
Thursday 22 February 2018

Pretty Aperture card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, I can hardly believe it's almost the weekend again, this week has whizzed by so fast. 
It will be so nice not having to spend the weekend cleaning the bungalow.  We can have a nice restful weekend, I hadn't realised the date, luckily Margaret reminded me that we have tickets to a Craft Demo Day at Bracknell in Saturday, Pat found the event after Farnborough was cancelled, I'm not sure what there will be there, hopefully some of the popular stands. I don't really enjoy doing 'Make & Takes', I prefer crafting at my own pace, so I'm not to fussed about taking part in those, we will find out when we get there I guess!  I'm sure we'll have fun whatever it is.

Today's stunning Aperture card has been designed and created by our Lovely Janet, she has embossed the front of the card with the Sue Wilson 'Beaded Swirls' embossing folder, before it was embossed Janet die cut an oval aperture out of the card front, then another slightly larger oval was cut in lilac card to frame the aperture.  Janet has then stamped that lovely sentiment on another piece of lilac card and centred it in the oval aperture.
A string of tiny pearls add a pretty finishing touch to the oval.
Janet has then created a gorgeous floral spray to add embellishment to the card, picking colours that match perfectly with the accent colours.  I love the addition of the beaded hat pins in the floral spray the give a real touch of luxury to the card as do the die cut swirls behind the flowers, they help draw your eye into that sentiment.
A truly stunning card Janet, thank you so much for allowing me to share it with everyone. XXX

Pat is coming over today, I'm not sure what we are going to do, there is the local village coffee morning on a Thursday, it opens to coincide with the opening time if the local post office (once a week on a Thursday morning). I think it finishes at 11am though. Which would be a little bit of a rush. I would like to go to one though to meet the local people. It will be nice to see Pat though whatever we decide to do.

I hope that you all have a lovely day too,

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-what a beautiful birthday card, it’s gorgeous.

    Didn’t have a great day yesterday-Phil phoned me at work in the morning (unheard of) to let me know he was coming home on the first flight as he’d been really poorly all Tuesday night. He was well on the flight but luckily no more pain since then. He’s going to contact our GP to see what the delay is regarding his CT scan as the hospital said a second doctor hadn’t signed the request off so he couldn’t book the scan!!


    1. Oh Michele poor Phil. So hope the GP and the hospital get their act together so the scan can be done quickly and Phil can get some treatment.x

    2. I do hope Phil gets it sorted

    3. I hope Phil get some help soon. Have a good day as poss at work. Take care xx

    4. Hi Michele, I hope Phil got some answers from the GP regarding the scan. xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    What a lovely surprise seeing my card when I opened up this morning. It's an old one from a few years ago which I sent off to SANDRA the other week when she requested cards. I still like it even now.

    MICHELE- I hope Hubby is OK and that something can be sorted asap.

    As if Jim hasn't seen enough of hospitals this last two weeks (being on duty)he has to go this afternoon to CYSTOLOGY. Hopefully this will be the last test and we can get all the results together. This is all to do with the water infections he had before Christmas. He has really been through the mill since September having had the cancer removed from his right ear, constant water infections, and four weeks ago he started with shingles (these were down the right side of his head)and is still having pain even though all the 'spots' have now cleared up. If all these tests are clear we're hoping to get to Marigny for Easter (just for a couple of weeks).

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all to pop in when you can.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, so hope Jim gets on OK today. He's really had a tough time lately by the sound of it.
      Hope you manage Marigny. Something nice to look forward to.x

    2. Gorgeous card Janet. Hope all goes well for Jim and you soon can go to Marigny so you can stock up on lace. hugs xx

  3. Morning Sandra and all,
    JANET what a pretty card. Just love the flower arrangement and the oval of pearls.x
    I'm off to the hairdresser later. I should have been there last week but couldn't make the appointment so feeling pretty tatty.
    Hoping to do my cc later but also must sort out my dies-theyre in such a mess. I have them in trays on magnetic sheets but they get thrown back in the nearest tray and it ends up with me not being able to find a particular one. I don't know how to keep them neat and tidy without spending a fortune on storage.
    Lynda hope the dentist is OK today.x
    Maria how are you feeling? Better I hope.x
    Margaret hope Star is doing wells
    Pat and Sandra have a lovely time together whatever you decide to do.x
    Hugs to all Valxxx

    1. Do you use magnetic sheets to separate them That really really helps I back mine with the packaging so I can tell if one is missing and use the Do Crafts spotty folders You can also store them in your trays upright and then flick through them

    2. Hi Karen thanks for that. Just looked up the Spotty Folders on Amazon. £13 each with the magnetic sheets. Only thing the postage is high to Spain but will order 3 and have them sent to UK for next time I'm over.x

    3. That's possibly a good price. I tend to get them when I go to Ally Pally The magnetic sheets are a little flimsy but backed with card and a second magnetic sheet they are fine. They won't hold the really big dies but I have one for Christmas, one for flowers, one for sentiments/letters

