
Friday 9 February 2018

Something Floral For Friday

Good Morning Ladies,

Our Floral cards for this Friday are 2 of Lynda's cards, the second one is the card that Lynda made for Pat's Birthday, Pat loved it and sent me a photo of it to share with you today.

The first card is one of Lynda's beautiful blended background cards, this time she used Distress Oxide 'Fossilized Amber' then dried it and then added 'Fired Brick' and blended it over the top, it has created such a pretty shade, lots of warm oranges and yellows but light enough to be Spring colours rather than the darker autumn shades.
Lynda then stamped 'Sheena's' Poppy Stamp over the top and coloured with Watercolours.
You could use this card for any occasion Lynda, from a 'Get Well Soon' card to a 'Just Because', leaving cards without sentiments is really useful as you have always got a card to hand whatever the occasion.

Now onto Pat's Birthday card, for this card Lynda created another amazing background, I actually thought it was one of Lynda's favourite 'Northern Lights' papers to be honest, because it was blended so perfectly it looks printed. 
The Chrysanthemum flowers are Sue Wilson Dies as is the die cut in the middle, Lynda cut the flowers from the same coloured paper (coloured with Distress Oxide) to match the background, the sentiment is from the 'Beautiful You' Stampin'Up! Stamp set.
Pat absolutely loved this card and was amazed by the amount of work you put into it Lynda.  

Thank you Pat for sharing your birthday card and a Huge thank you to Lynda for making two fantastic Floral cards.

I'm sure you can guess how my day is going to spent!  I hope whatever you are doing you have a fantastic day xx

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lynda-WOW... two amazing cards, the backgrounds on both of them are stunning.

    Sandra-hope your day goes quickly., not much longer now. Your new unit will be here very soon-most exciting.

    Interviewing yesterday was fine-tiring though. The successful candidate has already had a phone call (& accepted the job) plus we got a message late in the afternoon to say we could recruit a second person so someone else will be getting a phone call offering them a job.
    I’m very glad it’s Friday as it’s been a hectic, tiring week.


    1. Hi Michele
      That was a quick decision on hiring somebody wasn't it. I'm glad they took the appointment, and a lovely surprise that you can employ another person.
      I expect you have to decide whether the person you employ will fit in with the ladies already employed.

    2. Thank you Michele
      For your lovely comment on my cards.
      The decision on hiring somebody was really quick & good you can employ a second person. I'm pleased they both took the position.xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    LYNDA- two beautiful cards and yes so much work on PAT's birthday card but my favourite is the Poppy. These are one of the flowers which always make my heart beat faster.

    I'm afraid it's that swearing day again and to make matters worse the piano tuner is coming this afternoon for his annual visit. This means that I have to move some of my crafting stuff as I craft very close to the piano and so of course use it to put things on. So I'd better get a move on this morning.

    The CAFE is OPEN - usual hours so you can pop in whenever you want.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all and should be arriving early today if they've caught the wind we have xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      You've extra work to do today if you need to clear the piano off. Petes friend who lives opposite us is a piano tuner. He seems to travel everywhere for his job. So I'm assuming that piano tuners are few and far between. Hope you have a restful rest of the day.

    2. Thank you so much Janet for your lovely comment on my cards.
      I also love Poppy's.
      Hope piano tuner turned up after you moved all your craft stuff.
      Hug's xx

  3. Morning ladies.
    LYNDA. Two beautiful cards today. Love the flowers on both but adore the poppies.x

    Off to craft club in an hour. Those that have John Lockwood media plates are taking them in today with ink pads stencils stamps etc and we're all having a play. It will be a messy few hours I think.
    I was in my craft room until after 8 last night finishing these darn pop up boxes. One was for a 9year old with either horses or gymnastics as the theme. Really!!! They got balloons and feathers with a couple of horses and if they don't like it - tough. I'm really professional aren't I ha ha.
    Well off to pack my bag.
    Have a good day ladies. Hugs to all not so well today.
    Lilian good to read you're well enough to irons
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val thank you for your lovely comment on my cards.
      Sounds like your going to have messy fun at craft club.
      Hug's xx

  4. Oh LYNDA two beautiful cards today and yesterday’s was gorgeous too
    Sorry I didn’t pop in yesterday but had huge problems with Blogger and internet
    I really feel for you SANDRA I cannot believe how much chaos having a kitchen re-fit is causing Admittedly we’re extending it into part of the garage too and we’re having downstairs loo done too Most of the kitchen is in my craft room plus the spare bedroom and dining area
    Than goodness we’re going away next week
    My local cafe is getting a lot of my custom this week
    Take care all Thinking of you even if I don’t specifically comment xx

    1. Hi Karen
      Hope your new kitchen doesn't take to long. But as you said the other day the men are working extremely hard. Lovely that you can have a downstairs loo built as well. We could do with a downstairs loo as well. However, despite new saying get a builder in to have a look, he doesn't think have no space to put one in. Our under the stairs cupboard door opens up in the living room. The bottom of the kitchen is behind a door we don't use is in the living room as well. Plus we'd have nowhere to put the washing machine.

