
Tuesday 23 January 2018

Super 16th Birthday card from Michele

Good Morning Ladies,

Fingers crossed we should get our internet sorted today, it says we should have it by midnight, so I am crossing everything, well to be honest I think I will be having a super slow, relaxed day.

Michele kindly sent me this fantastic birthday card, teenagers can be so hard to make cards for but I think this one 'hits the nail on the head ' particularly as this card is going to Michele's Niece in Florida and they make a big deal out of celebrating their 'Sweet Sixteen', which means that cake us probably spot on!   Here is die recipe:

"All Sue Wilson-Alphabet Grid, stitched squares, cake  is from a Shadow box set I got at Christmas & the flowers are the daisies from yonks ago-open petal I think. "

Thank you Michele your card is really inspirational, particularly for this age group! XXX

Well I must go unpack some more boxes, I just looked at the pile in the dining room/craft room and closed the door!

I hope you are all well my lovelies,

Thank you for your patience,

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-hope you manage to unpack a few more boxes then find some time to rest.

    My card is now finished-I added glitter to the tips of the candles and personalised the insert. I hadn’t thought of the connection to Sweet Sixteen when I used the cake die, more that Fiona loves baking but hopefully she’ll like the card. I got a message from the American relatives saying they were disappointed that I hadn’t made all their Christmas cards (lots of people didn’t get a handmade card this year) so I thought I’d better make a momentous effort with her birthday card!

    Yesterday went so quickly at work-I finished the shortlisting at 4:45 so I had a quick catch up with my boss then it was home time.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope it wasn't to stressful for you at work yesterday. It's very time consuming doing everyone's Christmas cards isn't it. Plus the cost of postage is going through the roof if it's not a small and flat card.
      Geltle hugs coming your way.

    2. Just realised I didn't say I loved your card. I don't have the alphabet set, but do have the pinpoint one.

  2. Morning Ladies,

    Fantastic card Michele for a sweet sixteen. Lovely choice of colours.

    Have fun unpacking Sandra, I don't envy you that at all, unless it is my new box or bag of crating goodies.
    I am carrying on with my resolution of last year in that unless something really hits me between the eyes I am not impulse buying, more a case of using what I already have.

    Searching for buttons yesterday I came across more goodies still in their wrappers so the thought crossed my mind 'Did I really need to buy them?' Hmmm, let me ponder on that thought.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I hope you managed to find someone to yelp with your costumes. I ought to try that resolution but I always seem to break it. Something always catches my eye. Like the swirly background stamp that Brenda used.

  3. Morning Everyone
    from a very dark and wet morning here in Sheffield.

    MICHELE- a very appropriate and lovely card for a 16th birthday. I'm sure your Niece will love it.

    CHERYL- I know exactly what you mean re buying. Every time I look for backing papers etc I come across some I've bought put away and completely forgot about but yes I still buy more instead of really looking at what I already have. Perhaps I ought to make a rule for myself. Like you 'Hmmm let me ponder on that thought'lol

    I actually managed to get a Challenge Card made yesterday - don't really know where the inspiration came from but I'd seen a sample on Pinterest and thought I liked the set out but before I knew it I'd started prep and made a card which looks nothing like the one I'd seen!!

    VAL- hope the weather is a little better in Wales. I was lovely to see you pop in yesterday.

    MARIA- I hope you're having a lovely time and that you're not making too many snowmen hehehe.

    Well it's Jim's last day on duty for this month and I've not got anything planned for today.
    The CAFE is OPEN for you all to pop in and have a chat.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.xxxx

  4. Good morning Sandra and Ladies,

    Sandra I hope your Internet sorted out today and you can get connected to the outside world again, we so take things like that for granted these days it’s difficult to manage without it.

    MICHELE Love the design you chose for your nieces birthday card, it really is so appropriate for 16-year-old I know she’s going to be delighted with it.

    It’s a miserable damp day here and rain has been forecast for later. Unfortunately I have to pop into Croydon but don’t plan to stay very long.

