
Wednesday 3 January 2018

My Challenge Card


Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you all got through the worst of last night's horrible weather without any damage, the wind was really gusting around here, at one point it blasted our front door open!

Today's card is my version of this week's Tic Tac Toe challenge,
I chose categories shades of pink/Ribbon/ Thank you.
I turned to my favourite of the new stamp sets 'Petal Palette' for the main stamped image in Versamark and added silver Embossing Powder and heat set, I coloured it with 'Berry Burst' and 'Old Olive' ink, using blender pens.  I die cut a 'Thank You' from my stash in both Silver and 'Berry Burst' and slightly offset them. I added the fancy die cut from the matching die set to give a bit of background interest.
To finish I added some of the new Foiled Berry Burst ribbon and added a little silver charm.
I hope you like my card X.

I spent most of yesterday either packing or on the phone trying to find a solution to our housing needs (although the Manor lodge house is our back up) , it would be helpful to stay closer to home if possible. 

We have another viewing of the Manor Lodge house today as the landlord would like to meet us, I feel like we are being interviewed! 

I hope Terry is starting to feel better Lynda xx

Karen I hope the antibiotics kick in super fast my lovely xx

Brenda I do hope your sofas arrive today, I am with John in, there is nothing more frustrating than being let down when you have gone to trouble of preparing for something. Xx

I need to make room today as Pat is coming over tomorrow and access to my craft room is a little limited right now, I can't move the filled boxes though, which I find most frustrating, I have found myself taking great care when moving around as I don't want to have to call Paul away from his new job, I also have to prepare for the fact that when we move (to Manor Lodge) he will be too far to come home anyway, which is partly why I am feeling a little hesitant about signing up for it.

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra. Well done to make such a lovely card in between packing.

    Yesterday was so busy but at least the day passed quickly. Today looks like it’s going to be just the same.

    We still have very strong winds (50-60mph) which are forecasted to stay all day. I woke up during the night to find my nose was bleeding so th bed needs stripping. I’ve been using First Defence spray to protect me from all the germs that’s going around but I guess I need to stop for a while!


    1. Hi Michele
      Never heard of this spray, but I assume it's this that's given you a nose bleed. Hopefully now your stopping for a bit you should ge ok. Lots and lots of germs going around though this winter.

  2. Lovely card SANDRA
    I did make a Thank You card yesterday So I will photograph that and send it off
    I think the cough is easing slightly and I slept well (eventually) I haven’t looked out to see if there has been any damage although the wind doesn’t sound too strong here
    I hope your furniture arrives today BRENDA
    I am now going to start work in my pjs! It is very fortunate that I can work from home occasionally and it doesn’t matter what time I do work as long as I do the hours and the work I could log on and do it at 3am if I wanted
    Take care all xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    from a very very very wet and windy Sheffield.
    The rain and wind has been really strong throughout the night and being on the top of a hill doesn't help.
    We don't seem to have any damage so I really shouldn't complain.

    SANDRA- thank you for showing us your inspirational card.

    Well the shopping trip was successful. Birthday present bought and then onto the Range for some silicone glue and blank card bases and I also bought a couple of lovely large cushions which will just fit the chair in the corner of the CAFE (or either end of the sofa lol). They are burgundy/beige check so fit in very well.

    I'm hoping to get my CC done today and then I need to make a start on February birthday cards.

    The CAFE door is open and just waiting for you all to pop in for a chat and a cuppa.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. xxxx

  4. Morning everyone.
    Lovely card Sandra. Love those flowers. Hope your second appointment with the house owner goes well and enjoy your time with Pat today.
    I think we've got the tail end of your high winds here today. I was blown around the park this morning. Keep safe everyone if you're off out.
    Still struggling to make these darned valentine cards. Done 20 up to now but no inspiration to make appropriate male ones. Looked on Pinterest but not a lot to inspire me. Never mind what isn't done today isn't going to get done.
    BRENDA so hope your furniture turns up today.xx
    KAREN glad you managed to get some sleep last night and great that you're able to work from home xx
    LYNDA hope Terry is still behaving himself and that you're ok.xx
    PAT hope you and Pete are ok. Enjoy your visit to Sandra.
    Have a good day everyone.xx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope your 2nd visit to house goes well. I understand your worries would be better if you could stay close to Carterton, fingers
    Karen good you slept better, how nice to be able to work in PJ's. Hugs on
    Brenda hope your furniture arrives today & you are both on the mend. Sending hugs to you
    Lynda hugs on way to you
    Very windy here today, decided not to go to Petanque as piste is open & last time it was blowing hard it nearly blew me over. Son driving down from Cumbria later hope it has blown itself out by then.
    Janet new cushions look lovely, good
    Hope you all have not had any damage, sendibg hugs to all love

    1. Hi Margaret
      I read the last bit as sending sandbags to all at a quick glance. I've only just had my eyes tested as well.

