
Tuesday 13 February 2018

Lynda's Marvelous Mechanical Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Lynda made this absolutely stunning card as an extra challenge card for me to share with you on Sunday but I loved it so much and thought it looked as though Lynda had spent hours on it that I thought that it deserved a day of its own.

The three butterflies are what qualified it as a challenge card but there is so much else to look at, Lynda's blended background for instance, this time She blended:
Distress ink : Pine Needles
Distress Oxide ink: Fossilized Amber, Fired Brick
I am amazed at the variety of colours you have got in that background by blending those 3 colours, I am certainly going to have a play with this technique when I get my craft room sorted. 
Do you all have some inks you could play with? Anything blendable really, I thought that maybe we could do it as a mini challenge or something. Let me know your thoughts.
The dies Lynda has used on this card are Sue Wilson's 'Mechanical' die range, including :

Such a fantastic card Lynda thank you so much for allowing me to share it with our friends.  You always blow me away with the amount of work that you put into a card, I have kept every single card that you have ever given me, right from that very first black and white one that you gave me when we first met at Ally Pally all those years ago, they are more than just a card to me they are a gift.
I think it's the same of any hand made card we give, it's something we have thought about, considered the recipients likes and interests and then tried to make a card that will make them smile when they open it.  It's a totally different experience to picking and sending a shop bought card.

I am hoping that my craft unit will arrive today, although I'm not sure how many bits it will be in, as we didn't want to pay the extra £150 assembly fee, I'm guessing it will be in huge boxes as I ordered the plastic storage boxes too.  It's being delivered by Fed Ex so I think you can track it to get an estimated time of delivery.  At first I thought that £50 was too high for delivery but I imagine it's down to the size.
I think that somebody should start another company in competition with Storage 4 Crafts though, if you can save £375 + by using a magazine code they are clearly making a lot of profit on these units.
I will add photos as we put it together and as I fill it up.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lynda-your Card is AMAZING!! In fact, it’s an intricate work of art it’s so stunning.

    Pat-New starters usually take about 2 months to actually start with us. About 4 weeks for their references & health checks then 4 weeks notice.

    Ideas for yesterday’s challenge “anything with wings” could include airplanes, birds, butterflies, dragonflies, bees or Fairies so there’s bound to be lots of different cards on display next Sunday.

    Sandra-exciting day having your craft storage unit delivered. Please take photos of it empty then as you start to fill it up with all your goodies.

    Hoping for a calmer day at work today but doubt that will happen!


    1. Thank you so much Michele for your lovely comment on my card.
      I love those Dies. Hope work goes well today.xx Hug's

    2. Hi Michele
      Quite awhile then before you have extra help. Unless their replacing two people who have left. Wonder if your that lucky?. Hopefully you might have a quieter day that yesterday, but I know that hospitals are mega busy, seeing as we practically live in one.

  2. Morning ladies,

    Oooooh Lynda your card is so luscious and opulent. Love your blended ink background. I bought Sue's mechanical dies as soon on advanced order, they are really useful for men's cards and as you have demonstrated any rock chick would love your card too.
    Sandra your delivery WILL be huge. Remember all the boxes stacked up in my craft room before assembly?
    Storage4Craft do make excellent top quality products but if we had a B&M shop near us I would have bought all the RUB boxes from there. They are far cheaper than the Range and I was dissuaded from purchasing on RUB's own web shop as they charge full price and it would have cost more than the magazine discount.

    Yesterday was a lovley day with no stressful sewing or comments from Director. I finally cleared my large patio table, it has been an extension to my dining room table since Christmas and was very invaluable in that I could pile up all the material, threads, zips and patterns etc. for easy access instead of having them in another room. That table has now been cleared, I have used an older battered storage box to hold all the larger material remnants, that could be used by a future wardrobe dept., plus all patterns and other paraphernalia that belongs to the Pantomime society and I will be taking them back asap.
    Now to get my house back to normal.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Good morning Cheryl
      Thank you for your lovely comment on my card.
      It must be nice having your house back to normality again.
      Hug's on the way xxx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      I'm glad you had no further adverse comments from the director. And I bet your mega pleased to get your house back to normal. Gentle hugs on the way.

