
Tuesday 20 February 2018

Karen's Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

First of all today I am relieved to tell you that it's gone, finished and we don't have to think about it anymore!!! Paul handed back the bungalow at noon yesterday, all went fine, I could see the relief on his face as he walked in the door, this had been our hardest 'move out' ever, and we have done at least 8 over the years, thankfully that was our last. Whoever moves in will get a much cleaner place than it was when we moved in, that's mostly a pride thing I think, as people are quick to comment. 

On to today's card, Karen made her 'Wings' themed challenge card but I didn't get it in time to share with you all on Sunday.
It's so pretty Karen, I really love the background you created on Serif, it really does look like you have manually added the sentiment.! Here is Karen's description...

" I found a layout on a Serif kit (Botanical Butterflies I think) I removed the butterfly and added a vellum and a white (covered in chic viola mica powder) Spellbinder La Papillon butterfly die cut and changed the lettering which is central on the card but looks a bit too far to the right on the photo" 

The sentiment looks fine to me Karen, that butterfly is so delicate. Such a lovely card, thank you so much for letting me share it with everyone today. XXX

Paul had the night off last night before starting the major unpacking, it's the first time in week's we have actually sat on the sofa together, it was lovely.

I hope you are all well, 

Have a lovely day however you are spending it.

Love and hugs 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-what a lovely card, it’s so pretty.

    Sandra-hurrah!! Now you & Paul can start to relax & enjoy some time together in your new home.

    I had a very busy day at work, got a message early afternoon from hubby to say he was in agony-Kidney Stone pain....again. He eventually felt well enough to contact the GP surgery to be told by the receptionist that it wasn’t an emergency! He firmly but politely said that 5 hours in agony & bring sick with the pain WAS urgent. Amazingly she found him an appointment at 5pm so I came home early to take him to to doctors. He prescribed slow release painkillers, more blood tests needed & a CT scan. I then dashed off to a meeting at the local church to discuss their Summer Fair!
    I was exhausted by bedtime.


    1. Gosh Michele hope hubby is OK .That's such a terrific pain I believe. Guess they're doing tests so they can remove them?
      Hope you have a quieter day today.x

    2. Thank you MICHELE I hope your husband gets some relief from the new painkillers and the tests show how they can best treat them

    3. Hi Michele
      Not to sure why the receptionist thought the pain he was in wasn't urgent. Hope the painkillers bring him so relief, and ge doesn't have to wait to long for his Scan.

    4. Michele, I would take your hubby to the A+E if this continues bless him. We have a relative who just had his gallbladder removed. Most be so painful to have this problem. Wishing him better. Take care xx

  2. Molrning Everyone
    KAREN- a beautiful Challenge card. I love the background effect.

    I had a hectic day yesterday - Mr Tesco was here at 08.50 (10mins before my time slot) which was lovely as all the groceries were delivered, sorted and put away by 09.15. I then prepared lunch as I always cook lunch time when Jim's on duty as I don't know what time he will be back. Then when lunch was cleared I had an afternoon playing at my craft table with Aqua Pens until Jim returned at 16.55. It was a relaxing evening for us both.

    Not quite sure re today probably the same as yesterday without Mr Tesco of course.

    The CAFE is open and sun is streaming through the windows making it really inviting.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with extras for Dear Friends not feeling too good.xxxx

    1. Hope you found something fun to do Janet, hugs xx

    2. Hi Janet
      I hope you manage to have a play this afternoon. I've been sat looking to see if I can get a new lead for my Groovi lightwave. Apparently the new ones have a USB port instead of just a plug. Which means you can use it anywhere using a Power Pack. With the older ones you need a plug socket. Not having much luck as I don't know the size of the jack barrel that goes into the lightwave. To technical for me. Just might take it all into somewhere like Maplins that sell those sort of things.

  3. Morning Sandra and all,
    Sandra so pleased everything was fine with the handover. Now you can start to enjoy your new house.x
    Very pretty card Karen. Lovely background and such a pretty butterfly. Hope the kitchen is coming on wells
    MARGARET. I hope Star is feeling better today.
    MARIA Sorry you're not feeling so good. Hope you've had a good night and are feeling a bit better todayx
    LYNDAhope that nasty tooth isn't bothering you too much.x
    Just waiting for Lynn to pick me up to go the Slimming Club. Then Lynn and I are out for a Chinese lunch.yum. All the Mothers Day cards are done so then its off to the shop to arrange the display.
    Hugs to all. Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      At first read I thought you'd said. Lynn and I are out for a Christmas lunch. Funny how the eye deceives isn't it.
      We always had a Christmas lunch in July when Craig (Pete's son ) lived in Westfield Rd which is just up a bit from us. He had a small house so when it was his turn to do Christmas dinner we had it in the garden. They used to put decorations up and decorate a tree. It was lovely.

