
Thursday 25 January 2018

Throwback Thursday

Good Morning Ladies,

This weather is so frustrating, it's so cold and the wind is really gusting today (Wednesday)!! I hope you are all dry, warm and safe.

I thought it would be fun to maybe start looking back at some of our old cards, I will do it Thursdays and call it 'Throwback Thursday', just for fun and it won't necessarily be every week. I think it's fun to see how card designs have changed.

Today's 'Throwback' card was from this time (Jan 26) 2015!, I don't actually think it's dated that much design wise, I would still be happy to receive a card similar to this design today. 
Here is the description hi wrote back then:

" I cut Majestic Labels twenty Five in coconut white card and used foam pads to stick it onto some American crafts pink card, leaving a small border of pink showing and Matt it on to some more coconut white card, the centre of the cards is simply the centre section of the die, with a Justrite sentiment stamped on and embossed with Cosmic Shimmer Clear Embossing Powder. I mounted this onto pink card with film pads for dimension.I arranged some pink and white flowers on either side of the centre piece with some foliage to lift the flowers from the background, I then simply added a few pink pearl to finish the corners."

One of you may well have received it as a birthday card!  I still have the die, but haven't used it for a year or more, I wonder why we do that ? I love the die, the shape the size and the fact that you can make fairly quick and easy cards with it, it's such a pretty design you only need a sentiment and a few embellishments.

It has got me thinking about doing another challenge, encouraging you to dig back through your die collection, another die that I absolutely loved and used loads at the time I bought it was Sue Wilson's 'Lyra' die, I have loads of cards made with it, so many different occasions too, but again I haven't used it for years. 
So, do you all fancy an 'old die' challenge?  

We spent the day yesterday cleaning and clearing the old house, it's taking longer because bi want to sort through things so that we don't end up with tons of stuff that we don't need/use at the new house,  I am actually shocked at the amount of stuff there is!  It's quite therapeutic throwing out old and useless stuff, I feel that we have achieved something, it's just too easy to throw it all in a box and take it with you!

I hope to get back to 'normal' posts by next week, depending on how accessible all my craft stuff is, so please stick with me, I really appreciate your patience my lovelies xx

Have a fantastic Thursday,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra, really pretty.

    I have quite a few Dies that were my favourite when I bought them but I’ve rarely used them since so I’d love a “Old Die “ challenge!!! Lovely meal last night with my friend, late Home (10:45) do I’m feeling tired this morning.


  2. It’s a very pretty card and would still be well received today My older cards were always very basic and I didn’t take photos of them
    I’m up for an “old” die challenge I have quite a few favourites that are gathering dust
    Tried to start my list of cards needed for Feb and did one and binned another as it was soooo wonky!
    Thanks again for your lovely comments on my card yesterday We’ll see on Monday whether he likes it!
    Craft club tonight I do hope I can persuade MIL to come along
    Have you ordered that furniture to store your craft stuff SANDRA ....
    Take care all xx

  3. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra this card is so pretty I can think of many people who would really love this card, it really hasn’t dated. Oh dear, yes I have got quite a few old dies that would fit this challenge!!!
    We are going this morning to my hairdresser friend and then stopping off at Asda on the way home. So for me I’m up and organised early, with a little help from my OH Ha ha.
    Will look in later to see how everybody is. Sandra I hope you’ve almost got the bungalow sorted out, then hopefully you can relax in your new home.
    Love and hugs Brenda XXX

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card today. As you say it's not dated at all. We must all have Dies that we haven't used for a long time.
    Hope the MRI goes well today and you don't have to wait to long for the results.
    Hope the clean up goes ok and you manage to throw away lots of stuff that you no longer use.
    I've typed this and my text is ok. However, everyone else's looks very small and pale. Wonder what mine will look like when I've pressed publish.
    Hope your settling into your new home.

