
Monday 12 February 2018

Monday Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

Michele sent me the photo of this card yesterday so that I could share it on the blog one day this week, as I was looking at it I had a thought about this week's challenge.
I really like the Embossing Folder Michele has used on the blue card, the randomness of the pattern really appeals to me, it gives such great texture to the card, Michele has also used a couple of the 'Tuck in' dies to give some extra detail.
The main image has been decoupaged, which makes the birds really stand out from the background. Michele has picked the yellow from the blossom in the image and used matching colour pearls as an accent. 
Such a lovely 'Spring ' card Michele thank you so much for helping me out. XXX

So the theme of this week's Challenge is to create a card that features 'Wings', they can be Angels, birds, butterflies or even airplanes, if it has wings you can use it.  I know we have had this challenge in the past and you really enjoyed it, so I am hoping you will enjoy it this time too.

Paul had the flu virus in the week, he was raging hot but shivering, nasty cough(which he still has ) and rotten sore throat.  On Friday when we got in from cleaning I felt absolutely terrible so I got into bed, I started with feeling so cold then I was too hot, by Saturday morning I had a fever so set off to Bungalow with a hot water bottle as well as a concoction of paracetamol, ibuprofen and my usual medication.  I just about got through the day but came home and went straight to bed.
Yesterday I felt horrendous, I have the sorest throat and virtually no voice, I ache absolutely everywhere too, I managed about 5 hours at bungalow cleaning carpets, I honestly don't know how I got through the day.  As I write this I am in bed, hoping and praying that I feel a bit better tomorrow.

I hope that you are all ok and had a good weekend.

Have a lovely Monday,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Thank you for showing my card Sandra-I think this will be an interesting challenge.

    I hope you’re both feeling ok this morning & have managed to get a good nights sleep.

    I had s lovely play in my craft room yesterday afternoon, did make very much but it was nice just looking for ideas.


    1. Thanks for the challenge Michele, hopefully will find something that suit. Have a nice day at work xx

    2. Hi Michele
      Great challenge this week. I hope work isn't to frantic for you this week. How long before your new colleagues start?.

  2. Morning Everyone
    It's a very very white/snowy and bitterly cold start here this morning. Thank goodness I'm not going outside today.

    SANDRA- I hope that you're a little better this morning and perhaps managing to stay in bed for the day.

    This week's Challenge looks very interesting. At the moment I haven't a clue where to start but I'm sure something will turn up lol.

    The CAFE is OPEN and already nice and warm inside so when you all pop in all you have to do is grab a cuppa and sit awhile.

    HUGS are on their way to you all with loads of extras for Dear Friends not feeling too good.

    1. Hi Janet, hope you and Jim have a nice day. It is nice sitting here and hear what you been up to.It is 0 down here with blue sky and sun shining so rather nice day so just got back from our walk, a hot chocolate would sit very good right now.hugs xx

    2. Hi Janet
      It's cold and sunny here. Sorry to hear your having the snow that's been hanging around. We took Doreen to the dentist this morning and might pop and visit friends who live in Hailey. A village just down the road from us. All depends if Pete can stay awake.

  3. Lovely card MICHELE and a great choice for a challenge
    My head is full of ideas BUT I doubt I’ll get a chance to join in as we’re off to Paris by Eurostar this afternoon for a few days I am hoping to be able to pop in as hotel has WiFi
    Take care all xxx

    1. Have a lovely

    2. Have a great time. Love Paris xx

    3. Hi Karen
      I hope you have a fabulous time. Not that I'm jealous or anything. We're supposed to be going to a wedding in Jamaica next March 2019. But not to sure yet what we can do travel wise with Pete how he is.

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I hope you are feeling better today if not another day in bed is called for. Love the challenge this week, thinking cap on. Hugs on way xxx
    Michele lovely card from
    Hope you are all keeping warm in this cold, sending hugs to all who need them particulary Sandra, Lynda & Maria love

    1. Thanks for the hug Margaret, hope you not getting this stupid cold with a cough that seem to go on for ever. Take care and warm hugs back xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    So sorry you and Paul have this nasty bug that's doing the rounds. Hope you had a good night Sandra and some sleep and are feeling a bit better today. I'm sure a day in bed will help. Take care XXX
    Michele love your card. The background is really pretty and I love the decoupage.
    Great challenge this week. I can imagine there will be lots of butterfly cards on Sunday.
    Just watching John on Hochanda as I'm typing.
    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Hugs to all Valxxx

    1. Hi Val, oh shoot I forgot to set the recording for John's show and now hubby watching recorded football from Saturday match. I'm not into football at all but he takes it very serious, I guess it is good he have some hobby or he would be under my feet all the time Lol Have a good day xx

    2. Hi Val
      I've recorded 2 of Johns programmes. I do have lots to watch though. A lot of Groovi programmes to watch. Great that we can record them and watch whenever we feel left it.

  6. Hello All, very cold, I’m not used to all this cold snowy weather.

    Sandra sorry to hear you have this terrible virus that’s doing the rounds, R has had a bad throat for more than 10 days.

    Michele love your card, nice to see some decoupage again, great challenge for this week.

