
Saturday 27 January 2018

Michele's Magazine Review & Mixed crafts

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

We have another one of Michele's fantastic magazine reviews to read through today and the cutest knitted items I have ever seen, plus a bit of shopping too!

So here goes.....

Michele's Magazine Review

Thank you so much Michele for a bumper magazine review, I have the first one and the papers are stunning!!  I am very grateful Michele, thanks again.


Karen sent me these adorable miniature Doll clothes to share with all of you, I have to say I didn't really notice how tiny they were when I first looked, then I noticed the pound coin! How anyone can knit on that small a scale and follow a pattern absolutely blows my mind!  Karen said the socks are so tiny that they are about the size of her smallest finger nail. These ladies must have amazing eyesight. 

Here is Karen's explanation:

"Here’s something a friend received for Secret Santa from a fellow crafter They both belong to miniaturist club She said you can show if you’d like The items are socks pants hat and dress They are “tied” onto the dolls for doll’s houses They are made using flower thread and the knitting needles used are like piano wire" 

Thank you so much Karen for sharing this incredible work of art, I would love to see the dolls dressed in this outfit.


Janet did some more Watercolouring this week and look at this stunning stamped image she has coloured, it's incredible Janet, the colours are gorgeous, you have achieved some great shading too, framing the image really does enhance it, I can see this fast becoming your favourite medium, you are so multi talented !!
Thank you so much for sharing.


Brenda saw a cart on the 'Art of Craft' website and she was so inspired she thought she would buy the products to make it, I have to say that I love those dies, Brenda said that the Red card is so Red that it glows.  I can wait to see your recreation of the card Brenda.

The rest of Brenda's shopping was from the week before, like me Brenda fell in love with the 'Remarkable You' stamp set, so useful for many occasions including the hardest cards we are asked to make.. Sympathy cards.
Brenda also bought some Brusho's and watercolour card, which meant that she could choose a FREE stamp set as it's Sale-A-Bration, so she chose the stunning 'Heartfelt Blooms', such a gorgeous stamp, particularly as it's Free!! 

Thank you so much for both shopping on my Website and for sharing your crafty buys!  I am as always hugely grateful.



Pat went to a new craft group this week in Abingdon, this Craft group are all ladies that use the Clarity 'Groovi' system, I think this group is a fantastic idea Pat as it will get you using your Groovi more and you will also gain confidence.  Pat created the card above at this week's meeting, which is a huge achievement, it's so lovely to see you start a project and finish it and make it into a card Pat, you will be an expert in no time!  Your card is stunning, thank you so much for sharing it with us Pat


Danielle took some of the Black and White 'Petal Palette' Designer series paper and coloured selected areas with the new 'Stampin'Up! 'Stamp and Blends', I love the shading you have achieved For Dannii, your colouring is gorgeous, Such a clever idea to use sections of the detailed papers, mounted onto a black background to make them pop and then popped onto a card, they really do work my lovely, thank you for allowing me to share your work.

Ladies thank you all so much for sharing your shopping and crafts this week, I really do appreciate your input, it makes the blog so much more interesting.

Have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    I hope everyone can read the magazine write up as it’s in miniature on my phone screen.

    Karen -your friends knitting is amazing.

    Janet-wow. Beautiful card.

    Brenda -great purchases especially the Dies.

    Pat-what a lovely card. Does your group meet weekly or monthly?!

    Danielle -gorgeous cards, love the colouring.

    That’s all from me as I need to make my flask & gather up some food to take with me.


    1. Michele great mag review as always.
      Good luck at the boot sale. Hug's xx

    2. Hi Michele
      Great reviews as usual. The write up is in miniature on my iPad as well. Mind you everyone's writing yesterday was in miniature as well.
      Hope you do well at the boot sale.
      I don't know how often the group meet Michele. She had a group on Mon and Wed when I went. I'm going again on Thurs 8th of Feb as I couldn't do Tues 6th due to Pete's hospital appointments. 6 of us including Carole the teacher. Two of them have done it for quite awhile, and 3 of us have just done the basics. So it's not regimented lessons which I like. So she's asked us to take something which we've done to colour in while she's showing one individual person how to do whatever they need to be shown. Hard to explain really. I enjoyed it anyway.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Oh what a box of delights this morning.
    MICHELE- thank you for your monthly Mag Review. I always look forward to seeing what's on offer.