  5. Writing all back to normal now on my iPad. Brighter here today after yesterday's wind and rain.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra very pretty card today, I must admit I have dies that I bought when I started & do not use now, would love old die challenge. Hope you get bungalow cleared as soon as you can, good chance to have a good clear out. Take
    Janet hope you are ok. Do not worry about cafe I opened up earlier when I found it still shut. Take
    Lynda hope you have a better day today, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Forgot to say earlier....

    VAL I hope you have managed to return home to Spain and all is well. XX

    JANET As I checked in so early this morning I hadn’t realised you were missing, hope you and Jim are alright. XX

    LYNDA That is a lot of money to go missing from your account, I just hope as it’s been fraudulently removed you will be reimbursed. Sending hugs for both you and Terry take care. XX

    SANDRA, Hope your MRI goes well and you get some answers.... ASAP XX

    Love to everyone Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      As I've only come back in I didn't realise Janet was missing today. Well not until I read it on your post just now.

  8. Hi ladies,
    gorgeous card Sandra and it never get outdated. You always been so good to put flowers on your cards.
    Hope you taking it easy with the unpacking etc.
    I'm sure have some dies that have not seen the day of light for a looong time so I'm up for the task :>)
    Not had time for any crafting today. I have been cooking and trying new recipes this afternoon and this morning went for a 3 mile walk in the sunshine and ended up in Waitrose for brunch. Better day in all but spoke to the surgery after my last x-ray and it is nothing really they can do for the pain around the knees so just have to bear it.
    Lynda- hope things got sorted but am a bit concerned with the year you gave tihi
    hugs in bunches to you all, Maria xxx

  9. Hi Maria
    Such a shame they can't do anything for the pain around your knees. I suppose they gave you some pain relief for it. Hope it helps. Love the bunch of hugs.

  10. Hi Ladies
    As Brenda has pointed out no Janet today so I hope both her and Jim are ok.
    Hope you made it back to Spain Val after the horrendous weather we've been having.

  11. Hope you manage to get reimbursed for your money loss. As Brenda said it's an awful lot to loose.

  12. Hello All, hope all ok.

    Sandra really love your card, although think it would be costly to post these days, it’s such a shame they brought in the thickness rule, so no flowers on my posting cards these days. Old die great idea for challenge.

    Janet do hope you are OK, your missed.

    Lynda I do hope your money has all been refunded, and that PayPal have got it all sorted for you.

    It’s supposed to be a dry day tomorrow, so hoping to catch up with washing, also having my telephone pre op. Hugs to all, Lilian

  13. Hi everyone
    JANET I hope you & Jim are ok mising you Hug's xx
    SANDRA hope by now you have finished cleaning the bungalow & your now in your beautiful new home. Love your old card it's still gorgeous. A good challenge with old Dies. How is Paul hope he's not to battered
    Lillian I'm afraid PayPal haven't sorted my fraud cases out yet it's so worrying I just feel sick that they have taken the money out the bank. Might ring them again tomorrow. Not Sure if this will publish as 3rd time trying a message from google saying try again 3 minutes that's happened each time.
    Love Lynda xx

  14. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Sorry I haven't been in again. A combination of my phone or internet problems, not sure which, searching for a new car, tiredness and silly headaches. I'm so glad you are back in the internet my lovely. You really need to be able to Google/Youtube to sort out problems or questions about machines etc in your lovely new home at the moment don't you. I hope you are getting towards the end of sorting the boxes at the old house. Its a good idea to sort before taking boxes into new home.
    I live your card, it is not dated at all. I like your idea of using an old favourite die for a challenge. Haven't we all got some of those 😊 We need to have a good sort out here but not planning on moving any time soon so will just have to motivate myself!
    Anyway it's good to see you home safe and sound Maria. It sounds like you had a lovely time away. Sorry nothing can be done for your knees though. Sending you extra hugs X
    Lynda, I'm so sorry you are having this nightmare with PayPal etc. Thank goodness the money is back in your account and it can be transferred into your bank account very soon. Sending hugs to you and Terry xx
    Janet, I hope all is well with you and Jim. Sending you hugs X
    I hope everyone has escaped any damage from the winds and rain. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
