
Friday 23 February 2018

Something Floral for Friday

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's 'Something Floral' card has been designed and created by our Lynda, who very kindly made some extra cards for me to share while am unable to get cards made.
Lynda's card was made using a Clarity stamp called 'Chrysanthemum & Butterfly',
Lynda used the Chrysanthemum stamp, which she stamped and heat embossed, then she coloured the flower in a beautiful shade of pink using Watercolour Pencils and then going over with a Sparkle Pen.  Lynda then added a frame made from Sue Wilson's Stitched Circle dies, such a great idea as it frames the stamped image perfectly.
To embellish the card Lynda added two lots of pearl sprays and some perfectly coordinating paper flowers.
Such a gorgeous card Lynda, thank you so very much for making it for me to share with our friends. XXX
I do hope that your tooth ache has eased. xx

Pat came over yesterday, it was lovely to see her, it seems like months since we last met up but it was about two weeks ago, it wasn't sensible to meet up last week as Pete has to be careful not to have any contact with anyone with germs! 
We soon made up for lost time though, Pat bought some yummy cream cakes which was a lovely treat.  I didn't feel guilty either as I have lost about a stone since starting to clear and clean the bungalow, being so unwell last week added to the loss as I had no appetite all week. Pat very kindly offered to take a load of the cardboard boxes from my craft unit to the cardboard recycling bins and a huge pile of craft magazines.
Every little bit helps, so I was very grateful.  Thank you Pat XXX

I managed to build the two doors of my craft unit after Pat left, so it's getting close to being finished, I am so excited to start organising my craft stuff and putting it into all of the storage boxes included, there are loads of them!  There is light at the end of the tunnel at last. !!
I saw on the weather last night that we are going to be experiencing a real cold spell with winds coming in from Siberia!  So make sure you all stay wrapped up warm.

Have a lovely Friday Ladies,

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Lynda, really lovely.

    Sandra-sounds like you had fun with Pat.

    Phil has an emergency appointment for a CT scan this morning which I’m pleased about, unfortunately I can’t even go with him as I’ve booked my car in for a service & MOT then I’m going into work.


    1. Hi Michele, I hope Phil's scan goes well.and that your car passes it's MOT x

    2. Hope Phil gets on OK with scan and your car passes MOT.x

    3. Hi Michele
      Thank you lovely comment on my card.
      Hope Phil scan is ok. & your car passes the MOT xx

    4. Hello Michele, so pleased Phil got an emergency appointment for a scan, hopefully he will get some answers soon. Hope the MOT went well and the bill not too expensive . XX

    5. I do hope Phil gets the help he needs after the scan
      Hope the MOT went ok x

    6. Hi Michele
      I hope Phil scan goes ok and that your car passes it’s MOT.

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. 🎊Janet, wishing you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY🎉 I hope you have a wonderful day with no swear words being done. Sending you a big birthday hug x
    Sandra, I'm glad that your unit is getting closer to being filled. It will take a while won't it when you try and decide what goes into it and where. You will get there in the end though my lovely. See you in the morning, at least it's not such an early start 😊 xx
    Lynda what a lovely card, the chrysanthemum is gorgeous. I hope your tooth isn't too painful now. Its not long until I can give you and CU a big hug in person but here's one for each of you to be giving on with xx
    Maria, thank you, it is so good to be back. I hope you're not in too much pain. Have you got your ticket for AP yet? It won't be long now 😁 Sending you a big hug X
    Val, thank you. Its so good to be able to pick up my phone and be able to get into, and comment in, the Café! I loved your quilled cat and am looking forward to seeing your ballerina when she is finished please. I hope the weather in Spain stays warmer than it is here at the moment. I'm sending you a warm hug X
    Mum, I hope you and Pop had a good night's sleep now you have the good news from the vet 😁 see you in the morning. Big hugs for you and Pop. Love you xxxx
    Karen, I'm sorry we won't see you tomorrow but have a lovely family day celebrating your MIL's birthday. See you in a few weeks. A big hug is on its way to you X
    Brenda, you have been busy what with cleaning the carpets. Do you have any energy left to come and do ours? Only joking of course 😁 See you in the morning. A big hug is being sent to you X
    Michele, I hope work goes quickly and easily today and that Phil isn't suffering still. Sending a big hug to you X
    Lilian, I loved your beautiful kingfisher challenge card. Did you paint it all? A big hug is winging it's way down to you x
    Pat, see you in the morning. Where did those weeks go since you told us about tomorrow's show! A big hug for you x
    I am going to have a quite craft day making a couple of cards, one will be my CC, after putting the washing on. It may be too cold to dry it outside though. Roll on the warmer weather!
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue. Thanks for liking my cat. I'm enjoying quilling now that were working on a project and not just making shapes.
      Enjoy your craft day.x

    2. Thank you Sue for your lovely comment on my card I wasn't going to send it to Sandra as I wasn't very pleased with it.
      Have a good day tomorrow Hug's for all going xx

    3. Hi Sue, don’t think I will be able to join you tomorrow. I looked into the possibilities, the train would take me over two hours, and I’m not sure about driving as I have some issues with my left arm and shoulder, so changing gear can be painful at times. Think maybe it’s time we invested in an automatic car. I hope you all enjoy your day XX

    4. Hi Sue Good to see you back It was Stamparama I couldn’t make but thanks for the sentiment Hope to make AP So See you then xxx

  3. Morning Everyone
    We have a very deep frost to start our day here so thank goodness I'm not venturing out as unfortunately it's that 'swear' word once again.