    KAREN- that knitting is absolutely FAB. It looks as though tiny fairies have been knitting.

    BRENDA- lovely shopping haul. I cannot wait to see some results.

    PAT- a beautiful card and I'm so envious as I have never managed to master this art.

    DANIELLE- love the colouring on your beautiful cards.

    Well as it's Saturday we're off on our usual shopping. It's dry but very windy outside so thank goodness I only have to get to the car outside home and the rest is indoors.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual.

    Please stop and remember for a moment today of all who suffered either directly or not in the Holocaust.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      LOVE YOUR CARD you have coloured it beautifully
      Have a good day Big Hug's xx

    2. Hi Janet
      Glad you liked the card. By having a bit of tuition I hope to improve.
      Love your colouring and I could see that you'd used the sparkle pens. I have the clear ones so must find them out,

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. What a wonderful selection of goodies to enjoy today.
    Michele, thank you for the reviews. I also have Card making and Papercaft and Papercaft Inspirations on subscription. The Crafters Companion edger dies are quite short but a really useful freebie and I love the papers too. I will be interested to see how you get on with the free rosette maker as I couldn't make a rosette even after half a dozen attempts! Please let us know how you get on making them. At least you won't have to worry about the weather at the indoor boot sale this morning. Good luck, I'm sure you will sell loads of your lovely cards X
    Karen, Wow. These clothes are amazing. It is hard to believe just how tiny they are. The knitter must have such nimble fingers to use such tiny needles and brilliant eyesight/glasses. I hope your bad foot didn't stop you managing to do a little dancing last night X
    Janet, this is another wow picture. You have such talent with your watercolour paints. Will this be given away or will you keep it, framed and on show I hope X
    Brenda, I love all if your new goodies, such pretty dies and stamps. Please share what you make with them X
    Pat, I love this card. How good to see you have time to complete a card at the club. I hope you continue to enjoy it X
    Danielle, what pretty cards, I love the colours you have used X
    Sandra, I hope you manage to get the bungalow finished over the weekend. You will then need several days in bed to recover no doubt though. Sending you big hugs my lovely xx
    Mum, I'm still not feeling too good, obviously got the bug that so many have at the moment! Love to you and Pop xxxx
    I hope you all have a good weekend whatever you are up to. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Lemsip and warm healing hugs for you today Sue. Take care xx

    2. Hi Sue sorry your feeling 🤧 very well. Lot's of rest have & Sending lots of healing Hug's xxx

    3. Thanks Sue, I'm glad you liked the card. Although I'd finished it at the class I put it together at home. I'd also did another small piece and have galf finished another one.
      Hope your feeling better soon.

  4. Hello again
    I forgot to say that my watercolour is a download from the latest Crafter's Companion Mag and I used Aqua Pens and although it doesn't show on the picture the poppy heads are Aqua Glitter Pens.xxxx

  5. Thank you MICHELE for the magazine review It is good to see what’s available
    The knitting is sooo tiny and so delicate
    Yo have some lovely buys BRENDA and JANET that colouring is gorgeous
    Ooh PAT That card is lovely and you are lucky to be able to go to a group that specifies in GROOVI
    I like that idea of just colouring a section DANIELLE very effective
    I managed to do a bit of dancing last night which was great
    OH still in bed and will be going to work later So I’ll definitely be crafting later

    1. Karen gorgeous tiny clothes they are amazing.
      Hug's xx

    2. Hi Karen
      Love the tiny knitting that's been done. Can't get my head around knitting something that small
      The lady who does the Groovi lesson also does card making. She's trained to teach and has to pay apparently to belong to the Groovi teaching team. If that makes sense, the project that I did was apparently in the Linda Williams book. But all the patterns in the book are large, and Carole doesn't do large patterns. So she figured out how to reduce it to scale on her silhouette.

