
Friday 12 January 2018

Something Floral For Friday

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, there are some nasty flu bugs doing the rounds that seem to be knocking people off the feet for days, it makes you want to stay indoors and out of any crowds.  
I'm trying to get the girls to keep using antibacterial gel on their hands at school as they are super stressed at the moment with their Mock A Level's, combined with moving house, so they are exhausted and I believe that makes it harder to shake off these nasty bugs, fingers crossed they stay germ free !

Now onto today's card, I just love this new Stamp Set, it's one of the Sale-A-Bration stamp sets this year called 'Heartfelt Blooms'
The image looks like a photograph of the flower, the detail is unbelievable, it's such a stunning image.
I simply stamped it 3 times using 'Berry Burst' ink onto Whisper White card, I then matted and layered onto 'Berry Burst' and white card, I then took a label die cut and stamped the 'Thank You' stamp from the stamp set in Versamark ink and added Silver Embossing Powder and heat set. 
I made two slits into my label and threaded the 'Berry Burst'Foil edge Ribbon through and attached to the back of the card. 
I couldn't get the camera to pick up the bright colour on this card but you can get the idea.
Heartfelt Blooms

Paul is home today as he managed to fit all of his hours in four days this week, so we will hopefully get lots done today (fingers crossed)! 

Maria, have a lovely holiday, don't forget your thermal knickers! Lol, I look forward to seeing some lovely photos of you are Rick in the Snow, forget about diets and enjoy yourself my lovely xx

Lilian, I hope R didn't cause too much drama sorting your Dining table out, Paul is ok at these things but takes his time and I'm afraid I'm a little bit impatient, only because I'm excited to see something finished, my secret is to say "Don't worry, I'll do it myself" , that usually gets him moving! Hehe XXX

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra, lovely colours.

    Crazy busy day yesterday. Phils is still suffering & spent all dsy in bed. He got up for a shower, chatted to me for a short while then went back to bed. He’s cancelled his appointment for blood tests and cancelled his place in the golf competition tomorrow. I’m going to brave Tesco tonight to do the shopping-always seems worse in there on Fridays.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope Phil feels better soon. These bugs sure do knock you about. Good luck with the shopping tonight. We do most of ours on a Sat morning as we take Doreen to do hers as well.
      Hope today isn't to busy.

    2. Michele, I hope Phil will feel better soon, this bug just drains every ounce of energy from your body, so he’s in the best place resting in bed. Tell him not to share with you. XX

    3. I hope Phil is OK AS BRENDA has said these bugs are very draining

    4. Hi Michele. I hope Phil is starting to feel better and that Tesco wasn't too bad. Enjoy your weekend with lots of crafting time x

  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- a pretty card to finish the week. Love the colours.

    MICHELE- good luck with shopping this evening. My days of trailing round supermarket shopping are long gone in fact 7yrs gone. That's how long it is since I was in a British Supermarket. My grocery shopping is delivered every Monday morning and the cost of that far out ways being pushed and shoved and battered.The delivery boys and girls are wonderful and always so helpful.

    MARIA- have a really good R&R and I hope that all thermals etc are packed and ready.

    PAT- hope all hospital visits went OK this week and you can have a restful week-end.

    For me it's my 'swear' word again as it's Friday so I must get a move on.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual so pop in for a visit.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      We take Doreen shopping on Sat so do ours as well. I like to buy a few of anything that's on offer which we use. So I like to go and see if there's any bargains. I keep all the extras I buy in the spare room.
      But I only buy what we actually use and not anything that's on offer.
      Hospitals visits were ok but heaving with patients. We had morningish appointments this week instead of afternoons so that might be why.

    2. Hi Janet. Goodness me you must have perfected your online shop to be able to completely avoid having to go into any supermarket here!!! I wish I could do the same x

  3. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card today. Love the flowers, and it doesn't take to long to make a card either, which is a bonus.
    Hope you manage to get a lot of stuff done and you manage to persuade Paul to get rid of your unwanted items. You don't really want to be carting baby bikes etc from house to house plus all the other paraphanalia you collect over the years. Petes the same with hoarding things. I've 3 boxes of stuff all wrapped in paper in my craftroom that hasn't seen the light of day for at least 5 years. Whatever it is could either go to a charity shop or in the bin. And you can't even get into his shed let alone find anything. I could go on forever.
    Enjoy your holiday Maria and as the ladies said don't forget to pack yoyr thermals.
    Gentle hugs to all who are feeling under the weather.

