
Thursday 4 January 2018

A gorgeous card from Karen

Good Morning Ladies,

I absolutely adore this card of Karen's and thought it would be perfect for brightening everyone's day! 
Karen kindly sent it for me to share today as I just haven't had the chance to sit and relax long enough to make a card, I tried to go into my craft room at about 8pm to start by I just couldn't muster any inspiration, I think my creativity  has fallen into a box with my Mojo!! 

Karen created this card by using Sharpie pens to scribble onto plastic/acetate, you then spray over the scribbles with 'Rubbing Alcohol' and 'smooshing' (Karen's technical term) it around, this disperses the scribbles, making the colours blend together, giving that amazing effect.  I am not surprised the ladies on your craft weekend loved the technique Karen. 
Karen then die cut some white card with 'Memory Box Blushing Bouquet' three times, then placed them strategically onto the beautiful background, the three pieces were then matted on to a complimentary colour card and placed even distance apart, staggered in an ascending pattern across the card, a few pearls in matching shade were added to finish the design. 
Karen this card is stunning, I love it and I am now off to buy some 'Rubbing Alcohol' !
Although I am curious to know what you 'rub' it on ?.....

Our second visit to Manor Lodge went well, we got to meet Mr Sainsbury, who I have to say was a delightful chap, he was very chatty and was keen to tell us how lovely the village was, he explained that it was not as 'snobby' as some Cotswold Villages and that they have lots of village events to get involved in. Paul and Lucy were in charge of doing some measuring up and it looks as though most things will fit in ok. 
So now we have the dilemma, do we pay the holding deposit (non refundable) on this house and just not look any more, or do we wait another week or two to see if anything else comes up? Bearing in mind that our deadline is now only 22 days away.

Hoping to see Pat today which will be a nice diversion from Packing, I haven't really had any crafty chat since before Christmas.

I was pleased to read that Terry was feeling brighter yesterday Lynda, what exciting things did you pick up from Margaret this time?  Oh and how are your new specs?? X

Brenda, how Bloomin' frustrating and disappointing, I think that they rush things too much these days and because they promise such tight deadlines on things the older traditional Craftsmen's techniques are replaced by either crappy machinery or a faster method, it's so sad to see that so many of the older Crafts methods are being phased out.  The 9th Jan is a long time to wait when you are frustrated about something, I bet it is a trick to give you time to calm down before them visiting you! 

Well I'm off to source some rubbing alcohol... 

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-beautiful Card, love the background.

    Sandra-hope you have some crafty fun with Pat today.

    Hoping to catch up with some some paperwork today then I’ll be doing the Tesco shopping tonight then I’ll phone my Dad. Still not ventured into my craft room-not sure what the matter with me but I’m just not interested. Hopefully I’ll feel like crafting this weekend.


    1. Hi Michele
      Not like you is it to have list your mojo. Perhaps everything that's been hanging over you at work has just caught up with you. Hopefully this will pass. You probably need a lot of me tine to recuperate.
      Gentle hugs coming your way.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Well it's still raining though not as much and at last the wind has calmed down. Fingers crossed that we have a quieter spell now.

    KAREN- a very pretty card. I'm really a coward when it comes to trying out new backgrounds but seeing yours just might push me.

    My job today is to get my CC copied and sent off to SANDRA and I might send a copy of my card I've created for my turn at next K&N we'll see.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in for a quick cuppa and a chat if you have the time.

    LYNDA- pleased TERRY is smiling again though he still needs to be careful.

    HUGS are on their way with extras for Dear Friends in need. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      It's still very windy here still. I hope it calms down soon. Sandra and I beardy got blown away when we were out this afternoon.

  3. Happy New Year ladies,

    A beautiful card Karen, love the technique on acetate.
    I have used Pinflair alcohol inks on everything from paper, card, glass and even candles, I am assuming the alcohol rubbing is the same as Pinflair's alcohol blender?

    Today might be the day I get back into the weekly challenge cards. My craftroom desperately needs a good clear out. All the ornaments, picture frames etc. gravitate into it when the Christmas decorations go up. I am quite traditional and do not take them all down before the Twelfth day but do start to take the smaller items upstairs and pile them up until we get the large storage bags and boxes down from the loft.

    Will pop in throughout the day to see what you are all up to.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. That I don’t know but it may be worth a try You need to be able to decant the alcohol into a spray bottle and spritz the scribbles to make them pool/bubble/ blend a little

    2. Hi Cheryl
      My craftroom needs a mega tidy up as well. Mind you I've been saying that for the last year. Go up and make a start, but I need someone behind me to give me a push.

  4. You’re very welcome SANDRA Only too pleased to help out
    It is so easy to do I bought rubbing alcohol (isopropyl) from Amazon It’s very cheap I did buy the 90% one only because the magazine (Papercraft Essentials issue 149) article didn’t specify strength We used a plastic bag because I think the acetate surface would be too smooth By adding alcohol to the scribbled inks, the inks bubble/pool on the surface By smooshing the card on the plastic that adds a bit of texture/definition I’ll try acetate and report back Some colours work better than others - Black looked horrible- I was trying to get a Northern Lights effect - some were too pale It depends on what kind of look you’re after The card was inspired by the mag too
    I’ll be back later Must get on with some work!

