
Wednesday 21 February 2018

Another 'Wings' card

Good Morning Ladies,

My lovely friend Danielle also made a 'Wings' themed card last week that I didn't get to post in time for Sunday so I wanted to make sure it got it's day in the spotlight, it's a gorgeous card made using the Stampin'Up! 'Petal Palette' Suite, Danni has taken a piece of the background paper and coloured it with Real Red in different places but quite randomly. She has then taken a little topper with the pretty little bird on and punched out a circle so that the sentiment is central, backing this with a Mat of the Real red card to make it pop! 
I will leave a link below to Danni's blog where you can see this 'Valentines' card in detail and also a day later the other card I have shared :

Thank you Danielle for allowing me to share your cards with everyone, Danni does card giveaways on her YouTube channel too so follow the link from her blog, all you have to do is comment on the post or video, Danielle's cards are always stunning and would be a lovely prize! XXX

Sue came over yesterday, which was a lovely treat, we decided that we get some of the pieces of my craft unit out to see if we could find instructions, we were soon knee deep in cardboard packaging and polystyrene sheets, Sue meticulously counted all the nuts, bolts, gizzits and gizmo's, (I've never seen so many odds and ends), brackets and hinges, you name it we had a bag of them!  
Once we found the instructions we were flying along, until we had a piece that didn't look the same as the diagram and certainly had different fixings, well we twisted it, turned it, it just wasn't looking right, so I decided to call them, this piece of furniture was a LOT of money so I expected it to be properly packed.  After 10 minutes he lovely girl at the office called me back and said she had spoken to the chap that builds them for customers for the princely sum of £150 ! and he explained that they have changed the part so the one we have (that looks different) us in fact right, but we only need to use short bolts (not the long ones the instructions tell you use) oh and you don't put it together as it tells you in the instructions either, she then reeled off the right way to do it!! Once we had the right instructions we were flying along, it was only when Sue's alarm went off that we realised it was 6 o'Clock but to be honest that's not unusual for Sue and I ! We managed to get the main carcass of the unit together (apart from the top) we were a little vertically Challenged for that though. 
I was a little sad that we weren't going to finish it together, to be honest though I'm not sure Paul will have time to help in the next few days so it may well be still waiting next week, although I don't really have the patience to wait that long! 
Thank you so much Sue (and your very organised tool box)! It is always so much fun tackling any project with you! I hope your hands aren't too sore today xxxxx

Another Uni trip today, this time it's to Staffordshire university, for Sophie again, this is one of her first choices so I hope it's all she wants it to be.
She had good news yesterday, Leicester University offered her a place on their Animation Course, which she is excited about, it's a nice confidence boost too after having interviews on Saturday.

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Two lovely cards Danielle, both are great.

    Sandra-sounds like you had fun assembling the craft unit with Sue yesterday, how frustrating that you couldn’t finish though.

    I went out for a meal last night-the friend who is 50 (today). There was 7 if us & we went to a Hickory Smokehouse-it was nice but I truly expected something much better after all the hype. The evening was lovely & we all had a great time which was the main thing. I’m off out again this evening, meeting another friend for a curry!
    Hubby is ok-had a couple of twinges yesterday but that all. Blood tests on Thursday morning then he can phone up to book a CT scan.


    1. Hi Michele
      I’m glad to hear that Phil is only having twinges now. You’ll know more when he has his scan done. I’ve never been to the Smokehouse in Witney, but Karen and her friends enjoy the food they’re. But I’m glad you enjoyed meeting your friends. I hope you have a lovely meal tonight.

  2. Morning ladies,

    Such pretty cards Danielle.

    Jamie and I laid everything on the floor when we built my craft station Sandra. No need then to climb up anywhere to place the top section on. Once wheels were attached then we simply pushed it upright and started on the next section before joining them all together and placed the doors lastly.

    Off to my U3A meeting this morning then lunch with Rosie, probably at the Wild of our favourite haunts.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      That what we did with my unit from Ikea. The trouble was it was to big for the room it was in. So we took it apart and put it together in our bedroom after putting our bed up against the wall. So we put it together and tried to get it into the room. We got it jammed as it had to go over the top of the bannister. So we put it together on its side in the small bedroom, slide one back panel in. Then very carefully turned it over and slide the other one in. Pete was not a happy bunny I can tell you. Try measuring something first to see if it fits he said. So it’s never coming out again.
      Hope you have a nice lunch with Rosie today.

  3. Morning Everyone
    A pretty Valentine card Danielle.

    SANDRA- sounds as though it was a fun day yesterday and I can just see both of you scrambling around fitting all the bits and pieces.

    CHERYL- have a lovely lunch. I love the name 'Wild Rocket' and wonder where the name comes from.

    I still haven't made a start on my CC yet so really must try and get around to it today. I seem to be struggling this week for some reason.

    The CAFE is OPEN and as you will see I've put little bunches of Daffs on the tables just to give a little bit of colour and cheer on these dull days.

    HUGS are on their way to you all.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      The staffs certainly are making a splash on the tables. They’re cheering us up no end. Cold here today and getting colder.

  4. Hello All,

    Sandra you sound as though you are much better, glad the unit is on the way to being finished, hope it lives up to expectations, as I know what they cost.

    Two lovely cards this morning, Danielle thanks for sharing.

    I’m off to the dentist this morning for TWO fillings, don’t know which is worse the fillings or paying the bill.

    Will drop in later to see what you are all up to, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I hope the dentist isn’t to expensive. Doreen had toothache last week. The dentist gave her some antibiotics and is ringing her back this morning to see how it is. I suspect she’ll have to have 2 out though. Mind you hers will be expensive as she has a private dentist.

