
Wednesday 10 January 2018

Lots Of Happy Thank you

 Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is so much fun to create, it's from a Stampin'Up! Kit called " Lots of Happy" card kit, you get everything you need in the kit, including Stamps, Stamping Block, Watercolour Pencils, Ribbon, lots of Card Bases and Envelopes, a Black Ink Pad, loads of images and toppers to colour in, plus extras like Vellum leaves, it call comes in a lovely, sturdy box which is perfect for 'Altering'. I have added a photo of the kit below.....

Lots of Happy Card Kit

I decided to add some bright colours to my card, I used the 'Berry Burst' and 'Lemon Line Twist' to colour the flowers, and the same colour Stampin'Up! Card for matting and layering, I used the 'Thank You' from 'Vertical Greetings' SU stamp set for my sentiment, stamped on to white card in 'Berry Burst'  ink,
I then added to little die cut flowers from the kit, coloured to match and the same with the foliage.  I tied a 'Berry Burst' Foil Edged ribbon bow and brushed Wink of Stella' over for a little sparkle.
I hope you like it .

Sue and I had lunch out at the same place we went to when Pat, Sue and I met for the first time, although it was Co-op then and it's now Asda, I was so nice to get out for a little while, one thing I miss now that Paul no longer works shifts.
When we got back we played with the Brusho's for a while, sprinkling them over Shaving Foam, spritzing and generally. Making a mess, although She manage to go home with clean hands mine were every shade of peacock!  Thank you for a lovely afternoon Sue. XXX

Today I get to do it all again with Pat !!

Lilian I hope you found time to play in your craft room, I find mine is my sanctuary on those long quiet days, can't wait to see what you made. XXX

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card, I love the colours & the shape.

    Yesterday’s meeting was ok, didn’t get back to the other hospital site until 13:45 so it was another late lunch. Caught up with a few things then it was time to finish. Called at the Post Office to send some eBay sales items out then headed home. Couldn’t concentrate on my book so I ended up watching TV.
    I have a Rep coming to see me at 10am this morning and it’s looking like it’s going to be a busy day. At least it will soon be the weekend!


    1. Heehee aYou sound just like my future son in law Evenin Mondays he says “it’ll soon be the weekend”

    2. Hi Michele
      Crikey Michele don't wish the tine away. It's going quickly as it is.

  2. Morning Everyone
    It looks a though we're going to have another day like yesterday -it never really got daylight at all. This morning we have rain and fog so a really miserable start.

    SANDRA- a beautiful card and I love the shape. It's nice to see different shapes other than just square ones.

    VAL=have a lovely holiday although you're probably on your way by now.
    MARIA- you're right our till is just like the one in 'Open All Hours' so much so that I never use it
    CHERYL- I loved looking up at the clouds and finding pictures also sitting by the fire and doing the same. I still look at clouds and see wonderful things but of course open fires are rare these days.
    LYNDA- I hope TERRY is still behaving himself and is feeling a little better.
    PAT- you and PETE must feel as though you're meeting yourselves coming back some days. Our Friend jokes that he just might ask the hospital if they have a cupboard he can stay in when it's treatment week or perhaps look for a room to rent lol.

    JIM is on duty today as it's clinic day for our Friend and then treatment starts again on Monday for 7days.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual so pop in for a chat and a cuppa. Everyone is always welcome.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with raincoats on this morning.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I also see shapes in clouds. I think a lot of people do that. When I was little I used to see horrid shapes in the evenings that I used to hide. I had a curtain across a recess in my bedroom. I used to see horrid shapes in that also. At least I've grown out of that.
      Yes, my fingers have been caught in the till as well. And yes, I feel that we need to rent a room in the hospital. Between Oncology and Dermatology we're up at the Churchill 3 appointments per week.

  3. Morning ladies,

    Another greyish blue sky today, no clouds to make my castles.

    Your new kit looks very interesting Sandra. Lote of items in it.

    My fridge is now working fine, apparently it was something to do with the prongs inside the plug. It's now on another socket too and luckily it was only the bread items that had defrosted.
    I am feeling much more cheerful and brighter today, the raspy, briar bush feeling in my throat has disappeared, every time I swallowed it hurt so much and I can enjoy my food again as my taste buds have woken up too. The cough is still there but not as harsh more of an annoyance.

