
Tuesday 2 January 2018

The last of my Amazing Christmas cards

Lynda's Card

Michele's Card

Lilian's Card

Pat's Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Before we get too carried away New Project's  and this weeks challenge i would just like to share the rest of my Christmas cards.
The first is Lynda's card, an absolute work of art, the camera didn't pick up the incredible sparkle this card has, I think Lynda said she used Spectrum Noir Sparkle pens for the background, they give such a vibrant, intense effect.  Lynda has then built the amazing scene around this background, using a variety of Sue Wilson
Dies to create the scene. Lynda then added Gilding Wax to the die cuts to highlight their detail. An absolute fantastic card that I will treasure. 

The second card is from Michele, she used a Spellbinders Tree die and a Spellbinders Grand Circle die to create this lovely Card,
Some die cut sentiments finish Michele's design.  I love this card Michele, thank you so much.

Lilian's card is next, Lilian used the fabulous Crafters Companion  'Merry Christmas' die, cut in Silver Mirror card as the main element of the card, the background of the card has been beautifully embossed with Snowflakes to match the snowflake element of the Sentiment, a sprinkling of snowflakes over the background add just the right amount of sparkle. Such a lovely card Lilian, thank you.

The final card is Pat's Christmas card, a really fun card, a beautifully coloured Snowman on a Navy background, Pat then added a layer of Snowflake Acetate to give the snowy effect, 4 gingham Card Candy finish the  corners and are also a good way of hiding the glue used to affix the the Acetate. This is one of those cards that you see something new everytime you look at it  the little robin in the Snowman's pocket and there is another, can you spot it?
Such a fun and fabulous  card, thanks Pat.

Receiving your amazing cards makes me feel so Special, i know you all know tgat feeling, the fantastic special handmade Christmas cards really stand out among the Shop bought ones, they are always the ones that guests notice, usually Wow is the reaction!  Thank you all so very much xxx

I spent yesterday packing up my craft room, it feels like an endless task, i packed 15 boxes and have barely scratched the surface, i want to leave essentials until last, so that i can continue to craft up to the last few days before moving. 

More packing today but i am going to schedule a couple of hours crafting into my afternoon too, if only as a reason to sit down, this packing is exhausting! 

I hope you all have a lovely day too,

Love and hugs 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely Christmas cards Sandra-they’ll be adding to your 15 boxes. I think a few hours break from packing today is a good idea especially so you can have a rest..

    Very lazy day yesterday as we had torrential rain from lunchtime then it got very windy so we didn’t go out. We have another storm due to affect us-Storm Eleanor with very strong winds plus heavy rain.
    I hardly slept last night -probably because I hadn’t done anything all day. Hopefully after a busy day at work I’ll sleep tonight.


    1. I'm sure you'll be busy today after the long weekend off but hopefully it will make you sleep tonight. Your weather sounds awful. Keep safe over there.xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    It's very dark here this morning but at least no rain/wind at the moment which is a good thing as we're off birthday gift shopping for my SIL who is turning 50 next week.

    SANDRA-beautiful Seasonal Cards (the C word not to be used now until December this year)lol.

    The CAFE is OPEN for business as usual and while I'm out and about I'm popping into The Range so I'll look for some new linen for the tables. I'm hoping they have a sale on.

    HUGS are on their way to you all with extras for those Dear Friends not up to par.xxxx

    1. Good luck with the present shopping and hope the range have something nice to buy. I'm sure you'll have to pop into the craft section.xx

  3. Morning everyone from a very dark and wet once again MK.
    Beautiful C cards ladies , love the colours and shine and Pat's card make me smile. Take care with all the packing and make sure you have some breaks in-between so not exhaust yourself too much.
    Michele -have a nice day at work and hopefully you get a good sleep tonight but not easy with the wind blowing outside. Take care.
    Janet- good luck birthday shopping and have fun rummage through the isles at the Range. Love to have a trip there myself but since Son worked there they are not so keen for me to go but I will one day Lol
    Pat- you should have seen us after our walk yesterday, we both looked like drenched cats because halfway back the heaven opened up. Had to take our clothes off out in the garage and luckily Son was at home so he was ready for us with bath towels before going in the house hihihi I just jumped direct into the shower for trying getting back to normal as I could .
    Not sure how it's around your areas but the rubbish was meant to been collected on Saturday have not been done so the rubbish is getting bigger and bigger out in the street. Hopefully they are coming today because the horrid magpies are making a real mess.
    Noticed the other day that our milk was not as cold as usual but didn't know what was wrong until new years eve I realised that somehow the fridge was in Holiday mode ! it meant that a lot of the food had to be thrown away just to be on safe side. I hate trowing food away. We have had some problems sometimes with cuts in the electrics so not sure if that been the culprit.
    Michele and Brenda- hope you get your new sofas soon. We have been looking for the last year and I can't seem to find what I like until we had a look in M & S so hope that is the one.
    Lynda- hopefully Terry is still doing what you tell him, give him a big but gentle hug from me and we can't wait for April to see you !
    Going to read my book now, not sure about the walk yet but deffo will start on some cards this afternoon. Wishing you all a nice day , Love Maria xxx

    1. I can just imagine you looking like drowned rats yesterday. Thank goodness your son came to the rescue with the towels.
      The rubbish situation sounds really awful made worse by the horrid magpies spreading it all around. Hope the bin men turn up today.
      I hate throwing food away as well. Your freezer obviously felt like a holiday ha ha.
      Enjoy your day xx

    2. Hi Maria
      Oh dear the drowned rat look isn't a good look. Good job your son was around to get you some towels. I hope your taking it easy today.

