
Friday 5 January 2018

New Baby card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is a 'commissioned' card, I was asked by a wife of one of Paul's colleagues to make a New Baby card for a baby girl but it she didn't want it to be too 'girly'!  So no frills, lace or pink!
I decided to go with my last piece of the Mint/soft green coloured Anne Marie dotty card as it's a soft, pretty colour without being girly.
I used a Spellbinders Curved border die to cut the dotty card, the bottom half of the card was Embossed with Sue Wilson's A4 'Rows of Bows' Embossing Folder, I thought the dots on the embossing worked well with the dotty card. I printed the verse out and cut it using the largest of the Spellbinders 'Floral Oval' dies, again I think it's a really pretty die and perfect for this card. As I couldn't add any lace or frills I used a Sue Wilson 'Itty Bitty Bow'.
I layered this up onto a bit more Anne Marie card and then onto a cut to size card base. 
I printed an insert to match and made a box to present it in.
I will let you know the verdict.  I make cards all the time but as soon as I am asked to design a card I panic for some reason.

Well, I have a bit of an update on the house situation, I emailed our local MP explaining our circumstances, explained that Paul has served his country for 32 years etc.  He replied this afternoon, saying that he will talk to the local council and advised me to go to Citizens Advice. 

I went online yesterday to check the dates for Farnborough 'Make It' Craft show, it's usually in February, but there was an apology on the site saying that Farnborough Make It show is cancelled this year as the Venue isn't ready for the show, I believe they were going into a newly built Exhibition Hall, it just says they look forward to seeing everyone in February 2019 !
I am really disappointed, it is one of THE Best organised/run craft shows, all stands are easily accessible, parking is easy and close to the Hall and it's very reasonably priced too, I think that there will be a lot of disappointed Crafters and Stall holders too.

Hopefully the winds will have died down today, it was really strong wind when Pat and I went out for coffee and cake yesterday, there well large tree branches blown down in the road, loads of standing water too, the pot holes were horrendous, so deep, I dread to think how much damage driving into one of them would do, Becca did it last year and it cost her a new tyre and a major repair to her wheel too.
We had a lovely afternoon out though, thank you Pat xx

Paul has a half day today, so more organising this afternoon I think, a little packing and maybe a trip to the tip, or two!

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and Hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra. I love the embossing-it’s just perfect asking to the dots & the bows.

    I’m off to see a stress counsellor this morning (courtesy of the NHS) then I’ve booked the rest of the day off work so I’m planning some retail crafting therapy in the hopes it kick starts my Cardmaking! My crazy friend joked & said I’m probably suffering from PTSD. I’m certainly struggling right now so I’m hoping my counselling session will help.


    1. Hope the counsellor helps Michele. Enjoy the rest of the

    2. Hi Michele
      I hope the counselling helps, but you'll need more than 1 session I expect. So I hope you get the help you need. You've gad a lot to deal with over the past months, and although you've been cleared of any wrong doing, I expect it's left you walking on eggshells in a manner of speaking, gentle hugs on the way to you.

    3. Hope the session with the counselor will help you. Take care and hopefully you can do some crafting today, hugs x

    4. Hi Michele. I hope your first session went well. Even though you were always blameless you have had all of the stress for so long that it may take a few sessions before you start to feel better. Be gentle and pamper yourself please x

    5. Hi Michele I hope the appointment with the stress councillor went well, you will need a few appointments. These last few months must have been difficult, you have held your head high and carried on in a very dignified manner. You are blameless yet the events have hung over you, and left a few scares. Hold your head high and believe in yourself... have faith, the future is yours xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Well at last we seem to have a dry start to the day and the wind has died down again. Fingers crossed that it stays that way today.

    SANDRA- A very pretty card and I love love love that colour.

    Well as it's Friday (the weeks are already flying by) it that swear word again 'housework' for me and then who knows how I'll feel.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual and is looking very inviting.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.xxxx

    1. So wish this cafe' was real sometimes :>) Think you sent the wind down to us and the chill brrrr !
      Hope you have a nice day after the Ho Wo Lol
      hugs x

    2. The wind stopped off here as well Janet on its way to Maria. Hope your not to worn out after the Ho Wo as Maria put it.

    3. Hi Janet. I hope you managed to get some "me" time after finishing the *#!!*# 😊 x

  3. Morning everyone,

    A beautiful card Sandra using dies from SB & SW. This design would make a great card challenge.

    Your MP was very slow in response seeing as how your time in your present home is nearly at an end. I thought you would have heard from him right at the beginning of the proceedings. Let's hope he can galvanise somebody into action although Manor house seems to be ideal for your circumstances, although as you say it is further away from home comforts.

