
Sunday 31 December 2017

A look back at 2017

A look back at some of my favourite cards

Happy New Year's Eve Ladies,

As we don't have any Challenge cards to look at today I thought I would take a look back through the year and pick out a few of my favourite cards that you have made, it was so hard to choose, I was going to choose just one but that was way too hard so I settled for two for each of you ( this took me hours) ! 
So I hope you like the cards in have chosen for each of you, they are mostly chosen because I love them, some because they stand out for other reasons, like one of Karen's was because it was her first real go at stamping, which is why I chose my cards, the first was my first ever completely stamped card, the second was a card I made for Sophie's birthday, I love the background stamping on this card and when I shared this on a FB stamping groups page it went crazy with hundreds of 'likes' !

Anyway let's get a look at yours.....














I hope you liked my choices, they are all amazing, all so very different, can you believe another year has whizzed by??

We have had a few special birthdays ....

Lynda celebrated her 70th birthday

Michele celebrated her 50th birthday

Penelope (Sue's granddaughter) was born

We met up in April

And again in September

We also had a meet up in November at the NEC
Where we got to meet our lovely Michele.

We also had the Lovely Tracy join our blog family,
Sadly we lost her a few weeks ago.
A genuinely lovely lady, who is very much missed.

I apologise if I have missed anything or any other Special Birthdays, it was almost midnight when I finished writing this post, my brain had already fallen asleep! 

If you are going out to celebrate tonight, have a fantastic time, we will celebrate as we always do, at home, the good thing this year is that Paul doesn't have to work, which is a celebration in itself !! 

I will take this opportunity to wish you all a Very Happy, Healthy New Year !!!

Lots of love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    WOW what a year we have had in the CAFE.
    Thank you SANDRA for all the reminders of what has been produced and celebrated but most of all for taking us all into your 'home'. I for one cannot find the words to say what a 'fantastic bunch of FRIENDS' i found when joining this FAMILY.

    We shall be at home this evening and probably in bed well before midnight.
    HUGS are fighting their way through the wind to you all.


  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a wonderful collection of everyone’s cards. A nice round up of 2017.

    Well-we ordered the furniture and paid the deposit. They’ll take 6-8 weeks to be made and we’ll get an email confirming when they’re ready nearer the time. We took some old items to the charity shop then did a Tesco shop. When we drove through the village, it was deserted.
    I had s quiet time in the afternoon on the computer looking what I can spend my Christmas vouchers on at Oyster Crafts.

    Housework this morning then I’m heading into my craft room. Hoping to discuss crafty things with Sandra so that might kick start my Inspiration to make some cards.


  3. Morning Sandra and all, Well what a wonderful line up this morning. Many thanks for giving up your time to run this perfect best blog in the world and for giving me a whole new lovely group of friends. You're very much
    Housework today. Lynn laughs but I remember my mum telling me that if your house is clean it will be like that all year. Old wives tale I know but old habits stick. Like Janet I'll be in bed before midnight. Bah Humbug.
    Stay safe if you're venturing out and to all of you I wish a wonderful happy peaceful and very healthy new year.
    Lots of love Valxxx

  4. A huge thank you SANDRA for this lovely blog and for all of your hard work I’ve loved the challenges and seeing what everyone’s take is I love the support everybody gives when it’s needed and sharing the joys in our lives But most of all I love the friendship we have - the meet ups etc
    HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE and hope that 2018 is a healthier one

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Wow what a wonderful selection we've had throughout the year. A fantastic look back Sandra.
    Thank you Sandra for all the hard work you've put into your blog throughout the year. Not something I could do I'm sure.
    As you say sadly we lost Tracey this year. My thoughts are with her family.
    We'll be up Karen's as far as I know this evening playing games. That's if everyone is feeling better. They've all had the dreaded lurgy over Christmas. Amy starting it off about 2 weeks ago. Sophie even called in sick yesterday as she surcumned. She works in a care home and thought it best to stay at home.
    WISHING EVERYONE A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR and like Karen I'm hoping everyone stays healthy.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing all our cards today, the time you put into the blog, your encouragement & help is very much appreciated, a very big thank you.
    I really hope all works out for you with the house & all the changes for you & 2018 is good to
    I would like to wish you all a happy & healthy 2018, & thank you for your friendship & hope we all get to meet up.
    Sending special hugs to all feeling poorly & to the anybody who needs one love Margaret xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra you really are a treasure, you have so much going on in your life yet still make time to keep your blog really interesting ..... what a star ⭐️ xx
    I have loved looking back at everyone’s cards, each card so different and worthy of a second’s you, who should get the credit for this display, it must have taken you forever. ITS YOU Who motivates everyone each week, who freely offers tips and advice, and is just there for everyone.... a true friend xx

    I hope and pray the next few weeks run smoothly and no hiccups get in the way.
    Wishing you Paul, Matt, Sophie and Lucy, Becca and Josh a VERY HAPPY and HEALTHY NEW YEAR xx

    Sending special wishes to all on this blog, you really are an amazing supportive group of friends HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and your partners,family and friends.

    If you are venturing out mind how you go, hope you have a love evening. Like us, if your staying in enjoy your evening xx

    🍾πŸ₯‚CHEERS TO A GREAT 2018 for everyone 🍻 πŸ™πŸ» 🀞

    Love Brenda xxx

  8. Hi All

    Firstly than you for showing all pics from this year, and also a GRATE BIG THANS FOR ALL THE WORK YOU PUT INTO YOUR WONDERFUL BLOG.

    I SEND HAPPY NEW YEAR WISHES TO YOU ALL, and here’s hoping everyone will have a healthy and healthy 2018,hugs Lilian

  9. Hi Sandra & Friends
    First I would like to THANK SANDRA FOR ALL THE HARD WORK SHE PUTS INTO THIS LOVELY BLOG. The fantastic friends I have found that are with me through sad times & good you all.
    SANDRA lovely looking back on some of our cards. I love the challenge cards making them &seeing everyone's take on the sketch. One big birthday was your 50th Sandra.x❤️ Hope you had a good chat with MICHELE today.
    Love the Ally Pally pictures but sad I wasn't in the September one.
    Meeting some of you for the first time was magical Thank you much.
    SANDRA I ment to say I love your second card it's gorgeous.
    You have achieved so much in your crafting journey.
    Sending HUG'S TO YOU ALL HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR to you & hope it's a healthy &happy 2018 πŸŽ‰πŸ₯‚πŸΎπŸ·πŸŽ‰
    Love Lynda xxxx


    1. Well I'm still here so want to take the opportunity to say a huge THANK YOU Sandra for this great blog ! You are doing a fantastic job every day to keep it going and I am so happy for finding your blog some years ago now for I have more friends then I ever had thanks to you. I love it when we meet up so roll on AP in April. Hope to meet more of you in this new year, my horoscope saying I will meet many lovely crafting ladies and men in 2018 :>) Lovely to see some of our cards made in 2017 again, you are so kind for letting us show our work on your blog. Hope people looking in also like them and get some inspirations for making cards etc like I do.
      Best go and try for some sleep I think, hope to see you later. Warm hugs, Maria xxx

  11. Wonderful card selection. Great pics, xxx
