
Thursday 11 January 2018

Pretty Thinking of you card

Good Morning Ladies,

How can it be Thursday already, this week has absolutely flown by and we haven't got nearly has much done this week as I'd hoped but never mind. It will get done eventually.

Today's card is a Magnolia flower, the stamp is from the 'Remarkable You' Stamp set, it has some beautiful flower images including Cala Lillie's which you don't always see in stamp sets.
Remarkable You

I coloured my stamp with the Stampin'Up! Blender Pens, dipping into the Powder Pink Ink Pad to load it with colour, I used Old Olive for the stem, I them stamped the image onto Whisper White card and die cut, i then cut a mat of Old Olive and a narrower mat of Powder Pink, then popped onto a Whisper White card base.  I then added a piece of Sparkle Powder Pink Ribbon and added a die cut label with my 'Thinking of you' sentiment, stamped in powder pink. 
Quite a quick, simple card but I think it's quite pretty.

Pat and I went out for lunch to nearby Aston Pottery, it's  a lovely place, very busy yesterday though. Wow had a lovely lunch that filled me up for the rest of the day, Pat had Broccoli and Potato Soup with A chunk o Wholemeal Bread and I had a New York Deli Ciabatta sandwich that had Mustard Mayo Roast Beef and Cheddar (Melted) with gherkins and Red Cabbage Coleslaw and Salad.  We then had a browse around the shop, which has some lovely gift ideas, that I am sure I have seen abroad at half the price!  Thank you for a lovely trip out Pat.

Well I'm off to pack a box, if any of you have pictures of cards that you'd like me to share please send them in as I am going to have to schedule some blog posts for when we move in as we won't have internet access for a couple of days. So I would be really grateful for any cards to help fill some posts, thank you x

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a really pretty card, such lovely spring colours.

    Hubby has got Flu-he went back to bed yesterday after turning his work computer off which is absolutely unheard of. He’s been banished to the spare bedroom!

    I normally go to Tesco on Thursdays but I’ll come straight home & see if hubby is feeling like eating as I’d taken some Pork Chops out of the freezer for tea last nights meal so they’re still in the fridge.
    Another busy day at work yesterday, I’m not looking forward to today as both my managers are off so I think it’s going to get a bit hectic.


    1. Hi Michele, wishing you hubby speedy recovery. Heard that the flu jab they given us won't help against this flu virus. I hope he doesn't get too bad and you not getting it. take care xx

    2. I hope your husband gets over this nasty bug soon

  2. Morning Everyone
    Once again this week it's still dark here with clear skies and cold.

    SANDRA- a pretty delicate card with a lovely subject.

    I have some pictures to take this morning and send off to Sandra and then it's hairdresser day. I don't have to go out for hairdressing as Julie comes to me. She told me last month that I was her longest client and that she has been cutting my hair for 32yrs. I really couldn't take it in but when I thought about it yes it's that long!! I knew Julie when she was in secondary school and when she left she went to start her Apprenticeship at my local hairdresser. I was asked if I would let her cut my hair and I followed her when she moved shops and 21yrs ago she had a Daughter and branched out on her own doing house calls. I wonder if anyone has stayed with one hairdresser as long.

    The CAFE is OPEN and just waiting for you to pop in for a chat. I hope you don't mind SANDRA but coffee/tea are 'free of charge' today lol.

    HUGS are on their way to you all.xxxx

    1. That is lovely I hate having my hair cut So to find somebody you like and last that Long is amazing

    2. Hi Janet, that's a long time with the same hairdresser. I have been with the same salon for about 20 years now but not always with a same hairdresser. I was lucky today though for I went for a haircut too and got Robert and he has magic fingers when washing you hair,wow hihi. hugs xx

    3. Hi Janet
      Well my hairdresser Tracey's eldest daughter is 23years old and she's been coming to us before she was born. She gad to go into hospital for 3 mths before she was born. Pete jokingly told her she was most inconsiderate having to go into hospital and so couldn't cut our hair.
      She cuts and blow dries mine, cuts Pete's and charges us £12.00. It's been that price for as long as I can remember.

  3. Where did yesterday go
    I didn’t get half of the stuff done I wanted to!
    Again it’s so dark here So hope it brightens up so ai can take a photo of the scarf ai have just finished and then it’s Craft Club tonight
    Take care all xx

    1. Hi Karen. Sound like you got the same weather as us because we haven't seen the sun for days and I feel like staying under the duvet and do nothing. This time of year is pretty hard. Have fun tonight. Workshop here has gone up £ 10 so not sure if I go and she also have some famous people joining so they costing £ 60/70 for a day so really have to think if it's worth it. hugs xx

    2. I agree re workshops I’d rather save that money and spend it on craft stuff

  4. Hi, it’s a beautiful sunny day here.

    Lovely card Sandra, glad you had a nice time with Pat, your meals sound yummy.