    After such a stressful time for you Michele, I wish you well with your stress counsellor. Take everything they offer, they owe you it.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl. hope you keeping well and wrapping up warm if going out. Take care,hugs x

    2. Hi Cheryl. Like you we don't take the decade down until 12th night either so tomorrow is going to be busy. I hope you get yours stored away quickly and easily x

  4. Morning FIRSTLY BEFORE I FORGET yesterday’s technique needs glossy card I got some cheap photo paper from Lidl AND using acetate does work However why waste a piece of acetate when a cheap plastic bag opened out works just as well
    Thank you ladies for your lovely comments on my card yesterday It is a very cheap way of creating backgrounds As I sai I got my Isopropyl from Amazon but some larger chemists may stock it too
    Your card is amazing SANDRA and fits the “brief” perfectly and I hope you can get some help from the council but saying that apart from the distance away from Paul’s work and the girls school, which is manageable- yes? Would you honestly get anything better elsewhere at such short notice Tough choice Very tough
    I hope the counselling helps MICHELE As JANET said accept everything they throw your way
    Nothing much planned today for after work I feel a lot better in myself - just washed out Take care ladies Ooh before I forget, how was the quilling class VAL

    1. Hi Karen, the after effects of a cold make you feel really rough done they. Are you still working from home? Take care.
      I enjoyed the quilling class. For the first few weeks were just making different shapes. The end result is a framed picture. We have to decide by week 5 exactly what we want the picture to be and the teacher, with our help, will design it to scale. I thought of a cat, just got to find an appropriate picture of one. Will look on then Internet. Anyway I think I'm going to enjoy it. I miss the next 2 weeks sadly but I think I'll catch up.
      Enjoy your day whatever your up to.xx

    2. Hi Karen, glad you feeling better. Don't work too hard. How are the new glasses working out ? Hugs for you but also to gorgeous Oscar. xx

    3. Hi Karen
      Glad to hear your feeling a bit better today. Did you work from hone again today?. Best to stay in if it's as windy up by you as it is here. Mind you did you see America on the news. Chilly or what.

    4. Hi Karen. I'm so glad you are starting to feel a bit better. The bugs around at the moment seem to linger on so please take it easy for a while x

  5. Morning Sandra and all, Such a pretty card Sandra. Bet Pauls work colleague is delighted with it. Hope your MP comes back with some ideas. You must really feel in limbo at the moment. Hugs xxx

    Feel really rough today, think I overdid it yesterday. Keep forgetting I'm almost 72 and my body doesn't bounce back as it used to. Anyway it's a lovely relaxing few hours at Craft Club later. I'm going to carry on with making quilling shapes. I need all the practice I can get.
    Hugs to all especially those not feeling too good.
    PAT many thanks for your Christmas card which although the postmark said 8thDecember actually arrived yesterday. IIt's really pretty and It's having its time out on the dresser. Thank

    1. Hi Val
      Crikey what a long time for my card to get to you. I posted it early as well. I also posted a card to Ireland at the same time to my cousin in Ireland at the same time, so I'll ring Theresa to see when she had hers.
      Awful service we have from here. Everything goes to Swindon first, which must be the worst place for post to go from.

    2. Hi Val
      Sorry your feeling under the weather today. No our bodies don't bounce back as quickly as they used to do they.
      Hope you enjoy a few hours at craft club and your quilling.

    3. Hi Val, have a rest today. I might not be your age yet but if I have done something extra one day I'm done for the next day and I hate it. Some find it difficult to understand. Have fun at craft club. hugs x

    4. Hi Val. I'm sorry that you aren't feeling so well today. Please get plenty of rest x

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A lovely card Sandra. I hope Paul's colleague is pleased with the card you made. I know I would be.
    Sounds like our MP wasn't much help. Not much the citizens advice can do at this late stage. Nor him speaking to the council as they haven't any vacant 4 bedroom houses on their books as they keep sending you details of 3 bedded houses.
    Did you decide to go and gave a look at the house for rent in Aston?. It looked big enough on the website, but not so big on the outside. But you'll never know if it's suitable unless you go and look. Or have you decided definitely on the one at Castle Eaton. Will you see if the housing association would help with the rent as they can't provide any suitable accommodation. Worth asking anyway. They can only say yes or no. If it's no at least you will have tried, and they might just say yes.

