
Sunday 11 February 2018

Your Challenge Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

This week's Challenge was to make cards that feature 3's, so it could be 3 colours, 3 layers of 3 of anything featured on the card.  You all had some amazing ideas so without further delay here are your cards......


Lynda has designed a 'triptych' style card, using three beautiful floral stamps that she has stamped and coloured. The background is one of Lynda's blended Distress Oxide backgrounds, using fired Brick, Fossilized Amber and Lucky Clover. The stamped flowers are Stampin'Up! Stamps that Lynda has stamped onto a £1 pad and added Watercolour to the flowers. The sentiment is from 'Beautiful You' (SU) .
An amazing challenge card my lovely.


Lilian, once again you have created an absolutely stunning Challenge card, a beautiful die cut corner that reveals a pretty blue background, then there is the exquisite stamping around the edge of the card with such tiny flowers and foliage.
Then three gorgeous, super detailed butterflies finish the card. 
A real wow card Lilian, thank you so much.


Janet managed 3 Challenge cards that feature 3's, how clever! Hahaha
Three gorgeous cards, the first features 3 very well dressed ladies, the second is from ' House of Zandra' Fabulous Shoes CDROM I believe, the third features 'Alice in Wonderland' in a trio of hearts design card.
3 amazing cards Janet, thank you so much.


Michele has used one of her new Embossing Folders to create her challenge card this week, I love the shades of gold you have used, both colours highlight the embossing perfectly, 2 lots of 3 Butterflies complete this week's challenge criteria.
A lovely card Michele, thank you.


Karen has gone an extra step with her Challenge Card, mixing old with new as well as using 3 toppers!  Here is Karen's description......

"Here’s my cc for threes I thought I’d also mix it up a bit as in one of your suggestions old/new 
So it’s an old MCS image with the “newer” SW shadow box stitched lattice frame with some tiny dark red bling on the cross over thingy bits (can’t remember the official name!)

Thank you so much Karen.


Maria has used a really pretty ' trio of Roses ' stamp and die for the '3' element of this week's Challenge, 2 lots of three gems too, a lovely embossed background and pretty pink ribbon complete this lovely card.
Thank you Maria.


Margaret has chosen to use the Stampin'Up! 'vertical Greetings' stamp set to create her first Challenge card this week.  I like making ' just for you ' cards as they are so useful, whether it's a 'Thanks' or a ' just because ' or 'Happy Birthday', they have so many uses, I really love this stamp set too!

Margaret's second challenge card was made using the free All Occasion Embossing Folder we all bought in December (I think)!  Three butterflies make the challenge part of the card. Margaret used Promarkers to colour the image so beautifully.
Two stunning cards Margaret,
Thank you so very much.


Brenda has used this week's Challenge to make her Grandsons 16th Birthday card, Sam plays for the Saracens Juniors so Brenda made his name up from Photographs of the team shirts, which is an amazing idea. Three letters and three rugby balls make up the challenge part of the card, I bet Sam will think it's the best card he receives, with it having his name on in his team colours.
Thank you so much Brenda.


Val, wow! Such a pretty card, starting with a delicately embossed background with 2 butterfly semi circle die cuts for interest, the the three letters that spell ' Mum', that have been die cut in the prettiest papers. Val has embellished the card with Pretty Butterflies and flowers.
A stunning challenge card Val, thank you so much.

My goodness Ladies, 12 absolutely amazing entries into this week's challenge, I am so delighted that you enjoyed the challenge.
Hopefully we have about 3/4 more days of me not being able to craft and then it's full steam ahead, I am so excited to get my hands on my craft stuff !!  
It just seems like forever since I had my usual Sunday afternoon craft session thinking of the next week's challenge and making a card to inspire you all.
I can't thank you all enough for your patience and for helping me out with extra cards to share.

I hope you all have a lovely relaxing Sunday,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    from an extremely wet and windy Sheffield.

    WOW what a bumper bundle of gorgousness we have today. This week's Challege really got our crafting juices flowing so much so that all the extra boards have had to be dusted down to get them all on. They really do make the CAFE shine

    I'm not sure what's happening today. I need to get Lily-Mae's birthday presents to her as it's her birthday on Wednesday but looking at the weather?????

    Anyway the CAFE is OPEN and Sunday lunch is Roast Beef so place your orders.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Sorry to hear you've gad it wet and windy today. Hope tomorrow is an improvement for you.
      3 fantastic apcards today. I assume all 3 are from the House of Zandra CDs. I have the one with the birds on, but don't use it very often.

