
Saturday 6 January 2018

Mixed Craft Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

The first projects on show today are all made with using the Stampin'Up! 'Gift Bag Punch Board'.
The first photo shows three different bags/boxes that I made yesterday, the pretty one on the left is made using one of the gorgeous papers from the Cake Soiree DSP, the middle bag is using a thinner paper, the box on the right was made using the same board, it is a flip top box (like a cigarette box) and therefore stays closed by itself, they are all super easy to make too.

I will be doing YouTube video on all of the items above. 

The second photo is of a Gift Bag that Danielle made using Vellum (and Gift Bag Punch Board) you can go watch Danielle (Rose) make it on YouTube.
Thank you Dannii for allowing to share your bag xx



Michele made all of the above cards from a Free Kit in the Papercraft Inspirations magazine (above). They are just so pretty Michele, using such lovely papers and cute Woodland creatures.
Michele took herself off for a little therapeutic Craft shopping yesterday afternoon, she picked up just one bargain though, this fantastic Sue Wilson Border die, I think it can be easily used all year round, it doesn't look that Christmassy to me.
I hope your shopping did the trick my lovely xxxx

Just a short and sweet post this Saturday, I am so busy packing that crafting is coming second, but just for a couple weeks, don't worry I will still be posted every day still.

We have a date at least to be working on, we hope to have the keys to Manor Lodge by 19th January, just two weeks away !!! 

Starting to panic now though, so much to do !! 

Have a lovely weekend ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra & Danielle-what beautiful gift boxes & bags. They are so lovely & would any gift look special.

    The Decoupage Easel Cards were so easy to assemble-not my usual style of card but they can go on my Sale Table.
    The counselling was ok, I’ve booked another session but it’s not until 2nd February. I had fun looking round The Range & Hobbycraft but there were many bargains. I bought some 6x6 card blanks for £2:50 reduced from
    £5:00 so that was quite good value plus the die shown. I thought it could be used all year round rather than just for Christmas.
    I’m off into Southport early this morning for a few bits then I might head into my craft room to play.

    Thank you for your lovely comments yesterday-you’ve all very kind & so supportive.


    1. Hi Michele. WOW you did get some bargains yesterday. Love the cute cards you've made. Glad you've booked another session with the counsellor. Hope it helped.
      Enjoy your weekend.xx

    2. Hi Michele. What great cards. You are so good at using, and inspiring others to use, the freebies from magazines. Glad that your counseling went ok and you have more. As always you have got a great bargain with that die, it is a good all rounder isn't it. Just have a play in your craft room and maybe your mojo will pop in to see you x

    3. Hi Michele love your cards made from mag freebie.
      Pleased your first counselling went well & you have booked another.
      Our Range sale was rubbish didn't find find much at all.
      Enjoy playing in craft room. Xx

    4. Hi Michele
      I'm glad you have another session with the councillor. I do hope they help. Great bargains. Like the cards you made with your mag freebies. Our nearest Range is somewhere in Swindon. Went with Sandra once last year looking for bargains.

  2. The gift bags are very pretty SANDRA and DANIELLE What’s the finished size ie what can you fit inside the bags -I’m thinking are they big enough to hold a baby garment
    Your cards are lovely MICHELE They may not be your style but great for your table and sometimes it’s nice to do something following instructions and not have to think
    I was disappointed to see Farnborough cancelled too
    Very dark and dismal here So I think I’ll stay in the warm and craft - probably knitting so I can sit with my foot up and rest my bruised toes! I managed to stub my foot against some furniture!
    Take care all xxx

    1. Hi Karen. Oh your poor toes, that's really painful. Hope the coughs getting better. We have a dark grey day here as well today. Stay warm.xx

    2. Hi Karen. Sending you big hugs. You really are suffering at the moment aren't you. Your cough starts to improve then you stub your toes....oouch. Resting them.and knitting sound the safest bet for you at the moment 😊 If i remember rightly after seeing Sandra's bag punch board I think you would be able to fit one of your gorgeous little carries in the biggest bag. By the way Penny is still wearing the one you so kindly sent for her. It is starting to get a little small but they want to get as much wear out of it as possible as it is their favourite cardi that gets washed and dried as quickly as possible. Not only is it so pretty but the various colours in it makes it go with just about all of her clothes 😊 x

    3. Hi Karen
      Ouch your poor toes why is it always we bang our toes. I knocked the bottle of shampoo off the shelf when in the shower Wednesday & crashed on my toes so I know how your suffering. Best plan sitting with feet up & doing your knitting. Take care Hug's xxx

    4. Hi Karen
      My word you are in the wars this week. Hope you manage to get some knitting done while sitting with your foot up.

