
Wednesday 24 January 2018

A Magnificent Minion card from Karen

Good Morning Ladies, 

Day 5, I still haven't made it out from under the pile of boxes! Haha not really, slow progress, but we are getting there, I have the kitchen mostly organised, it really takes some thinking about where to put things do that the 'flow' of the kitchen works.
I've lost count of how many times I've been asked where the cups/glasses/teaspoons are! I have told them it's a puzzle, they'll have to work out then they won't forget ! 

The new 'Halogen' hob is taking some getting used too, I have to say I much prefer gas, with that once you turn it off it's off, these halogen rings take forever to cool down, the first time I used it I thought it was broken and switched it off at the wall, but Lynda actually reassured me that the hob light stays on until it has completely cooled to stop you from burning your self!
The grill was another adventure, I had turned it on but couldn't understand why it wouldn't heat up, but I had to turn the top oven dial on too!  We will get there eventually i guess, I can't even imagine cooking a roast right now.

Now onto today's amazing card, Karen made this fantastic Minion card for her boss (then one that she made the minion hat for last year)! 
He likes motorbikes too so this picture was perfect, Karen age he has the picture on his desk, it works perfectly on this card, with the Sue Wilson 'Happy Birthday' die cuts to finish the card off, I bet your boss absolutely loves this card Karen.
This was the first time Karen has used the 'Direct Cut' function on her Scan&Cut, images like these are where it comes in handy as fussy cutting that image would have been a nightmare.  I have used 'Direct Cut' to cut out stamped images, it's brilliant! 
Thank you so much Karen for sharing this amazing card. XXX

We have internet, yes!!!! Oh my goodness you just don't realise how much you depend on having internet access, my first port of call for fixing something etc is YouTube, anything else you just 'google' it, (well we do)!  
So now I can research how to set the timer/clock on the cooker, because the flashing 0:00 is driving me crazy! 
My fingers are literally itching to make a card, I'm finding it harder than I imagined, having said that my craft room is my little sanctuary.

Have a lovely day ladies, 

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-what a fantastic card, it’s brilliant.

    Sandra-so glad you got your internet sorted. Sounds like you’re making great progress finding homes for everything. We ended up putting post it notes on all the kitchen cupboards as we kept opening all the doors/drawers. Sorting out your craft room will probably take some time as you’ll keep moving things around until you find the optimum place for your stash. Well-that’s what I’d be like!!

    Horrendous winds here today (I mean the weather Ladies)-the forecast says 53mph with it getting slightly better as the morning goes on. At least it’s not meant to last all day-I’m meeting a friend for a pub meal tonight. She works until 6pm then by the time she goes home to get changed it’ll be after 7pm before we meet. It will just be nice to catch up with her as I’ve not seen her since before Christmas.


    1. Thank you Michele and for your help last night
      That’s a great tip about using post it notes on the drawers etc I’ll remember that for next month when kitchen is demolished!

    2. Hi Michele
      We also have had horrendous winds and to say it rained is an understatement.
      I hope that you enjoy your pub meal with your friend.
      Hope work wasn't to stressful for you today.

  2. Morning Everyone
    We too have horrendous wind and lashing rain here this morning. Thank goodness I don't have to go out today.

    KAREN- a very funny card which has made me smile this morning. Those little creatures are so funny.

    SANDRA- pleased to see you're beginning to get sorted and that you now have 'tinternet'. I shall be taking photos of my CC and sending them on sometime today so fingers crossed they arrive.

    MARIA- so nice to see you're back home and I hope that the bruises are gone after deciding to play at 'Angels' in the

    Well the CAFE is OPEN. It doesn't matter what the weather is doing outside in here is always safe and warm.

    HUGS are on their way all dressed in rain coats today. xxxx

    1. Thank you JANET We all have pictures of Minions on our desks at work that appear to reflect our character I can’t remember my one’s name!

    2. Hi Karen
      Have a look to see your characters name tomorrow. I'll find that one and see which one is suppose to reflect your character.

  3. Thank you Sandra for showing my li’l old card I will definitely be using the direct cut facility more often now So I’m getting there with my ScanNCut - done mats and layers and now direct cut
    I have quite a few cards to make for February and as I’m on my own tonight I hope to make a few of them after work but then tele is good tonight and there’s always knitting to do ...
    Good to see you back safe and sound MARIA
    Take care all xx

    1. Hi Karen
      What a fantastic minions card you've made, I love it. Great to see your getting a lot of use out of your ScanNcut. Not to sure about the tele being good though.

  4. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    I am so pleased you have at last got your Internet sorted, it’s one of those things that until it doesn’t work we just don’t appreciate it. Now there be no stopping you, you can google whatever you want to check on. Good uck sorting out the halogen hob, I’m sure you will find all the answers you need online, also a few hints and tips.

    KAREN what a brilliant card you made for your boss, he’s going to love this special card. The direct cut facility on your ScanNCut sounds brilliant. I would love one of these machines, but can’t justify the cost. I’ve still got Items I don’t actually use, they all seemed at the time of purchase to be a brilliant idea.

    It’s really yucky day here today, it’s raining and windy, with the promise of heavy winds and rain later. I’m so pleased I have no reason to go outside today. Hopefully I will finish my (well my sisters) account work on the computer and can post it off ready for the accountants. Then I have a birthday card to make. I hope to use the CC as my starting point.

    Whatever you are doing- hope it’s fun!!!

