
Tuesday 9 January 2018


Good Morning Ladies,

I absolutely love the effect that I have see people get with Brusho's, Stampin'Up! Have included some in their latest catalogue so I thought i would get some and have a go!!!

Well I can definitely confirm one thing, a little goes a very long way!  They are a lot more ,'granular' than pixie powders, my goodness me the colour is so intense as they are pure pigment.
The method I friends first was one I had seen on YouTube, you opened up an Embossing Folder and sprinkled the dry powders on the side that has the writing on, I chose the Floral folder from the latest Spring/Summer catalogue called 'Petal Pair', I sprinkled in a little sea green, orange and yellow, ran it through machine and then spritzed the piece lightly With a mister, this just brings the powders to live, the colours pop like magic and start blending together. 
My design is a little 'abstract' but I was determined to make it into a card (mainly as it's two predecessors went in the bin! Lol
I mounted my finished piece onto complimentary colour card and then mounted onto a card base, adding a simple 'Just for You'.

I think no problem is that I am a bit of a perfectionist, I like things neat a ordered and this style of crafting is the opposite!
It is fun though, you honestly don't know what you are going to get each time you spritz! 

Hoping to see Sue today, hopefully we can get some crafting done.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    I live the card today Sandra, the background is a colour exploded-it looks fantastic.

    Yesyeas so busy at work-I didn’t go fir my lunch until-14:35!! The afternoon certainly went quickly. I’m in a meeting all morning on the other hospital site so it means an early start for me. Back to my usual place of work this afternoon though.


    1. Hi Michele. I hope the meeting isn't too boring today x

    2. Hi Michele
      Better to be busy as it makes the time go quicker. Hope your meeting this morning isn't to boring.

  2. I know what you mean SANDRA When I used PP’s for the first time I thought I don’t know if I like this and then all of a sudden I was using a PP’d background on everything I love it SANDRA it looks very effective
    I will have a go with this technique with PP’s
    Enjoy your day with SUE
    Don’t work too hard MICHELE
    I’m in the cafe enjoying some toast and a lovely coffee before I go into work and then this afternoon I hope to do some crafting

    1. Hi Karen. I think you make beautiful backgrounds with your PPs. Wish I could 😏 Have a nice crafty afternoon x

    2. Hi Karen
      I hope you manage to get some crafting done this afternoon. Hope your feeling a bit better today.

  3. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- what an explosion of colour. Although this is not my style I appreciate the effect you achieved is very eye catching.

    I seem to be getting later these days in the CAFE but you all know where everything is so you can all help yourselves.

    Not quite sure what's on the cards for today.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. You care for the Café so well and we all know where everything is so don't go rushing to get in. These dark cold mornings don't make you feel like getting on do they! X

    2. Hi Janet
      Dull and wet here today. Had to get up early this morning for the hospital. We haven't had an earlish appointment at the hospital in a long tine. Well apart from when he was on the trial anyway. The A40 was good today, not to sure why as the A34 had big queues due to and accident. Plus the A44 as well. A double accident on the one, each side of the carriageway in the same place would you believe. Queues of about 1 and a half hrs. Hope everyone was alright.

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a bright card to greet us on such a dark miserable morning, it is a technique I have yet to try, well done. Hope you get to see
    It is soo dark this morning I have been waiting to take Star out, hope to play Petanque this morning.
    Must get on sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Mum. I hope you manage to play this morning. Its raining here at the moment and really cold so wrap up well please. Love you xxxx

  5. Morning ladies,

    Your explosive technique looks just like what Milly-May would do with her crayons. She loves a splash of colour on her whiteboard too. I cannot see what she has done but she tells me it is a picture of Mummy & Daddy, bless her, so I have to agree with her politely. Next time the weather is clearer I shall teach her to see shapes in the clouds, nothing beats lying on your back with the sun warm on your face and letting your imagination run riot. Oh what castles in the air you can see.

    Hugs to all still under the weather, I think I have turned the corner with this cold bug malarkey, I feel a lot brighter than I have on previous mornings. It really knocked me for six over the weekend.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl. I hope your fridge is working properly now. How lovely to teach Milly-May to see pictures in the clouds. We have done that with al of ours too 😊
      I'm glad you are starting to feel better, don't over do it though please x

  6. Morning ladies,
    A real WOW card this morning Sandra. It's not particular style but I love the blending of colours.
    Just a quick visit as just about to put all 3 cats in their carriers to take them to the lovely gentleman who will look after them for two weeks. Then it's back home to take Gracie to the couple who look after her. It's real home from home and she gets well looked after even goes for a run on the beach every day and sleeps on their bed at night but I do get upset leaving her.
    We're going out for lunch later, then it's packing away the last few things and an early night as it's a cracking of dawn start tomorrow.
    Will try and use the Internet over there but don't know what the reception is like.
    Keep healthy and warm everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. I hope you have managed to get all of the cats and Gracie settled in their holiday homes. Of course you miss them.but at least you know they are well cared for. I hope you have safe and trouble free journeys and a lovely holiday x

    2. Hi Val
      I hope your animals get settled in ok. It's lovely to have people who'll look after them for you. Enjoy your holiday.

