
Wednesday 7 February 2018

Good Morning Ladies,

I have another lovely new home card to share with you all today, this pretty card is from Margaret,
I love the colour and the little cat reminds me of our Milo, he is always at the window, mainly to make you feel bad when you leave the house. Hahahaha.
I really love the card Margaret thank you so much for making it for us. xxx

Now I have to apologise to all of you as I wrote and email on mobile phone, notifying you of our new address, frustratingly it never sent, our service is so poor, we seem to be in a internet and mobile black spot. I will attempt to send it again from the bungalow as we are still connected to the 'proper' internet over there!

Did any of you watch the 'Back in time for Tea' last night? what fantastic entertainment, really informative too, especially for our children.  Have any of you ever tried Tripe ? or any of the other recipes that they showed. The family holiday to Blackpool looked so much fun too, it must have been amazing to try things like Candy Floss for the first time. 
 The one thing that I loved the most about it was how the family spent so much time together, most of it spent around the kitchen table. Not like today where children disappear to their bedrooms to do their own thing. 
That's one thing with having rubbish internet, everyone gravitates to the lounge where the signal is strongest!  I do think its strange that these days you can live somewhere that is so poorly connected to the internet etc, the speed is too low for any of the big companies, so now 'Bigger, Better, Faster' service.  It doesn't bother me so much, I would prefer to sit and play board games all night, Sophie and Lucy are dependant on the internet for the A Level studies though.

I had a forced day of rest yesterday as I had a little accident, I spent Monday at the bungalow cleaning out cupboards, its getting a little tedious now but it becomes routine, not only cleaning the shelves but taking drawers out to clean the runners and underneath and back of the drawer, also in and around the hinges, its made worse because the cupboards are decades old. I just don't want any charges so don't want to cut any corners, this is why it takes so long.  Having the steam cleaner has helped loads I have to say.  Now onto my accident.....I felt so guilty that Paul is having to do so much so to save him some time I thought I would take down some curtains and blinds ready for the builders to start early yesterday morning.  So I pulled up the step ladder to the window and only went up two steps, what I didn't realise was that these new steps have a safety lock mechanism that I didn't know about, I hadn't locked it in place, so as i moved on the steps the whole thing slipped forward and collapsed sending me flying backwards, a work top broke my fall, I landed so that my tailbone area caught the edge of the work top.  I felt my body ceasing up as the day went on, it must have jolted the metal reconstruction in my pelvis and hip as that was where I was really feeling it later on in the day.
Paul was not best pleased and explained that he hadn't told me how to use the ladders as he didn't think it would cross my mind to even think about using them.  I wanted to get done so that we could have a night off together.  A day later i am struggling to sit anywhere and moving from place to place is a struggle, it feels like sciatica pain as I move.  I have learnt a valuable lesson though.  No more helping! Only low level light work from now on, roll on next week when it will all be over!

I hope that you all have a lovely day, it's trying to snow here, I bet it looks lovely out here in the countryside when its covered in a blanket of snow.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a lovely card from Margaret, so cute.

    You’re going to be battered & bruised for days after your fall, will you need to go & get your hip checked out in case there’s any serious damage??

    Met an old friend last night for a meal-we haven’t met for quite a few months and to be honest, it was a struggle to chat to her. We were quite close and I saw her through some difficult times in her personal life but it was like meeting a different person last night. I’m going to see if she keeps in touch rather than me contacting her.

    Busy day planned today-doing someone’s PDR first thing then I’m seeing someone about a training course. I’m seeing a Rep at 2pm then going to a Haematology service meeting at 3:30 then doing my Tesco shopping tonight as I’m interviewing all day tomorrow and not sure what time I’ll finish!


    1. Sounds like a really busy day Michele. Bet you'll be glad when its home time.x

    2. My word Michele you are having a very busy day today. Interviewing as well tomorrow. I don't envy you that job as it's a minefield of things you can't ask unless it's changed again from about 8 yrs ago when I left work. I always hated interviewing people.

    3. Thank you Michele for your comment, good luck with your

  2. Morning Everyone
    MARGARET- I love your new home card. The little kitten in the window is just the finishing touch.

