
Monday 19 February 2018

Monday Challenge

The Challenge

Some inspiration

Good Morning Ladies,

It's Monday so that means a new challenge, this week's challenge is a little bit different, a mixture of the 'TicTacToe' Challenges that we have done many times and a fairly straightforward sketch.  
Now you can choose either the sketch OR the Tic Tac Toe, or you could have a go at mixing the two together, it's up to you.
I look forward to seeing what you all decide and can't wait to see your cards.

We finished up at the bungalow yesterday, I can't begin to explain how relieved I am.  It gets handed over today at noon by Paul. It will be so lovely having him come home and being able to relax. (Well when he has unpacked this place)! Only kidding I think he has earned a couple of nights off!

I am hoping to find enough craft stash to join in the challenge myself this week, wish me luck, I can't wait to get crafting!!!

I hope you like the challenge ladies, 

Have a lovely start to the week, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Great sketch/Tic Tac Toe challenge for this week. Some of the cards you’ve shown are great.

    Sandra-glad to hear everything is finished at the bungalow & that you can concentrate on organising your new home. I’ll bet you’re looking forward to planning where to put all your craft stash!!

    I had a very productive day yesterday in my craft room & made quite a few cards. Only fairly simple ones but it was nice to play.


  2. Morning Everyone
    We have the usual start to the week here 'rain' and there's quite a wind blowing.

    SANDRA- an interesting Challenge this week. Hope I can sort something out in my head.

    PAT- oh what have you planned for this week as you haven't any hospital visits lol. 'I can see you now just relaxing in your beautiful sun lounger out in the warm garden with a cooling glass of something in one hand and a good book in the other.' hehehe

    Isn't it lovely to live in 'WONDERLAND' sometimes lol.

    Here it's Mr Tesco morning and Jim's on his last two days of duty so I'm hoping to have a play crafting and perhaps a thought or two about this week's Challenge.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in but please put your brollies in the bucket by the front door and don't forget to take them with you when you leave.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Our weather is the same as yours I've nothing planned but hoping that Sandra is feeling better so I can call over. Like you, how I could relax on the sun lounger with something nice and cooling ( like a glass of wine perhaps ). Or a J2O if it's during the day. Might do some Grooving parchment craft. Not dancing unfortunately.

  3. A lovely challenge My mind is already buzzing with ideas
    So glad to see that you’ve finished at the bungalow So now relax and take your time in unpacking
    I think we’ve chosen a really hard colour to get tiles for the kitchen I’d like to choose white with similar shades of blue/green dotted about I then suggested a pop of red or yellow as a complete contrast BUT I now think that will be quite limiting in accessories - toaster etc I’d rather incorporate splashes of colour in the accessories- ooh I don’t know!
    Hope LILIAN MARIA and LYNDA are feeling better
    Salsa yesterday with lots of cuddles from Oscar and again tonight
    Have a good day ladies xx

    1. Hi Karen
      My friend had a fantastic kitchen she had already, redesigned. I haven't a clue why as there's only her and her husband at home now. It cost loads of money and she had all new appliances. Lime green kettle and and all singing and dancing toaster the same colour. Nearly £500 for the two. When she made us a cup of tea she went out into the utility room and used her old kettle. When I asked why she didn't use her new one she said, oh no they're only for show. Doesn't help you I know but thinking about accessories made me think of Kathy and made me laugh.
      Enjoy you cuddles with Oscar and your dancing.

  4. Morning ladies,

    Back home now after a wonderful few days with my sister and BIL. I drove there and back, Walsall/Somerset, on my own! Who would have thought it a couple of years ago?
    My sister and I had a fantastic time at the Dominion Theatre enjoying the Shen Yun spectacular. Did anyone look it up? They have more shows at the ICC Birmingham in March this year for anyone wishing to go... then other dates in Glasgow, May time I think.
    Added bonus was our hotel, St Giles, for the night was in the next block, so it only took five minutes to get to the theatre and Tottenham Court Underground was across the road.
    We were absolutely blown away by the whole experience, so colourful, vibrant and exquisite. Their clothes being so colourful made it seem rainbows were dancing. The dancers portrayed each story so vividly.
    Afterwards I was interviewed by NTB straight after Martin Freeman, Bilbo Baggins and Dr Watson fame, for their publicity ads. We shall see whether I am 'cut' or not.

