
Friday 26 January 2018

Something Floral For Friday

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

It just doesn't seem like but was a week ago today that we picked up the keys to our New Home, this week has flown by, I really think that we made the right choice though, Everyone seems so calm and relaxed, even though we still don't have everything in place it still feels like home. 

Today's Floral Friday card was designed and created by Our Lynda, it's so beautiful, such a lovely colour and the design really works.
Lynda used:

Heartfelt Creations 'Blooming Dahlia' and coloured the stamped Dahlia's with Watercolour Pencils, your colouring is amazing Lynda and shows off the stamped image perfectly.  Thank you so much for sending me a Floral Friday card, as I don't have anyway of making one right now.  XXX

I would like to thank you all, you are so supportive, I really appreciate every card that you lovely ladies has sent me to share while I have been unable to make them, I still need cards for a few more days so please keep them coming, I think it's lovely to see all the different styles of card making too.

I hope that you are all well and looking forward to a relaxing weekend, I will be spending the weekend wearing 'marigolds and old clothes', doing lots of scrubbing!! 

However you are spending it, have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lynda-what a beautiful card, I love the colours. They’re my favourite.

    Sandra-I’m not envious of your weekend activities at all. I’m sure it will al be worth it-is the cleaning at the old house??

    I’ll be very glad when this working week is over-it’s been a very trying week! Up early tomorrow as I’ve booked a table at a car Boot Sale and I need to be there by 8am to set up-it’s indoors so no worries about the weather.


    1. Thank you so much Michele. Hope work goes quickly for you. Good luck with boot sale. Xx

    2. Yes good luck with the car boot sale

    3. Hi Michele
      I hope you have a better week next week. Good luck with the boot sale tomorrow.

    4. Hello Michele, Relax it’s the weekend.xx
      I hope the Boot Sale goes well. xx

    5. Hi Michele,
      have a good weekend and good luck tomorrow at the car boot sale xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    I don't know where my comments went yesterday but I know that I did some. Never mind perhaps they're dancing

    LYNDA- a beautiful card and I love love the colour you have used. I hope TERRY is now well and behaving

    SANDRA- I would love to have an 'Old Die' Challenge. I've so many that haven't seen the light of day for eons. I look back at when I really started paper crafting when I retired 11yrs ago and cannot believe how I've changed.

    MICHELE- good luck tomorrow. I hope you sell everything and the weather isn't too bad to put off buyers.

    Sorry Dear Friends but I have to swear this morning. Yes it's Friday and that means 'housework'. The washer is already on so at least I've made a start.

    The CAFE doors are OPEN and just waiting for you all to walk in.
    HUGS are on their way to everyone.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet thank you for liking my card.
      I'm pleased yesterday was just a comment floating around & you was ok as missed you. Good luck with the swear word haha. XX

    2. Hi Janet
      Great to hear that your comments yesterday is dancing around in the ethos. As you usually open up we were getting a bit concerned. I to did a bit of swearing the morning. Pete put the washing on as usual, managed to get two loads done today. Trouble is, some of it now needs ironing,

    3. Hello Janet. Hope th swearing didn’t go on to long this morning.
      Have a lovely weekend. xx

    4. Hi Janet, Hope you now can have a nice weekend. Your swear box must get pretty full so maybe you can come down South to see us in the spring ?

  3. Morning ladies,
    Lovely card Lynda, such a pretty shade of blue.
    SANDRA so glad to read that you're settling in nicely into your new home. So happy for you. When you've got a spare minute could you send your new address.
    Well I'm writing this full of cold and now have such a sore chest and coughing for England. Had a nightmare journey home from North Wales so picked the catsand Gracie up on the way home with the idea of coming in, having a hot drink and as wwe'd been on the road since 3am, going to bed for a few hours. Alas it wasn't to be for as we walked in the hose the smell hit us. It smelt like someone had died in there. Fortunately not but the electric had obviously gone off a long time ago and the fridge and freezer looked like a disaster area. Everything had to be thrown away of course. The pump in the fish tank had obviously gone off too and about 20 odd fish were floating at the top in theiwater.

    1. Hi Val
      Wow, you had a nightmare homecoming didn't you. Shame the electric went off while you were away. Shame about the fish though. Will you replace them do you think?.
      No wonder you slept for so long feeling so awful with your cough and sore chest. Hope you managed to clear everything up.
      Gentle hugs coming your way today.

    2. OH Val, What a homecoming, my heart goes out to both you and Lynn. Hope you are both feeling a bit better. These coughs seem to last for ages. Do take care. xx

  4. That should have read icy water. Anyway got to bed finally at 6pm and can you believe slept for 16 hours.
    Our time in Egypt seems like a dream. Lynn is also suffering with this horrible cold, chest infection thing but fortunately Paul seems ok up to now.
    I'm just gong to snuggle down under the duvet again.
    Love to

    1. Oh Val what a homecoming & to feel so poorly as well. Lots of gentle hugs coming your

    2. Hi VAL thank you for your nice comment on my card.
      So sorry for your horrible home homecoming & all your wasted food.
      I hope your feeling a little better but make a GP appointment.
      Love Lynda xx

    3. Oh Val what a shame I hope things calm down and your cold/cough improves

    4. Hi Val
      I hope you've snuggled under the duvet all day today. Such an awful homecoming for you. After having such a good time in Egypt as well.

