
Saturday 17 February 2018

Mixed Up Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

It's Saturday, which means that we get to see some lovely craft goodies, you will love them, they are varied as always........


Val has been going to Quilling classes this past few weeks and just look at this absolutely gorgeous project, such a lovely cat, I love it Val, it's eyes look so striking, the flower details in the cats body are such a pretty addition too.  You must be absolutely thrilled with it Val, I can't wait to see how you use your Quilling on your cards.  Thank you so much for sharing your first project with all of us.


Michele received this gift in the post yesterday, she thinks it's a substitute Free gift for her Quick Cards Made Easy Subscription, either way it's a fantastic freebie.  I know it's something completely new to you Michele, i can't wait to see what you do with them.  Thank you for sharing.


Karen made this absolutely amazing 'Teacher' themed Birthday card for a friend.
The background was created on Serif, I love how you have added the 'Drop Shadows' to some of your background details to make it look like they are separate elements that you have stuck onto the background, the details you have added are perfect for the theme too.  The Alphabet that Karen has used is from the 'ScanNCut files. Again it works brilliantly with your card theme.  I bet Kat was amazed when she opened her card Karen, thank you for sharing. 


Janet took an empty Gin bottle and Altered it to something absolutely beautiful.
The bottle took four coats of White acrylic paint, which were allowed to dry before Janet used some of her beautiful Lace, Appliqués and Braid trim to decorate the painted bottle. It is so lovely Janet, thank you so very much for sharing your Altered Project with us. 

Thank you ladies for taking part in Mixed Craft Saturday, we have some stunning works of art this week! 

I look forward to seeing all of your challenge cards tomorrow, I have seen some stunning cards and can't wait to share them with you.

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Everyone

    VAL- what a beautiful and fantastic piece of art you have created. I have tried Quilling only once and made such a mess that I said never again but you have inspired me to have another go.

    KAREN- a beautiful card and so colourful. Love it.

    MICHELE- what a substitute gift. I will be eagerly waiting to see how you use them.

    MY bottle is the first glass object I've altered. As you know I've tried my hand at altering other substances but never glass. The bottle was empty and ready to put into the recycle box so it would have been wasteful not to try something new. All the lace is from my lace boxes which are getting quite empty and ready for restocking.

    Off shopping this morning and who knows what later.
    The CAFE is looking inviting this morning for you all. Fresh cream scones may be available this

    HUGS on their way to you all. Have a good Saturday.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Fresh cream scones sound yummy.
      Janet you bottle is exquisite. Love all the lace you've used on it. I hope you manage to replenish your stock. I'd make a right mess if I tried anything like this. I admire your talent.

    2. If you look in again JANET but have you seen the product Powertex (I think that’s the right name) It’s been on Hochanda and looks brilliant stuff for mixed media work like yours AND can be used for items to go outside

  2. Morning Ladies

    Val-WOW!!! What an amazing picture, I just love it.

    Karen-brilliant Card, it’s great.

    Janet-another stunning altered art project from you.

    Full, damp start to the day here. I need to pop to the butchers first thing then I’m off into Southport for a few bits + bobs then Home and into my craft room. I actually got a few Male birthday cards started last night so I want to finish those for my friends gift box.


    1. Hi Michele
      A great replacement from your craft magazine. Look forward to see how you use them. Home you manage to get the male birthday cards done. I have a 70 to do for March for Pete's brother. Plus a 50th for July for Toms daughter Jill who we visit in Colchester. I might have a go at doing something Groovi parchment for them when I get the frame I'm waiting for from Clarity..

  3. Oh my! Like JANET I have only tried quilling once and got into a bit of a pickle but seeing your fabulous cat VAL has got my fingers itching to try again I love the colours you picked too
    I have never “altered” anything and your bottle is so pretty JANET So something else I’d like to have a go at
    I have never heard of these inks MICHELE So I’m very intrigued to find out what they do etc
    Thank you for showing my li’l card When I was asked to make a card for a teacher I immediately knew I had a Serif layout/kit It’s got to be posted so needed to be flat I am still toying with actually adding the word “birthday”
    What do you think?
    Waiting for OH to come back from a night out watching the football and then maybe we’ll go out as the painter has just arrived We can leave him in peace
    Have you seen the latest members gift on C&C It’s back issues of TL mags for just £2.99 I’ve ordered the zodiac signs one as I was very tempted to buy that one mag purely for this die set - supposed to be worth £16.99 Not sure if you can buy more than one though
    Have a great day ladies and I hope you’re on the mend SANDRA xx

    1. I have a freebie Serif kit called Zodiac too

    2. Hi Karen
      Love the card you made for your friend. Your Serif seems to be very versatile. Being to do so many different designs must be so useful.
      Carole who I go to in Abingdon for parchment craft uses a silhouette machine to design card blanks. I'll send a card to Sandra that I've used one on and hopefully she might show it and you can see what I mean,

