
Friday 19 January 2018

Something Floral For Friday

Good Morning Ladies,

It's move day 1 today, we pick up our keys this morning, I am quite excited, it will be lovely to be moved in and settled.
We won't have internet at the new house until Tuesday/Wednesday though so I will have to schedule some posts, I'm not sure how long it will be before my craft room is back together, I have packed my 'everyday ' craft store stuff so that it's easily accessible, so fingers crossed it won't take long.   Please keep sending your cards so that I can use them to fill posts that I can't make card for. Thanks XXX

Today's stunning 'Floral Friday' card has been designed by Pat, using her 'Groovi' plate, this is such a gorgeous design Pat, so delicate and you have coloured it beautifully. I can't wait to see some more of these style cards.  Thank you so much for sharing it with us xxx

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Pat-what a beautiful card, whoever receives that is going to be very happy.

    Yesterday’s meeting continued with another meeting so I finally got back to “work” at 12:30!! Luckily my headache had gone. Did the shopping & went into my craft room but I was just too tired to think of making anything.

    Sandra-Good Luck with the move, hope everything goes ok for you all today.


    1. Hi Michele
      I'm glad your headache did clear yesterday. Let's hope you can relax in your craft roomier the weekend x

    2. Hi Michele
      I'm glad you liked the card.
      A double meeting yesterday. I'm glad it didn't go on all day which can happen I know.
      Please that your headache didn't stay with you all day. Let's home you can get into your craftroom over the weekend.

  2. Morning Everyone
    PAT- WOW WOW what a beautiful card to start my day.
    I just know that wherever it goes it will be loved.

    SANDRA- Good Luck today - hope there's no problems and things run smoothly.

    Well it's Friday again and we're nearly at the end of the first month of the year. For me it's the only day of the week that I use that swear word YES it's Housework. lol.

    So I'm off to make a start but the CAFE is OPEN and ready for you all. Please keep the door closed so that we don't let the warmth out.
    HUGS on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. Get the housework done then get into your craft room mid you can. I find that a lot of the Beavers PARENTS leave the Scout hut front door wide open no matter how cold it is!!!
      Take care x

    2. Hi Janet
      Glad you liked the card I made. It's a plate I bought at Ally Pally in Sept.
      Hope your swearing has finished for today. I tend to do my swear word in little bites over the week.
      Hope the door is kept shut as well, as I really don't like the cold.

  3. Your card is gorgeous PAT Groovi is something I’d really like to try but I honestly can’t justify the expense
    I do hope the move goes well SANDRA At least it’s nice and dry here Is the weather ok where you are?
    Got asked by daughter (at 11pm I might add) if I can make a 40th birthday card So that’s the plan for this afternoon
    Will pop back later x

    1. Hi Karen. I have got the Groovi starter kit and have made a couple of cards, both of which I didn't take pictures of! I am going to make more this year as I live doing it but I can only do a bit at a time as my hands don't like holding anything for long. Its good to get plenty of notice to make a card isn't it๐Ÿ˜‹ x

    2. Hi Karen
      I'm glad you liked the card. I could buy lots of Groovi panels if I could afford them. The weathers dry here for Sandra's move so that's a blessing in itself. I see you got plenty of notice to make a card.
      I hope you got my email thanking you for my card as I have 2 email addresses for you.

  4. Good luck with the move Sandra, xxx
    Lovely card by Pat too, xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Good luck with the move Sandra. As you say where to put everything will be the next problem you have.
    How lovely to see my Groovi card. I must say I didn't quite line up the Happy Birthday. I will be doing some more as I haven't picked these up in awhile. I've seen lots of art work on Groovi world on Facebook and the artwork is fabulous. All the cutting work is so intricate. I'm thinking I might go for a couple of lessons at Crafters Companion in Evesham to learn how to do different things,
    Gentle hugs to all who are feeling poorly today.