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. What wonderful cards Sandra, each one is gorgeous. It's always a shame to take them down isn't it. It sounds like you have been very busy in your craft room packing so many boxes. A couple of hours crafting sounds like a necessity for you both physically and mentally. I hope it gives you a much needed rest from packing my lovely X
    Each time I look at my beautiful Café ladies cards it makes me smile and everyone who comes in always admires and mentions them so I want to say another big thank you for them ladies 😘
    Michele, I hope work goes as well as it can X
    Janet, I hope the gift and table linen shopping goes well for you today X
    Brenda, I'm sending John gentle hugs and hoping that he is feeling a little better today. Are you sitting on your new furniture reading this? I do hope so. Its good to hear that the company offered you a decent sweetener for the delivery delay though X
    Lynda, I hope both you and Terry are not in too much pain today. Sending you both gentle hugs X
    Maria, good luck with your resolutions X
    Mum, I hope you manage to play today without getting wet or blown around, its dry here at the moment so we are off to the moor in a while 😁😁😁 Love to you both xx
    Lilian, have a good day with some crafting I hope X
    Val, enjoy your quilling. Please will you share your makes with us? I would love to see them X
    Karen, I hope the doc was able to help you with your cough X
    Wishing you all a good day and sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, hope you enjoy your walk on the Moor today.
      It's a 10 week course for quilling so hopefully I'll come away with a picture I won't be too embarrassed to show you.xx

  5. Morning Sandra and all, more lovely c cards today. I took all the decoration down yesterday, all packed away in the top of the wardrobe. I have left all the cards out though as I love looking and re looking at them especially all the lovely hand made ones.
    I'm sorting my holiday clothes out today to wash, iron and put in the case. We usually make it three weeks away but Lynn and Paul want to spend the last week painting the shop so we'll only be away 2 weeks and only have a day in UK after Egypt to quickly do some shopping. Asda and craft shopping are on my list.
    Have a good day everyone. Hugs to all not feeling so good.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Sounds like your packing a lot into the next few weeks. Hope you enjoy your holidays.

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely Christmas cards Sandra. Much nicer to see the cards that we've all made.
    Going over to Craig's (Pete's son) as it's his birthday. For some reason Pete thought I was going to cook a roast for 14 again today. Anyway we're going over to Craig's instead. The meal I do is usually a joint one for their birthdays.
    Sounds like your going to need a month Sandra, just to do your craft packing.

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Thank you for sharing your Christmas cards with us Sandra they are really gorgeous. I still have mine on display and find it difficult to take my eyes of them each one a masterpiece of itself. Thank you ladies for all of my gorgeous,, they have certainly had a lot of attention from visitors. XX
    Don’t over do the packing Sandra, you will get there in the end. 90s I am thinking where on earth would I start. Ha ha
    Well the new sofas haven’t arrived, we had a phone call at 7 AM this morning to say some of the drivers hadn’t turned up for work. They are going to reschedule for tomorrow. Watch this space!!! John is not a happy bunny as before we went to bed he put dustsheets down in the hall and made sure the lounge was absolutely clear. Let’s see What tomorrow brings!!!!!
    Hope your day is going well, Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Well I do hope your new sofas turns up tomorrow. It's a pain waiting in for things isn't it. Pete would be cross as well. Hope John feels a bit better tomorrow.

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra pleased to hear you plan to craft for 2hrs at least in between packing each day, please be
    I love all your cards, we are soo lucky to recieve so many lovely cards, thank you
    We did not play Petanque this morning rained hard but we sat & had a coffee, tomorrow doesn't look much better.
    Lynda hope Terry is behaving & improving, hugs to you
    Maria hope you suffer no ill effects from your soaking yesterday, hugs on
    Sue hope you get your fix on the moor, I know how much you love it, love
    Val good luck with the packing, xxx
    Brenda sorry John has gone down with the same as you had, hope you noth feel better soon, healinh hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      It's not stopped raining today. Well, it absolutely chucked it down this morning but it's not raining so hard at the moment.

  9. Blogger has really played me up today I couldn’t even publish anonymously!
    I do have a chest infection so am on antibiotics now and for the rest of this week I am going to work from I am exceptionally lucky that my NHS job allows me to do this I feel fairly OK just tired but I sound dreadful when I cough
    The cards you make ladies are gorgeous and all so different
    I’m off to play now before it gets too dark Take care all xxx

    1. Hi Karen
      Hope the antibiotics kick in soon. I assume your working from home in the warm.

  10. Hi Sandra & Friends
    We are having internet trouble so sorry will have to do a quik comment
    SANDRA thank you for showing your lovely birthday cards It's so nice having so many gorgeous cards mine are still up don't want to take the down thank you all again ladies.
    MARIA hope you haven't got a chill after getting drowned yesterday thanks for gental hugs. BRENDA sorry your new sweet didn't turn up I can imagine John being angry Hug's
    Sue hope you enjoyed your walk Hug's
    VAL good luck with packing for holiday.
    Margaret hope you get to pentagon some time soon Hug's
    JANET hope you got all your presents sorted &I had a good day. Hug's
    Hope everyone had a good day.
    SANDRA hope your couple of hour's crafting was good distraction from packing.
    Well I better see if this comment get published.
    Love Lynda xxxx