    Onto catching up with all manner of messages. I make it a rule that my days away are not interrupted by phone, email, text or Facebook messages pinging every couple of minutes so that I can enjoy the quietness even more. That used to happen every time we were on holiday before the advent of a small rectangle permanently glued to people's ears and/or eyes. I do not wish to know everyone's personal lives being in strident hearing distance whilst enjoying the sights and sounds of wherever I visit. Old fashioned or what?

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    First sorry I didn't make it in over the weekend my internet was playing up again my comments wouldn't publish again tried a few times at different times. Anyway I loved all of your mixed up crafts on Saturday
    VAL Your quilling cat is amazing
    MICHELE loved your free gift.
    KAREN love your card
    JANET your altered bottle is gorgeous.
    Your challenge cards yesterday they were all amazing well done everyone x
    A good challenge for this week Sandra hopefully try & have a play later.
    SANDRA so pleased you will be free of the bungalow today. Now you can conserate on getting your new home sorted in your own time without all the pressure. How are you feeling now Sandra hope your on the mend.
    I had to ring the dentist this morning as I developed a tooth ache only went last week for check up.So will be charged more money grrrr my normal dentist isn't in all week. I Have appointment tomorrow morning with another dentist.
    So keep taking the the pain killers 💊💊.
    Had a nice day Saturday with Lisa & no 1Grandson ( he's 13 now ) not sure we're those years went. He is so tall coming up to 6ft now.
    Darren Sam & Harry are in Spain for a week
    PAT hope you have a nice week without any hospital appointments.
    MARIA Hope your not in so much pain today sending some genital Hug's x
    Hope everyone has a good day
    Love Lynda xxx ( fingers crossed this gets published )

    1. Hi Lynda
      Yes, our grandchildren do grow up really fast and the years just fly by. Just think our eldest is 21. The youngest is 10 and all ages in between.
      Hope the dentist isn't to expensive. As you say keep taking the painkillers.

  6. ALLY PALLY TICKETS ARE ON SALE NOW !!! For April 7/8th xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    You'll be glad to see the back of the bungalow after all that cleaning. Hope the hand over goes ok. Now you can have a little rest before starting to sort out the new house.
    Oh dear, Lynda has just posted that the tickets are on sale for Ally Pally. I though crikey that's early but it's only just over a month away.
    How did the Univ visit go on Saturday. As you hadn't said I messaged you last night when we came home from Cards at Karen's. But I expect you were worn out and tucked up in bed.

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lets hope all went with Paul at bungalow & you can spend some time just
    I have thinking cap on for CC not sure about it at moment. It will not be today as we have just got back from Alan's physio appointment & then have to take Star to vet to have drain removed, she had an op on Friday to remove a couple of lumps, which have been sent of for analysis. A worrying few days ahead.
    Sending hugs to all particularly Lynda & Maria & all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret hope Alan's phsio went well.
      So sorry about Star.Poor thing. Fingers crossed for a good result from the vets x

    2. Hi Margaret
      I hope the physiology went ok and that Stars results will be good,

    3. Hi Margaret thank you for the Hug's X
      I hope physio went ok for Alan. Hope Star's results come back good fingers crossed it's very worrying when our pets aren't well.
      Sending you some Hug's back xx