    5. Oh bless you Val what a horrid thing to come back home to and feeling so poorly on top of it. I wish you and Lynn speedy recovery and you stay indoors and take it easy until you feel better. Many hugs xx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra soo pleased you are happy in your new home, good luck with
    Janet good to see you this
    Lynda hope things improve for you, hugs on way to you
    Maria sorry they cannot help with your knees, I know how you feel, hugs on
    Michele good luck with sale
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Margaret thank you for all your extra Hug's &a liking my card.
      Have a good day love Lynda xx

    2. Thanks for the hugs. Feeling pretty angry with having a body who letting me down when I want to do so much but just can't. Sending you and Pop big hugs back xx

  6. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    Sandra thank you for showing my card it's always a shock when opening the café & seeing my card on display &I thank you so much for your lovely comment.
    Hope the cleaning is going well but please don't over do it you must be really sore already from the start last Friday.
    I have been to foot clinic this morning so they feel better.
    I'm going in my craft room first to make CC then I have lots of new goodies from Margaret to sort out . Lots of Tattered Lace embossing folders loads of mica powders glitter extra. Think it going to take me ages.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Lynda sorry forgot to say love your card. Good luck with sorting out your

    2. Hi Lynda
      Lovely card today. What a lovely chore to have, putting all your new goodies that Margaret has given you.
      Glad your feet are feeling great after going to the foot clinic.

    3. Hi Lynda, a very nice card. Love the colour you put on the Dahlia, big beautiful flower.
      You are now Capt. underpants and Twinkle toes. Take care :>) xx

  7. A lovely card LYNDA
    I hope the cleaning goes OK At least the bungalow is empty and you haven’t got to move things around
    Out dancing tonight but foot has decided to play up today Having hair done this afternoon
    Take care all

    1. Hi Karen
      I hope the dancing is ok if your foots playing up. Great pick he up isn't it having your hair done. I have a lady who comes to me. Been doing so for years.

    2. Hi Karen, hope you have a good weekend and your foot get better soon but if you stop kicking your OH during the night ,it will improve quicker. Hugs xx

    3. Thank you so much Karen Hug's xx

  8. Hello All, rainy again today.

    Lynda love your card, do love floral designs.

    Sandra glad the new house is beginning to feel like home, don’t over do the cleaning.

    Have done my c card and sent it to Sandra, not great, but all the others have gone into the bin.

    Val sorry to hear about the horrible trauma to greet you, hope you soon start to feel better.

    Had my pre opp call today, very nice young lady. Didn’t realise the monitor would have to stay in so long, apparently up to two years!!!

    Hugs to all, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Glad the pre op call went well. That a long time to have a monitor. Must be my dippy brain but is the monitor to do with your blackout accident with your car?.

    2. Hi Lilian,
      good you got the pre op done. Long time for the monitor though. Hope all goes well and you get a date soon-ish. many hugs xx

    3. Thank you so much Lillian for your comment on my card.
      Hug's xx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Lynda I love your beautiful card. Your colouring is wonderful. I wish we lived closer then you could give me some lessons! Hugs to you both xx
    Sandra, I'm so happy that you are all relaxing after a very stressful few months. I know you will do far too much cleaning over the weekend so that you can say goodbye to the old house so all I can do is send you big gentle hugs my lovely. We all overdo it sometimes even though we know we are going to pay dearly for it don't we. I will be thinking of you xx
    Val, I'm so sorry to hear that you had such an awful homecoming, especially losing the fish, how sad. Not surprised that you slept for 16 hours after the journey, cleaning up And fighting your chest infection you poor thing. Make sure you keep up with the hit tea and REST please. Sending you big hugs X
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, have a nice weekend. Up to anything fun ? Take care, hugs xx

    2. Hi Sue
      Thank you so much for your lovely comments on my card
      Have a good weekend Hug's xx

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love your card that's on show today Lynda. Great colours you've used. Great to catch up this morning Sandra. I hope you manage to get sorted whether you need to deep clean your old house. Bearing in mind there going to rip out the front and back of the bungalow, plus drilling holes in all rooms to put television sockets in. Not much point in cleaning in my view as you wouldn't be able to see where you'd actually been cleaning.
    Gentle hugs to all who need one today.

    1. Hi Pat, hope you week hasn't been too hard. Have a restful weekend if you can. Hugs for you and Pete xx

    2. Hi Pat
      thank you so much for liking my card Big Hug's xx

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Lynda your card is lovely, the colours you have used are perfect. xx
    Sandra, please don’t overdo all the cleaning at the bungalow. John and I worked our socks off for three days when my sister left her previous flat, every nook and cranny was cleaned. We were shattered. PLEASE Please don’t push yourself to hard. GREAT all the family feel relaxed in the new house. But then the last few months have such strain on all of the family. xx
    Hope everyone has a good weekend, Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hope you and John have had a good day today.

    2. Hi Brenda, hope your week has been ok and you and John is having a nice weekend. hugs xx

    3. Hi Brenda
      Thank you so much for liking my card.
      Hug's xx

  12. Hi Sandra,
    hope you taking care when doing all this cleaning so you don't do too much. Happy for you all tho that you found a place which look lovely. Remember to send us your new Address !
    Have had a pretty boring and frustrating day and have had no energy for making anything like cardmaking so hope the weather is better tomorrow so we can get out a bit.
    Hope some of our missing friends feel like coming back to the cafe', new crafting friends are always welcome.
    Sleep tight and many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  13. Very Informative and useful... Keep it up the great work.