    I hope whatever you are doing you’re enjoying it, take care and have a good day everyone, love and hugs Brenda XXX

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I hope you are back on internet by tonight, have everything crossed for you. Here's to a quiet relaxed day for
    Michele your card for your niece is great as all your cards
    I am writing this while sat in car while Pop is in physio, & we have sun & blue sky just appeared but windy though. We have had alot of rain overnight, everywhere is saturated.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  6. Hi All, very wet and here again today, roll on spring.

    Michele great card, sure it will be loved.

    Sandra hope you get connected again to day and the unpacking is going well.

    Not sure what I’m doing today, up early( 5.30am ) to watch the tennis, Karl Edmonds is through to the semifinals. Very exciting.

    Have a lovely rest of the day, hugs Lilian

    1. oh that's early to get up to watch the Tennis, I can see you will have a little snooze this afternoon hihi Hope you are nowhere close to the gas explosion down in Cornwall ?, horrid thing to happen
      Warm hugs xx

  7. Hi everyone,
    a gorgeous card Michele and it's a lovely colour you have used.Your niece will love it.
    I got told off as well for not making my own x-mas cards for some of my family so I best get some done earlier this year but most of it is put away so maybe leave it a month or two.
    Janet- hope the weather is better and when you going out it is not to slippery under foot. I am home now in the wet and raw, it is plus 10 today but -2 felt better. Didn't make any snowman but made an angel after fallen over and OH had to pull me up again (not hurt at all Lol )
    Lynda- hope your troubles soon are fixed, doesn't sound nice what have happened to you. Take care and hugs to you and Terry.
    Margaret- hope you stay warm and physio went well for Pop.
    Cheryl- funny how it is when you having a clear out and so on and you find things you forgotten you bought for you thought you would use them one day. I said to myself not to buy any more but it is hard not to when we going to AP and then being bombarded with e-mails from on-line companies. It is my own fault having joined so many but I don't want to lose out on anything new now do I :>)
    Pat- hope you doing alright this week, sending you and Pete some special hugs.
    Brenda- hope your visit in to Croyden was fine and you didn't get caught in the rain. Take care and I hope John is ok, hugs
    Sandra- take it easy so you not get hurt while packing up, hope you be ok. How far is it now for the girls to get to school, can they get there by bus or ?
    Hope the pics. got to you, I had some problems to get them into my own folder from OH's so I hope they arrived.
    Went out this morning but didn't enjoy it much because I feel cold all the time so in need of a hot mug of tea. Have a good day whatever you are doing, love and warm hugs to you all, Maria oxxox

  8. This is a gorgeous card MICHELE I was lucky enough to get the alphabet grid for Christmas and I treated myself to the Make a Cake set when feeling in the doldrums a bit THAT’S IT NOW until AP (NOT!) Like many of you I have stuff that I’ve forgotten about or not opened
    Have been a list of cards to make for February (about 10) so I need to get cracking
    Take care all and hopefully you’ll soon be back online SANDRA

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Fantastic 16th birthday card today. I have 70th to do for my brother in law so must get my thinking cap on.
    Hope your internet is up and running today Sandra. Plus your getting a bit straighter every day. Hope you can utilise the girls to help you.

  10. School today as usual this morning and hospital this afternoon. Earlier appointment today, which was nice, as the traffic wasn't to manic coming home.

  11. Hi everyone
    Michele love your card it's brilliant
    Sandra hope you get your internet up & running soon. Glad your getting straight well how many more boxes are there.📦🤗 xx
    Maria thank you yes been a nightmare they still open cases & investigating. Still can't understand how they do it I wouldn't have a clue. One even put the picture on eBay of what he was saying I bought for £207.00+ &said pay now.but eBay where very quick to delete it. But PayPal are still investigating as all are in different currency's. Terry is still working on my Email he has got his Email back it just mine he's having trouble doing.😩
    I Had eye test at hospital today for my suspect Glaucoma appointment in right eye it was for 10am it was 11.15am before I was seen.👀Not happy but doctor said imy eye was a improvement on last time so pleased about that.
    Well Better wash up so I bid you all a good evening love & Hug's Lynda xxx
