
Sunday 7 January 2018

Your Challenge Cards

Good Sunday Morning My lovely Friends,

Michele chose this week's Tic Tac Toe Challenge, I think it was a fairly easy on to ease us gently back into our Craft Rooms, I was actually really pleased with my card, it turned out lovely.

So let's get on and see what you all made......


Janet, my goodness, 3 Fantastic cards from for this week's Challenge, the one that really excites me is the third card as it looks like you have stamped it all, which this time last year you wouldn't have really considered, so amazing! 

1. Shades of blue/patterned paper/ribbon

2. Embossing/shades of Green/ twine

3. Embossing / Shades of Blue/Rhinestones

3 completely different cards that work for different occasions across a wide age gap, you have been a really productive crafter this past week.  I am so grateful to you my lovely. Thank you XXX


Wow Michele. 5 fantastic cards from our Michele This week, 

1. Green/Embossing/Birthday

2. Birthday/Rhinestone/Patterned paper

3. Pink/Embossing/ Birthday

4. Embossing/Green/Twine

5. Pink/Patterned Paper/Birthday

Thank you so much for taking part my lovely, I really do appreciate it XXX


Karen has designed 3 gorgeous cards this week, 

1. This one is for first time grandparents Pink - Patterned paper - Birthday

2. New baby card to go to grandparents who live here but Baby is in Oz Pink - pearl/rhinestone - embossing

3. Thank you -patterned paper (shaving foam technique) - any shade of green

Thank you Karen making so many Challenge Cards despite feeling unwell, I am very grateful my lovely XXX


Lynda, such a pretty card, I love the rich colours you have used.

Lynda chose categories: Shades of pink/Pearls/Embossing 

It looks like you have added a beautifully embossed piece of acetate over your card base, its so effective Lynda, please let us know your method, thank you so much for taking part XXX


Lilian chose categories: Shades of Green/Embossing/Birthday
To create this beautiful card, I absolutely love the 'peacock ' shades that you have used to create this beautiful card, your cards always look like little works of art Lilian, simply stunning, thank you so much for taking part XXX


Maria has designed 2 cards for this week's challenge...

1. Shades of Pink /Embossing/ Pearls

2. Shades of Blue/Patterned Paper/Birthday

Two totally different cards Maria, both fantastic cards, your first design is so lovely, you could use this card for so many different occasions, so a perfect have in your card box, just pick it up, pop on a sentiment and that's it ! 
Maria's second card is my favourite I think, I just that beautiful background paper, it's so pretty and such a lovely colour, those two adorable owl embellishments are so lovely Maria, they make the card, you really need nothing other than a sentiment. 
You have started your new 'crafting' year with a bang Maria, your cards are amazing, thank you so much my lovely XXX


Margaret has used the new All-Occasion Embossing Folder that was free on a craft magazine last month to create her challenge card this week, it is such a lovely folder, that creates a whole card front in one! 
Margaret chose Categories: shades of Blue/Embossing/Happy Birthday 
Such a lovely card, quick and easy but super effective, this will certainly get it's recipient in the mood for Spring!
Thank you so much for taking part Margaret XXX


Val I don't think that you realised that this card works perfectly for this week's challenge, you have used categories...:
Shades of Blue/Patterned Paper/Birthday 
To create this amazing card for 'Tony', is he one of your Crib club friends?? 
Such a clever card Val, you could use card numbers as age etc (which I thought you might have done! ) 
Absolutely brilliant Val, thank you so much, I think you need to slow down my lovely, you have not stopped since before Christmas XXX

Thank you all so very much, I a so blessed to have such a amazingly supportive group of friends, I hope you all enjoy a lovely relaxing Sunday.

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Everyone
    WOW WOW WOW what a fantastic start to the new year. I've had to ask for the extra boards to display all the beautiful cards this week.

    Thank goodness we don't have to choose a favourite as I would be here for the rest of the year lol.
    Again not one card resembles another. It always amazes me that we all have the same Challenge and our results are always so different.

    Quiet day for us today.
    The CAFE is OPEN for all Dear Friends to pop in for a cuppa and a chat.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care xxxx

    1. Lovely cards Janet, love the girl with her big eyes. Hope your day been good xx

    2. Great cards Janet. I love the scene of your last one. We need a nice hot drink today as it's very cold out.

  2. Morning everyone,

    Early morning frost again here in my little corner of Somerset.
    Not enough to kill off all the nasty bugs that everyone is passing around. Ribs hurt from so much coughing, I think I've had my full share so bug off now.