  3. Morning Everyone
    LYNDA - what a 'WOW' of a card in every respect. I just know that the lucky one really loved it.

    CHERYL- I can really feel relief that all is finished and that you can not only get your house back but your life. So many really do not know just how much of your life is given to Am Dram. when it's production time. HUGE applause to you.

    It's my Knit and Natter day this afternoon and the first of this year in fact we haven't met since the beginning of December for one reason or another so I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone. It's also my turn to 'Take and Make' so it's a busy morning as well
    The CAFE is OPEN - usual hours so you can pop in when you're ready.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with extras for PAT and PETE today.xxxx

    1. Hello Janet
      Thank you for lovely comment on my card.
      Hope you enjoy K & N & your make & take is well received by everyone. Hug's on the way xxx

    2. Hi Janet
      Thanks for the hugs. Petes just come out of surgery. So after he's made some more appointments wel will find somewhere to plonk ourselves until 4.00. To cold to go out and walk around Somewhere.
      Hope you enjoy the first knit and natter of the year.

  4. Hi Sandra and all.
    WOW LYNDA what a stunning card. So intricate and what lovely dies. I bet whoever it was for was over the moon.xx

    PAT thinking of you and PETE todayxx

    Sandra how lovely to be getting your new unit today. I don't envy you the putting it together but the filling it will be so exciting. Hope you and Paul are feeling a lot better now.xx

    Slimming club this morning then out to my favourite restaurant for lunch. Lynn and Paul are dog, cat and hampster sitting from tomorrow for a week so we're celebrating today.
    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Thank you Val for your lovely comment on my card. I love using the Dies . Good luck at slimming club.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Val
      Thanks for the thoughts. Petes just come out of surgery so we're going to have a cup of tea and a roll in the League of friends. Then we'll find a corner to sit and wait for his next appointment.
      Good luck at slimming club,

  5. Bonjour mes amie
    What a stunning card LYNDA It certainly does deserve a day on its own
    I hope you’re over the worst of this. A sty bug SANDRA How exciting that your unit is arriving today and it’ll feel really satisfying putting everything away I found that labelling all my drawers really helped a) for knowing where to put stuff whilst unpacking and b) knowing where to find stuff when I want to play
    I hope everyone is getting along ok Thinking of you PAT and PETE but you know I think of all of you Just relaxing enjoying the most delicious strawberry macaron in a McD cafe of all places Take care all xx

    1. Thank you Karen your very kind x Hug's xx

    2. Hi Karen thanks for the thoughts and I hope your having a lovely time in Paris. Strawberry macaroon sounds lovely. When we take Doreen shopping in Sainsbury's on a Sat I love to get us a Strawberry Meringue filled with cream. Yummy or what, I have mine after lunch. Petes taste buds have really changed since he's been on this treatment so he's having a Jam doughnut at the moment, a job also deciding what to have for dinner.

  6. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    Thank you Sandra for showing my card this morning & your lovely comment's.
    You must be exited waiting for your craft unit to arrive. Hope it won't be to much of a headache for Paul putting it together. I can feel your itchy fingers waiting to craft 🎨💻✂️✏️🖍.
    Housework out the way & now I'm going to attack the ironing not sure where it all comes from. Sun shining again & Really windy out so might be able to get CU to put my towels on line for me. Well better tackle the ironing. Thanks again for all your lovely comment on my card. Pop back later
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Lovely work you've done on this creation. What a stunner.
      I've bought the Birthday dangles from Clarity and one of the Clarity club plates that I liked. Haven't opened them yet as the postman delivered them as we were coming out the door this morning. I now need to get the 4 needle bold pricking tool, I'll need to get something else as well ( what a shame ) to take it over £10.00 for free posting.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Wow, Lynda
    What a stunning card on show today. It must have taken ages to do. I need to do some ironing as well. But as we're stuck up at the hospital all day it won't be done until tomorrow perhaps. Nothing needed urgently. Lovely cakes Olivia bought us down last night. She'd also did the housework, washed up the dishes, and washed the dogs. As I said yesterday, I wasn't to sure who she'd morphed into as she doesn't usually. Everyone was out, her dad was in bed and she was bored apparently. I don't expect it will last long, just until her Mum has finished working at the school for a couple of days.
    I hope your unit turns up today and Paul feels well enough to start fixing it together.