    2. Pat I wish it was Christmas lunch. I like Chinese but turkey stuffing and potatoes are my favourite.x

    3. Mine to Val. Pete says he always feels hungry after a Chinese. But we very rarely eat Chinese anyway. Well I do do a chicken stir fry with Chinese vegetables. But he has a very large jacket potato with that. Luckily he hasn't lost his appetite although his taste buds have changed.

    4. Thank you Val Wow congratulations on completing your Mother’s Day cards How many have you made?
      Enjoy your Chinese meal

    5. Hi Karen. Only 25 Sad to say its mostly pensioners in the village the majority of who don't have mums any more. What don't sold get different sentiments on after Mothers Day has past. Next thing is Easter cards but don't seem to sell many of those either.x

  4. Hi Everyone. Still at home. Lynn went to have a blood test at our GP this morning. The nurse couldn't find a vein so sent her to the clinic. It was too late at the clinic to have blood taken so she's now at the hospital. Won't be going to slimming today. X

    1. Oh what a shame you can't go to slimming club. Hope they find a vein at the hospital.

    2. The nurse couldn't find one either but the doctor did. I think her arm will be black and blue tomorrow. Just got back from a very nice Chinese. I had Crispy Duck and Pancakes, Lynn chose Chicken with Ginger and noodles. We shared both.x

    3. They always tell Pete you need to drink plenty before you come to have his bloods done. Makes the verbs easier to find apparently. Hope Lynn isn't to bruised tomorrow with all those beedled being stuck in her,

    4. Oh you do make me feel very hungry telling us about your Chinese, I love it all hihihi
      Hope Lynn's arm not too sore. I have no veins either so they often have to take blood from my hand and it still only trickles if the nurse no good. Have a nice evening xx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra I coul feel the relief when you said the handover went well. What a great result. But only what I expected, you have both worked so hard to achieve these results. Well done both of you. xx

    KAREN, I love your card, the background looks so delicate, it compliments the beautiful butterfly flying over it.

    Well I stupidly said I think I will clean the carpet in the big lounge, now my dear OH is now moving everything that can be moved out of the way to make it easy for me. Better get a move on.

    Hope you are all doing something much more exciting.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Thank you Brenda
      Good luck with the carpet cleaning!

    2. Crikey Brenda, good luck with the carpet cleaning. Rather you than me. My excitement has been working with the children reading and doing phonics.

    3. Hope you now sitting down and can enjoy your newly shampooed carpet and it didn't take too long to dry. Hope you and John took care when moving the things back so no backs are hurting , hugs xx

    4. The furniture can all go back in tomorrow morning after I have run the vacuum over it, should be ok to walk on it then, I also did the stairs while I was in full flight. Just had daughter on the phone, her comment was crikey Mum, hope you will be alright tomorrow. And if you are hiring yourself out you can always come and do ours. My reply is not printable !!! Anonymous Brenda xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    I bet you breathed a sigh of relief when they passed the bungalow. Now you can consentrate on getting the new house straight.
    Love the card you've made on your Serif. Love the butterfly as well. It seems such a clever machine and you seem to be able to do lots with it.

    1. It’all “paper kits” on a CD-ROM It is so much easier to scroll through the kits I have and pick a suitable design colour etc than going through pads of card I Just st worry that laptop and printer may play up

  7. Thank you Sandra for showing my card It was ridiculously easy to make and made the card blank using Serif Sometimes I do feel I rely too much on CD-ROM crafting I used to use MCS but SERIF is my go-to now I am getting better at using other products
    The kitchen is progressing The under floor heating is in and the tilers are laying the floor and hopefully tile the loo walls Tomorrow or Thursday should see the start of the units being put in
    I’ve migrated to upstairs and will be crafting later
    MARIA LYNDA LILIAN- take care and hope you’re feeling better xx
    Ooh SANDRA Your relief is palpable Relax and enjoy Unpacking (apart from craft goodies) can be done so much more slowly xx

    1. Hi Sandra
      Sounds like your new kitchen/toilet will be up and ready to use in the not to distant future. I wish we'd try to incorporate a downstairs loo when we had our extension done many years ago. But never thought of it then.