    SANDRA- I would have thought that you had learned that things like ladders and floors etc are not for you but of course we never learn do we. I really hope that it's only bruising and nothing more but if the pain gets too much please go and get checked.

    TRIPE- of yes in this house of course we have heard of Tripe. Jim loves it and always has though he only likes it cooked not like my Grandad who had tripe every Saturday teatime raw with vinegar. He also loved Chicklings and Bag. I have to say that Jim doesn't like this so thankfully I don't have to see it. Tripe is one of those things that when I was a child the butchers practically gave it away but now it's classed as a delicacy and of course the price reflects this.

    I'm going to try and get my CC done today. Well that's the plan.

    The CAFE is OPEN and already nice and warm for you all to pop in for a warming cuppa.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.xxxx

    1. Hope you manage to get your cc done today Janet. I'm hoping to get in my craft room tomorrow. Enjoy your day.x

    2. Hi Janet
      Yuk, can't imagine anyone eating tripe myself. It doesn't look very nice when you see it.

    3. Hi Janet thank you for your lovely comment. Never fancied tripe but love liver etc. & it is still a cheap

  3. Oh SANDRA How awful I hope the pain and bruising eases As MICHELE has said do you n I d to get your hip checked in case you’ve done more damage
    Pretty card MARGARET
    LILIAN MARIA I hope you’re both feeling better
    I hope you have a relaxing day CHERYL now all that sewing is over
    I don’t have a kitchen They have achieved so much in one day All they left me was the sink and taps So I can’t cook even if I wanted to!
    SANDRA - the builder smiled and said “Ah you’ve even cleaned the worktops, you didn’t need to do that” 😆
    Have a great day everyone

    1. Oh Karen I hope there's not too much mess but wow it will be so worth it when its all done.x

    2. Hi Karen thank you for your

    3. Good luck and enjoy your Ping,Broom broom and Eating out meals hihihi Hope they don't take 6 weeks like ours :>( but happy now :>) xx

  4. Hi all,
    My comment from yesterday seems to have disappeared but I'm still getting used to this new tablet so it might well have been me.
    Lovely card yesterday Janet. Such a pretty butterfly.
    Margaret. Such a cute card. I love the little dogs face.
    Sandra so hope you've only bruised yourself and like everyone has said maybe it would be best to check there's no more damage. Thanks for your email with your new address.x
    I can remember eating tripe as a child. It was a weekly meal in our house and yes my mum ate it raw with vinegar. I didn't like it then and I certainly couldn't eat it now. Mind you my mum used to eat raw liver a few times a week as she had anaemia and I presume that was the only medication at the time.
    Went back to slimming club yesterday. Oh dear I obviously ate more than I thought on my holiday!!!
    Off to crib today but first I'm going to tidy my craft desk which is disgusting, as I have orders for two pop up box cards which I have to make tomorrow. I've asked Lynn to take the remaining ones out of the shop as I really hate making them.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Hugs to all not feeling good especially Lilian Sue and Maria.
    Love Valx

    1. They said on the TV programme that Tripe had a smell as well as a horrible texture, that would certainly put me off, I felt sick just thinking about it.
      I can understand you asking Lynn to remove the pop-up boxes from the shop as they are both fiddly and time consuming to make, you could make 3 or 4 cards in the same time.
      I hope you win at Crib !

    2. Hi Val thank you for your comment, there is a dog stamp as well which you can use but thought the cat was appropiate for

    3. Hi Val
      My word Tripe and raw liver. Fancy eating liver raw. We have lambs liver which I find quite mild, but other people think it's quite strong. We don't have it very often as I don't like seeing the veiny bits in it after it's cooked. But how on earth could your Mum eat it raw I dread to think.