    1. I agree PAT It’s Worth a try They might just help as they’re unable to help accommodation wise

    2. Hi Pat. Hope you can have a few days away from hospitals etc.soon. You both need a break.hugs x

    3. Hi Pat. It sounds like you and Sandra had a nice time at Aston potteries. I hope Pete hasn't lost any panes of glass from his green house in all of this windy weather x

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Sweet card Sandra, love the colour you have used and the embossing and the patterned paper work real good together.
    Very windy and cold here but had to pop to the post office and do some shopping this morning. Made a card yesterday but also have to look to make the cc. The mojo have gone on holiday tho so find it hard to get going and the neck pain I have lately is making it hard to concentrate but I will do my best. Sending warm hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      No chance of a rest from hospitals. Had to go Tues and Fri this week. Two appointments for next week, but we're still waiting to hear if the second appointment will be somewhere near the first one. We were given a specimen packet for Pete to have bloods done today for Prof Prothero. However, we were told that it didn't need details of what was required ( which they usually have when we see the dr on oncology ), as the technicians at the hospital would scan the label with Pete's details on and know what was required. That doesn't help me Kay said ( Pete's cousin whose the nurse who does his bloods ), I can't scan patients details so don't know what to take. So she looked on her system and took the bloods that she'd normally take.

    2. Hi Maria. I'm sorry you are struggling with your crafting. Do you know what is causing your neck pain? I hope it clears up soon and your mojo comes back soon so we get to see some of your beautiful cards x

  8. Hello Sandra and Ladies,

    What a beautiful baby card, love the colour, I hope Paul’s colleague is pleased with it, you have followed the brief to the letter and created a beautiful memorable treasure piece.

    Spooky, I too checked out the Farnborough website yesterday, like you I was disappointed, but what about the faithful companies who turn up year on year most will have ordered goods for their stalls and relying on sales to cover there costs. I hope they have understanding bank managers.

    Still coughing for England, like VAL my energy has gone AWOL. I still haven’t cleared my workspace of the mess I created before Christmas. Have made a few attempts but not achieved anything noticeable. Did ask John to go and buy me a bucket full of energy, think the shop has sold out!!!

    Sending love and hugs to to you all, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I hope your cough clears up soon. I'm still coughing but nothing like I had been from last January. Nothing untoward can be found so I suppose that's a bonus. I need to clear my mess up in my craftroom as well. Although I used the dining room table to do my Christmas cards. I think John needs to get a few buckets as quite a few of us don't seem to have much energy.

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe.
    Sandra perfect card today, I love that spotted card. Hope you get some answers soon regarding your housing, shame local MP was not more helpful. Wishing you all the luck in the world with lots of
    Brenda & Karen sending you both healing hugs. Yes I was looking forward to Farnborough as
    Val enjoy your holiday spunds as if you need
    Maria hope pain in neck improves soon, hugs on
    Sue hope your headache & aches & pains go soon, love & hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need the not forgetting Lynda & Terry love

    1. Hi Mum. I hope you and Pop manage to get a decent amount of sleep tonight. Take care. Love you xxxx

  10. Hi from a wet and windy Cornwall.

    Thought I’d been in this morning, must have forgotten to press send.

    Been ages trying to sort out my tablets, they have only sent half of what the cardiologist said to take, taken me all day trying to get through on the phone, to be told, I should have a stronger tablet. We live in a village so it means going to town, trying to find somewhere to park plus waiting for Boots to prepare.
    Sorry enough of my moans.

    Sandra lovely card, such a delicate colour, sure the person will be thrilled.

    Been back in craft room trying to make a c card, just made a mess, will have another go later.

    Michele hope the counciling went well, hope it helps.

    So many people with colds and flu down here, hope all that are not well will soon be on the mend. Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      What a palarva you've had trying to get the right medication. Hope it's correct now though.
      Lots of colds and coughs around here as well.

    2. Hi Lilian
      I hope the winds aren't causing any problems. I'm sure your card will be as beautiful as usual.
      What a waste of your day! We are so lucky that our docs are very good and you can collect your prescription from our post office, as long as there are no controlled drugs in it as those can only be collected from the surgeries dispensary but the whole set up is very good. What a shame you don't have a similar system. Take care x

  11. Shame about Farnborough though not being on this year. As Brenda has said lots of companies will have either bought or produced extra stock for it.

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight. You have made a gorgeous card and I'm sure both your customer and the recipients will be delighted with it as you have filled the brief beautifully.
    I'm sure you will make the right decision about the house but there is no easy answer on which way to turn is there my lovely. Sending you the biggest hugs xx
    Lynda, I'm glad that Terry is starting to feel a bit better but you will have to watch him like a hawk won't you making sure he doesn't do too much. Have fun with your new goodies from Margaret. Sending you both big hugs x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
