
Saturday 20 January 2018

Mixed Up Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

A mixed bag of goodies for you today, some lovely cards, a crafty recommendation and some shopping!!   Enjoy.......


Karen made the first of her cards for the Apprentice at work, I will add Karen's description below.....

The card for our apprentice She loves owls The papers are from a Lidl pack which I used bits of to make the owl and the sentiment is a shape within ScanNCut.

I absolutely love this card Karen, I bet she absolutely loved this card, I bet there is a real buzz in your office when anyone is opening your cards, you go to so much trouble to make the cards special to its recipient.

Karen's 'Chelsea Pensioner' card was inspired by the 50th Birthday Card that Maria made for my birthday, it was the 'La Pashe' card, with the old lady that looked just like me! Haha

"The Chelsea Pensioner one was inspired by the card MARIA sent you by La Pashe He’s an avid fan and even went to a “uniform” fancy dress party dressed as one when his daughter would not allow him to wear his football kit"

Thank you so much for sharing both of your cards Karen, they are so very inspirational.


Michele has been doing a bit of shopping, I bet they were all bargains!! 

"Recent purchases-the music stencil & Fairy Stamps were a bargain, just send £2:49 p+p. The next 3 items were from Craftstash-the sentiment stamps were half price at  £4:99 and I ordered the other two items to qualify for free postage!"

Thanks Michele for sharing your shopping with us. 


Brenda has discovered a New Magazine, it's called "Love Card making" in Asda before Christmas, the one she bought was issue 2, so after a search online Brenda found issue 1 online at a reduced price, then found issue 3 in WHSmith.  
Brenda says the magazine is really good, with lots of Tutorials and everything is explained really clearly, so if any of you fancy a crafty read this sounds like a good buy, I think I might see if I can pick one up, although I don't think I'll be reading magazines for a week or too! 
Thank you so much Brenda for sharing your fantastic find.

That's all for today ladies, thank you for sharing your different photos today ladies, I am so grateful for you all supporting me through this awkward time.  I hope to resume normal service ASAP!

I am currently sat on the lounge floor (in old house) uploading this blog for tomorrow, I have had a very busy day, the highlight of which was organising my new pantry!!!

Have a lovely weekend my lovelies, 

Love and hugs



  1. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra you really are a star, sitting on floor to post blog, we would all understand if you had to miss a couple of days. Thsnk you. Hope today goes well, I envy you your pantry,
    Karen your owl card is so clever & the chelsea pensioner one is soo different, 2 great
    Michele your buys are great value, Craftstash have some great
    Brenda thank you for showing us this new magazine will have a
    Hope you all have a lovely weekend, sending hugs to all who need them love

  2. Morning Everyone
    A lovely mix this morning.

    KAREN- wonderful cards and I'm sure they're always appreciated.

    MICHELE/BRENDA- I see you have had a good 'hunting' trip looking at your purchases. They all look so interesting.

    We're off on our usual shopping trip this morning an meeting Jim's Niece and her two children for coffee.
    This afternoon I'll be putting in my grocery order and then I think it might be an afternoon of tv/video watching. (that's if I can find anything good to watch).

    The CAFE is OPEN and the usual Saturday treats will be waiting this afternoon. All calorie free of course so eat as much as you

    HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Hope you gad a lovely meet up with Jim's neices and her 2 children. Hope you didn't get too wet if it's been raining where you are,
      I've been sat watching the snooker this afternoon. Not much else to do except tidy up my craft room. It may get done one day.

  3. Morning Ladies

    Karen-two fantastic cards, both brilliant.

    Brenda-I just love that magazine. I used the embossing folder & wreath due from the Christmas edition a lot. I haven’t used the goodies from the latest edition yet.

    My purchases are of course, all bargains. The photo with 2 sets of stamps in we’re just the cost of the p+p from Craftstash. The sentiment stamps are half price at £4:99 and the other Dies made my order up to the value so I didn’t have to pay postage.

    Quick shopping trip this morning in Southport then Home and heading into my craft room.

    Sandra-hope you don’t have too much to do.


    1. Congratulations on winning a magazine and card on Christina Griffiths blog.

  4. I lost a long comment earlier!
    I always get a little thrill seeing my “Makes” in “print” I was really pleased with both cards BUT next time I would sit the owl on a branch or the sentiment! Thank you for your lovely comments
    I love to see your bargains MICHELE and what beauties you’re showing today
    That magazine looks great BRENDA I wish my local newsagent stocked a better choice
    Oh what joy SANDRA organising your pantry At least now you can unpack a bit more leisurely
    Went to John Lewis earlier and bought. a TOFT kit for half price I don’t need it but. I love Kerry Lord’s Menagerie and Imaginarium patterns
    Take care all

    1. Hi Karen
      I haven't heard of TOFT kits Karen. Morrisons near Sandra and Sainsbury's seem to have a better selection of craft magazines than out WHSmiths.

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Quick message from Sue, she has no internet again. She asked me to say Hi. & sends her

  6. Hello Sandra and Ladies,

    Sandra I hope all of your belongings arrived at there new hope safe and sound and the unpacking is going well. It all takes time, Pace yourself you will get. I had to smile when you said you had sorted out the pantry, I just knew you would do that job first.

    KAREN I love your cards, the Owl is so cute, I bet the apprentice loved it. The Chelsea Pensioner Card is brilliant, I’m sure it will be treasured.

    MICHELE your bargains are great, those sentiment stamps were a real find and every stamp is useable, often some obscure ones are included that we would possibly never use.

    My magazines I absolutely love them, I have never before bought a magazine that I keep going back to. Also the freebies are really good. If they offered a subscription service I would join immediately.

    CHERYL what a great idea for the dames costume, it would save so much time each year.

    The weather here today is wet and dull, yesterday it was sunny with a light breeze, I managed to get two machine loads of washing dried outside, it’s such a rewarding feeling.... I’m easily pleased!

    Have a lovely weekend everyone, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. This magazine looks really good value with folder stamps AND a die

    2. Hi Brenda
      Yes, the magazine does look value for money. However, I always like to see before I buy, so wouldn't pay for a subscription.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love the congratulations card you made for your apprentice. Great Chelsea pensioners as well.
    Great buys as well Michele.
    And a lovely magazine Brenda, great value for what you get.

  8. Hi Nr
    Meant to say I don't envy you house moving today as it's been very wet here.