    1. Hi Karen
      I hope your feeling a bit better today. Love the card you sent to Sandra for the blog.

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra you have my sympathy with the decision you have to make, although the house sounds perfect somewhere closer to Paul's work & girls school would be much better, good luck with
    Karen thank you for helping Sandra out, it is very delicate looking but lovely. Hope you are beginning to feel
    Pleased to see that you have untied Terry & he is beginning to feel better, hugs on way to you
    I have our embroidery ladies lunch today so alot of chatting will be on menu.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxxx

    1. Hi Margaret
      I hope you enjoyed your lunch today.

  6. What a dilemma you’re in SANDRA re choosing housing The manor does sound so inviting How long is the tenancy for? Could you move in and continue to look? I don’t know It’s very very hard
    Enjoy your lunch MARGARET Good to hear TERRY is on the mend and how frustrating companies are these days BRENDA It took them 3 days to sort out my heating AND NOW I’m having to wait to get shower fixed

  7. Hello Sandra and Ladies,

    I love the Card you have created for us today Karen, it really is beautiful. This is a technique I haven’t tried also I haven’t got any rubbing alcohol in my stash. Have you tried it with other makes of alcohol pens? Like Sandra might need to look where I can pick some up.

    Sandra I hope you and Pat are enjoying your day xx
    Good luck with the search for your new home. Manor Lodge looks lovely if only it were a bit closer to Paul’s work it would be perfect .

    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I hope you manage to get your sofa sorted out. Doesn't matter what you buy the workmanship is never up to scratch nowadays. My double oven cooker turned out to a single oven and a grill. Although the blurb said Nain oven and second oven. However, the grill is really slow, it's really not fit for purpose.

  8. Hiya everyone.
    Great looking card for us to see today Karen. Love the background and the way you set the flowers on different levels, love it.
    The card yesterday Sandra is another lovely card. Have fun with Pat coming around, nice break in all the packing. The house you showed us is gorgeous and seem to have the rooms you need. A lot too think of and it's stressful moving but I wish you good luck in whatever you do.
    C is over in this house for this time, quite sad to see it all packed up and stored back in the garage. All the cards and stamps/dies also moved away out of site but not unreacheable as I have promised myself to make some in between all the cards etc.
    I hope you have a nice day and if your Mojo have made a walkaway that it will be back soon.
    Many warm hugs, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I've also packed away my stamps and Dies. But will need to make some for Feb.

  9. Hello All, dry today , managed to get a load of towels dry, and none of them blew off.

    Sandra good luck trying to decide about the house, as you don’t have a lot of leeway time wise not easy.

    Karen loved your card, l have that flower die, had forgotten all about it, will have to dig it out.

    Brenda sorry to hear your sofas were not up to the quality you expected. Hope you get it sorted.

    Our sofa and chairs are getting a bit worse for wear, but am hoping to get them reupholstered as so many people say the frames they use these days are not good quality.

    Just finished a huge pile of ironing , hate ironing. Have a good rest of the day, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I think our chairs and sofas really need a good clean rather then replacing. Although we've been talking about it. But going by Brenda's disappointment with here's perhaps not. Perhaps you can name and shame Brenda.

  10. Hello Sandra & Friends
    KAREN your card is lovely especially the background so pretty.
    SANDRA hope you had a good day with PAT did you get any crafting done🎀 🎨✍️ & enjoyed a cup of tea & Biscuits ☕️☕️🍪With lots of chatting too.
    SANDRA yes our glasses 🤓🤓are fine. I think I'm going back in time when younger haha mine are black with yellow arms. Thank you for yours & everyone's comments regarding Terry's painful ribs. He is very grateful for all the Hug's he can get hopefully he will get a few of them at Ally Pally in April if we can make it.
    SANDRA. I got some more Dies from Margaret & Paper pads. I haven't looked at them yet as just finished my ironing & now going in craft room & try CC
    BRENDA hope you got satisfaction regarding your sofas & now happy. Hug's .HUG'S for everyone with extra who are not 100 %
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I'm glad Terry is now behaving himself enough to be untied. I hope you can make it to Ally Pally this year though. Sounds like you had a good stash from Nargaret though. You'll be able to start a shop soon with all the goodies she's been giving you.

  11. Hi everyone. Gosh I'm late today. Had my nails done first thing, then went into the shop to put all the Christmas cards away, rearrange all the card stands and get the darn Valentine cards in the racks. Then it was a quick dash home for Wendy to pick me up to go to the quilling class. Got home, took Gracie out and the plan was to make my 2 cc's. One for you Sandra and one for Wendy at craft club tomorrow. However I feel absolutely tired out so I know nothing will get done tonight apart from knitting blankets for the animal charity which I don't have to think about. Many apologies Sandra but I don't think I'm joining in this week.

    Karen I just love your card. I've put some craft alcohol on my list.
    Sandra so sorry you're in a dilemma over whether to take this beautiful house or hang out for another one. Hope you and Paul can sort out the pros and cons.
    Hope you and Pat had a good chat and craft today.
    Sorry my minds gone blank so hugs to all.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Crikey you did have a busy day today. No wonder your worn out. No crafting today as we went to Aston Pottery for a coffee and cake. Very very blowy here in Oxfordshire. I hope your feeling more like yourself tomorrow,

  12. Hi Sandra and Ladies
    Great card today Karen. I'll be interested to see how this works if Sandra decides to get some. But that won't be until they move to wherever they decide to go. We went off to Aston to give Sandra a change of scenery, rather than piles of boxe we saw a very windy Aston Pottery. Mind you the Pottery wasn't to windy although the main door wouldn't stay shut because of the wind. Plus while we were sitting eating our cake the smaller reindeer they had outside ( I assume Nader of something like willow as they were woven ) fell over in the wind. Good job the bigger ones didn't go over as they would have hit the windows where we were sitting.