    Hugs to all
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Pleased your freezer problem has been sorted. And you are feeling better today. xx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      I'm glad your freezer has been sorted out. Glad to hear as well that your feeling much better today. I've still got a bit of a cough left over from last year. I get the feeling it's never to go away. There's nothing in my throats so I know it's nothing sinister at least.

  4. Morning everyone
    I’m going to echo JANET I read every comment with interest but might not always reply/post on individuals AND I’d I’d only be repeating what JANET has said I do think about you all
    I need to get a move on I’ll pop back later

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra love the card today, I really must have a look at these kits they seem to be good value for money, in particular when I get 20% off for being demonstrator, well worth it. Pleased to hear you & Sue went out for lunch & did some crafting, I cannot believe Sue went home with clean hands!!! Enjoy your time with Pat
    Not playong Petanque this morning Pop has Dr's appointment at 11.30, hope he is not too long supposed to be out to lunch with Petanque friends at 12.45, must not complain the Dr he is seeing spends time on her patients which these days is good to see.
    Must get on sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      I hope Alan's appointment went well and you managed to get to the lunch with your friends.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    This kit looks very interesting lots of scope for using your own imagination as well as all the extras. This would be a great starter set for a beginner I know lots of serious crafters would enjoy it to.

    Hope you are having a great day with Pat.

    VAl if you look in, hope your journey was good and the hotel is lovely. xx

    Sending hugs to everyone, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      We had a lovely ride out this afternoon for lunch.

  7. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Well not sure what's happened to the comment I did this morning !!! It's been zapped.
    We both had doctors appointments this morning mine was for Diabetic 💉Test & had to book for Diabetic nurse for next week Terry's was for asthma clinic. Them we popped home & got Bailey & Rea for a walk on the beach it was a beautiful day sun was shinning & quite warm I sat on the bench as can't walk on the sand.Popped to post office then home for lunch. Went in craft room put a few more bits on ebay & have to take more photos. Tried my cc but didn't like it so that went in bin.
    Sandra gorgeous card love the bury burst & lime twist card you have used think I nead some of those colour's,the kit looks good I do like them.
    VAL if your looking in you must be all settled by now trust you had a good journey enjoy your time in the UK Hug's on the way.
    Now I must start dinner so try & pop back later.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I'd forgotten yoyr dogs names. But Bailey is what the girls called the cat they got while their Mum was at work. This was Livy this time, she wanted a cat for Christmas and Karen ( her Mum ) said no, we have enough animals as it is. 6 cats, 4 dogs, 1 Chicken ( the others died) 4 rabbits and 2 gerbils. Plus 2 horses. Not in the house, the horses I mean they live in a field. Then someone was advertising the kitten and Amy drove Amber and Livy to pick her up.
      Sounds like you had a lovely walk by the sea.

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card today and I got to see it in the flesh. Sandra has 18 boxes of craft stuff, but her craftroom doesn't look like it's been touched I must say.
    We went out to Aston Pottery and had lunch, looked around the shop afterwards.
    There's a who har regarding the Churchill hospital which is a centre of excellence for Cancer treatments in our itv news. Apparently they are supposed to be withholding or delaying cancer treatment due to staff shortages. Well we've not seen any of this. Yes, waiting rooms are fuller than they used to be, so waiting times are longer in clinics. But you still get the same care as far as we can see.

  9. Hi, we have had a lovely sunny day.
    I was sure I posted this morning, but isn’t here, so must have forgotten to press publish.

    Sandra lovely card, the set looks very interesting, but at the moment I’m trying not to spend as before Christmas I bought a new sewing machine which was quite expensive (retirement present to myself).

    Spent sometime in my craft room yesterday, playing with paints, most of which went in the bin, so went back to using paper and die cuts, have sent card to Sandra.
    Hope everyone is getting over the horrible bugs that are about, hugs Lilian

  10. Hi Lilian
    We had a lovely day as well in Oxfordshire. How lovely that you bought yourself a retirement present. Wish I'd thought of that when I retired.