    LYNDA- A gorgeous and beautiful card. I love that stamp.

    SUE-Thank you so much for my 'birthday greetings' but it's not until next Wednesday. I'm putting the greeting and hugs along with my cards which have started arriving and shall wear my hugs on

    MICHELE- hoping that Phil's scan goes well today.

    It was a good/not so good day yesterday re Jim's visit to the hospital as when they examined him they found that he has yet another water infection and so couldn't do the test they wanted. So he had an antibiotic injection and two weeks supply of antibiotics and they will see him in two weeks. He was a little down afterwards but hopefully the infection will have cleared.

    As I've already used the 'swear' word the only other thing I've got to do is send my CC off to SANDRA. For some reason I've struggled this week.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual so pop in for a cuppa when you can. HUGS are on their way to you all.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet so sorry Jim has yet another water infection. I'm sure the antibiotics will work quickly and he can have the necessary test in a couple of weeks. Hugsx

    2. Hi Janet
      Thank you for your lovely comment on my card
      Your card yesterday was gorgeous my comment went awol I did a quick comment last night . Hope Jim's water infection clears up quickly.
      Hug's for you both xx

    3. Hello Janet, I hope you have finish the ‘swearing’ by now and can take things easy. Enjoy your early birthday, like Sue I had in mind it was your birthday on the 24th ( had I checked my calendar I would’ve seen it on the 28th) anyway enjoy all these additional birthdays dates. Just make it work for you XX

    4. Phew Sue made me panic! Enjoy your extra birth dates and a hug for Jim alongside yours x

    5. Hi Janet
      Hope you’ve had a lovely day. I got confused when I saw Mrs Bs post as I was under the impression your birthday was on Wed. Thanks for clearing that up as your card is sat in front of me ready to post tonight. Our post goes at 7.00 am in the morning and I certainly won’t be up for that. Hugsto you both.

    6. Hi Janet
      Not to sure where I am today but I missed that Jim has a water infection, hope the antibiotics kick in quickly.
      Sorry, I seem to have lost yesterday as well, I think I’m having withdrawal symptoms from not being at the hospital this week. But a lovely card you sent Sandra which she showed yesterday.

  4. Hi everyone, beautiful card Lynda. That stamp is lovely and such beautiful colouring. Hope you're in less pain today.x
    Sandra lovely that you and Pat had a good time yesterday and enjoyed your cream cakes.
    In a rush as usual. It craft club today and because Wendy is in the UK this week, my friend Val and I are IC. We have to get there early to put the chairs and tables out etc.
    Hope all that are off to Farnborough tomorrow have a great time. I see Mr Lockwood will be there demoing.
    Bye for now.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Thank you so much for liking my card.Hope you enjoy craft club
      Hug's on the way xx

    2. Hello Val, hope you enjoy your craft club, has Wendy planned the class, Or do you have to organise it yourself? Enjoy your day. XX

    3. Hi Val
      I hope you enjoyed craft club today. I’m running behind today. Tomorrow is at Bracknell as Farnborough was cancelled due to the venue not being ready. John will still be bemoing

  5. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Very dull & cold a crafting day I think. Yesterday my Dyson decided to stop working so had to buy a new one. Got a small ball Dyson it's a lot lighter than my old Dyson also my purse is a lot lighter Too😭 😭
    I'm home alone today CU has a day's painting so after this I'm off to craft room got to finish cc as the one I did Wednesday went into the bin🗑.
    Have commented on way down.
    Hope you all have a great time at Farnborough save some pennies for A P. 🤡 Really looking forward to that & seeing you all again. Xx
    See you all later love Lynda xx

    1. Hello Lynda, Great you have a day to yourself. You can craft away without having to check on Terry. Hugs to you both. XX

    2. Your card is gorgeous Lynda one of my favourites of yours Ouch! A new Dyson Enjoy your crafting

    3. Thanks Karen your very kind. Xxx

    4. Hi Lynda
      Lovely card today and I love the stamp and the pearls.
      Hope you enjoyed your day crafting while Terry was out.

