
Monday 1 January 2018

Happy New Year

Good Morning Ladies,

I would like to wish each and every one of my Very Dearest Friends a year of Good Health and lots of Happiness, I look forward to sharing your Creativity throughout 2018.
You ladies are like the very best family in the world, I look forward every day to reading what you have been up to, you are all so very caring, celebrating when somebody has achieved something, supporting when someone is struggling, you are all so kind and generous, I feel very blessed to have you as friends.

Now it wouldn't be a Monday without a Challenge, please don't feel pressured if you can't join in but I know a few of us having fingers itching to craft so Michele chose a 'TicTacToe' Challenge for us and shared in a couple of cards for inspiration. (while I was busy packing)!

Pink/ Embossing/Rhinestone


As usual you choose 3 categories, any 3 you like and use those categories when making your card.  I can't wait to see what you all come up with.

Thank you Michele, for all of your help and support XXX

I'd like to thank all of you for taking part in these challenges every week, you are all amazing and very much appreciated XXX

Enjoy your day ladies, let's make some fantastic memories together in 2018 !!

Love and Hugs 



  1. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you Sandra my bestest, wonderful and most dearest friend. May 2018 be a happy one for you, Paul and the family, starting with your new home my lovely. Thank you so much for all that you do for me and everyone else not just here on this fantastic blog but in every other way too. Love you loads xxxxxx
    HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL. May you all have a great 2018.
    What a lovely look back you have made for us Sandra. I dread to think how long this has taken you aa you and all of the other ladies

  2. Oops, that's a good start to 2018 for me! The first time I use my phone I hit publish by mistake 😊
    .....have all made some gorgeous cards. It is especially good to see your first stamped cards my lovely and I look forward to enjoying many more.
    I am determined to make at least one challenge card each week so will be thinking of ideas while we are away.
    I hope those of you that celebrated last night had a lovely time and not too many sore headsπŸ˜‹ Like several of you we stayed in and had a quiet night watching a film together and today we have an early start to the year so now I had better start to think about getting up.
    Sending special new year love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need but especially extra gentle ones for our Lynda and Terry. Take care xx

  3. Hi again. I'm sorry Michele. I've just realised that I didn't say that I love both if your CC inspirations, thank you so much for helping Sandra. I will be joining in so will have to get thinking 😊 x

  4. Morning Everyone

    Back to normal today and so a tic tac toe challenge for this week. Thinking/sorting hat on and hope inspiration kicks in.

    I'm hoping to get some crafting done this morning and then it will be a 'wait and see' afternoon.
    We had a quiet day and in bed well before midnight but wasn't allowed to sleep as so many were setting fireworks off it felt like being in the middle of a war zone. The bangs were just like that.

    The doors are open for you to pop in and have a look at what's happening.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with extras for all who are in need. xxxx

    1. Happy New Year to you both Janet
      Hope you manage to get into your craftroom today to do some crafting. I can't even see my desk as I've a lot more stuff piled on top of it than what I had before the holidays started.

  5. Morning Ladies and a Very Happy New Year!!!!

    I’m really looking forward to making a card for this challenge as I hope it kick starts my crafting. I sat in my craft room yesterday but all I did was go on eBay then transfer lots of photos from my old laptop onto a flash drive!

    We managed to stay up until midnight then went to bed-so many fireworks going off though. I’ve had a lovely lie in so my alarm going off st 6:30 tomorrow will be a shock to my system.


    1. Hi Michele
      Love both of your challenge cards today. Thanks for doing that for Sandra. I hope your alarm going off tomorrow isn't to much of a shock to the system.

  6. Morning everyone and a Happy New Year!
    My brain is already buzzing with ideas,only hope it can be made into some cards. Like this tic tac toe challenge.
    Was up late so not doing to much today other then read my book, start exercise walking and eat right, in that order this grey and wet morning and hope to make a card this afternoon. Hope to get the handle tomorrow :>)
    Have a nice day everyone !! Love Maria Xoxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Sounds like the correct order to me. Not to sure about the exercise walking though. It's a bit cold for going out walking. Although if you walk fast enough I assume you'd soon warm up. Hope your handle arrives tomorrow.