    1. Hi Pat, what a wonderful creation to feast my tired eyes on. I love the delicateness of it. I used to have the Glitter Girls Boards (Wonder whatever happened to them?) but like you holding a pen or stylus puts so much pressure of my finger joints. The Preschool has them now. xxx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      Glad you liked the card. I remember the glitter girls. They were always on TV and at the craft shows.My friend Beryl loved using them. I could never keep in the groove on these. Beryl let me borrow a few of hers which I found useless.

  6. Hello Sandra and Ladies,

    Sandra I hope the move is going well,and all of the boxes end up in the correct rooms! I know you will enjoy organising the walk-in pantry. I remember my Gran had one. She even had space for Pots and pans, as well as all her big pie dishes. It was great you could just walk in and lift items off the shelves without having to move anything. WISHING YOU ALL THE BEST OF LUCK XX

    PAT Your card is beautiful. I am sure the recipient was delighted with it.

    CHERYL Hope you managed to sort out the dames dress, it sounded like a nightmare. xx

    JANET Have you finished swearing yet?

    Coffee break over, so it’s back to the computer to do more number crunching!!!

    Take care everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,

      You're absolutely right, it is an ongoing nightmare. Even the new material is shredding quicker than I can sew it. After a good night's sleep I am tackling it again this afternoon. I have come up with a good suggestion for them for next year. Instead of making clothes to fit whomever will be the dame, insert elasticated gussets down the side seams. They will then stretch tot fit. Simples xxxx

    2. My nan’s Pantry/larder was just like that! It even had a cool box (no fridges then) It was in the living room which felt a little strange

    3. Hi Brenda
      Glad you liked the card. Good luck with the number crunching. Hope John is still feeling better today. i know we didn't have a pantry when I was little as we lived in a hut which was a larger version of one pigs live in.

  7. At least it’s the start of the weekend
    I hope the move is going OK and boy then the unpacking- that’ Take time but at least you can do some of it at your leisure
    SUE - Yes please I’d love a couple of the Happy Birthday cut but no rush
    I hope the swearing has finished Mine will be tomorrow!
    Take care all xx

  8. PS Have you sent a photo of the card you was doing yesterday SUE and was it LILIAN or was it CHERYL I love to see your watercolouring

  9. Hi All, very big hail showers again today.

    Pat, what a lovely card, I bought the groovi beginners set, but didn’t get on with it very well, must have another try.

    Picked up my new glasses this morning, they are only for reading, as when in bed can’t use my normal glasses. Lovely clear lenses.

    Sandra hope all the boxes are arriving safely, and all is going well.

    Have a good rest of the , have to tidy my craft room this afternoon, hugs Lilian

  10. Hi Lilian
    Glad you liked the card. Please persevere with the Groovi set, it's worth it. Don't forget to rub a tumble drier sheet over the parchment first.
    Crikey big hail stone showers. Hope they don't last very long. Glad your new glasses are good for you. Some of us have had problems with new glasses.
    Hope you manage to tidy your craftroom. Mine would take forever to do.

  11. Hi Cheryl
    Your dames costumes sound a total nightmare. Great idea putting elastic in them. Fingers crossed you'll be taken notice off. I know in something they've ignored your suggestions. But you've always been proved right.

  12. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Sorry has I didn't get in yesterday my email won't send or receive mail. Not sure why it's doing it.Terry had. been trying to sort it out. Then my EBay has been hacked I had 7 unauthorised payments phoned my bank they said phone PayPal so on phone for ages yesterday they are going to investigate them.
    I felt sick & had a banging headache.
    PAT stunning card. I have the groovi starter kit but haven't used it much so your card has inspired me to have a go.
    Hope your all keeping warm. I will leave you all with a bucket of HUG'S
    As not sure if this will post.
    Love Lynda xx

  13. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope move going well & you will be settled
    Pat your card is beautiful I love it. Wish we could see
    Lynda sorry you have had a problem with Paypal, hope you have sorted it, hugs on way to you
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx
