
Thursday 15 February 2018

Throwback Thursday

Good Morning Ladies,

I thought I'd transport us back to February 2016 for a Throwback Thursday card, this is the first card I made with ''that Embossing Folder', the free All-Occasion one that everyone wanted, the card style would work with any of the new versions of this Folder too.  The Embossing Folder does all the work I just added a few flowers, a bow and a Phill Martin Sentiment.!

Ours was a busy house last night, both girls had their boyfriends over (thankfully they had takeaway) as I was in bed, having said that both of the lads are extremely polite and charming and it was lovely to see the girls being treated for their first proper Valentine's Day.
Paul and I will save our Celebrations for next week!

Karen I hope you are thoroughly enjoying the 'City of Love', what a perfect time to visit, how was the Louvre??

Thank you all for your kind messages yesterday,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card, so classy & elegant.

    Glad to read you were resting in bed, will do you the world of good.

    Hoping today doesn’t turn out as busy as yesterday did as I have quite a bit of paperwork to catch up on.


    PS I used a Spellbinders die to create my stepper card yesterday.

    1. Hi Michele
      I thought you might have used a Die to create yesterday's card. Wouldn't have thought it was a Spellbinders.
      Hope today isn't so busy so you can catch up on your paperwork.

  2. A very pretty card SANDRA I love the original folder I love the peach colours you have chosen

    The Louvre was lovely BUT it was so so disorganised around the Mona Lisa I knew it was small etc etc but the chaos of people trying to get photos was awful The whole museum felt disorganised I think that’s because they’ve upped the security since November that at first we were a little uncertain about trying to get to each gallery We were there all day and only managed to explore about a 1/4 of it

    1. Hi Karen
      Oh what a shame you didn't have a productive day at the Louve.

  3. Pressed publish too soon!
    We hoped to do a night trip on the Seine but all boat trips had been cancelled this week because of icy conditions
    Can’t remember who it was who mentioned it but Shen Yun is here in April and then again in May!
    We come home today
    Pleased the girls enjoyed their first proper Valentines I hope both you and PAUL are over this bug
    How’s the bruising etc LILIAN I hope gp managed to sort shortness of breath out My friend had stent fitted last year leaving her SOB eventually a change of meds sorted it
    I hope the aches and pains are easing LYNDA and MARIA
    Well away to pack now Take care all xx

    1. Hi Karen
      A shame you couldn't do yoyr evening trip on the Seine either. Hope you haven't left anything in Paris.
      I remember when we were coming home from Australia. We had a stopover in Singapore. When we were due to cone home we realised we'd left some DVDs in a draw in the hotel. Our taxi driver contacted the hotel for us, and another taxi driver brought them to the airport. No charge, so how was that for service.

  4. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- a beautiful card today and I love the colours. Isn't it lovely to look back and see how our crafting has changed over the years.

    Today's task is to photograph this week's Challenge and get the pics sent off and then another quiet afternoon is called for.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual so pop for a visit and a lovely warm cup of something.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with load of extras today for SANDRA.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I hope the sun is shining in your neck of the woods. It's lovely and sunny here, but still very cold,

  5. Morning Sandra and all.
    Love this design of card Sandra. Very pretty and lovely flower arrangement. Glad you're spending time in bed.XXX
    Off to quilling class later. I've been trying to figure out how put whiskers on my cat but can't think so I'll have to ask 'teacher" later.
    Has anyone else been watching the Winter Olympics? I'm really enjoying them. Especially love the Curling and Ice Skating.
    I'm a bit late taking Gracie out for her walk this morning and she got her 'hurry up' face on so better go.
    Have a good day all.
    Hugs to all not so good today especially Sandra Maria Lynda and Lilian.x
    Karen have a safe journey home.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you gad a lovely day yesterday.
      Good luck with your whiskers.
      I've been watching the ladies curling this morning after doing the dreaded ironing. The ladies beat China by 1 shot after an extra end.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry I have not got email yet, they have a problem with ntlworld in the area, supposed to have been fixed last night but still out. Good you are resting, love your card today I have just bought this folder. Take care hugs on
    Karen shame about the Louvre hope it hasn't spoilt your trip. Safe journey
    Sending hugs to all who need them especially Sandra, Lynda & Maria love

  7. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    Lovely card Sandra those apple blossom embossing folders are so handy for a quick card. Your flowers are beautiful. Hope your feelin better today.❤️ Xx
    I managed to finish my challenge card yesterday so send it later.
    As I have another card to finish. I must give craft room a tidy as can't find my tool-in one &my magnifying glass I'm always loosing things.
    So I'm off to craft room now I have also got lots of projects in my head I want to try.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I got the dreaded ironing done today. Your craftroom sounds like mine, things always disappearing.
      I see that Sue had a card on her blog today with similar colouring to the birthday card you sent me. Which I must add I loved.

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra I love this card and missed this embossing folder as a freebie, but have since managed to buy it, it really is one of those to go for, especially if you need a quick card, your card is beautiful. I’m pleased you’re resting, your body has got a lot of recharging to do, I hope all is okay and the rest of the family XX

    KAREN sorry your trip to the Louvre sounded disappointing. That’s the thing about Paris so much to do and see, it just seems what ever time do you go there always lots of visitors. I hope when you get home your kitchen is almost finished and will you have an oven? Or could it be takeaway is or microwave meals for a few more days. Take care xx

    LYNDA, I think we all lose things in our club craft rooms, you’re tool-in-one is probably looking at you also the magnifying glass! xx

    Think I better stop now I’ve just realised my name isn’t in the comment box, so I will try to post as anonymous. Hope it works, hugs for everyone Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      Isn't it odd that you sometimes have to post as anonymous and sometimes not. Blogger really does plays up sometimes doesn't it.
      Sometimes comments disappear into thin air as well.

  9. Oh dear Sandra, that should read I hope PAUL is okay and the rest of the family!

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Beautiful card Sandra and a lovely soft colour. Hope you and Paul are feeling better soon. Glad the girls had a nice day.
    Karen-shame with the Louvre and you couldn't go on the evening cruise but hope you still had a lovely time. Safe journey home.
    Take care all, hugs Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria
      Lovely to hear from you today. I hope your not in to much pain.

  11. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    A lovely card today. I really liked this folder. I have it but as usual have no idea where it is.
    Glad to hear you stayed in bed yesterday and are hopefully there today. I wonder where your 23 boxes are stood if they aren't able to go in your craftroom for boxes. Now if the girls, Matt and Becca are into jigsaw puzzles they could have fun putting your unit together with Paul. Consider it a game and perhaps they'd help.

  12. Home safe and sound I can thoroughly recommend Eurostar Brilliant way to travel but then we are lucky that we can easily get to London too
    Paris was brilliant We saw all that we’d planned to go and see
    I wasn’t disappointed with Louvre I just think they could have chaperoned the Mona Lisa bit a lot better
    Good luck with the unit PAUL and SANDRA
    No kitchen yet - not builder fault just delay in tiles etc arriving and drying times of newly plastered walls

    1. Hi Karen
      Lovely to hear your home safe and sound. We always liked to travel with Eurostar. We went on holidays with Great Rail who always used Eurostar. Sometimes first class sometimes not. But both were good. Hope your kitchen is finished soonish.