  2. Sorry it's me again.
    I forgot to say that my cards were made using:-

    Dolly Dimples Crafts CD 'Fabulous Girls' for the three beautiful girls on my easel card.

    Dolly Dimples Crafts CD 'Sensational Shoes' for the three fantastic red shoes.

    Dolly Dimples Crafts CD 'Alice in Fabulous Land' for the three Hearts.

    All the backing papers and card came from my stash.
    I hope you all like them. I thought that they were just a little different from my usual cards.xxxx

    1. They are gorgeous cards Janet, the shoes are very much like the ' fabulous shoes' CDROM, one of the many I have and don't get around but never get around to using! I think it's because I'm not very computer savvy and I blog mostly using my tablet and you can't use cd's with it. Maybe when craft room is set up.
      I hope weather brightens and you get to see Lily-Mae.
      It looks sunny here thankfully as Paul has to come cut the lawn, which is ridiculous this time of year, but that's the rules!!

    2. Hi Janet
      Didn't read the comment above. So I got the CDs wrong. But love the cards you've made with the Dolly Dimples ones.

  3. Morning Ladies

    WOW-some really lovely cards on display today. Lilian-I absolutely love yours, I think it’s because it’s in my favourite colour .

    The weather is awful here today-40-50mph winds and it keeps raining. Apart from filling up the bird feeders, I won’t be going far. Once the usual housework has been done, I’m hoping to start a Birthday Card for my friends 50th which is on the 21st February. We’re going out (8 of us) to a newly opened Hickory Smokehouse on the 20th for a celebration meal so I need to have the card ready for then. My present to her is going to a gift box of my cards to use all year. She’s a difficult person to buy gifts for & we’re planning to buy her a handbag as a gift from the group.


    1. Hi Michele,
      Sorry weather is so rubbish up there, I guess you will have to put up with Crafting!!! Can't wait to see what you make today. You will love the Smokehouse, we have one near us and it's amazing, Paul and I have been twice, we ordered a sharing platter and it was so big that they gave us boxes to bring meat etc home, it was enough to feed all 4 of my lot for tea and the following night!
      If you like things like Ribs (meat just melts in your mouth), BBQ Chicken etc you will be in food heaven. Paul has had there burgers too and he totally recommends them.
      I think your gift idea is fantastic, having a stash of ready made cards to use as you need them is a brilliant idea.
      Happy crafting

    2. Hi Michele
      Love the embossing folder you've used on your card. Sorry your weather is rubbish today. I hope you manage to get into your craft room. What a lovely gift to give your friend a box of yoyr cards she can send to friends.

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a wonderful stimulating Sunday display I love all of your cards. This is a challenge I think we have all enjoyed.

    Almost ready to leave to take Samuel his birthday card, and we get to see all of our other grandchildren, it will be lovely, all six of them together plus our daughters and there husbands, really looking forward to a lovely day.

    I hope you have something planned for today. Take care dear friends Tak.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      What a fabulous card you've made for Sam. I hope you've gad a lovely day with all your family. Amy's boyfriend plays Rugby for Witney. I had a CR Rom that gad a picture of a rugby scrum, so I did that for his 21st.

  5. Morning ladies,

    Congratulations Michele & Brenda on winning a die from SW's latest release. I was so thrilled to see my name there too. Can't wait for it to arrive. And Sam Smithard, so lovely to see many older members names drawn out.

    Another veritable feast of gorgeousness to refresh my tired eyes. Next week I may, just maybe join in with the card next Sunday's card challenge.
    I am off to London for a couple of days to take in a spot of shopping and a show with my sister. Shen Yun are at the Dominion theatre and we have booked front row seats on the Balcony, much better to see the show. I will tease you to find out who they are.

    Many thanks for your wonderful comments re the chorus costumes. Not bad for someone who does not make clothes or costumes. It took my craft club leader and I 4+1/2 days to get them done and dusted. The photo does not do the sleeves justice. I wanted something nice and light so chose some sequinned net with a plain white softer net underneath so it would look like the sequins are 'floating'. This mirrors the snowflakes on the dresses.
    Yesterday was my last day of sewing rosettes for the dame's finale dress and my machine is now asleep. Hip Hip Hooray!!!

    Now I can finally clear out all traces of materials etc. from my dining room and have it back to normal. It took another 1+1/2 hours again on my knees with my trusty lint roller to get the stray threads and the synthetic satin fibres off the carpet.

