
Monday 5 February 2018

Monday Challenge





Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all wrapped up and ready for what is supposed to be a Chilly week, I believe that they have forecast snow for some areas too.

Today's Challenge is to make a card for any occasion using any thing you like as long as you use it in '3's', so it could be 3 flowers, snowflakes (like maria's card above), three letters (like Michele and Lynda have used).  or 3 of any shape (like Karen used for her background).  
I hope you ladies don't mind me using older challenge cards to try and explain this weeks challenge, it's fun to look back at them too.
I hope you all enjoy the challenge and I look forward to seeing your cards.

Yesterday was a busy day, we got up and waited for the girls to come so that we could wish them happy birthday and have breakfast together before Paul and I went back to the bungalow to get some more work done.  I spent most of the day bleaching out cupboards and drawers, it takes so long as you have to clean every part, on previous move outs they have taken the draws out to check underneath, so i was sat with a scalpel getting every last piece of dust out.
I am going back tomorrow to give the windows a quick wipe over, I know that they are coming on tuesday to remove them but its a pride thing, I can't have them taking dirty windows out!! I won't be cleaning them deeply, just a wipe over.   It's a bit like having a clean round before your cleaner comes, which a lot of people do, including my Nan, she hated to think that the cleaner would think that she was untidy.  I used to laugh but I really do see her point these days.  Are any of you the same?  

I hope you have a lovely day my lovelies however you are spending it.

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I hope you all had a lovely time yesterday..your meal out I mean, not the cleaning. Not much longer now.

    I had a relaxing day yesterday after I’d done all the housework. I had a play in my craft room then we watched a film after we’d eaten. I didn’t phone my Dad as we’d only seen him on Saturday so we had time to watch the film uninterrupted.


    1. Hi Michele
      Glad you manage to have a relaxing day yesterday. Hope it's set you up for the hectic weeks you have.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Love the Challenge for this week so it's thinking cap on and see what happens.

    LILIAN- I hope that you're feeling better day by day and that the soreness wares off very soon.

    We had a lovely meal at 'Le Mistral' in Wirksworth and then back to Christina's for a cuppa and a chat before returning home. The day very cold but we had a little sunshine and it stayed dry.

    Mr Tesco this morning and then hopefully finishing off a couple of cards which need posting this week.

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all to pop in whenever you can.

    HUGS are in their way to you all with lots of extras today for LILIAN. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday even though it was cold. We had sun but a biting wind to go with it. It was blowing in my face when I walked up to school this afternoon.

  3. Morning ladies.
    Lovely challenge this week Sandra and great to see so many samples. Just about to start on Mothers Day cards and there are three letters in mum so that's me sorted.
    Just off out to see my GP as its my annual renewal for prescriptions.. It sounds grander than it is as he just writes the list out for the following year. I've mentioned before that I don't know if he has legs as in 8 years he's never once stood up to examine me. Mind you Im going to fool him today as I'm going to ask for something for this cough I've still got and surely he's got to get his stethoscope out?
    Have a good day everyone. Lilian hope you're feeling less sore today.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Cal
      Hope you manage to see your Drs legs after all this time. That's a long tine to be legless isn't it. Hope he gives you something for your cough.
      Good luck making the Mothers Day cards. How lucky that this weeks challenge is threes.

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Good luck with the final cleaning, I know what you mean we are all the same. Challenge looks good this week, could be card for little Chris as he will be 3, thinking cap
    Lilian hope you are feeling more comfortable today, hugs on
    Karen good luck with kitchen, rather you than
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  5. Hi Everyone, sunny here today, washing about to go out, hope it stays dry.

    Great challenge and nice to see some of the previous cards.

    On the cleaner front, I always make sure the house is tidy,as I don’t want to pay for them to tidy when they should be cleaning, it’s too expensive so have to make the best of the time I’m paying for( £12 per hour plus vat ).

    We are out for a meal today as it’s Rs 70th birthday, Probably Brewers Fayre we have a good one quite near us, not sure if lunch or dinner. The family bought him a solar powered watch , first time I seen one.

    Well have a good day all, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Pete has a solar powered watch. He thinks it's great. Apart from the tecky but if changing the time when we went abroad. It envolved knowing which time zone we were in. Which we don't. So he just left it. Probably unlikely to be going abroad anyway. So that won't matter.
      Enjoy your meal and wish hubby a happy 70th birthday. We went to a Brewers Fabre while we were in Bournemouth at Pete's brothers last year. Really enjoyed the food.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Like this weeks challenge, I have three cards to make this week, so hopefully at least one of them can include three of something, I’m still thinking about that one!

    I hope the girls enjoyed the birthday weekend, and you had a lovely family meal. I bet they were exhausted this morning,

    Don’t go overdoing things at the bungalow. You know the workmen are going to make a mess tomorrow. Have you got to be there while they are doing the job?

    Our eldest daughter has a cleaner. Before she comes the boys have to tidy their bedrooms. So everywhere looks tidy and organised, she is very organised herself but her husband and sons are a nightmare.

    LYNDA, MARIA, LILLIAN and VAL I hope you are all starting to feel better. Sending gentle healing hugs to you all. Keep safe and warm. xx

    Love and hugs, Brenda

    1. Thank you Brenda for the Hug's xx

    2. Thank you Brenda. I get some anti biotics this morning from my GP. Hopefully it will get rid of this persistent cough.x

    3. Sounds like a nightmare scenario Brenda. Getting boys to tidy up a room. Sophie whose 19 shares a room with Amber ( 13 ) whose quite tidy. But you have a job to find the floor as her wardrobe is the floor. Mind you her wardrobe is jam packed full as well.

  7. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Good challenge for this week Sandra thank you. Glad girls enjoyed their birthday weekend & you all enjoyed your meal. A lovely picture of your beautiful girls. Now don't use all your energy up cleaning the rest of the bungalow. Are they doing the inspection today/tomorrow do you have to be there. I expect you will be glad when you hand keys in & shut the door for the last time. Then you can relax in your new home.
    Not much on today have to pick prescriptions from doctors & i have some parcels to post. Captain underpants needs some new ones HaHa 🤣
    Hopefully we can go to Ally Pally in April yay will be lovely seeing you all again I so missed it last September. It been doing this post for ages what with loosing it twice & phone calls. So hopefully this one will be publish.
    Love Lynda xx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    I'm glad the girls enjoyed their Birthday Weekend Sandra.
    You'll be glad to see the back of cleaning I expect by now. When is the inspection going to be done Sandra. Hopefully before the old windows are ripped out. Or else it's going to be just as bad as before. Which will be a waste of the cleaning your doing now.

  9. Great challenge this week. Look forward to seeing what everyone does. Although I've already sent Sandra something Groovi with 3 words on, that would count as a challenge card.

  10. Don't forget to use a mirror under the loo rim. The walk out team carried a mirror on a stick to make sure it was totally spotless when they were moved to a larger house when her husband got promotion and the door frames where the water collects, Hydrogen Peroxide/white vinegar and baking soda that's all you need for any cleaning problems. HP in warm water is fantastic for carpet stains but try first in an inconspicuous place so it doesn't take the color from the carpet AND use gloves