    4. Hope you feel better after being to the hairdresser, nothing nicer then when someone washing your hair and making you look and feel better. I have got some dotty folders and like Karen say the Magnetics are a bit flimsy but I'm using old cereal boxes to make them sturdier. They are ok but never seem to find anything that's perfect for storing dies and stamps in. have a nice day xx

  4. Such a pretty card JANET Will be back later Kitchen fitters have just arrived and I must finish getting ready for work

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. It is so good to be able to say that after so ling 😁 The less said the better about the whole stupid mess!!!!!
    Sandra, it is a shame that we didn't manage to get your unit finished on Tuesday, it is infuriating when the instructions and contents lists aren't correct isn't it! Would it be too much to ask for a note explaining the updated details to be added into the box? At least we got the awkward bits done, the shelves etc should be easy. For your sake I hope you get it done before Tuesday but I know you are also itching to get your kitchen straight aren't you. It takes time to get sorted after moving doesn't it. Love you xx
    Janet your card is so pretty, I love the beautiful flowers and the embossing folder is gorgeous. I hope Jim gets the right results so that you can both get to Marigny for a very well deserved break X
    I have really missed being able to come into the Cafe and I'm going to enjoy catching up with what you are all up to then i will be back later. Love and hugs to you all with extras for need. Take care xx

  6. Hello All, it’s a beautiful sunny day here, even managed a short walk today to get the papers, so lovely to be in the fresh air.

    Janet beautiful card, love the spray of flowers and the pearls. Hope Jim gets sorted soon.

    Dentist wasn’t too bad, £150 for two fillings, although she had difficulty doing the very back one, still the same price as the estimate.

    Lynda hope your tooth gets sorted soon and the pain eases.

    Well I’d better go and try and do my c card for this week, although not much idea at the moment. Have a good day, hugs Lilian

    1. Glad the dentist went OK Lilian and I don't suppose £150 is too bad if you say it quickly.
      Glad you have a sunny day.x

    2. Glad you managed a little walk today and you have some sunshine. When do you need to go for a check up , did you hear from the doctors ? Hope you have a nice day ,hugs xx

  7. Stunning card, have a lovely day Sandra what ever you decide to do. Getting to meet the people in the village sounds like a good idea..x

    1. Hi Danielle, good to see you. I think your cards yesterday are both great, nice for the men in our lives. Hope to see more of your work x

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Janet, love your card, the colour, flower spray and embossing folder, it’s all beautiful. xx

    Sandra hope you get to the Village coffee morning, it would be nice for you to meet your neighbours, but if not this week maybe next week you can get there. Have a lovely day with Pat what ever you decide to do. xx

    SUE, Pleased you have got the internet sorted at last. xx

    LYNDA, Hope the pain has eased. Is it today you go to see your own dentist? xx

    LILLIAN, Hope your filling have settled in. Pleased you managed to get out for a short walk. xx

    JANET, Hope Jim gets some answers soon. He really has had a rough time since September and now shingles on top of everything else. Everything crossed that you will get to Marigny for Easter. xx

    Take care everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda, hope you have a good day and rested after all the work you did. Glad to see you not hurting too much. Hugs to you and John xx

  9. I hope you managed to get to the coffee morning SANDRA. It will do you good to get out and meet some "locals"
    So pleased to see you back SUE
    I hope the tooth is settling
    An that JIM gets some answers.
    I hope the rest of you are OK and aches and pains are easing.
    Off home now, just waiting for a taxi I can't wait to see how far the kitchen has got
    Take care xx

    1. You must be so excited to go home and see how far your kitchen is done, hope it's not too much in a mess. Take care xx

  10. Hi all,
    Hope you have a good day with Pat Sandra whatever you made in the end. Good of Sue helping to put the unit together but how silly not to give you a note about the changes how to. Hope the visit to another Uni went well and the same for any youngster who looking to go to Uni this year, I wish them good luck.
    Margaret, glad to hear Star is a bit better. Big hugs for her, you and Pop.
    Lynda- hope the pills are helping you some. Meds and all must make you tired. I too nodding off at times and some days you can't sleep at all, you know how it is. hugs
    I hope the rest of you have a nice day as possible and crafting mojo is with you. Mine is gone, help Lol
    Warm hugs to you all, Maria xx

  11. Hi everyone it looks like my comment from this morning has vanished.
    First Janet your card is gorgeous.
    Went back to see my dentist today & she just said to finish the antibiotic tablets & if still aching after to go back next Tuesday so waste of time.
    Anyway I don't expect any of you will be back in tonight. So I will say good night
    Love Lynda xx
    Sandra I hope you had a good day with Pat.xx

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you had a good day with Pat. I am not sure I will get CC done this week so apologies now in case I don't. Looking forward to day out on Sat. with great
    Thank you all for your best wishes for Star, the vet rang this afternoon, & said the one on her leg was benign but the one on nipple was cancer but they had removed it all & xrays were clear & survival rate was good. You can imagine the relief, bless you
    Lynda hope you are not in soo much pain & dentist was helpful today. Hugs on
    Michele hope Phil gets sorted
    Janet hope Jim got some answers today & can look forward to well earned
    Maria hope you are not in too much pain, thanks for
    Karen I bet you are getting excited to see finished kitchen
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Janet forgot to say love your card.xx
