went ok. Glad you home but we will have to hope the kitchen can be done asap. know how bored you can get on ping food after awhile hihi
      Take care xx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you are feeling better, it certainly is right idea to stay home tomorrow you must look after yourself. Take
    Janet what a lovely card love the red & white, well
    Karen it sounds as if your kitchen is a disaster area I do hope it is sorted soon. Good luck at
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Have a nice weekend Margaret. Have to ask, how is the cross stitch going ? Think about something nice I can do for you as a thank you :>) hugs fro you and Pop xx

    2. Hi Maria,
      Cross stitch going well now, I do not want anything, it has given me something to do.
      Sue came today & asked me to tell you she has fell out with technology, her internet & phone are both playing up!! She sends her love to

  5. Morning Sandra and all.
    I think you're right not going out tomorrow Sandra. What you need is a lot of R+R. Hope you're feeling a lot better. XXX
    Very pretty card Janet. Just love the red and white.x
    Karen good luck at the dentist today.x
    Wendy is picking me up shortly to go to craft group. We finished our picture at quilling class yesterday and she's given us a more detailed project to do so I taking it with me today to at least make the different shapes.
    I think I mentioned that Lynn and Paul are house and animal sitting for a week. It seems really strange to be in the house on my own but its staying so clean and tidy. The only thing I don't like is night time. I keep hearing noises I've never heard before!!!
    Well must go and get my bag ready. Hope everyone has a lovely day.
    Love Valxxx

    1. I hate that feeling too As much as I enjoy being in charge of the remote for the tele

    2. Hi Val
      I hope you have a relaxing day crafting. Look forward to seeing some quilling when you've finished a project. I'm assuming you managed to get the whiskers right with the help of tutor. I have a Groovi lesson on the 1st March. But until I get a pricking tool which I've ordered I can't practise that. I do have plenty of colouring to do. On my earlier work I'd done the white work all wrong so it's a bit lumpy. Great to have some tuition from someone who knows that they're doing.

    3. Hope you had a productive day crafting. Yes as Pat asking, did you managed to get the whiskers on the cat ? Home alone, put some music on and hopefully Gracie can keep you safe. hugs xx

    4. Have sent a picture of my finished cat off to Sandra and I'm sure it will be shown, whiskers and all,

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    What a lovely card from Janet today. Love the corners you've used Janet. Must have another look through my Dies as I have some somewhere. Not these but some gold ones from Spellbinders.
    I hope your feeling a bit better today Sandra as hopefully your antibiotics have kicked in.
    Good idea not to push yourself at this point to visit the University with Paul and Sophie. You'll have the chance anyway to go with Lucy.
    Wow. Looks like we've won a medal in the skeleton.

    1. Hope you had a good day Pat and Pete is not too uncomfortable. Have a rest over the next few days. OH is to hospital tomorrow. hugs xx

  7. Hello All, lovely day here.

    Janet very pretty card, love the red, it’s a colour I rarely use, must use it more.

    Terrible shooting in America again, all those young lives.

    Hope you are on the mend Sandra, take it easy. Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, yes the shooting in America is awful. So much hate that boy must have. It is very sad.
      Hope you and R will have a nice Saturday together. Take care,hugs xx

  8. Hi all.
    Sandra , hope the meds are kicking in and you soon feel better. Interesting for the girls to start looking for a Uni they want to go to. Our son went to the De Montfort for three years. There is two of them in Leicester.
    I hope you had a nice day as possible and if you are not too good I wish you soon better.
    My cold is hanging on and so I feeling quite weak and tired so sleeping a lot, guess it's catching up all those sleepless nights but still here at 2 am some days.
    Going to watch a program with hubby now and then send the CC to you. Have a nice evening all and many warm hugs, Maria xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I have been having iPad problems today, the first time I tried to blog I last a long message, it was my own fault Google wasn’t recognising me so I was going to comment as anonymous, EXCEPT I want and pressed publish before I choose anonymous. What a dumbo. Next attempt iPad said not connected to internet, when it was! It’s just been one of those days!!!
    JANET What a beautiful card. Red is not a colour I use often. Your card suggests to me I should use it more often.xx
    Sandra I hope Paul and Lucy enjoy there day tomorrow. You are wise to stay at home and rest..
    Love and hugs, sleep well, Brenda xxx
