
Tuesday 6 February 2018

A Pretty Janet card

Good Morning Ladies,

A beautiful, feminine card from Janet to inspire you today.
Janet has used a really pretty background paper, upon which she has layed a piece of beautiful lace. Janet has then built her focal point upon this pretty background using a die cut butterfly, I'm not too sure if Janet has cut two butterflies in different colours or if the white butterfly is a lace one.  The sweet little roses embellish the butterfly beautifully. The blue flourish that Janet has used looks almost like the butterfly's antennae! 
A gorgeous card Janet, thank you so much for allowing me to share your card.   

The workmen called in yesterday to confirm that they will be starting work on our windows and doors early this morning, so we are in for a very noisy, messy day!  It will be nice to get them done though as we can then vacuum, clean carpets and then close the rooms up ready for next week's inspection!
We can hopefully relax a little then but I need Paul to start sorting out at the new house, there are boxes literally everywhere!  But I think he has earned a day off! 
I need him to clear the dining room ready for my craft unit early next week. Mind you it's all boxes of craft stuff so they will be emptied as soon as it arrives. I wonder how much of it will fit in?!.

I hope that you all stay 'snow free' this next couple of days, I have my fingers crossed as I don't want to be in a house with no front of back on if it's snowing, particularly as they drain the hearing to remove radiators. 

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-what a beautiful card, I love the large butterfly on it.

    Sandra-the end if the cleaning is in sight!! I’ll bet you both can’t wait for next weeks inspection so you can start to unpack and unwind in your new home.

    Yesterday ended up fairly quiet for us as there were a few cancelled treatments so I got a huge amount of paperwork sorted & I now need to pack up a lot of it to go for scanning.


  2. Morning Everyone
    What a surprise I had when I opened up this morning.
    I don't often make this size of card and I still don't know what made me make this

    The backing paper is from a 12x12 STAMPERIA OLD LACE one I bought from Hochanda when Leonie was doing one of her 'Let Leonie Loose' programmes some months ago.
    The floral leaves are cut from a piece of Crafter's Companion 300gsm card -very pale green in colour. The die is a Sue Wilson leaf swirls which was one of the first dies she released. I then cut the butterfly (Tonic die Wings and Things - Mariposa) twice -once using CC 300gsm white with a hint of silver and the 2nd one again CC 300gsm bright Silver. I did this butterfly just like the ones on last week's CC. The lace and the roses are from my stash.

    It's going to be a quiet day today here. We both need one. I might have a look at this week's CC.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with with loads of extras for LILIAN, MARIA, LYNDA today.xxxx

  3. Morning ladies,

    Gorgeous card Janet, the colours are sublime.

    Why do you have to clean up after the workmen Sandra? Surely they should be clearing any mess they make as you have moved?

    Apart from putting elastic on the tabards and another silver trim down the front of the blue dress, all costumes now done and collected. It took me 1 and half hours on my knees using a sticky paper lint roller to get all the thread up from the carpet. My dining room is getting back to hw it was. I just have to pack up the materials etc. for collection, then I can get back into my craftroom for some 'me' time.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I bet your glad to see the back of costumes and you can get your house back in order. You have an awful lot to put up with with the people in charge of the Panto. I do hope you get a mention in dispatches in the programme, and they appreciate all the hard work you do for them.

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    I echo Cheryl's thoughts that surely the workmen should clear up behind themselves as they go. If Paul was still in the RAF and you'd moved away. I'm sure you wouldn't be popping back to supervise them taking windows out. In theory nothing should be in the house now surely. I've had workmen here who wield a mean vacumn.
    I also think the other adults in the house could give Paul a hand with putting stuff away that are in boxes. Or helping to move your boxes so your new unit can go straight into your craft/dining room.
    Sounds like your going to need several layers today, or will you be staying at home as you've moved out.
    Great card from Janet today, so thanks for that Janet
    We had a Carpenter and Joiner come round yesterday to give us a price for replacing our French doors in between our living room and dining room. About a week for the estimate. He's very very busy so won't be done if we agree a price until the end of May.
    School this morning, then it's off to the hospital. Oh how the other half life with a life without hospitals. Pete was very lethargic yesterday. Says he has a feeling. I told him he could knock those feeling on the head. Will have a good chat today with Prof Prothero.

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    JANET, what a beautiful card, love all the papers you have used and the butterfly is a real showstopper. xx

    Sandra I hope the windows are all changed today, and you can leave the house knowing all is secure. I think both you and Paul will need some ‘me’ time once you hand over the keys to the bungalow. Don’t go rushing into all the unpacking, it will all get done ...... in time! xx

    CHERYL I thought I was the only one who gets down on there knees with a sticky roller to pick up the stray bits of cotton, fluff and small bits from dies that miss the bin. Great to know I’m not on my own! So pleased you have finished all of the costumes. Your roll in this production is much greater than any of the actors. I hope the company appreciate you. I applaud all of your effort and patience. xx

    PAT, Try to keep Pete strong, obviously all the to-ing and fro-ing from the hospital as well as the treatment is taking its toll. Sending gentle hugs to you
    both. xx

    Up and organised as I need to going to Croydon for the dreaded blood test. Okay it’s only finger prick, no big deal.

    Sending love and hugs to everyone especially those feeling under the weather. Have a good day love Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      Thanks for the hugs. I think they're needed today. Hope the bloods are ok. Pete has these today as well to make sure his white blood cells are ok to have his treatment next week. He's been out with his friend Pat for a breakfast this morning. He said he really enjoyed his breakfast. Which is good as he's fast loosing his taste buds, and not feeling like eating much.

