
Thursday 8 February 2018

Another fantastic New Home card

The card

The back of the box

The front of the box.
Good Thursday Morning Ladies,

Lynda thank you so much for your lovely 'New Home' card, I love all the details that you added to the box, especially the picture of my craft room that looks pretty much exactly like the picture you have created. Although I will add I haven't been able to sit in that yoga style pose for quite some years!  As a child always sat with my legs out to the side like a frog as I was quite flexible, well double jointed, we later discovered that It isn't good for your hips sitting that way.
Anyway I digressed, thank you so much for the lovely card, you just can't beat hand made cards, those personal details make it so special. XXX

I did as instructed and spent the day resting, not that I could do much else.  I pottered around the house emptying boxes and sorting out the contents of others.  Paul is a bit of a hoarder so I have to be crafty and catch the boxes that he is transferring to see If I can sort through and 'recycle' any of the contents, in one box today was a feather and down duvet (single) that be had when we first met.  I think 30 years is old enough for it, so I will slip it in the bottom of a clothes bank bag or one for the tip.
Old clothes are another thing we have hoarded, I must have trousers in every size, from 10 -20, I will never see size 10 again so they can all go, I find it quite therapeutic reducing the pile of boxes.
Paul did discover that the loft is fully boarded out last night so plenty of storage up there too.

I am very proud to say that both Sophie and Lucy have had offers from all of the universities that they applied to, some 'unconditional' offers too, so they are fairly much guaranteed a place, although Lucy is having seconds and is looking into apprenticeships.  I find it so hard to believe that no e of my children seem to want to leave home! Hahaha

I have to go over to the bungalow today as we have some scheduled plumbing work in the bathroom.  It will be really cold though as there is no heating as they still haven't refitted the radiators, Paul also sad that the chemical smell from the new windows is very strong. 
We have parent's evening too so it will be easier for Paul to pick me up from there to go straight to school. So a busy day for me.

Lilian I do hope that your bruises are fading and that you are starting to feel better, gentle hugs coming your way. XXX

Pat, great news about Let Pete's blood test results, so it's a thumbs up for next week, hugs to you both xxxx

Sue I am pleased to read that you are feeling better, I bet Chris really missed your voice! Hehe !! XXX

Maria I hope you are on the mend too my lovely XXX

Love and hugs to the rest of you too,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-glad you had a day resting at the house, pottering about. Hope today at the bungalow isn’t too bad.

    Great news about the girls university offers, that’s fantastic.

    Lynda-what a brilliant card, really lovely.

    Quick visit as I need to set off early this morning.


    1. Thank you Michele for your nice comment on my card xx

    2. Hi Michele
      I think your interviewing today, so if you are I hope it went well.

  2. Morning Everyone

    LYNDA- what a WOW card. I love everything little thing about it. It's one of those cards that every time you look at it you look at it you see something else.
    I hope you're beginning to feel better and that bruises from last week's fall are disappearing.

    PAT - wonderful news re PETE. Good luck next week.

    Today's agenda is photograph CC cards, hairdresser at 11.00 and then hopefully feet up this afternoon. We'll see if that all

    Fantastic news re the Girls offers for Uni. Now they have to narrow them down.

    The CAFE is OPEN and ready. I shall be glad when we get some warmer weather so that the CAFE can have a Spring Clean

    HUGS are winging their way to you all.xxxx

    1. Thank you so much Janet for your lovely comment on my card. Xx

    2. Hi Janet
      I hope your day went well today. Sounds like a great day to me.

  3. Morning ladies.
    What a great card Lynda. Love everything about it. Hope you're feeling OK after your accident. Hugs to you Pete and babies.x
    Sandra. Such good news about the girls uni places. What an exciting time they have ahead of them.Hope you're not feeling too sore today.x
    Wendy and I are off to Quilling class later. We're actually putting the picture together now so its much more interesting.
    Making cards this morning though so will make my cc first.
    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Hugs to all.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val thank you for your lovely comment on my card.
      Hope your quilling class whent ok. Hug's xx

    2. Hi Val
      I hope you had a lovely time quilling. I hope we get to see the finished article. Have fun doing your CC card.

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you are feeling less sore today & don't get too cold. Well done to the girls for getting places at all
    Lynda great card today soo original, you would never buy one like that. Hope you are feeling less
    Maria thank you for your comment yesterday, hope you are improving, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Margaret
      Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my card Hug's xx

  5. Hello All, very dull here today.

    Lynda great card, very clever.

    Congratulations to the girls, getting their offers, now comes the visiting, or don’t they do that now, I remember our daughter going off on her own, and worrying all day, she ended up going to Reading and loved every minute.

    Been catching up on all the ironing, as haven’t been able to do before, thankfully it’s beginning to heal now and starting to itch like mad.

    Enjoy the rest of the day, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lillian thank you for your very nice comment on my card. Xx

    2. Hi Lilian
      Glad to hear your feeling a bit better after your op. Good luck with your ironing.

  6. Hello Sandra & Ladies
    Sandra congratulations to Sophie &Lucy for getting their universalise offers.xx
    Sorry late I've been to dentist then the time just went. Plus my first comment whent cyber space.i didn't come home with any goodies yesterday from Margaret it felt funny not having a bag or two of craft stash. Mind you I think I've had my fair share of Margaret craft goodies. I won't see her now untill 1st she moves out next Tuesday.
    I have commented on way down. I have to dish dinner up now Terry is wasting away he said he's starving. 🍔🍟🥖🍳🍕 HaHa?
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      What a fabulous card you made for Sandra. I absolutely love it.
      Hope the dentist went well. I hope that Terry has been well fed and watered by now.

    2. Thank you Pat for your lovely comment x dentist was ok just a clean next appointment November. Hug's for you both xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    I'm a bit late today as I've been out most of the day Grooving in Abingdon. No dancing I might add but wish I had of been. But doing parchment crafting. I then went to see friends, came home and cooked tea. Pete had left the heating on low so it was nice and warm when we walked in.
    A fantastic card and box Lynda. I just love all the extra touches you've added.
    Congratulations to Lucy and Sophie on getting accepted at the universities they applied for. Even if Lucy decides to do an apprenticeship instead, it's a great achievement.
    Hope it wasn't to cold for you at the bungalow today and that Parents evening goes well. I'm glad you decided to go today. Mind you the girls don't have much longer at school now do they.

  8. Hi all. sorry being late but this day have gone in a haze and even if I slept over twelve hours my day has been a funny one and nothing been done.
    Love the card and box you made Lynda,nice touches with the pictures. Don't think I ever been able to sit like that Sandra hihi Hope you take it slowly and be more careful.Congrats to the girls, they will go far you see.
    Lilian- hope you not in too much pain and the bruises starting to fade. Gentle hugs for you.
    Many hugs and love to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Sounds like you've been out of sorts today. I hope tomorrow will be better for you.

    2. Thank you Maria for your comment on my card. Hope your feeling better. Hug's my friend xx

  9. So sorry Sandra thank you for showing my New home card. Glad you liked it.
    Love Lynda xx