  4. Good morning all.
    Oh wow Val, I know you were making a quilled cat but never expected it to look like this one. It is FABULOUS ! and the whiskers are in the right place, well done. Need to see what I got in my quilling box, love to try again after seeing your work.
    Love the bottle Janet and your pretty lace. I sometimes putting away a bottle of some kind in the mind to altered it somehow but nothing yet. Will have a serious look on the thingy we using to hold our pasta today :>)
    Karen, love the card you made for Kat. Love the big happy coloured letters. You do know how to make the Serif work.
    Like to know what you think of these inks Michele. What a nice substitute gift.
    Sandra , I hope you taking it all slowly today and having a proper rest. Sending you and any one else special healing hugs for a speedy recovery if not well.
    OH has gone for a appointment at hospital and Son have gone out so will have a tidy up first in the kitchen and then hope to start on some birthday cards. Have quite a few needed for March and one special silver, can't believe it's that long.....
    Love to all and have a nice day, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I know Maria the days simply fly by don't they. Not to sure where the last 2 months have gone to.

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I hope you are resting Sandra, I’m sure Paul will have left you supplied with drinks etc. Your medication should have kicked in and hopefully you are starting to feel a little more comfortable. xx

    What a great display of talent on today’s blog.

    VAL, WOW your quilling is brilliant, thank you for sharing it with us xx

    JANET, What else can you do with an empty gin bottle? I’m teasing. Your altered art is lovely. The lace looks really beautiful. Thank you xx

    KAREN, What a fantastic card, love the beautiful bright colours. It doesn’t need the word Birthday added ... but if you decide to it will still look lovely. Good idea to go out and get out of the painters way. xx

    MICHELE, Those Inks look interesting, are they calligraphy inks? Have fun using them. xx

    It’s a lovely bright day here, I have spent the morning shampooing carpets, just the small lounge and hall. The rest downstairs will get done next week if I have the energy.

    Have a good day everyone, take care , Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Shampooing carpets you must be full of energy at the moment. Hope you manage to get them dry this weather. We had sunshine this morning and at last the dreaded cold wind has died down.
      We're off to look after Craig's children after tea. Craig and Jenny are going out for a Valentines meal. Romilly said we don't need anyone to look after us, I can look after Xander. No way, she'd probably end up killing him as she's really nasty to her brother. Quite sly with it as well.

  6. Hi Sandra and all.
    Many thanks for the nice comments on my cat. Like a few of you I've always made a mess of any quilling I've attempted. The learning and making the shapes was a bit boring not fixing them on the pattern was good fun. We're making a ballerina picture now which is much more fiddly.

    Karen love your card. The different coloured letters are really effective. I don't think its needs Birthday on it personally but I bet you could place it artistically if you did put it on.x

    Michele what a lovely free gift. Bet you have some messy fun with them.x

    Janet your altered bottle is really lovely. I've never 'altered' anything so I'm very impressed. Does this mean you're going to have to drink a lot more gin to get more bottles.ha had

    SANDRA hope the Uni tour goes well today and you're having a lovely rest at home. Hope you're feeling a lot better.xx

    Just got back from coffee with my chatty friend so as its past 3 I think its time for lunch.

    Have a good day all.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Wow, your cat is really impressive. Love it. I've never tried quilling at all. I did use to do something where you cut up small pieces of paper, follow the numbers to make a picture. Can't remember what it's called off the top of my head. I made Jaren ( Pete's daughter a basket once and added punched flowers to make a bouquet. She has it stuck on the wall still and I made it a couple of years ago.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely work today from the ladies.
    Crikey just say the bottom half of the previous post that read as it's just gone 3.00. Then realised it was from Val. I thought I'd lost an hour somewhere along the line. Had been trying to sort my craftroom desk out so as I could get my light box out to use.
    Hope the Uni visit goes well today Sandra and that you are curled up nice and cosy in bed, and not running around doing things for everyone else. I think they should be running around after you not the other way around.

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope the visit goes well today for Paul & Sophie & you are resting well & beginning to feel better. Xxx
    Val your cat is beautiful, well done
    Karen what a lovely bright card & does not need anything
    Michele your free gift looks interesting waiting to see what you vpme up
    Janet a lovely altered bottle you are soo talented. Hope there is cream doughnut left for
    Sue in case anybody didn't see my post last night, has asked me to say, she has big problems with her phone & internet, & sends her love.
    Sending higs to all who need them love

  9. Hi Everyone
    Well we're now over Craig's children sitting. Can't say baby sitting as they aren't babies any more.
    Pete's sat watching Hacksaw Ridge on Netflix, ( boring ) after playing cards with Romilly and Xander.
    I'm sat doing some Groovi Parchment work. Wish I'd bought my colouring pencils over with me.