    Karen hope you have a lovely time in Paris, might need your wellies as they have had a lot of flooding.

    Lynda hope you are feeling better after your fall, it’s very slippery under foot here, so take care.

    Time to go and fill my bird feeders, they are eating like nobody’s business, I only use sunflower hearts and niger seed, so we have a large collection of birds that come into the garden.
    Have a lovely day, keep warm, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, lovely to see the birds. So many of the little ones here are gone and I think it is the magpies fault because they eat the eggs that are laid so I do not like them very much. Have a nice day and keep warm. Hope R feeling better soon. hugs xx

    2. Hi Lilian
      The weather in your neck of the woods is normally quite mildish isn't it. We're going back down to Somerset at the end of March for a long weekend. So I hope the weather isn't to cold. Pete's brother in Bournemouth has it cold as well, and it's usually quite mild down they're as well.
      I keep telling Petes brother who lives in Australia, we'll swop a bit of cold for a bit of their heat. Currently can be up to 40 degrees.

  7. Hi Sandra and all.
    sorry to hear you got the flu bug and Paul too, I wish you better asap and really you shouldn't been doing all this cleaning etc when you not well. Hope a day in bed will soon make you feel better. How are the bruises after your fall? Promise to take care.
    My brain is already buzzing with ideas for this weeks CC so hope to get some cards together.
    Had a lovely walk this morning, it is cold but a nice day here in MK so hope it last a few days.
    Any of you having the cough and colds at the moment I wish you all better and sending healing hugs to you all.
    Going for an Option and then call my mum , have not spoken for a while so best make an effort even if I feel they could call me sometime too.
    Love and warm hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope you manage to call yoyr Mum. Such a shame when the calls are made all one sided isn't it. Keep warm in this cold weather.

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Great challenge card. Do love seeing what everyone makes on a Sunday.
    Sandra I hope both you and Paul are feeling a bit better today. Must be awful having to do cleaning when your not feeling to good. I hope you've reached the end of the road re yoyr old house, or at least close to finishing.
    Took Doreen to the dentist this morning, she needed to have antibiotics before she can have any work done.
    Pete has 2 appointments tomorrow. The morning appointment is in Dermatology and the afternoon is for his Radium treatment. Not to sure what we'll do in between though.

  9. Hello Sandra & Ladies
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday not want for trying 5 times in fact. The internet kept shutting down sometime in between a comment or just as I went to publish I had writers cramp doing 5 comments & all lost. Yesterday's challenge cards were all beautiful loved them all.
    MICHELE love your card & love this week's challenge Thank you.
    LILIAN I really liked your CC card yesterday that blue was electrifiing love it.
    SANDRA I hope you are feeling better today also Paul. Hope you have lots of clothes layers if your going cleaning at bungalow you must be nearly at the end now hopefully. Then look forward to happy days at your new home xx
    MARGARET Thank you for your Hug's sending some back for you & Pop.
    Went for 💉 Test this morning. After took Rea & Bailey for a walk down Broadstairs the sun was shining but bitterly cold.
    KAREN have a fabulous time in Paris.
    I hope you all have a good day I'm going now & hopefully it will post.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Glad you managed to publish today. Loved your challenge card from yesterday. Glad you managed a walk with the dogs as well.
      Gentle hugs coming your way.

    2. Thanks Pat it's so frustrating Xx

    3. Did you win on SW blog ?, if so big congrats xx

  10. Hello Sandra ladies,

    I can’t believe it I’ve just lost long comment it’s so frustrating, LYNDA think your cyber Gremlins have headed over this way!!

    I’m in late today as we have been to a funeral. It was a 98-year-old gentlemen who had lead such a full life. The service was beautiful and reflected his life and love of life, it was spot on.

    Michele, Your card is lovely, thank you for inspiring Sandra to come up with this weeks challenge. Although all I can think of is Butterflies, but then if we all chose butterflies they would all be very different .

    Sandra sorry to read you and Paul have got the dreaded flu bug, it really doesn’t care who it attacks it’s just very vicious. You have both been working so hard recently with hardly any time to rest. I always feel when we get that tired that’s when these germs attack. Please TRY to find some time to rest and your batteries time to recharge!!! xxx

    Time I got the dinner on. Take care dear friends, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I'm glad the funeral went off ok. Well as ok as funerals can. Sounds like he lead a full life.

    2. Hi Brenda sorry I didn't send the gremlins over your way but having 5 lot's of comments go awol they must have spread their wings in all directions 😂😂😂😂 it's so annoying isn't .
      Love Lynda xx

  11. Hi Ladies
    Well my Grandaughter Olivia ( 15 )has just popped in with some cakes she's made today today for us. She also informed us that as her Mum had to go into school today deep cleaning. she'd vacuumed the house, washed up, and cleaned up, and did the washing. She'd also washed the 4 dogs who were muddy. Wasn't quite sure who she'd morfed into, as when she bakes she doesn't usually clean up behind her, let alone clean the house. Probably won't last very long.

    1. Hi Pat
      Wow Olivia has been busy it will be a shock for her mum when she gets home from work. Pat hope hospital appointment's go ok for Pete tomorrow another long day for you both.
      Love Lynda xx