    4. Hi Pat,I can't even eat cooked liver but the thought of eating raw liver makes me feel I'll. Yuk.xIn the 1920's when my FIL was diagnosed with diabetes he drank boiled cabbage water 3 times a day and that was his treatment for many years until he started on insulin injections. Hasn't medicine come a long way in those years.x

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Everyone seems to be off the same mind as me, if your hip and pelvis don't get ant better you should go to the doctors. Although I know you don't like going you should if the pain continues.
    Hopefully your having a day off today. Or if you need to go to the bungalow your not going to do to much. But it does sound like your having a day off. Hopefully once the builders have finished you can lock up until hand over.
    Gentle hugs coming your way.
    Well, Pete's fit enough to have his injection next week. Hopefully his bloods will be ok this week as well. We should get a phone call either today or tomorrow. His Radium has to be ordered a week in advance and it can't be used by anyone else. No snow here but it is very cold and windy.

    1. Hi Pat glad Pete is fit enough for treatment fingers crossed for his bloods to be ok. Sending you both Big Hug'sxx

    2. Thanks for the hugs Lynda. Petes bloods were ok as they've just rung.

    3. Seem like it going ahead so fingers crossed. Glad he had a nice outing and managed to eat some. You both take care, hugs xx

    4. Hi Pat so pleased that Pete will be able to have his treatment. Hope the phone call is good news. Keep warm

  6. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    SANDRA what was you thinking climbing up a ladder. I hope you are taking it easy today. I'm still in pain after my fall last week are we in composition haha I think you have won. Thank you for your Emal with your new address. Please do as your told today & take it easy & REST.❤️
    MARGARET love your card for Sandra with the sweet little cat it's lovely.
    VAL hope you have a good game of Crib enjoy your day.
    MICHELE hope work goes well for you today sounds like a busy one.
    .Hug's on the way
    I'm going round Margaret's later this morning before she has to move off the caravan site for two weeks. I don't think I will be coming home with anymore crafty goodies though.😩
    Sending Hug's & extra for Sandra Lilian Maria Sue & all who needs them.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Thank you Lynda for your comment, sorry you still suffering, hugs on

    2. Hi Lynda
      I hope your feeling a bit better today after your meeting with the floor last week. Hope Terry is behaving himself. Hugs to you both.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Me again as I forgot to mention the card that Margaret sent to you Sandra. Love the little cat peeking out of the window though.
    We've just gad a phone call from the hospital to say his white cells are ok, so they can go ahead next week. Plus someone has cancelled their treatment from next week and would Pete like to go at 3.00pm instead of 4.00 which is great. Then he'll have 3.00 appointments instead of 4.00 for the rest of his treatment. If you stop having the treatment your not allowed to carry on apparently as the treatment has to be continuous.

    1. Glad the phone call was good news and also the earlier time sounds better.
      I think I should get my eyes tested again as I thought it was a little dog on Margaret's card oops.x

    2. Hi Cal
      Never mnd we all have those problems with our eyes. I look at things and sometimes see something else.

    3. Hi Pat thank you for your comment. Pleased Pete can start his treatment next week, hope all goes

  8. I forgot about the Tripe, but I don't think we even had it. We had bread and dripping which I used to eat. However, I wouldn't eat it now. Petes friends family used to eat Chitlings but Pete never tried it. Although they did once give him some on a plate for tea and wouldn't tell him what us was. He soon spit it out though as he said the taste was awful.

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    I hope the pain is starting to lessen now my lovely. Yes it was a daft thing to do but don't we all rebel and try and do "normal" things to help our hubbies etc. sometimes? I know I do so completely understand why you wanted to get the blinds down. Sending you great big but very gentle hugs xx
    Mum, what pretty colours and that cute little face peeping out of the window on your card. Like Sandra said it is just like their Milo 😊 Hope Boule goes well and you don't get too cold. Speak to you later. Love you xxxx
    I didn't watch the programme but will have to now as it sounds like the type that we find very interesting. Tripe is something I have never tried and don't intend to either. I am willing to try most food but there are limits and Tripe is one of them along with liver which I used to have to eat as a child, (didn't I Mum!) just as the rest of you had to as well no doubt. Chris goes to aa friends house to eat it when they have it as I can't stand the smell of it cooking either. Thank you for the hugs, I am feeling just about back to "normal" and my voice is fine as long as I keep the hot tea on the go.
    Lilian, sending you gentle hugs and hope you're not feeling quite so bruised and battered now X
    Lynda, I hope you are starting to recover from your fall too. Gentle hugs for you and Terry too of course X
    Karen, how long is the new kitchen going to take? Not being able to cook is a great excuse for a couple of take aways isn't it and microwaves do come in handy when you don't have a cooker, at least you can cook veggies and fish easily, if you like fish of course 😊 I will be crafting tomorrow will get your die cuts posted to you on Friday,vsorru for the wait. I haven't even felt like doing any crafting but must get on with a couple of cards needed soon.
    I hope you all are snug and safe indoors as it is very cold out today. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Sandra, Lynda, Lilian and all in need. Take care xx
    Maria, how are you feeling today? Did you get your walk on? Hugs on their way X