    5. Hi ladies fab projects, Sandra love you bags and box. Thanks for adding my project. Tbe gift bag I made is the smallest size measures just over 2.1/2 inch wide. I put a few tea lights in mine. X

  3. Morning Sandra and all,
    Very pretty boxes Sandra. I dot know how you're managing to fit in making boxes in between packing. I'm glad you've got a date for the keys to be handed over. Hope your mind is a bit more settled now.
    Danielle. Beautiful bag. Thanks for sharing.xx

    Today in Spain is Christmas Day in as much as Father Christmas in the guise of three Kings came last night and delivered toys to good boys and girls. Everything Spanish is closed down even the bar my friend and I usually meet for coffee, so we're having to travel further afield today.
    All my clothes and toiletries are spread out in the spare room waiting to go in my case. I'mtrying not to take too much so I can fir Iin some crafty goodies on the way home. Hopefully the sales will still be around in a couple of weeks.
    PAT Thinking of you and Pete on your never ending round of hospital visits. Hugs to you bothxxx
    KAREN and BRENDA hope you're feeling better each
    Love to all especially those not feeling too good.
    Love Valxx

    1. Hi Val. I hope you manage to find somewhere open to get coffee for your friend and yourself. Its good to hear that you are having a more relaxing day. I'm sure you will manage to get some bargains when you come over as there seems to always be a sale on somewhere x

    2. Hi Val
      Hope you find somewhere for coffee with your friend.
      You sound very organised with your packing for your holiday.
      Are you staying with your son.
      Hug's xx

    3. Hi ladies. We found a nice cafe for our coffee thank you. LYNDA we are flying into Manchester so stay the night in a Travel Lodge and fly out first thing. We're only in UK for two days after our holiday and we're staying in a different Travel Lodge just near my son in North Wales. Trying not to get too excited as I'll sleep even less than normal.Hope you and Terry and fur babies are

    4. Hi Val
      I'm glad you managed to find a cafe open today even if you had to travel a bit further afield. Enjoy your time away, it looks like you have everything organised.

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love the bags Sandra. Although I'm not to sure how your fitting packing around crafting. Perhaps you can show cards that have previously been on the blog so you don't have to worry about that.
    So it looks like you've definitely decided to move to Manir Lodge if the checks have been done and you've been given a date to pick up the keys. so that's another worry ticked off your list. Much to close now for anything else to be done. How long a lease do you have ?. A long one I assume, but it's a heck of a lot of money to fork out every month.
    Do you think you'll speak to the council re help towards the costs as they can't find you anywhere to live themselves.
    Gentle hugs to all who need one today.

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    What lovely gift bags and boxes from you and Danielle, another handy punch board that can make more than the obvious bag. Its lovely to see that you have taken the plunge and signed up for the Manor Lodge. At least you all know what you are doing now, no more uncertainty. Please don't go stressing over the blog now. Maybe we should all send blurb and pics of anything of interest so you have plenty to use if you don't have time to do it yourself. I know you love blogging everyday, and we do too, but don't go stressing about making a card each day please my lovely. We will be with you through the next few weeks until you move and then we will be looking forward to you being able to relax and get back to normal. Love you xx
    I am getting my Gemini out today to make the first challenge card of 2018 before it's too late tonight! I hope you all have a good day whatever you are up to. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Oh Sue I’m glad the cardigan was loved I have just parcelled one up to send to a friend whose daughter gave birth at New Year and when the yarn arrives I will be making one in the next size up (6-12 months) to send to Oz as it’s the middle of their summer now If you’d like the next size just message me and I’ll do the honours