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sandra it sounds as if your storage unit is coming on great guns, I’m sure you can’t wait to start storing your crafty items. Hope you all have a lovely day tomorrow, wish I could be joining you. XX

    Lynda love you card. You are so thoughtful sending Sandra cards to fill in the gap while she cannot craft. Mind you I bet she has got itchy fingers and is desperate to get crafting, especially now she has her new craft unit. XX

    Sending crafty hugs to everyone, love Brenda XXX

    I don’t believe it! I’ve commented on the way down and comment box included my name. John called to me from the garden , I went down to see what he wanted. Went to press publish and I’ve got to publish is anonymous. Strange!!!

    1. Blogger is a real pain at the mo

    2. Hi Branda thanks for your kind comments on my card.
      Yes had good day in craft room.
      Hug's Lyndaxx

    3. Hi Brenda
      Yes I quite agree blogger is a pain at the moment. Sorry you won’t be able to make Bracknell tomorrow. Hopefully you can make Ally Pally as usual.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies from a very windy and cold Mk but we managed to have a walk around for an hour anyway which was nice after been cooped indoors for days and feeling rather grotty. It starting at last to feel better so hope to make some card, cut outs at least, and sort out the mess again. Love your card Lynda, love the big flower and your colouring in with the pencils is beautiful. Hope your tooth is ok and you have a nice day crafting while Terry is out. Have not got my ticket yet but are you still going for the Saturday ? then I will soon get it Sue.
    I hope you all have a nice day whatever you are up to and yes ,do wrap up warm if going out, it is freezing outside Lol Love to you all, Maria xxox

    1. Hi Maria, Pleased you manage your walk this morning. Hope you are feeling better. Good luck with the crafting. XX

    2. Hi Maria
      I’m glad you managed to get out today. But it sure is cold today with colder to come or so the weathermen tell us.

    3. Thank you Maria for your lovely comment on my card.
      Glad you managed a walk today. Did you manage to get any crafting done. Take care big Hug's xx

  8. As MARIA just said Are those going to AP going on the Saturday I’ve already started a shopping list
    I’ve commented on the way down (I hope)
    Glad you had a great day with PAT, SANDRA A giggle and a cream cake sounds lovely
    Pleased to hear that unit is coming together
    Kitchen is progressing I’m so excited Feels very strange that it’s configured so differently to my old one
    Salsa tonight
    I have sent a cc but I’m buzzing to do another Hopefully I’ll be able to play tomorrow
    Take care all

    1. Hi Karen, Your kitchen sounds as though it coming along well. Very exciting that you have managed to reconfigure it. XX

    2. Hi Karen
      As far as I’m aware of we all still going to AP on Sat as usual. I’ll get Sandra to message you. Great your kitchen is coming along well. Hope you enjoyed your Salsa tonight.

    3. Karen pleased your kitchen is coming on. Nicely
      Yes we will be going AP on the Saturday 😬😬 xx

  9. Hello All, very cold here.

    I did leave a comment this morning, but seems to have flown away, so I’ll keep this short.

    Lynda your card is lovely, love the frame around it, hope the tooth is settling down.

    Hope all those who are not too good, and hubbies, will improve soon.

    Been a bit better for a couple of days, although still have terrible back ache, arthritis I suppose , they are changing my tablets again, as they are not happy with me taking a lower dose of my beta blockers.
    Sandra can’t wait to see you new craft station, sounds fabulous.
    I will see you tomorrow, have a nice time at the show, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I do hope they manage to sort your medication out for you. It’s cold here also and supposed to get colder. Brrrrr.

    2. Hi Lilian thank you for liking my card. Tooth is a little better thank you only got tomorrow then antibiotics finishes. So see if it's settled down I've got appointment Tuesday if it's still playing up.
      Hope you get tablets sorted out.
      Hug's xx

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card from Lynda today, love the flower. and I do hope your toothache is not so painful today.
    It was great to see you yesterday all all boxes and mags went into the recycling at the bottom of our road. I would have helped you carry on yesterday if you’d had said. But it’s a lovely unit all made off Oak, a really sturdy unit. The next trick will be clearing the space to wheel it into where it’s going. Good job it’s on really good wheels.
    Hope everyone whose under the weather is feeling a bit better today.

    1. Thanks Pat for your lovely comment on my card. Have a good day tomorrow at Farnborough lucky ladies Hug's xx

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra looking forward to seeing you tomorrow & your new home. It will be good to have a day out, this week has been very busy. I did manage to get a CC done must send it in. See you in
    Lynda lovely card today, I hope your tooth is not soo painful today, hugs on the
    Janet sorry Jim has another infection hope he the antibiotics kick in
    Michele hope Phil had scan ok & treatment soon & your car is
    Maria pleased you had a walk this morning, take care hugs on
    Lilian soo pleased to hear you feeling better, hope your back pain easies, this getting old is no
    Karen no wonder you are excited I bet you cannot wait to organise
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret thank you for lovely comment on my card.
      Only got antibiotics tomorrow then finished so see if still playing up Tuesday. As it's now hurting on bottom as well She said that nothing showed anything on X-rays so am I imaging it!!
      Have a nice day tomorrow
      Hug's xx