    1. Hi Sue thank you for your comment, I suddenly remembered this embossing folder & stamps & remember seeing Milo sat in bungalow window. Talk later pleased you have voice back, love youxxx

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing my card & lovely comments. I must admit I did think of Milo sat in the window. Sorry you feel sore but we are all the same hate to see jobs needing done & think we will help, hope you have not done any serious damage, sending
    Enjoyed playing Petanque this morning, mind did look like michelin man I had soo many clothes on, but at least I didn't get cold & won both games today & yesterday.
    Sending hugs to all who need them particularly Lilian & Maria love

    1. Hi Margaret
      I'm glad you enjoy Petangue and winning on both days. By saying your wrapped up like a Michelin man I assume you play outside. Rather you than me. I hate being cold.

    2. Sweet new home card Margaret, very nice.Glad you enjoyed the Petanque. Very tired so off to bed early tonight. Hope to make a cc tomorrow. Hugs to you and Pop xx

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Oh Sandra, PLEASE PLEASE don’t try doing anything like this again, I’m sure while Paul realised you were trying to help he was not best pleased with you. I know we all do it, trying to ‘be helpful ‘ but if it involves your feet leaving the floor, then in this house it’s a big NO NO. I find it really frustrating, but know if I fall I will be creating more work for John, when my intention had been to save him work. If you are still in pain you really should phone your doctor...... just in case.
    There is no need to change your email address. We changed from AOL to BT about two years ago. It was BT who said we could use the same address.

    MARGARET What a lovely card you made for Sandra and family. That cat is so cute, Looks as though he is waiting to welcome everyone home. xx

    My blood test yesterday was good, almost spot on in fact. I have been given a four week break. That’s what I call a good result.

    PAT, that’s good news about Petes white cells and the treatment can go ahead next week, 🤞🙏🏻 all goes well xx

    Hope everyone has had a good day. It’s been very quiet here, while I’ve got plenty I could be doing, I just seem to have lost the motivation. So have been busy doing nothing!!! Will probably kick myself later.

    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      That is a good result for you that you don't have to go back for 4 weeks. Pete forgot to ask what the result of his bone markers and his PSA was. He should be able to ask the nurse who gives him his Radium. I don't like climbing up ladders either. Even to steady the bottom of the ladder for Pete I don't like doing.

    2. Thank you for your kind comments. Good to hear you have had a quiet day we all need them from time to

  12. Hello All, well we woke up to a totally white world, schools closed and minor accidents on the roads, why do people drive so fast when it’s slippery. We never usually get snow, now we’ve had two days in a row, all gone now.

    Margaret love your card, I have those stamps somewhere.

    Sandra, please take care, I know how tempting it is to do things you used to be able to do without thinking, I’m the same. Roll on next week when you will be able to concentrate on your new home.

    Pat glad Pete’s results were good, hope all goes well.

    Have a good evening all,Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian thank you for your lovely comment, I think it was a freebie with a magazine. Hope you are feeling easier today. We had a little snow last night but thst bad, I am surprised that you had

    2. Hi Lilian
      My SIL posted that Cornwall had snow. Mind you she tells us what are weather is like as well. Not to sure why she thinks she has to tell us. Mind you she does the same for my other SIL in Australia.
