
Monday 8 January 2018

Your Monday Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

Karen gave me the idea for this week's challenge, it is one that we have done before but it's a great challenge and we are all constantly updating our craft stash with new dies and stamps so it's great to have a challenge that enables us to use whatever we like. 
So I would like you to make a 'DL'  Card, which is approximately 22cm x 11cm. But as long as it looks 'tall & skinny' it doesn't matter about exact sizes. 
'DL' stands for 'Dimension Lengthwise', it is actually an envelope size that is meant to fit a piece of A4 paper folded into three. 
There you go, a little bit of 'Trivia' for you on a Monday morning! 

As always I look forward to seeing your designs, I was absolutely blown away at the amount of cards featured yesterday and how different they were, all fantastic too.

I actually made some space in my craft room yesterday, so I may get chance to sit a craft today, just for an hour or two! 

I hope you all have a fantastic day, I look forward to reading all about it later on, I think you can guess what mine will involve, yes that's right, boxes, tape and a Sharpie !! 

Love and hugs to all of you lovely ladies,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Three beautiful cards Sandra, all do different to each other. This is a great challenge as I have a lot of this size card & rarely use them now. It used to be a favourite of mine.

    We did manage to walk to the beach yesterday afternoon-oh my, it was so cold but lovely in the sunshine. It was really busy there and it was high tide when we got there. We had a short walk along the beach then walked back home. I then had a play in my craft room & actually made 2 cards!


    1. Hi Michele
      Bet it was cold along the beach even though the sun was out. Great you were able to make a couple of cards.

  2. Morning all
    I hope you like the challenge ladies I hadn’t realised we’d done DL as a challenge before I must admit it is a shape I rarely use So it’s a big challenge for me
    We went to The Range and Hobbycraft yesterday but like LYNDA there wasn’t much on offer at The Range but I did manage to get some 6x6 card blanks fro HC reduced to £2.50
    I hope you’re all getting over these nasty bugs and good luck with the Sharpie SANDRA

    1. Hi Karen
      Thanks for sorting out the challenge card today. Doesn't really matter that it's been done before. Looks like we'll all have to travel to Michele's The Range as they seem to have all the bargains.

  3. Morning Everyone
    from a very very deep frosty morning here.

    SANDRA- good Challenge for this week and I love your inspirational cards.
    Thinking cap on and hopefully something will

    Definitely an indoors day for me so washer already churning away and then Mr Tesco is due soon. After that hopefully a bit of crafting otherwise nothing too exciting.

    The CAFE is nice and warm already so pop in for a lovely cup of something hot to warm your hands.
    HUGS on their way to you all with extras for Dear Friends suffering colds and bugs. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Thanks for warming up the cafe today. It's not frosty today here but it's very cold. It was frosty late last night, but it must have warmed up before we got up this morning.

  4. Morning ladies,

    DL for the challenge this week, good job I have some in my stash. As Michele said, all the rage years ago, my stash cards must be at least 10 years old. They will be just the right size for all the striplets I have been collecting. Hope fully if all goes to plan and I get the cutting out this morning done then I will have a bit of time after lunch to have a go before the sewing commences.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I'm assuming that if your still sewing the Panto hasn't started yet.

  5. Morning everyone.
    Love the cards and as you have not made many DL cards for a looong time so if you can believe it I just got a epiphany Lol
    I wish all who have a cold and cough that you feeling better soon.
    It's cold but like to go out somewhere so hoping on hubby to be happy to take me, not sure yet if it's working.
    Warm hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Pssst, I saw Farnborough is not on this Spring which is a shame for many of you because I know you love that one so wondering if anyone thinking of going to Stevenage Stamperama ? it's only on the Sunday the 11/2 from 10 am-4 pm x

    2. It is a shame Farnborough has been cancelled I would like to go to Stamparama in Feb as it is so close to me BUT 11th is MIL’s birthday so not sure of plans for that day

    3. Hi Maria
      Hope you managed to persuade Rick to take you out today. We went into Witney first thing but it was to cold to stay out for long.

  6. Morning Sandra and all,
    Great challenge and pretty card for this week. Made 2 DL Valentine cards so quickly photographed them whilst in the shop this morning and will send them to you later Sandra.
    Lyn and I just got back from the hairdressers so I'm doing Lynn's ironing this afternoon while she packs hers and Pauls cases. I don't usually do their ironing but Lynn fell over yesterday and has pulled a muscle in her knee which is painful so she's sitting down with her foot on a stool and an ice pack firmly in place.

    Hope everyone with a nasty bug soon feels well and all those germ free at the moment continue to stay like that. Hugsxxx

    Stay healthy and warm.
    Love Valxxx

  7. Good morning Sandra & everyone
    Good challenge today Sandra. Your cards are lovely x
    Boy it's cold this morning dull &windy. We went down to the harbour yesterday & watched the sea crash up & over the sea wall. Many people got wet walking to near the railings the waves were so powerful. Not sure what's on the cards today oh yes IRONING I was trying to forget that 😩. After that crafting yay.
    Would you believe it turned on computer yesterday & yes more updates Grrrr
    Hopefully they have finished now 🙃.what delights will find. I will go & see now
    Love Lynda xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Lovely samples of DL cards Sandra. Thank you for giving my mojo a kick start with this weeks challenge.

    VAL Hope Lynn will be ok to travel. Enjoy your holiday.xx

    Think I will go and look at my craft stash, maybe I will get some inspiration for this weeks challenge.

    Hope everyone is keeping snug and warm, Hugs Brenda xxx

  9. I should have said earlier I love your cards SANDRA All my kinda cards DL are perfect for Striplet dies as (was it CHERYL?) said I noticed one of yours SANDRA had my all time favourite
    I hope to use this challenge to make a work colleagues’s card BUT DL may not be big enough...

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love the three cards you've done Sandra. Not my usual style DL cards, but I did make a couple off them last Christmas. The striplet are made for these cards. Good luck with the sharpie today. It's mega cold today and Pete's gone out to the shed. He asked if I wanted to help. I declined. I don't think he'll be out there long though.

  11. Hmmm having trouble publishing today. Blogger is very slow. I've also noticed that there's no live feed either today.

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra love your 3 cards & the challenge this week, hope to have a go with my new Stampin Up goodies I received on Friday plus try new inks. I am so pleased that they have some small sized ones in new catalogue, for some reason I do not get on with the big ones. Hope the packing going
    Karen thank you for helping Sandra with the challenge this week. Hope you are feeling better now, hugs on
    Maria hope you talked OH into going out, it was miserable & misty here all day, more like November, hugs on
    Went out to lunch with Book Club ladies today, had roast beef that just melted in your mouth, lovely.
    Val hope Lyn's foot improves before Wednesday, xxx
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  13. Hi All, cold and very dull, can’t wait for spring to come.

    Sandra love the three cards from you today, love th d/l cards, but don’t make many now.

    Have been doing a jigsaw that I had for Christmas, managed to get it finished this evening, so now I can get my craft table back.

    Sorry to be late again, I’ll see you all tomorrow, hugs Lilian