  6. Hello SANDRA & everyone popping in the café
    Wow Sandra love your bags & boxes ( & Danielle) That punch board sounds good but must try some more on my envelope punch board.before thinking of another one.
    Pleased you have a date for picking up the keys for Manor lodge Sandra. Hope it all works out for you. Now my friend stop stressing about the blog & panicking
    About cards. I'm sure you have some of our cards in your archives that haven't been shown. Sending you some stress free HUG'S ❤️ xxx
    First day for ages it's not raining but it's very overcast.
    Not upto much today so maybe get in craft room.
    I've got to chain 🔗🔗 Terry in the chair again as he did over do it yesterday & was in pain all night he no listen 🤓 To me. He said I'm over doing it too.
    He has just gone 💤💤so think I will go & craft room & play with some of my free Die's also the ones I bought before Christmas
    Pop in later Love Lynda xxxx

    1. Hi Lynda
      It was not a good idea apparently to turn him loose. I'm glad you managed to tie him back up. I wonder why men think they know Berger than us. Gentle hugs coming your way. You'd better see if Terry's behaved enough to have one as well.

    2. Thank you Pat yea he won't listen he says stop nagging.
      Hope hospital goes ok next week for Pete. Have you been discharged now. Big Hug's for you both xx

  7. Hello All, it’s been a lovely sunny day here, bitterly cold, we had our first frost of the winter last night.

    Lovely boxes and bags, also Michele lovely set of cards.

    Not sure who left the last message, obviously a coward and doesn’t belong in our cafe.

    Have a good evening all, I’ll try and get in earlier tomorrow, hugs to all.Lilian

  8. beautiful bags Sandra and Danni xx A

  9. Anonymous, What’s your problem? You are not saying anything Sandra and Paul didn’t already know. Now Paul has a permanent job they can plan for the future. But still need a roof over there heads in the meantime. ARE YOU JEALOUS? OR a very sad lonely person who gets pleasure trying to disrupt other people’s lives? YOU NEED HELP?
    I will pray for you. Brenda

    1. Well said Brenda, I agree with everything you

    2. I wouldn't waste my breath on this, well I don't know what they are, apart from being bitter and twisted.

    3. Anonymous there's a good old fashioned saying, If you can't say anything nice, keep your evil mouth shut tight. I pity you. You're either very jealous of Sandras unique blog or you have mental issues. If it's the latter you really need help.

    4. Anonymous is that your name no your to scared to put your own name your a very sad & Nasty person. What gives you the right to come on this lovely blog. You dare call yourself a crafter as crafters are kind caring people NOT LOW LIFES LIKE YOU SO GO AWAY MRS ANONYMOUS JUST GO

    5. Thank you all for the well wishes.

  10. Hello Sandra and Ladies,
    Oh Woops I’ve just lost a comment.
    Sandra love your gift bags and Danielle’s gorgeous vellum bag. Michele your cards are lovely. What a bargain that Die was, think I should come shopping with you. Shame you are so far away. Ha Ha.xx
    Wishing all of our poorly friends brighter days ahead.
    Take care, love and hugs Brenda xxx

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely bags today. So pleased to hear you have date for picking key up, look forward to seeing you
    Danielle how delicate you bag looks, well
    Michele your cards are lovely, they will fly of your stall. Pleased to see you are having more counselling, please take all that you can xxx
    Val hope you have a lovely
    Karen what are we going to do with you, please take
    Lynda I do not envy you woth your patient, they will do what they think & we have to pay for it.Hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  12. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely little gift bags Sandra, you and Danielle have done a good job thanks to the nice papers you used. What thickness do you use ?
    Nice cards Michele made from the freebie, sweet woodland folk/ animals.
    Glad you chosen the house and you soon get the keys. Happier times are ahead for all of you at last.
    Val- have a fabulous holiday. Love to hear all about it.
    Karen- wish you better, take care.
    Lynda- strap Terry back up until he learn he have to listening to you ,gentle hugs for him and a big one for you to be so patient :>)
    Well said Brenda. Someone is really jealous and sad and not brave enough to say who they are.
    Brenda- I hope you and John are alright, take care.
    Lilian- sending you special hugs, take care.
    Sue- hope you got some cutting outs done and you had a nice day and no more headache making you feel worse.
    Margaret- hugs to you and Pop.
    Pat- you must be so fed up with hospitals at this rate. Big hugs for you and Pete.
    I hope you all have had a nice day. Warm hugs Maria xxx