    I spent last night at home After cooking for MIL yesterday I was exhausted and felt rough with this cough - I’m waiting for a dr to ring me now
    I hate to say it but I don’t particularly like NYE but OH does He did go out (in his kilt!) to wish friends Happy New Year I stayed up til midnight to watch the fireworks πŸŽ†
    Great challenge MICHELE Funnily enough I’ve just posted a Thank You card to my SIL using the Alphabet Grid she bought me for Christmas and forgot to photograph it!
    I have two New Baby girl cards to make My cousin had a girl on Sat and a friend had a girl yesterday! So it looks like I might be doing the “pink” line!
    Take care everyone xx

    1. Hi Michele
      Sounds like your going to have a busy time making pink cards for the babies. We quite like NYE but don't go out anymore. We play cards with Karen,Keith and whichever girls are in, which is usually Livy and Amber. Livvy (15) was supposed to go to friends but wanted to stay and play games with her Gramps.

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ONE AND ALL.
    Great challenge Sandra and Michele. Wendy used the same one for her challenge a few weeks ago but I know it would be cheating to use the same card!!!
    Was in bed before midnight but awake with all the bangs and whizzes from the firework display. Lynn and Paul are closing the shop at 3 today so we're having a lovely rest dinner and eating the Christmas pudding we were too full to eat on Christmas day.
    I'm just transfering all the relevant dates from my old calendar to my new pussy  cat one. It's a job I really enjoy. Having a break from card making today and I'm practicing quilling as Wendy and I go to our first class on Thursday.
    Hope everyone has a really relaxing day.
    Lynda hope Terry's ribs aren't as sore now.xx
    Hugs to those suffering from one of the nasty bus doing the rounds at the moment.xx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you enjoyed your dinner and Christmas pud. Craig brought one to Karen's on Christmas Day which didn't get eaten. So Karen bought it down on the 28th which was her birthday. As I'd made 2 trifles, and Livy had made 47 little cup cakes ( Karen's age ) we were too full to eat it. Haven't a clue why they left it here as I already have 4 small ones for Pete as I don't like Christmas Pud.

    2. Hi Val
      Lots of hugs going around the uk. Sophie was off sick the day before yesterday with sickness and diarrhoea. As she works in a care home couldn't go in yesterday. Have to be careful that Pete doesn't catch anything untoward either when he's having this new treatment,

    3. Hope the quilling goes well. Pressed publish before if finished.

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Wishing you all a Gappy New Year.
    Stayed up to watch the fireworks last night. Played build a beetle ( which I usually loose ) but I actually won one game. Then played Triominoes. Played with a double set which makes it even more trickier. For the uninitiated it's a three sided dominoes game. Plenty of nibbles as well. Got home around 1.30, but as it's only at the top of our road, so not far to go at all.
    Hugs to all who need one today. Especially our Terry who I hope is behaving himself. Although knowing Terry, that might be a struggle.

    1. Hi Pat, we used to play both of those games, my daughter used to be a whizz at triominoes, still have a set somewhere, must did it out for the grand children.

    2. Hi Lilian
      All our grandchildren love playing games. Even the older ones. We go up to Karen's most Fridays and Sundays. Then we usually play UNO Spin. Petes favourite game. Although I think we have all the UNO games.

  10. Meant to say what a lovely look back at the cards Sandra. Must have taken an age to do that Sandra, so a big thank you. Lovely speaking to you yesterday and I hope the packing up is going well.

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra wishing you Paul & family a very Happy New Year. Hope the packing going well. Thanks for sorting CC with
    Michele thank you for helping Sandra & love both of your
    Lynda hope Terry is beging to improve &
    doing as he is told, hugs to you
    Hope you all have a heathly & happy new year, hugs to all who need them love

  12. HAPPY NEW YEAR to Sandra and all you lovely peeps on the blog.

    We were in bed before midnight but the fireworks seemed to go on forever, well after one.

    Great challenge Michele, hope to have a go, after we have been to the opticians tomorrow.

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

    1. Happy New Year Lilian
      Hope your trip to the optician isn't to expensive.

  13. Hello Sandra and Ladies,

    Great new CC , big thank you to Michele for stepping in to support Sandra, I know haw she appreciates your input.

    We stayed up last not watch the fireworks, was not impressed with the television program choices leading up to the fireworks though. May be it’s me turning into a grumpy old woman!!!

    Another quiet day today, unfortunately John seems to have caught my flu, he is sneezing and coughing, hope he can get rid of it quickly.

    Lynda how is Terry? Hope his ribs haven’t been giving him to much discomfort xx

    Our new sofas are due to arrive tomorrow, they were promised for a delivery before Christmas when we ordered them. But the delivery date was changed TWICE as the container ship carrying them could not dock due to bad weather. Anyway they offered a very reasonable sweetener. Just hope they keep there word.

    Wishing everyone a good night, sweet dreams.
    Love and Hugs Brenda xxx
