
Sunday 21 January 2018

Your Challenge Cards

My Challenge Card

The Challenge

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

It's that amazing time of the week where we get to see everyone's take on this Challenge, these Tic Tac Toe challenges give you free reign to design any shape and size of card, which means these challenges have the most varied end results, you all look at the categories and think of completely different designs. 
So without further delay here are this week's Challenge cards..........


Michele made this amazing Birthday card t help inspire you with this week's challenge.

She Chose categories: Circles/Birthday/Favourite Colour

A perfect man card Michele, I love all the metallic shades that you have used, they look so striking against that black background.

Michele's second card is made using Sue Wilson's Intertwining Circles Striplet, die cut in white and layed over the gorgeous Teal background, Michele used the same colour card as the background to die cut her sentiment, which works perfectly.
Thank you so much for helping me inspire our friends.


Karen has used the 'Bokeh' Technique to design her Tic Tac Toe Challenge card for the weeks Challenge. 
She picked Categories: Circles/Die Cutting/F

Birthday/Circles/Favourite Colour

I love your card Karen, particularly the way the sentiment follows the Butterfly.
Thank you so much for taking part this week.


Sue managed to design and create her first Christmas card of 2018 for this week's Tic Tac Toe Challenge.
She chose Categories: Circles/Die Cutting/ Favourite Colour

A fantastic Christmas card Sue, love your design, particularly those Reindeer!
Well done for making a start on this year's Christmas cards, you always said you were going to start at beginning of the year! I will try and encourage you to keep it up.
Thank you so much my lovely, two challenge cards in as many days, you are awesome.


Janet has made three TicTacToe  cards for this week's Challenge, Janet chose categories:
1.  The first card has been made using a Stencil/ Tag/Birthday
2.  The second card use categories/ watercolour/ Die cut /birthday

3. Die Cut (Cc Create A Card) /Birthday./ favourite colour  (Silver and white) 

There stunning cards Janet, they are all so beautiful.  Thank you for taking part.


Lilian has made a stunning Floral Birthday card for this week's challenge, she chose categories: Watercolour/Birthday/heat Embossing
Such a beautiful stamped image Lilian, I love how you have coloured it too.
Thank you so much for taking part Lilian.


Margaret has shared a beautiful birthday card, I absolutely love how you have used the Stampin'Up ! Die as a stencil, cleverly the image looks three D!  
Margaret chose categories: Stencil/Birthday/Watercolour 
An absolutely gorgeous card Margaret, thank you so much for sharing it with us.


Lynda has made an absolutely gorgeous card for this week's Challenge, she chose categories: die cutting/Birthday/favourite colour
I love this colour Lynda, such a beautiful card, nice and quick too with those dies, adding the butterflies really finishes it beautifully.
Thank you so much Lynda for taking part.

As always I am so very grateful to you all for making time in your busy lives to take part in my Challenges, I know that you all go to great lengths to take part.
I absolutely love sharing your work, particularly those of you that don't get to share your work on line.

Fingers crossed that the BT installation goes to plan on Tuesday, so that I can get back up and running as soon as possible.

Thanks again ladies, 

Have a lovely Sunday,

Love and hugs 



  1. Morning Everyone
    We have yet again a very deep frost and it's bitterly cold.
    Yesterday morning on the pavements was a skating rink. From our path to the public footpath was horrendous. I just put my foot on and with Jim's arm around me I didn't move my feet at all to get to the car I just slid!!!

    What a fantastic board this morning and for the first time (I think) the favourite Challenge was 'circles'. The boards really shine a welcome in the CAFE which of course is OPEN for all.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take great care if going out this morning.xxxx

    1. I hope it warms up for you soon That sounds scary I am so scared of slipping on the ice I probably make it worse for myself by being tense and not relaxing

    2. Hi Janet
      Hope it warms up soon. It's so scary isn't it when it's very icy. I looked out of our window last night and the car was icy so I suppose the paths were icy as well. However, it's snowing now so I don't know what the paths are like underneath.

    3. Hi Janet
      Meant to say I love the cards you made, and as you say circles seem to be the theme this week.
      It's been pouring with rain here since before lunch. So we're liable to have some flooding by the morning. Hope it doesn't freeze tonight.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Another lovely collection of challenge cards today. It’s great seeing what everyone has created for the challenge.

    We have a damp, windy & dull day here. Housework this morning (sorry to swear so early) then I need to start a 16th Birthday Card to go to America as we’ve just realised that Fiona is 16 in a couple of weeks. That card is going to be a challenge for me to make!


    1. 16 is a difficult age to create for because they’re sooooo grown up

    2. Hi Michele, As a suggestion if you have large letter dies, cut out her name and make it the focal point. I did that for teenage grandaughter and grandson for there last birthdays, both cards were well received.

    3. Hi Michele
      Great cards you've made this week.
      Good luck with designing a card for a 16 year old. Those teenage years are a bummer to made a card for aren't they.

  3. What can I say except amazing! So many different styles and MICHELE you’ve reminded me that I have that Striplet- thank you Another die I need to utilise more often I am so bad at using new stuff I have bought (if it gets out of the packet that is) and forget to really use older items too
    Babysitting went well he is still very snuffly and has a cough
    Off to pay for the new kitchen today and then the mayhem will begin!
    I hope you’re beginning to be able to relax SANDRA
    Take care all in what for some people have is treacherous weather And those feeling poorly are on the mend xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Such fantastic cards this week. Once again each one is different. Such an amazing feat every week.
    It's snowing here ladies today and laying. Not to sure we'll be taking Doreen over to Yarnton for lunch today. All depends if the snow stops.
    Sandra I hope you've moved most of the furniture as today and yesterday weren't very good days for moving.

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra once again you have inspired us to make some lovely cards, thank you. Hope you are nearly at end of moving, please take
    It is very wet here at least we do not have snow, afternoon sat in the warm is calling. Hope you all keep warm & dry, sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What amazing selection of cards for this weeks challenge, ladies you have excelled yourself yet again.

    I hope the move is completed Sandra and Manor Lodge is beginning to feel like home. Do you now have to have an inventory on the bungalow? I know that’s what used to happen.

    Another wet miserable day we had a little snow earlier but it didn’t settle as everywhere was just too wet. Definitely a day for staying indoors.

    Hope everyone has a good day, Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      We had quite a bit of snow this morning. But it started to rain so it's gradually going. Trouble now is we have giant size puddles everywhere. Might even have floods in the dips we have here.

  7. Hello Sandra & Ladies
    Wow all Challenge cards are amazing this week.& all so different
    . Sandra I hope you are all now settling in your new home & managed to get most of your things moved over now. Now Sandra take your time unpacking as you must be shattered please take it easy my lovely friend.
    Terry is still trying to sort my email out as still not able to Send or receive emails
    I'm panicking a bit now as I have to change all my settings on EBay & PayPal
    So need my email working. EBay have stopped my link with Paypal so need to sort it ASAP They are still investigating my account.
    All yesterday mixed up Saturday were all brilliant. Sorry didn't get in though.
    I just went into my deleted mail & luckily found old Cotswolds crafter & came up trumps.
    Love Lynda xx