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Neat and tidy is so much easier to do isn't it but you have made a lovely card with the Brusho topper. I haven't seen them.being used this way but I do like the embossed effect. See you in a while.
    Its good to see that all of the coughs and colds are starting to clear up at last.
    Lynda, I hope you're not too bad and that Terry is behaving himself x
    I must get on. I'm expecting to walk into Sandra's and be handed tape, boxes and a marker pen 😀
    Wrap up when you go out as it is really cold and wet/damp here. Not nice at all 😖
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue have a lovely day with Sandra today. No leap frogging over the boxes 📦 😂😂 hope you have lot's of crafting & chatting.
      Sending you Hug's xxx

  8. Morning ladies.
    Loving this colourful card Sandra. Trying to find my pixie powders to have a play but not sure where I put them hmmm.
    Karen and Michele- have a good day at work.
    Anyone taking your dog for a walk this morning, go carefully. Pretty wet and dark outside so wrap up warm.
    Val- have a wonderful time away and hope you alright for the travelling.
    Cheryl- loved laying on the grass looking up to see what animals etc you could see in the clouds. Just yesterday I saw a hippo ,oh no it was me in the mirror hihihi
    Glad to hear you getting better. How's the freezer doing ?
    Janet- I had a hot chocolate and some toast this morning and left the money in the pot, didn't like to use the till because I think we got one like the one in 'Open all hours' Lol Hope you both ok and Jim's friend is alright.
    Sue- hope you ok and can get over to Sandra's today for some fun.
    Margaret- hugs for you and Pop.Cuddles to Star.
    Brenda- sending you and John big hugs.
    Lynda- hope Terry is getting better and do take it easy,or else :>)
    Pat and Pete- take care
    Off out but hope to do some crafting this afternoon. Have a good day all whatever you doing ,
    Love Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Thanks Terry still not listening about resting he said he feels a bit better so he did hoovering & it was back to ouch I shouldn't have done that.
      Have FUN playing with your Pixie powders 🤡 Xxx

    2. Hi Maria
      I hope you manage to find your pixie powders. I can never find anything as my craftroom is in such a mess. Looks like we see Prof Prothero every month while Pete is on the Radium. Mind you we get to see him quicker that you would normally. The waiting room was absolutely packed out this morning at 9.45.

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Great pop of colour on your card today. Not quite my style although I've done this with inks and water. Theatre not so vibrant as yours though. Prefer to stick to ink and water myself.
    Just returned from hospital after an appointment with Prof Prothero. The cancer in his bones is still active but hasn't progressed into his organs yet. Which is a good sign. Blood tests again on Monday ready for his Radium treatment on Tuesday. We seem to have 2 appointments every week this month. Then some weeks 3 appointments next month.
    Lynda, I hope Terry's behaving himself if you've untied him today.

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra I hope you and Sue get to meet up today. She will be a great distraction from the packing!!!

    Love the effect you have created with your Brusho’s. I’ve never used them, maybe I could try and see what I could achieve with my Pixie Powders. Does anyone know if they work in a similar way? I would appreciate any input xx

    New sofas have been inspected by an independent upholster, he agrees with our issues. So now we wait for the company we bought them from to get in contact. It’s the waiting game ... such is life !!!

    Our weather is dull and damp today, not the sort of day that tempts you do anything other than stay indoors and keep snug and warm.

    Take care , Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Brusho's do work the same as Pixie powder's I think Brusho's are a lot more vibrant in colour than Pixie powders,that's the only difference I think really I have both. Sometimes I mix them for a different look.
      Hope that helps Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Brusho doesn’t have any mica, which I think Pixie powders have I think, I haven’t used the pixie powders.

    3. I think like the others have said PP’s will work but maybe not quite so intense as Brusho I have never tried them with an embossing folder So
      I’m going to have a play

    4. Hi Brenda
      I'm glad the independent upholsterer agrees with you judgement. I wonder what the company come back with. Haven't used PPs nor Brusho only inks and water. But the Brusho looks very vibrant to me. Petes joining Terry as usual in the land of nod. Having problems with my publish button as it takes quite a few goes to actually publish.

  11. Hello Sandra & Everyone
    SANDRA I love your card gorgeous colour's with your brusho's. I haven't put them through a embossing folder so must give that ago haven't played with them for a while so think they will see daylight again soon.
    Hope you have a lovely day with Sue chatting & crafting enjoy.xx
    I have finished ironing & housework. So now I can get in craft room.
    I'm having trouble getting my photos onto EBay for selling. I'm doing it the same way as usual so not sure if it's anything to do with all the Windows 10 updates over the last two day's but hay-ho I won't let it beat me.
    So I'm off to have ago.
    VAL have a lovely Holiday safe journey hope your four paws have settled in their holiday homes ok Hug's on the way.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Hope you manage to get your stuff onto EBay soon. The iPad wants to do an update, but after the trouble akaren and Brenda have had, I'm loath to do so. I hope Terry is behaving himself.

    2. Hi Lynda
      I see from your comment that Terry didn't behave himself as he overdid it with the hoovering,

    3. Hi Pat
      No he's not being very good I will have to get some chain with pad lock 🔐 HaHa. Hope hospital appointments are going well
      Sending you both some Hug's xx

    4. Hi Lynda
      Haha take a picture of Terry in chains. Especially like the padlock bit. Cancers still active but not in his Lymph Nodes nor his organs which it at least one good point I suppose.

  12. Hi All, very cold and damp here.

    Sandra lovely card, must admit I have Brusho but never had much success, will have another try.

    O/H is away for a couple of days, so hope to spend some in my craft room.

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

  13. Hi Lilian
    It's the same here in Oxfordshire. Not very nice at all. Hope you manage to get into your Craftroom.

    1. Hi Lilian
      Hope your feeling better now. Spend lots of time in your craft rioom
      While Hubby's away take care. Hug's xx