    3. Great you managed to do some dancing last night, despite your foot not being to good.

  6. Morning all.
    wow what a lovely morning for coming in to the cafe' and have a look at all the great works and things you bought.
    Thanks Michele for doing the magazine reviews, some good ones there this month. Have fun at the boot sale.
    Love the water coloured Poppy card Janet, you are so multi talanted. Take care going shopping.
    Oh Karen, this lady must have the best eyesight ever to make such a small items of clothing. They are adorable.
    Brenda- like your shopping you done. Have fun playing.
    Pat- lovely to see more of your cards made with the Groovi plates, this one is gorgeous.
    Danielle- nice to see more of your work too. Love to get to know you better, pop in and have a chat when you got a minute.
    Littlelamb's Birthday today I believe so if you looking in young lady I wish you a lovely day !
    Off out soon, have not made a cc so I'm sorry about that but it has not been a good week.
    Sending warm hugs to you all and hope you have a nice Saturday. See you later. Maria xoxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Glad you like the card,
      Hope next week is better for you.
      Yes, it's Brenda Littlelambs birthday today. I had a lovely birthday card from her using one of the Cut and Emboss embossing folders that John Lockwood used.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    What a huge selection you've put together to show Sandra.
    Great magazine reviews as usual Michele.
    I was expecting to see my card today Sandra as I though you might use it for during the week, along with the other two Groovi Christmas cards I sent you before. Hope you manage to get your other things moved over the weekend.
    Great colouring Janet must get my pens and stamps to play with sometime.
    Lovely stamps and Dies Brenda. Can't imagine what you'd make with those Dies Brenda.
    A couple of things wrong with my parchment. I'd put a leaf and the dragonfly upside. Keep forgetting also that your working backwards. Had to adapt the pattern as I couldn't figure it out working on the back. But it didn't really matter. Have one to start colouring in, and one to finish when I go back. I was using Carole's plate so wasn't able to finish it at home. She's the lady whose house in Abingdon I went to for the class.

    1. Hi Pat your groovi parchment is lovely I must start using mine sometime
      Have a good day
      Hug's xx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for sharing these with us today. Hope you manage to finish bungalow over the weekend, please take
    Michele thank you for reviews, hope you do well at table top
    Janet your painting is lovely, looks like you have been doing it for
    Karen I cannot imagine how you can knit this small it is
    Brenda looking forward to your makes, the "Heartfelt Blooms" stamp is lovely, I have it & know it will be one I will use time & time
    Danielle what a great idea & looks
    Pat love your groovi card looks so delicate, look forward to seeing
    Sue sorry you still feel poorly, please keep in the warm, love
    Maria hope your weather is better than ours if you are going for walk, it is windy & raining. Hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. It's Windy and raining here as well Margaret.
      Shopping this morning but to wet for walking today. Not that I go out walking much as it's to cold.

  9. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Love all the gorgeous crafts on show this morning.
    Brenda love all your new Dies stamps. Interested to see what the brusho crystal pad is like not seen that before.
    Danielle love your cards so pretty
    Sandra must Have taken you ages to put this mornings blog together thank you. Hope you have finished the big clean at the bungalow. Then you need to have a good rest you must ache all over your body now. ❤️xx
    Tesco this morning joy. We have sunshine but not very warm & cold wind blowing. Well a bit of good news I have had £ 200 of the fraud money back from PayPal but still owing me £300 so hopefully it will be sorted soon..
    Craft room after Tesco try & sort out craft stuff from Margaret.
    Love Lynda will pop in later xx
    Hope you all have a good day

    1. I’m glad you’ve managed to get some of the money back and I hope PayPal sort it the rest What a worry for you

    2. Hi Lynda
      Great that you've at least got some money back from PayPal. I hope the rest of the money gets sorted soon.

  10. Hi ladies great projects as always.. Thanks for your lovely comments on my cards and thank you for sharing my cards Sandra xx

    1. Great card Danielle. Hope to see more of them.

  11. Hi All, rain all day.

    Thought I left post this morning , but not here, so must have forgotten to press publish.

    Lots of lovely crafty things today.

    I’m off for an early night, hope it improves my memory,hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      My memory goes awol sometimes as well. I start to say something then forget what I'm going to say.

  12. Hi, thanks for the reviews. I have to say though, anyone who buys their Brushos from Stampin Up must be made of money! They are extortionate! £27 for six colours? You can buy a set of 12 for less than £20!

    1. I wouldn't buy Brushos Alexis but I would certainly look around to see what was the cheapest price for them.