  9. Hi everyone.
    SANDRA hope all went well at the bungalow. Hope you and Paul can have a relaxing time before you start on emptying the boxes.
    I had a mobile dog groomer come this morning to clip Gracie. She is such a timid little dog she freaks every time I take her to her normal groomer which is based in the vets. I must admit she was a calmer than usual and the clipping was done outside which I was happy about. She was here for a almost 3hours and as I was meeting a friend for lunch it was all a bit of a rush. Anyway got home, took Gracie for a walk and will now have to get in the craft room to finish of the Mothers Day cards which will hopefully go on the shelves tomorrow.
    It has finally gone a bit warmer and the sun is shining so Lynda hope its nice where your family are staying.
    Right, finished my coffee so better move.
    Hugs to all.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Sorry Sandra, should have said what a great cc you have given us this week. Something for everyone. Thank

    2. Hi Val
      If is gets to warm could you send some of it over here please. I keep asking Pete's brother in Australia whose telling us it's in the 40's where they are to swap a bit of their warmth for our cold. But no luck as yet.
      He has Parkinson's very bad and it's a job to understand what he's saying. I think that every single thing that you can get he has. He was such a energetic man as well and loved his carpentry work he did. Now he has a job to move unaided. So sad.

    3. Oh Pat how sad for Pete brother. Parkinson's is a horrible illness. My very good old friend John has it and like you its hard to understand him on the phone.
      Pat , it not that warm here, I have the fire on as I write. Its just been so cold here the last month that its good that the temperature has gone up a couple of degrees and the sun is actually out.
      Bet its lovely for you not having hospital appointments this week. Love xxx

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra I hope the handover of the keys went well and they didn’t find any faults. I’m sure It will be such a relief to hand back the keys. I know you will have fond memories of living in the bungalow, Now you can start to enjoy living in your new home. xx

    What a wide choice you have given us for this weeks challenge. I’m sure we can all find something we like.

    I stated to write this about 11am Then my friend rang, we chatted for over an hour, since have had lunch and a while ago had a cup of tea. Then I remembered - Woops, I hadn’t finished my comment, I think my brain has gone AWOL !

    Sending hugs to everyone, if you are feeling under the weather they will be very gentle ones. Brenda xxx

  11. Google is really playing me up. I’ve just left a message on another blog and returned here and it’s recognised who I am. Very odd! xx

    1. Hi Brenda
      How contrary blogger is. I wonder if Karen is still having problems with hers like she was before.
      Hasn't been to cold here today. Good job as well, as we took the Children into the school grounds looking for things that mean nature. Took pictures of clouds and a Kite that was flying about looking for food as well. Mind you we did all have muddy shoes.

  12. Hi everyone.
    Hope all gone well for you today Sandra and Paul can have a few days rest soon to catch up as I presume he is working on top of everything. Hope you feeling better. Sending you big hugs for easier days.
    Val- hope you got the mother days cards together for the shop. The shops here are packed to the rim and also with Easter cards, something I rarely send but as a child we used to make some letters, walked around dressed as witches and knocking on the doors for some sweets hihi doe's were the days.
    Pat- have a nice break from hospital this week and I'm sure you find something else to do, you always so busy.
    Cheryl- nice you had a good time with your sister and that the drive over went well. You doing really well with going out and about on your own.
    Janet-have you got any plans of going over to Marigny at all or can you buy your beautiful lace you are using here in the Uk ? Hope you had a nice day.
    Lynda- ouch, good luck at the dentist tomorrow. Take care.
    Thoughts for the cc this week is muddled at the moment but look good and looking forward to see the cards on Sunday.
    Slept most of the day, this cold takes for ever to get rid so we cancelled our trip to Stamford for tomorrow.
    Hope you all have a good night, love Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria sorry your still under the weather & you had to cancel you trip to Stamford. Hope you will be better for AP ❤️ Xx

    2. Oh nothing will stop me for going to AP, really looking forward already, how silly am I hihihi
      hugs xx

  13. Sandra I hope the hand over with the bungalow went well for Paul & now you can both relax & recharge your batteries .
    Love ❤️Lynda xx