    2. Hello Lillian. Best of luck, hope you don’t have to take a mortgage out to pay the bill . HaHa xx

  5. Lovely cards DANIELLE
    Enjoy your curry MICHELE
    How’s the tooth LYNDA I hope the antibiotics are helping
    I hope you’re not in as much pain MARIA And LILIAN how’s the bruising and is it helping with the breathlessness
    Enjoy your meal CHERYL I bet it’s lovely not having worry about pantomime costumes
    Kitchen loo and utility area floor is complete Units starting to be put in tomorrow and loo tiled Hopefully I’ll get a better idea of the colour of wall tiles I’d like I’m terrible at making decisions
    Salsa tonight with daughter
    Take care all It’s supposed to be starting to get really cold over the next couple of weeks xx

    1. Hi Karen
      I hope you manage to sort out your tiles colour. The trouble is there’s to much to choose from. Yes it is colder today and like you said it’s supposed to get colder. Enjoy your dancing tonight.

  6. Hi everyone. Lovely cards Danielle.
    Sandra it sound as though you and Sue a had a fun and productive day yesterday. I bet your fingers are itching to get it finished.
    LILIAN Hope the dentist goes well and the bill isn't too expensive.x
    LYNDA hope the antibiotics are working and you're in less pain today's
    KAREN it sounds as the you're kitchen is coming along so well. Bet you're really excited. Enjoy dancing tonight.x
    MARIA so hope you're feeling better today. That nasty bug seems to be lasting forever.x
    MICHELE enjoy your curry tonight.x
    Actually I'm off out for a curry this lunchtime. How I'm supposed to diet eating all these lovely meals I don't know.
    After two lovely sunny days today is overcast, cold and it definitely looks like rain.
    Just about to watch John Lockwood on Hochanda. Saw the launch of his new dies and stamps last night and I've so tempted but will wait until Joanna Sheen gets them with her free postage.
    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val and thank you. I started to read your comment just after 9am got to the bit where you said you were going to watch John Lockwood. It had slipped my mind he was on. So thank you again, He is has so many brilliant ideas and really is inspiring xx

    2. Hi Val
      I’ve recorded Johns shows. I do like his new style but they haven’t inspired me enough to buy any. I have so much already that I don’t use. Not to sure what I’m going to do with them. I know I can send a few down to Cheryl. We’re going down to her neck of the woods so I’m hoping to take some with me.

    3. Hi Just ordered most of his new stuff from Joanna Sheen. I'm a real sucker for his style.

  7. Hi Sandra
    Lovely cards today from Danielle. I might just pop over and have a look at the cards she has on her blog.
    Sounds like you and Sue had a productive day yesterday fitting your new unit together. Mind you Sue is quite builder minded ( I mean that in the nicest possible way Sue ). I remember when my Grand Caliber had a rattle, she took it apart and sorted it out. Hope the top gets sorted soon. Perhaps Matt could do it for you as he’s quite tall then you can start to use it.
    Good news that Sophie passed her interview and has been offered a place at Leicester University. I hope Staffordshire Univ lives up to her expectations.

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I can just picture you & Sue surrounded by all the bits & having a giggle, did you the world of good. Hope Sophie gets on well today & congratulations to her for being offered the course at Leicester. Thank you for showing Danielle's cards today they are both
    Thank you all for your best wishes for Star, she is recovering well it is us who are waiting anxiously.
    Sorry I did not comment yesterday I must admit I forgot, Karen your card was
    Sending hugs to all in pain especially Lilian, Lynda & Maria & all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret, Pleased to hear Star is improving.
      You take care, try not to worry, she sounds a strong little lady. xx

    2. Hi Margaret
      I’m glad to hear Star is improving.

    3. Hi Margaret. So glad Star is recovering well. Fingers crossed for good results.x

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Two lovely cards from Danielle today, thank you for allowing Sandra to share them with us. xx

    Hope Paul and Sophie have a good day today, also well done on the Leicester offer Sophie. Our Daughter has taken Tierney to Leeds today, this really is her first choice, she has an offer from Southampton which will be second choice, apparently you have to have a 1st and 2nd choice on your application. There plan was to leave at 6am it’s a four hour drive. They will not be home until about 9pm. So we are picking up Ciara and taking her home, Callum usually likes to make his own way home, but will ring if he wants a lift. So that’s our plan for the day.
    Carpet all vacuumed and order restored to the lounge I’m pleased to say. AND I’m still able to move after all the activity yesterday.

    Sandra and Sue it sounds as though you were very productive yesterday, well done, I just hope you both are not too sore today. Lovely for you Sandra to see things starting to come together. You will get there. xx

    Coffee break over, thank you for your lovely company ladies, Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I hope Tierney does well as well in her interview. Always a bit daunting. interviews I think. But what an early start and a late finish for them to. Well done on getting your carpets cleaned yesterday. Glad you were still able to move as well after all that hard work.

  10. I hope that Lynda and Maria aren’t in to much pain today. Gentle hugs coming your way.

  11. wow you have been busy Sandra, cant wait to see pics of the unit once its fully built. Thank you so much for mentioning my blog and give away its so kind of you to do that.. xx

  12. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Well don't know where today went. I felt so tired today not sure if it's antibiotics & pain killers but kept nodding off.😴am I turning into CU ooo no 😂😂
    Anyway I managed to make my Challenge card this afternoon & do the dinner really painful eating.
    Danielle both your cards are lovely thanks for sharing them.
    Thank you all for your best wishes & Hug's xx
    Sandra hope Sophie had a good trip to check out Uni & pleased she was offered a place for Leicester well done to her.
    Going to get more drug's why does pain get worse in the evening. So wish you all good night Love Lynda xx