  8. Hello All, very wet and windy here.

    WOW what a fabulous card Lynda has made, love the way you make your backgrounds, I must practice more.

    Sandra hope the unit lives up to expectations, I have one of their small units, must admit I put too much in mine and the plastic runners broke, fixed them with hot glue.

    Pat and Pete, sending good thoughts to you, hope it goes well.

    Well must go and get lunch as I’ve at last managed to get to see a doctor, not my usual, but I hope they can help out with this shortness of breath.

    Everyone have a lovely afternoon, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Thanks for the thought today, there very much appreciated. Hope the dr is able to help with the shortness of breath. Fingers crossed for you.

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    LYNDA what an amazing card, it truly deserves a blog day to its self. Thank you for the inspiration. Hope you and Terry are both being good !!! Looking forward to seeing you both at AP xx

    Sandra I hope you and Paul are starting to shake off this flu bug. I’m sure the arrival of your new craft unit will give you a little lift. Not sure it will be the same for Paul ...... More work!! Bless him. I know he will put his heart and soul into getting you back to crafting. xx

    Pat hope you and Pete will not have to hang around to long at the hospital.xx

    Have had a busy morning cleaned upstairs, have now stopped for lunch AND the sun has just come out, it was a very wet morning so a lovely treat.

    IPad flashed up battery low. Better publish this while I still have some power.
    Hugs to all, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda.
      I'm afraid today is all hanging about between treatments. He had to have the op on his back quite awhile before his Radium treatment. But hopefully if we go a bit earlier line we did last month, they'll do it earlier.

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    LYNDA what an amazing card, it truly deserves a blog day to its self. Thank you for the inspiration. Hope you and Terry are both being good !!! Looking forward to seeing you both at AP xx

    Sandra I hope you and Paul are starting to shake off this flu bug. I’m sure the arrival of your new craft unit will give you a little lift. Not sure it will be the same for Paul ...... More work!! Bless him. I know he will put his heart and soul into getting you back to crafting. xx

    Pat hope you and Pete will not have to hang around to long at the hospital.xx

    Have had a busy morning cleaned upstairs, have now stopped for lunch AND the sun has just come out, it was a very wet morning so a lovely treat.

    IPad flashed up battery low. Better publish this while I still have some power.
    Hugs to all, Brenda xxx

    1. How funny Brenda your comment published twice.

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I hope by now you are busy unpacking your unit, how exciting. Good luck in deciding where it should all go. Hope you & Paul are beginning to feel better, hugs on
    Lynda what a stunner of a card, you have such patience. Hope you are not too full of aches & pains in this weather, hugs to you
    Pat thinking of Pete this afternoon, hope all goes well, hugs on
    Cheryl I agree with Janet people do not realise what goes on backstage before & during the productions, most of the actors just go home at end of performance, or go to pub. but stage manager & back stage have to get everything ready for next performance, I know as I was SM for many years, I enjoyed it though. Enjoy the time you now have to do what you want, hugs on
    Lilian hope Dr can help you, hugs on
    Maria hope you cough/cold etc. is improving hugs on
    Sue hope you have a lovely time with all the family there for Christopher's birthday, I am sure he will love it. Hugs to you all love you. xxx
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  12. Wow - what an amazing piece of work!! It must have taken ages (and lots of patience)