    Love and hugs to you all, Brenda xxx

    1. I know what you mean about having new things and not using them - me too!
      I caught my OH at the right moment and he was the one that said “buy it” It was a good offer and a combined birthday and Christmas present

    2. Hi Brenda
      I to have things in my stash that I've used or have used only once. What we really need is a swop shop shop. Or a shop where we could borrow Dies, stamps etc. We could then use then once or twice and give them back. My word the mind boggles, theyd need a blooming big shop wouldn't they. We'd just pay a fee for using something.

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra so pleased you are on internet now, it makes you realise how much you rely on it. Hood luck with halogen hob I am with you regarding gas, you know where you are with
    Karen super card for your boss, well
    It is wet & windy here as well, not quite soo windy as it was overnight, hope you are all safe.
    Lynda hope your problems sort themselves out, good news about your eyes, hugs on way to you
    Maria what are you like, thanks for your thoughts yesterday, hugs on
    Val hope the strong winds do not delay you, I bet you will be glad to get home where it is warmer, hugs on
    Cheryl hope you have found some help, I can knit but not dressmaking, take
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret.Cox

    1. Hi Margaret
      Not to sure what love Margaret Cox was supposed to say. Predictive text is a bummer isn't it.

  6. Home at last I’m supposed to finish at 1pm!
    I am pleased you have the internet sorted SANDRA
    Good luck with the halogen hob I have only ever had electric so I don’t have a clue about gas
    Have a great afternoon I’m going to go on SW blog again now

    1. My your late home Karen, I've never used electric. Well I tell a lie as our friends Tom and Bet at Harwich have electric. I did the cooking when we went down to give Tom a rest as Bet didn't like cooking. Now she has dementia so can't do any cooking.

  7. Hi everyone.
    Great card Karen, not that keen on the minions myself but
    this card for your boss look fun.
    I hope you all have had a good day as possible and managed to stay dry with the rain and wind going on everywhere.
    Val, love to hear all about your holiday.
    I have done absolutely nothing except for watching some recorded programs and slept in between taking pain meds. Like to have more oomph tomorrow so I could make some cards.
    Warm hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Thank you Maria I hope your pain rases

    2. Hi Maria
      Hope your feeling better tomorrow after playing snow angels in the snow, and are able to make some cards.

  8. Hello All, very wet and windy again.

    Karen great card, whenever I hear the words minions I think they are talking about the village on Bodmin Moor !!!

    Sandra glad you back on line, we have all become so reliant on the web.

    Went to have my pre op bloods done today, she didn’t have a clue what it was for as the receptionist only wrote bloods!!! luckily I took my letter with me.

    Have a good evening all, Lilian

    1. Thank you Lilian So there’s a village near you called a Minion...! I’ll have to google that I’m not a fan myself but there’s quite a few fans in my team at work

    2. Hi Lilian
      Hope your pre op bloods are ok ready for your op.
      That happened with Pete's bloods he'd had done the time before last Usually he'd have a list of what they out the bloods in. I pointed out to the nurse who's given it to us that it didn't have what it's for on. Oh that's ok she said. The technician at the hospital will scan his name and it will say what we want. The nurse at the Drs said yes but that doesn't help me as I don't know how and what to take. But I'll just take what I've taken before.

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Great card Karen. Don't you just love the Minions. Thanks for sharing.
    Great to hear your back online Sandra. Meant to ask this morning and forgot.
    Hope the scan goes ok tomorrow.
    Hope you manage to get the old house cleaned ready to hand it back to the RAF sooner rather then later.
    Spent the day in Abingdon learning more about the Groovi system. Made 1 complete card ( well apart from putting it together. Might just do some white work on it first though. Then put it together on a card. I'll send a picture to Sandra when it's finished. I've then finished another small one and half done another.

  10. Hi everyone
    Well the weather today was horrible really strong winds & rain it was dark headed a light on.
    KAREN your card is brilliant I'm sure your boss will love it.
    SANDRA Glad I was able to help with your hob it's just so you don't get burnt we'll need I say Terry put a lap tray the one with cushion underneath on the top of hot plate he didn't notice the red light telling you it's still HOT it burnt the underneath when he lifted tray off we had hundreds of little white balls everywhere Men.
    MARGARET I had to ring PayPal again today as i looked at my bank account & all The fraudulent money had come out of my account yesterday I felt sick almost £500 I got through to one lady explained it all she said I will transfer you listened to horrible music for about 5min. So explained it all again he said some money had been transferred back to my PayPal but a couple was in US dollars & uro said did I want them transferred to British pounds said yes so put on hold another 5min then was told to check in couple hours if they had changed. So will in a. Moment. I've been using EBay & pay pal since 1914.with no trouble Hope is all sorted soon
    We had to get someone in to sort my Email out T sorted his but couldn't do mine
    Anyway the man sorted it for £40 😭
    Hope you all had a good day Love Lynda xx

    1. Oh poor you, I hope it is sorted now, extra hugs coming your

    2. Hi Lynda
      Crikey you are having a bad time of it aren't you. Hope it's all sorted soon. Extra hugs coming to you and Terry. Hope his ribs are better now and he's no longer having to be tied up.

    3. Hi Pat & Margaret thanks 🙏🏻 it's all sorted soon they have paid £200 into my PayPal account but they are not letting me transfer it back into my bank account so the nightmare is never ending. I won't need hi Lights anymore as I will soon be grey haha.
      Thank you for the Hug's they are needed. Love Lynda xx
      Terry is a lot better thank you but think I might still tie him up for his own good.HaHa xx