    2. Sound like things is progressing well for your new kitchen. Did you manage to pick the tiles you wanted ? Love to see it when it is finished.
      Lovely card and you have got a beautiful butterfly fluttering above it all. Take care xx

  8. I hope that Lynda and Maria aren't in to much pain, and that Captain Underpants is behaving himself.

    1. Taking a day at the time and pain killers are in use but not doing much and this stupid cough after the cold is a nuisance to deal with. Have your cough gone ? Couldn't live without a downstairs loo, might have accidents otherwise.... Lol hugs for you and Pete xx

    2. Hi Maria
      No I still have a cough not as it was originally though. Yes, we really needed a downstairs loo. Pete always has to go first as soon as we get home. Such a pain if I want to go as well.

    3. Portaloo in the garden maybe ?

    4. We’ve always had the downstairs loo OH wanted to get rid of it and for once I really put my foot down and said NO!
      So it’s just being revamped alongside the kitchen

    5. Hope I didn't upset Pat ? I was only joking.
      Good for you Karen, it's getting harder for the creaking knees to go up and down quickly :-)

    6. Hi Maria
      Thanks for the thought but I don’t think so. When I was very young ( a long time ago ) we had to go the garden to the loo. That was a bucket with a wooden seat over it. Plus newspaper to do you know what with. So I think I’ll pass on the portaloo.

    7. I remember having to go to an outside loo One Nan had the wooden bench seat The other nan had a proper toilet I hated it especially in the dark
      OH wanted to turn loo into a wet room for our old age - not enough space

  9. Hi Sandra , you must be so pleased it is all done now and you can now relax and slowly unpack the rest at your own pace.
    Thanks for showing us Karen's card today, it is lovely.
    After yesterday's sleepy day I was up quite late until the early morning but still got up in time for going food shopping . Our Son very sneakily giving us a shopping list from him too so it takes a bit longer to do it but he very nicely had hanged the washing for me when back home so I could make some phone calls I meant to have done but forgotten to do. The brain really is a sieve and it's getting worse which is not nice. OH stepmom and her sister both got dementia and we are in the progress to either sort out some care for coming home or nursing home but they don't want to go to the same one as they not getting along very well, just happy we not doing it ourselves.
    Extra gentle hugs for anyone in need of some and warm hugs to the rest of you in the cafe' and for anyone looking in. Hope to meet you one day.
    Have a nice evening, Maria xxx

    1. Thank you Maria
      I hope your pain eases
      Kitchen fittings are probably going to be started on Thursday Still not sorted wall tiles out yet though

    2. Hi Maria
      I hope you feel better soon.

  10. Lynda. I hope your not in to much pain today and that you manage to walk your two doggies.

    1. Are you enjoying your week without hospital visits xx

  11. Hello Sandra & everyone
    SANDRA so pleased the handover went well. I expect Paul was so relieved all was ok. Now you can both relax in your new home.
    I went dentist this morning appointment was 11.45 &I waited nearly an hour before went in.He wanted to know which tooth was herting as I said the pain was all along.So he started tapping or ( banging ) each tooth the pain was ten times worse. Then had two ex rays. He said to come back on Thursday to see my own dentist as he can't define the source of the pain he did give me some antibiotics. Had some lunch then I just fell asleep 😴 Still in a lot of pain.
    S I didn't get in craft room as I wanted.
    KAREN your card is lovely with that beautiful butterfly x
    Hope you all had a good day.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Thank you Lynda Toothache is horrible I’m going through a bout of visits myself So I totally sympathise with you

  12. Oh Lynda, I thought all the pain would be gone after your visit.I wonder what's causing the pain if he can't find the source? Let's hope your own dentist can sort it out on Thursday.
    Hope the anti biotics kick in soon.X

  13. Hi All,
    Sorry to have absent, have been in London to see the family, only got back today.
    Lovely cards yesterday and also on Saturday.

    Sandra congrats on finishing the bungalow, now you can concentrate on your new home.

    Still waiting for call from doctor, over a week now.
    As it’s getting late I’ll say goodnight all.

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