    Up early this morning , as our new dinning table was being delivered, must admit John Lewis delivery service is excellent, you get half hour phone call before they come. Half to put the legs on , so I’ll keep clear while R is doing it.
    DIY does not come natural to him.

    Will see if I can find some cards that you haven’t seen, not done much lately.

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

    1. My OH is useless at anything like that I still have holes in my walls covered by pictures to hide them

    2. Hi Lilian
      I hope your dining table was delivered today and it was in proper working order so to speak. I know that Brenda wasn't happy with the state of her sofas.

  5. Sorry about the spellings, should be have to put the legs on, not short legs !!!

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Well this is the first time I've been able to open anything through the Internet. Nit to sure why though.
    Great card Sandra. We were looking at this set yesterday in your craft room weren't we. I'm glad you were able to make a card. Need to cut the sparkly things I bought for my new vase that I had for Christmas. They were very sparkly and supposed to be for Christmas but would do for any tine. Both steps won't go in together in the case so I'll have to alternate them.
    Hope you manage to get some more things packed.

    1. Hiya I hope the hospital visits go OK x

    2. Hi Karen
      Not to sure what both steps won't go in together means. Predictive text is such a faff when you don't read it back before you press publish.
      Hospitals are going ok, just a pain keeping having to go up and having blood tests the day before we go.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Don't know where my post went yesterday but it is gone so like to say that the card yesterday is lovely, love the shape, and today's card is so sweet coloured in. A nice set of flower dies.
    I received new stamps this morning from Card-io. I accidentally bought the same stamps I already had at home and just for fun I asked if it was possible to swap them and they said no problem so I am very happy with their service :>)
    Hope everything goes to plan with the move. 18 boxes of craft and more to pack ?! I believe you could open a shop Sandra and you could do a workshop with a swap shop lol
    Pat- hope the hospital want be too tiring. Do you bring something to do while Pete is in ? take care
    Lynda- sound lovely you got some sunshine and you got out for a walk. We started but then stopped again for the weather here is so miserable.
    Cheryl- take care and hope you feeling better.
    Lilian, not sure where the short legs are but how nice to get something new. Hope R have got the legs on ok. My OH is useless with any type of DIY, Son is a bit better but if any painting or decorating needed we call Ron. He getting on but have said if we need any work done he is happy to still help out. Getting a bit worried tho when he climbing on the ladder or standing on the ballister......
    Haircut and nails done so ready for some snow and fun. Hope to be able to pop in, I'm taking the lappi with me.
    I'll see you tomorrow anyway, not going until Sat. morning. have a good day everyone. Love Maria xxx

    1. Have a lovely lovely holiday

    2. Hi Maria yes it was lovely sunshine yesterday but today we are back to very dull rain & very cold ☔️💨.Hope you have a fantastic holiday my friend Hug's xx & big Hug's from Terry.xx

    3. Hi Maria
      The weathers been a bit iffy here as well. That's after the sun from yesterday. I hope you enjoy your holiday. Great to have your hair and nails done before you go. Hope this publishes but wish I didn't have to press publish half a dozen times.

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sat down to write a comment, only to realise I’ve just lost 30 minuets of my day, Yes I nodded off. This happens to often these days. Wish I could nod off as quickly when I go to bed!

    I love today’s card and the colours you have used, I must take another look at this stamp set, they would fit so many occasions and of course would never date as flowers just never go out of fashion.

    So pleased you and Pat had a lovely lunch yesterday. It sounds absolutely scrumptious and what a great distraction from all of those boxes. I’m sure you returned home feeling refreshed and ready to continue with your box challenge.

    Take care everyone, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Yes we did have a lovely time. Aston Pottery has such lovely things as well as a nice restaurant / cafe. The soup was yummy. Sandra's looked good to but I really don't like gurkins nor mustard. Wish I could nod off like that as I went to bed as well.

  9. Hi Sandra & ladies
    BRENDA your not a lone I also keep nodding off I think I'm turning into Terry 💤 hahax
    SANDRA such a pretty card it's lovely. Glad you had a nice yummy lunch with Pat yesterday. Very cold today after the lovely sunshine we had yesterday.
    Nearly finished Challenge card so send picture when finished.
    So must do that or will be to late for doing dinner
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Sounds like you are turning into Terry with all that nodding off. Pete still does that all the time. He can nod off straight after he's got up.

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra love your card today. Sounds as though you & Pat had a good time yesterday. Take
    Maria have a lovely time on holiday, have you got room for me in your suitcase? Hugs on the
    I managed to do 3 cards this afternoon, first I have done since Christmas & sent them to Sandra.
    Sending hugs to all suffering love

    1. Hi Margaret
      Sounds like you've had a lovely time making cards.