  6. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card today. Especially like the silver Die cut underneath the flowers.
    Hope the interview goes well. When you said you had a house viewing yesterday I thought it was another house not the one you'd already looked at.
    I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, but don't worry about moving boxes about. If you want to do some crafting I can always move them for you.
    Gentle hugs to all who need one today.

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    What a pretty card, I love it. As always you have made a real beauty. The decorated insert is a lovely touch, that is something I must remember to do. I hope your "interview" goes well later but I am still crossing my fingers that something closer to home comes up though. Have a nice day with Pat. Love you xx
    Brenda, I hope your furniture finally turns up today X
    I hope the winds haven't caused any damage to any of you. It is very strong and wet here. We had a lovely time up on the tor but the car broke down yesterday so a long wait but it was by the beach so not too bad. The hire car has just turned up so we are off out now. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hello All, it’s very windy here, better than in the night. We have two small plastic greenhouses which were fixed to the wall, as they were ripped off the wall and are now in bits over the back garden. Hope you are all ok.

    Sandra lovely card today, must get back into my craft room, been doing a new jigsaw.

    Brenda do hope your furniture arrives soon, so annoying waiting around.

    Hope everyone else is shaking off all of the awful aches and pains which always seem to be worse this time of year.

    Have a good day all, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Pete hasn't been down the garden to see if the glass in his greenhouse is still in it.
      Craig got me a where's Wally jigsaw puzzle for Christmas. It looks horrendous. A few years ago he bought me a calendar featuring where's wally. I showed him that I'd ringed Wally on the calendar and he laughed. You haven't found the rest ge said. Well I thought I'd only gad to find Wally nit a load of others as well. I was not happy I can tell you. I bever did find them all each month.

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a beautiful card you have made for your cc Sandra, the Berry Burst is a perfect colour, Pink but in grown-up way! I love it. xx

    Good luck with your telephone calls today, fingers crossed you can find somewhere closer to where you are now, for Paul and the girl sakes. 🤞

    Our new sofas arrived this morning. We are not 100% happy with them. We have complained to the store and someone will be here on the 9th to look into our complaints. Why is it these days you do not get the quality of workmanship we used to?

    Take care everyone, Love and hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Doesn't sound to good re the state of yoyr sofas does it. I wonder which firm you got them from ?. Hope you manage to get them sorted. We don't seem to get the service nor the workmanship that we used to nowadays.

  10. Hi SANDRA & ladies
    Still having internet trouble but my comment did publish after four attempts last night. The same today tried comment this morning with no luck after Attempting to comment Three time's. So had to give up because we had to pick up our new glasses 👓 👓. Also Terry dropped me round Margaret's after. Had a good day she had sorted more goodies out for me. 🤓 She has actually left me all her craft stash in her will ( think she will out live me 🤣🤣 )
    SANDRA I love your card it's gorgeous lovely colour's thank you for your inspiration always helpful Hope the house viewing went ok. Please be careful indoors Sandra moving round the boxes we don't want you kissing the floor Xx
    Terry seems a little better in his self today although he's still in pain but more cheerful.
    BRENDA how annoying that your sofa isn't 100% hope you get it sorted ASAP.
    PAT have a lovely day with Sandra tomorrow no leapfrogging over the boxes 😂🤣😂xx sending Hug's xx
    Terry said thanks you all for the well wishes & Hug's xx
    Sorry late again just hope this publishes.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I'm glad to hear that Terry is in a better mood today.
      Fat chance be leaping over boxes. I'd end up on the floor as well.
      Lucky you Margaret leaving you all her goodies. But she's getting a bit morbid isn't she. You might end up with everything before that the way she's going on.
      Gentle hugs coming your way.