    A lovely display of challenge cards this morning ladies. Well done to all, I cannot pick a winner, they are all so gorgeous in their own right.

    Does anybody know why a brand new freezer should suddenly cut out and start to defrost? It happened some time yesterday afternoon I think, and all the soft foods are now well and truly soft, but did not notice until I needed some bread. I've checked in the booklet but no remedies there. Then the motor intermittently started to come on and turn off after a few seconds. Then it decided to stay on, so fingers crossed I went to bed. Can't understand that at all. I must check it in a while or I shall be cooking all day.

    Gentle hugs for anyone else who is suffering this cold bug. And gurt biguns for those of you lucky to escape them.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hope your freezer is behaving itself Cheryl. A friends freezer in the garage gave up yesterday so she have been cooking loads all day, even given some to the neighbours. take care xx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      I hope your coughing eases up soon. I've no idea why your freezer turned itself off. Another of lifes mysteries.

    3. Hi Cheryl, your new freezer does not sound good, it must still be under guarantee, I would check your warranty.
      Sorry you cough is still hanging around, so many people I know have this awful flu and the cough just will not go always. Keep warm and take care xx Brenda

  3. I can only echo JANET The cards are gorgeous and I certainly couldn’t pick a favourite
    I really enjoyed this challenge It did help to have new things to play with - the alphabet grid die and the bunny is an old favourite for New Baby cards from TL
    I feel tons better, toes are still a bit sore still
    I had a lovely evening in front of the tele, with my knitting and watched FEUD I really enjoyed that series
    Enjoy your hols VAL Your one must be soon MARIA
    My lovely husband surprised me at Christmas with a trip to Paris in February I am really looking forward to that - never been
    May venture out this afternoon to dancing if only to catch up with friends and chat
    Take care all
    PS - SUE or anyone for that matter want Baby cardigans made just let me know I have to have something on the go for the evenings I ca’t do card making under electric light xx

    1. Love the Bunny Karen ,it is so darn cute !
      Hope your toe is better, ouch. hugs xx

    2. Hi Karen
      How lovely to have a trip to Paris lined up for you. A fabulous trip to look forward to. I went years ago with 3 friends. Kathys husbabd worked for BA, so we got cheap flights. Coming back we were asked if we'd take a later flight as the one before ours had an electrical Problem. So we did, got upgraded to business class and £100.00 each back. So we had 4 days away which cost us nothing and a bit back. Enjoy watching the dancing even if you can't join in.

  4. Hello All, a beautiful sunny morning here.

    A fabulous array of cards again today, love them all. Was not pleased with mine but did not have time to make another.

    Hope you all have a lovely Sunday, hugs on the way to all, Lilian

    1. Lilian, love your card. It's like a painting. Do you remember your owls ? as you can see they still coming in use. take care xx

    2. Hi Lilian
      Not to sure what you think is wrong with your card. But I really like it. S Maria says it's like a painting. Hope you've gad a nice day and yoyr medication has now been sorted.

  5. Morning Ladies

    What an amazing selection of challenge cards today. Before you all think I’ve been very busy in my craft room I have to admit that the first three cards were already made. I made the last two for the challenge this week.

    I had great fun yesterday morning mooching round the shops. The Range have moved all the Christmas stock & oh boy-was it reduced ! There was so many Dies at bargain prices-Xcut, First Edition, Tonic plus their own brand. I truly didn’t know what to look at next. I checked with the staff who think the stock will stay there until the end of January but won’t be reduced any more. I’m going to check my Christmas Dies & go back next Saturday morning!

    Housework this morning then we might go for a walk after lunch. We have a very heavy frost here this morning.


    1. Hi Michele
      Love all your cards Michele. Lucky you having a Range close to you. Our beret is in Swindon somewhere. I hope you get lots of bargains.
      We had a heavy frost yesterday and today. Hope you enjoyed your walk if you went.

