
Monday 22 January 2018

Monday Sketch Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

Well it's Monday so that means Challenge day!
This week I decided to go for a 'Sketch' Challenge, I think that a sketch is a good 'mojo' booster and this time of year we all need to give our mojo's a bit of a boost, we have just finished manic Christmas card making and then in a blink of an eye we are looking at our birthday books to see what cards we need to get done.  
So I hope today's sketch helps your 'Mojo', you can of course use it just as a guideline, you can turn it anyway round and replace the stars with whatever you choose, you could use flowers, balloons, tools, hearts, it's up to you, I think this would make a great Man card, but then with flowers and a scalloped lace border it could make a gorgeous ladies card too.
What ever direction you go in enjoy it, I am quite jealous right now, I would love to be sat in my nice warm craft room making a sketch card, I am hoping to take part later in the week.

We got all furniture moved across and lots more besides, so it's just a case of getting organised now, it will be eventually, we got the lounge organised pretty much straight away so that we have one room that isn't in chaos!

I hope you all have a great week,

Love and hugs 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Great sketch Sandra-so many possibilities. Just hope my mojo returns in time to make something for this challenge.

    You’ve done amazing work moving all the furniture already. I think it’s quite exciting finding homes for all your personal stuff eg books etc. Not that I’d want to move house again as we’ve managed to fill this one in the 10 Years we’ve been here..

    I have a different day at work today-been asked to do a full stock check this morning then I’m shortlisting applicants for a basic grade job. At least it’ll keep my mind busy as I’ve been worrying about work again this weekend!


    1. You really must stop worrying about work It won’t do you any good Take care xx

    2. Hi Michele
      Oh dear try not to worry to much about work. I know it's quite difficult in your situation as your probably walking around on eggshells.

  2. I like the sketch and will definitely help my mojo
    I hope everyone is safe after the atrocious weather at the weekend Please take care Off to work in a mo xx

    1. Hi Karen
      After the now and rain we had yesterday it's quite gloomy here today. Did have a bit of sunshine about lunchtime. But by then I was on my way to school. I do wonder about parents sometimes. As to why they don't think it important to help their child with their reading and writing. There's only so much we can do at school without the parents helping their child at hone to practice.

  3. Morning everyone from a very wet and rainy Monday in North Wales.
    Love todays sketch and card. Back in Spain on Wednesday so hope to have a go.
    You sound as though you're getting well organized Sandra. So happy for you.
    Love to all. Val xx

    1. Hi Val
      Lovely to hear from you. Hope you enjoyed your holiday. Hope it's warmer in Spain than it is in North Wales.

  4. Morning Everyone
    An interesting Challenge this week. I wonder what the outcome will be.

    What a DAY we had yesterday!!!!
    It started to snow around 09.30. Jim had just got back from having a scan on his bladder/kidneys/liver (this is all connected to the water infections he has been having. His appointment time was 08.55 (Sunday appointments now for some depts at hospital) and by 12.00 noon we couldn't see the road/paths etc and our garden was just like a snowy hillside. Fortunately it stopped by mid afternoon and then started to rain. This morning you wouldn't know that any snow had fallen at all. (wonderful weather we have in this country!!)

    I hope everyone is safe and haven't any damage from yesterday's horrible weather.

    It my usual start to the week this morning -Mr Tesco delivers-; Jim is on duty this afternoon so it will be a wait and see what pops up for me.