    Well would you believe it? I started typing this comment with hailstones battering against the windows so loudly and hard that I thought they were trying to get in and now we are bathed in glorious sunshine. The vagaries of our very British weather never cease to amaze me.

    I am off after lunch to see the Dress Rehearsal with my friend Doreen who had also been a great help with the sewing. Whatever you are doing today, enjoy it.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I hope you gad a lovely lunch and that the dress rehearsal went well. I do hope everyone was appreciative of all the hard work you had to do on the costumes. And that your name was printed in the programme.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I should have thought it would be too wet to cut the lawn, but I know the RAF are so strict when you move out, you will be soo glad to leave it all behind, hugs on the way to you
    What a lovely selection of cards again, like Michele Lilian's card stands out, again because I love blue, saying that they all
    Please may I book for lunch Janet with all the
    We have blue skies & sunshine but very cold so a day indoors is calling.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      Two great cards you've produced today. I have a stamp somewhere in my stash that's quite similar to your first. Your quite right about mowing the lawn. It's far to wet here for mowing lawns. I also think we had a big shower this afternoon.

  7. Lovely lovely lovely cards ladies You inspire me so much with the different ideas you all come up with
    I am so pleased your sewing machine is allowed to sleep for a while CHERYL
    We’ out for lunch today for MIL’s 93rd Birthday There’ll be 8 of us plus Oscar Any of you going to STAMPARAMA have fun I So wish I could have gone as it’s so close to where I live Next time hopefully
    I hate to say it but we have beautiful sunshine but bitterly cold
    I am looking forward to tomorrow’s challenge but may not have time to take part as we’re off to Paris tomorrow afternoon on Eurostar - our Christmas present to each other Looks like I may need to pack my wellies!
    Have a lovely day everyone xx

    1. Enjoy your lunch Karen and have a wonderful break - I just love Paris.x

    2. Hi Karen
      Great card today. I hope you all enjoyed your lunch this afternoon.
      Enjoy your break in Paris. Lucky you. I went to Paris years ago with 3 friends and had a lovely tine. We left the men at home.

  8. Hello from a sunny Cornwall, beds done sheets on the line, it’s a bit blowy so will have to keep watch or they will be over my neighbors hedge!

    Beautiful cards yet again, think I should have left off the small flowers, the blue is my try with brushos , still have the blue under my nails, they are back in the box.

    Everyone have a lovely day whatever you are doing, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      What a fabulous card you made for the challenge today. I love the Die you've used on it as well. Your Brusho work looks great as well.

  9. Hi Ladies. Beautiful cards today. Lots of lovely ideas.
    Just spoken to my brother in Liverpool and it was hailstoning and so cold and windy.We finally have sun today although its cold and I'm huddled round my fire. Just been making more quilling shapes. I'm two weeks behind everyone as I was on holiday so I'm working on my project at home. I'm just trying to make a quilled cats nose and I just can't figure it out. May leave that until the lesson.
    Have a lovely day everyone, whatever you're up to.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val great card today. I hope your quilling us going ok. That's the trouble when learning something new you have to wait for the next lesson when you get stuck. Hope the weather improves soon. We don't think of Spain being that cold.

  10. Hi all.
    wow so many fabulous cards, well done everyone.
    Janet, did you paperpierced the girl easel card ? Look like you have. Hope you have a nice day.
    Lilian- love your card with the pretty butterflies and the nice blue colour. Hope you got the sewing machine working.Glad you got some sunshine today but isn't very cold everywhere so if going out do wrap up nicely and that to all of you.
    Brenda- love the card for Sam, hope he have a great Birthday. Have a wonderful day with everyone.
    Val- nice papers used on your card. Not sure how you make a cats nose by quilling it but hope you make it and can't wait to see what you made.
    Lynda- hope your pain is better and Terry is looking after you alright, huuugs .
    Margaret- have a nice Sunday. Hugs for you and Pop.
    Karen- have a fantastic few days in Paris ! Love to hear all about it.
    Cheryl- enjoy your outing. Hope now windows were damaged with the hailstones. Silly weather we are having lately or what.
    Many hugs to you all, Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria
      Great card today. Love the colouring and I don't think I've seen that embossing folder before. Yoyr quite right about the weather, it's quite tipsy turvy at the moment isn't it.

  11. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Well I think the cyber space gremlin has struck again, as I did a post this morning.
    Fabulous cards ladies. Once again not one the same.
    It's been sunny today and we also got our washing dry. I now need an ironing fairy to come and do it for me.