    2. Great cards Michele. you did good giving us this challenge, it was a fun. oh don't tempt me for wanting going to The Range hihi love to see what you bought though xx

  6. Val-you’re a winner on Sue Wilson’s blog today....well done !!!


  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely selection of cards this week, thank you for taking the time to put them together & also comment on each one, you are a
    Thank you Michele for helping Sandra this
    Cheryl sorry you feel
    Bright but cold here today a day for sitting in the warm, may do some crafting not sure yet.
    Sending hugs to all who are suffering love Margaret xxx

    1. Lovely card Margaret. I have this folder as well. Sandra got it for me from Morrisons.

    2. Lovely card used freebie and made this weeks cc Margaret, very nice xx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies's.
    I love Sunday me I'm never disappointed. So many lovely cards on display. Beautiful as always. Many thanks Sandra and Michelle for your organisation.
    My card was made for my crib friend Tony who was 78. I cannot tell a lie but it was made last month and I didn't realise it fitted into this week's challenge. Thanks Sandra.

    I'm in the middle of cleaning the whole house at the moment, then my conscience is clear for when I go away on Wednesday.As Sandra said its been a busy and stressful few weeks and I'm in need of some R+R to recharge my batteries.

    Aren't I lucky I've won on Sue Wilson's blog today. I've arranged for my prize to be sent to Wendy and if your not around when they deliver the parcel mysteriously disappears.

    Well better carry on cleaning.
    Hugs to all especially those no good today.
    Love Valxxx

    1. I love your card and there’s me thinking the cards were a crib score I hadn’t realised it was your friend’s age! Very clever

    2. Hi Val
      A lovely card you've done. Great idea to use playing cards for the age, rather than numbers.

    3. Great card Val. Congrats for winning on Sue's blog. We do the same when going away, nice to come back to a clean house. Hope Gracie have a nice time too on her holiday xx

  9. Good morning Sandra & everyone
    WOW what a great selection of cards this Sunday morning each & every one gorgeous. SANDRA My card is an image from Some loose images from Margaret's hand me downs there are some pretty different flowers 🌺 I just embossed it wth SW star swells folder & Matted it onto pink card I really liked how it turned out.We have some Sunny but very windy weather might go for a walk & watch the waves crashing up the sea wall. Then later put some bits on EBay I was going to do some yesterday but Windows 10 decided to do updates they started at 4pm & still going at 11oclock so had to leave computer running all night now worried as too what they have done!!!!
    VAL have a lovely holiday & hope you get some crafty bargains Hug's xx
    SANDRA have a productive day packing but don't over do it please.
    Love Lynda Xx

    1. Lovely card Lynda. will see if I can find your E-bay site and have a look later, nosy me you know hihi
      hugs xx

  10. Wow.. what beautiful cards you have all created. Not been in my craft room for a few days. Your cards have inspired me to get in there. I need to get my crafty head on for my next tutorial. Hope you all have a lovely day. Sandra hope your packing is going well. xx

    1. Hi Danielle, nice to see you here. Hope you have a nice day x

  11. Hello Sandra and Ladies,
    What a beautiful selection of cards we have this week. Thank you ladies. xx Sunday’s are always so inspiring on this blog AND followed by Motivational Monday. This has to be the best blog ever. Thank you Sandra xx

    Hope the packing is going well, remember you need to have some relaxation time also.

    Take care dear friends, Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda, hope your day have been good.hugs xx

    2. Hi Brenda
      Lovely to see you, but it looks like blogger is still playing up for you.

  12. Wow stunning cards ladies... always a fantastic blog to visit even though I rarely comment ..Im keeping my beady eye out ha ha ha.... Looking forward to tomorrows blog Sandra keep up the fantastic work ... huge hugs x Amanda

    1. Hi Amanda, nice to see you. Join us for the cc if you like, love seeing your cards x

    2. Hi Amanda
      Great to see you in today,

  13. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Wow, what a stunning display of cards from everyone. I still can't believe that out of all the cards posted not one of them are the same. A stunning array today ladies.

  14. Hello Sandra and all.
    Wonderful board of cards from you ladies. Best day for me is Sunday to see what we can come up with from your challenges you set us.
    Very cold but a nice day here. My first visit to ww after six weeks so it was a bit of damage and it will be more I'm sure after going away Saturday, ce la vie hihihi
    OH went to football so had a bit of catch-up with recorded programmes and more tidying up before tomorrow's cc so I got some place to work. Warm hugs to you all ,Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      It would be quite unusual not to have a bit of damage over Christmas. Your holiday to cone next. I'm drooling just thinking of all that Apple Strudel Maria. Mind you it's cold over here, let alone in Zeel Em Zee.
      Great cards Maria, especially love the owls.