    The CAFE is OPEN and is looking very inviting so pop in when you can.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Your weather yesterday sounds just like ours. Hope Jim's scan shows nothing untoward. Hope his hospital suites aren't to stressful driving wise,

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Internet is working at last, we are changing provider so hope not to have any more problems.
    So many gorgeous cards over the last few days. Any one needing some inspiration would be spoiled for choice if they had a look here wouldn't they 😊
    I'm so glad that you have got the lounge and your lovely pantry sorted, everything else can be done at a slower pace as I bet you exhausted my lovely.
    You will be back crafting before you know it though so take it easy xx
    Lynda, I hope you manage to get all of your technical problems and PayPal sorted very quickly. Sending hugs to you and Terry xx
    We all had a mix of weather over the weekend didn't we. A week of rain is forecast for around here this week 😞
    I have got the house to myself with no ironing so I'm going to be crafting for the rest of the day. Another Christmas card will be made using this week's sketch so i must get my thinking cap on.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  6. Hi Everyone.
    Back home so were rather busy by doing the washing, shopping and looking in to see all the wonderful cards that have been on show over the few days and also Saturday's mix was lovely to see. I tried posting more from Austria but it wouldn't let me and yesterday our internet was really weird, I could read your post but it wouldn't let me comment so left it after a while. Had a lovely time and we got plenty of wonderful snow,I know you find it troubled here when it coming down heavy but over there they are fantastic with their little and big tractor scrapers on the roads and walk paths. They started around 4am with the clearing so not many had a problem to get to work alright. Will try to send some photos to Sandra.
    Hope your move going fine and you all soon settled down nicely in your new home.
    Looking like it's going to rain so my walk might be out, need to get going again after seeing the scales at ww yesterday,Oh boy ,but I did have some cakes and I did remember Pat,Karen and some others to have the Apple Strudel which was very,very nice Lol
    Sending my love and warm hugs to you all and like Janet saying you are all welcome to visit this wonderful blog that Sandra running and join our friendly group of crafting ladies. Take care all, Maria xxxx

  7. Hello All, first dry day for an age.

    Sorry not been in for a couple of days, started new tablets, which left me feeling rubbish.

    Lovely cards yesterday, and all the goodies from Saturday.

    Glad the move is going well Sandra, hope your communications get sorted ok.

    To days sketch looks good, R is 70 in February, so I’ll try and make his card.

    Hope you are getting over these terrible bugs that are around, loads of friends are getting quite poorly. Hugs to all Lilian

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    I'm glad the move went off Sandra and that at least the living room is straight. Must seem odd being in a new house after being in the bungalow for awhile. Hope your not doing to much sorting wise, on your own as we don't want to bad again. I wonder if Paul will start picking up what's left in the bungalow on his way home from work. Or does he have to pick up Sophie and Lucy at school. Makes a late day for them.
    Wonder what the ladies will cone up with for the challenge.

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hood challenge this week hope to have a go tomorrow afternoon. Pleased to hear you have at least one room tidy to relax
    Maria & Val good to see you both in after your hols hope you both had a lovely time, sounds as if you did
    Lynda hope you have sorted your problems with paypal, hugs to you
    I have had a busy day with that swear word housework this morning & this afternoon took a friend from Petanque to have his first diabetic eye test & got home in time to cook tea. Tomorrow Pop has appointment with Physio so another morning out.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  10. Should read good challenge not hood.

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Looks a good challenge this week Sondra, I will try and get a card made this week. Pleased you got the sitting room sorted out, at least if you’ve got somewhere you can relax, just pace yourself sorting everything else out, it will all come together in time time.
    VAL and MARIA, it’s lovely to see you back on the blog. LYNDA hope you are alright.

    Take care everyone. Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

  12. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Sandra glad you have the lounge sorted.Hope your not to exhausted after your hectic weekend. Today's sketch looks good too Sandra thank you.
    I have change my password for EBay & paypal also security questions all I have to do now is get my Email working as they said should be by the time my fees come out. Terry has been trying to sort it & now his has also gone down. It's a blooming nightmare. Still investigating the fraudulent transactions. I will be glad when this nightmare is sorted.
    Had my hair cut today she comes to me. Tomorrow I have eye clinic Wednesday will have to do ironing then round Margaret's Thursday she has some more bits for me not sure what. Friday I have foot clinic.
    MARIA pleased you enjoyed your holiday nice seeing you.
    VAL hope your having a good time Hope you bought some crafty goodies.
    Love Lynda xx