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies from a grey and moody MK but thanks to Janet I feeling better after seeing your Beautiful card with the lovely paper,lace and big butterfly. Also thank you for the hug, sending big bamse one back for you and Jim !
    I managed to look in at all the wonderful cards that was up on Sunday, well done all !
    Lilian- your card was amazing and your colours is wow, I love it. I hope the pain is not too bad after the op and they can see how your heart is by doing this. Sending you many hugs.
    Cheryl- you must be so happy it is all done for this time and you now can get your room back and perhaps do some card making. Missing seeing your lovely cards. Take care.
    Lynda- I hope you ok after your last fall ? It will be lovely to see you at Ally Pally in April, yay, I so did miss you both in Sept. hugs
    Pat- sending you and Pete hugs. Hope you have a nice time reading with the little ones. Take care.
    Brenda- hope the prick is soon over and maybe you can have a coffee and a bun after for a treat.
    Karen- hope you ok and had nice cuddles with Oscar when you saw him last. Speak soon.
    Sue- hope you feeling better and you got voice back.
    Margaret- hugs to you and Pop. have a nice day
    Michele- have a nice day at work. Good you managed to sort some paperwork out and your day was ok yesterday.
    We had a nice weekend in Colchester, nice seeing step-son and alright seeing OH ex who have moved down there. Struggled a bit because of the cold so didn't go to the craft shop ones again I seen they got there so that will have to be next time now. Light housework has been done this morning (son had done some for us yesterday) waiting for sister-in-law and her hubby to be here soon so I will wish you all a good day and anyone feeling under the weather soon feel perkier . Love and many hugs to you all, Maria Xxx

  7. Hello All, it has been snowing here all morning, luckily it hasn’t stuck, very rare for us to see the white stuff.

    Janet love your card, the butterfly is lovely, also the lace.

    Sandra, I agree with everyone , I think the workmen should do their own clearing up. Does your unit come flat pack, I’ve always wanted one, but put off having to put it together. Shall be interested in how much you can store, also how easy it is to access all the space.

    I’m much better now, although a lovely shade of black& blue, have to go back on the 15th March.

    Cheryl I’m sure you will be glad to see the back of the costumes, hope everyone realises what a lot of work and skill they take.

    Lynda hope you are feeling better after you tumble.

    Have a good afternoon all, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Glad your feeling a bit better today and your bruises are fading. I'm glad the snow isn't laying. Pete's brother and his wife like to holiday in Devon and Cornwall with their dog. So she posted that it had been snowing heavily round about where you are and laying. Not to sure where she gets her information from as they don't know anyone who live in that Area.

  8. Lovely card JANET I must try using lace/ribbon more often
    Phew! What a job CHERYL I bet you’re so pleased it’s finished
    I hope the bruising doesn’t last too long LILIAN
    I hope you’re taking care LYNDA
    OH SANDRA what an absolute farce re the bungalow Inhope very soon you can really wave goodbye to it and start calling your new house your home
    We must talk soon MARIA
    I hope PETE gets on ok PAT
    Did they leave some blood in your arm BRENDA Sometimes it feels like they’ve taken an armful!
    So no kitchen left I have a sink and taps! It’ll be ‘ping’ meals, takeaways and meals out for the next few days. Ho hum!

    1. Hi Karen
      Oh poor you. When we had our kitchen fitted we had boxes everywhere for about 5 days. So if yours takes a few days how lucky you are. But it will look great when it's finished.

  9. Good evening Sandra & Ladies
    JANET gorgeous card from you today love the papers but that butterfly WOW you know me a butterfly freak HaHa
    Hug's for you & Jim xxx

    1. Sorry pressed publish to quickly.
      CHERYL well done on completing the costumes hope they all appreciate all your hard work.
      SANDRA I agree about you having to clean up after the workman after all you don't live there anymore so shouldn't be your responsibility now.
      PAT hope hospital went ok. Glad Pete enjoyed his breakfast with his friend & you enjoyed reading with the children. Hug's for you both xx
      MARIA thanks for your Hug's still hurting keep forgetting the floor is hard when you land on it.😩
      BRENDA hope 💉Test went ok Hug's xx
      KAREN thanks. Hope your kitchen doesn't take to long in finishing.
      It must be hard having to go out for meals😂🤣 sending Hug's xx
      I had a wobble in Tesco yesterday all of a sudden I came over all hot palpitation & felt like I was going to pass out. Luckily I had my spray with me under the tongue. Think it might be I hadn't eaten anything apart from breakfast trying to loose weight as on 5.2 diet fasting day yesterday. As my diabetes has gone up from last time I went 5months ago so I have to loose some pounds ( stones ) Think I will do Slimming world at least I can eat & no fasting.
      Must dish up dinner now. Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lynda
      Glad to hear your not feeling to sore after your meeting with the floor. Not to good though that you had some palpatations and felt like you might pass out. I thought you might just need to cut down a bit on what you eat, or try to eat a bit healthier. After all you do quite a bit of walking don't you with the dogs. Gentle hugs coming your way.

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope the windows were fitted today & you didn't get too cold. Let't hope this time next week it will all be behind you & you are busy putting all your craft things
    Janet lovely card today, hope you have managed a quiet
    Lynda WW are also very good as Maria will tell you, you can eat most things within reason, I lost 2st or more with them about 18 years ago & have kept it off. Good luck hugs on
    Maria thanks for hugs, hope your cold not too bad hugs on
    Cheryl well done on finishing the costumes, hope you can relax
    Lilian pleased to hear you are feeling
    Pat hope Pete got on OK hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love