    1. Pat, we have ‘stuff’ boxed up in the loft. Good forbid if anything happened to us not sure the girls would know where to start. XX

    2. I feel a bit like that BRENDA I keep saying to my OH we must have a clear out I think my pram is still in the loft!

    3. Hi Ladies
      Well Pete wanted to find a tool which ge calls footprints. It's to take the top off of our cistern. It's on a slow trickle into the pan, so every time it does that you get a shhhh sound as the cistern fills up. After an hour in the shed he managed to find them. Not in the toolbox I might add. So now he needs to take a photo of the part he needs and take it down to the plumbing shop in the morning.

    4. Hi Pat. I try to avoid having to shop at the weekends as it gets so busy. I hope Pete manages to get the cistern fixed x

  4. Great card. Laura O Springfield

  5. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    Wow SANDRA stunning card from you today. The stamp is gorgeous I think I need it HaHa. Weather very calm today slight breeze but very bright. Probably take 🐶🐻 out for a walk. Just finished house work & have my shower after my cupper. Should go Tesco's too 🛒. Later craft room is calling for a tidy up. I have to send Sandra my C card. I have another project to start.
    MARIA have a wonderful holiday thermal knickers packed. Have safe journey✈️
    VAL hope your enjoying your time in UK.
    MICHELE hope Phil feels better soon & work isn't to busy.
    LAURA nice to see you in the café pop by soon.
    Well I'm off for my Shower now. Will try & pop back later
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Have you had any sunshine to be able to enjoy your walk? It is just grey grey grey here

    2. Hope you enjoyed your walk Lynda and had some sunshine to go with it. Like Karen are skies are just grey grey grey. And we had fog first thing this morning as well.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    LOVE your card. I saw this stamp in the catalogue and really thought it was lovely and your card has convinced me it would be a very good investment to add to my stash. I didn’t need my arm twisting, did I. Ha Ha

    I hope you and Paul have a productive day, I would imagine he will be very focused and have the day planned out. Best of luck to you both. XX

    Maria, have a lovely holiday, hope you get plenty of rest and spoiled rotten. XX

    Val, hope you’re enjoying your holiday. Would love it if you could direct little sunshine our way XX

    Janet, I hope you have finished your ‘swearing’ for today and get can get on and do your own thing. XX

    Lynda, Hope your little four paws have had their exercise. Now you can get into your playroom. XX

    Wishing everybody a good day whatever you’re doing.
    Love and hugs, Brenda XXX

  7. It’s such s pretty card SANDRA That stamp looks very realistic I hope the packing is going OK
    I have done a CC but need a bit of daylight to be able to photograph it! I had plans to do more than one But from Monday I have had cystitis again! And on day 4 of antibiotics I am no better So on a different antibiotic now I hope it works as it really is beginning to be a nuisance Ho hum
    Enjoy your hols VAL and MARIA

    1. Hi Karen
      I hope the antibiotics kick in soon Karen.

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Nice card Sandra and seem easy enough to make so I might put this stamp onto my wish list. Love the colour.
    I hope after housework and shopping is done for you ladies you have a nice day and maybe can have some play and do some crafting. Enjoy the rest of the day,
    Margaret and ladies you are very much welcome to join me so if you can become Mrs Pepperpot very quickly you can get in the suitcases now before the padlocks are on Lol
    Nice to see you popping in Laura,love to see some of your crafting.
    Take care all ! warm hugs Maria xoxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Wait till the last minute to put your padlocks on your suitcase, so we can jump in. Hope you gave a great time and have some Apple Strudel and dream for me please.

  9. Hello All, lovely sunny day again here, rain tomorrow.

    Sandra such a pretty card, lovely to a new colour, I seem to be totally stuck in a rut, so much in the bin these days.

    Maria have a lovey holiday, Val hope yours is going well.

    Karen do hope your feeling a bit better, I expect you’ve got cranberry juice if you allowed it, I can’t use it with my anti coagulates. Gentle hugs.

    Lynda hope Pete is on the mend now, must be very painful.

    Well my table is still legless, going to be done tomorrow pm, I’m told.

    Hope the packing is going well Sandra, we used to have a skip each time we moved, but they are too expensive now,

    Have the appointment for my implant, it’s early Feb, and the pre op is done on the phone the week before! Not sure how that goes, and blood test have to done at local surgery.

    Have a good evening all, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian,
      Sorry if you have said before but what implant are you having? They seem to do quite a few post ops by phone these days, hope all goes well. Good luck on getting your table legs on!!
      Love Margaret xxx

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe.
    Sandra love this card, I have the stamp as my reward for spending more than £45.00 on my last order but have not used it yet. Hope you managed some packing
    Maria have a lovely holiday, will get in suitcase quickly hope it's not locked
    Sue visited today, first time I have seen her since before Christmas, so had a good catch up.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret, I’m having a heart monitor heart implant, to monitor my heart.