    2. Hi Karen thank you for liking my cards.
      What a lot of work going on in your house. Must be hard keeping the dust down. Hug's xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Great cards from Lynda today. I really like the first one with the Poppies. However, I simply loved the one she sent to me. I bought some of these inks at Ally Pally along with Sandra. However, I've yet to take the cellophane off of them.
    Had a great time Grooving yesterday in Abingdon. No not dancing Karen, wish it was though. I always loved dancing but sadly you can't dance on your own unless your line dancing. Crikey forgot about that, wish we still had a class near us.
    I degress from my Grooving. I started a piece that consists off different size boxes. Took a bit of working out at first until I got the hang of what I was doing. Filled most of the boxes in. Did some pricking out of a pattern and did some cutting out work on it. Need a 4 needle tool bold to do some more at home. Carole didn't gave a spare one for me to buy so I need to order one. However, as Clarity have a members sale on the moment orders are taking quite a while. I also did a music themed card that I just need to mount.
    She had different projects for us to do. Such a clever lady as she'd designed her own frames for the parchment work on her sillouette. All depending when Pete's brothers 70th birthday is in March ( can't remember off the top of my head ) I might try and make him a birthday card in parchment. She also lets us use her plates, so we don't have to buy loads of stuff just the essentials now.

    1. Hi Pat thank you for your comment on my cards. Glad you liked your birthday one. You seem to be doing well with your parchment craft. I must give mine a go again only used it once.
      Hug'sfor you both xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I'm going to keep this brief as I've just lost a long message to cyberspace as I did yesterday.

    SANDRA hope you are not still in pain after the fall .xx

    LYNDA I love the New Home card you make, it is a real keepsake.
    WOW today's cards are lovely, love Pats birthday card, and the Poppy card beautiful.

    Wishing you all a good day,
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Thank you so much Brenda for your lovely comment.
      It's so annoying when we lose comment's mine usually disappeare.
      Hug's xxx

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    This morning I went to see the Ostio doctor who sent me for MRI scan on my lower back. It appears on the bottom left of my spine I have a bulge coming off it which he said are compressing on the nerves which is causing my pain on lower back & down the left he is sending me to see a surgeon he said he may give me a injection to relieve the pain. Also sending me to the pain clinic.regarding the pain in my feet he thinks it's diabetic neuropathy.
    So will see what happens.we popped in a friend on way home then Tesco I wanted more slimming bits for dinner.
    I'm now going in my craft room to do challenge card & take my mind off my pains & tinnitus is driving me nuts. Also Terry is 💤💤💤😴 So load.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Sandra thank you for showing my two cards today & for your lovely comment. I love the distress oxide ink pads they blend lovely. I only got a couple to try. So hopefully gets some at Ally Pally.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lynda,
      Two beautiful cards from you today, both lovely in their own right.
      I am pleased you have an answer at last to the pain in back & leg. I had similar problem 2003 & eventually had operation to release the nerves, next day I felt painfree, marvellous. Hope you get some help. Hugs on

    3. Hi Margaret
      Thank you for liking my cards. Thanks I just hope the Surgeon can help me it's been at least 5years to get some help.
      Hug's for you & Pops xx

  8. Hi All, snow again this morning, what is the weather doing?

    Lynda absolutely love your cards, I’ve resisted buying the oxides till now, but when I see you beautiful backgrounds think I might have to invest later in the year.

    Managed to do my C card , used my brushoes, can’t say I like them much, they also stain your hands.

    Not much else on have to tidy my room, why does it get in such a mess to do one card. Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets in a mess making a card. I made my cc this afternoon well my craft room was like a bomb had hit it.
      Thank you for your kind comments on my cards.
      Hope your on the mend Hug's on the way.xx

  9. Congratulations MICHELE BRENDA and CHERYL It looks like you’ve won some of SW’s January launch dies

    1. Congratulations MICHELE BRENDA & CHERYL Winning on Sue's Die launch well done ladies. Xx

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing Lynda's csrds they are both lovely. I really hope you are coming to the end of cleaning. Take care hugs on way xxx
    Sue has been here today first time for 3 weeks, lovely to have a catchup. I had arranged to take my 92year old friend to Dr's so Sue drove us & it gave Pam a chance to see her & gave a chat.
    It has been a mixture of weather today, sun, rain, sleet/snow & bitterly cold wind, hope you are all safe & warm. Sending hugs to all who need them love
