
Thursday 21 December 2017

Some Amazing Christmas cards

Good Morning Ladies
I was so relieved at the outcome of Michele's day yesterday, so nice to see for once that common sense prevailed and the ridiculous situation was seen for what it was, absolute nonsense!  You can now get on and enjoy your Christmas my lovely.
I hope you enjoyed your celebratory dinner out last night too.

I get great pleasure sharing the beautiful  Christmas  cards you have all sent to me, receiving your cards is such a huge reward.
Todays cards are from Brenda (1st card) and Maria (2nd card).
Brenda's card is sparkling away at the feet of our Willow Snowman, his lights are reflecting in both the silver glitter card in the background and the Beautiful blue of the snowflakes. I absolutely love my card Brenda thank you xxx
Maria's card features an amazing die cut Robin sat on a Pine branch complete with pine cone. Maria has added a beautiful detailed border on her card and finished her card with a pretty Sue Wilson Poinsettia die cut, such a stunning card, i absolutely love it thank you xxx

The house viewing wasn't as good as we hoped, the must have used some clever camera tricks as the bedrooms were tiny, by tiny i mean that one of the bedrooms you couldn't even fit a cotbed in let alone a single bed.  At almost £1,500 a month i expected bedrooms that actually fit beds in!
So the search continues.......

Have a lovely day however you are spending it.

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies two beautiful Christmas cards on show today, they’re both lovely.

    I enjoyed my Fish & Chips last night, couldn’t eat everything but it was nice to go out & actually enjoy something!

    I’m so looking forward to going into work this morning with a huge smile on my face!!!!!!!!!!

    Sandra-what a shame about the house & the creative description from the Estate Agents.


    1. Thank goodness it’s all over Enjoy the feeling of being to walk into work with your head held high and under your breath being able to say “Ya boo sucks to you young lady”

    2. So glad it is over and you could go into work and feel happy again. Hugs xx

    3. Hi Michele
      I hope you had a nice day at work today. A great weight off of your mind and you can at last enjoy Christmas. It was disgraceful how long they made you wait for a hearing. Hope they do sort your line manager out.

    4. Hi Michele
      Hope you enjoyed going into work today with your head held high I'm pleased it's all over for you now. You can enjoy Christmas.
      It was disgraceful how long they took to sort things out.
      Sending Hug's xx

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    I agree with every word Sandra has said Michele. I bet your (genuine) work mates will be wearing big smiles too but not as big as the one you will be wearing. Enjoy work today 😁 x
    I am lucky that I get to see both of these gorgeous cards "in the flesh" and both really are beautiful as they look. My cards from both Brenda and Maria are just as beautiful. I do like a bit of sparkle at Christmas 😊X
    Sandra, I am so sorry that the house viewing was a disappointment, I was thinking of you all night 😞 Why are estate agents allowed to use such misleading wide angle lens photos? There should be laws to stop them doing that!!! My fingers and toes continue to be crossed tightly as your search continues my lovely xx
    Have a good day everyone. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Have a nice day Sue, hope you got most of the Christmas decorations up now and can have a great weekend, hugs xx

    2. Hi Sue hope your all in the festive mood & you can now relax
      Love Lynda xxx

  3. Morning Everyone
    MICHELE- it has made my day to see your comment last evening. You can now RELAX and ENJOY everything you do. It's also good to know that common sense is still around. Thank you for your beautiful card.

    SANDRA- two beautiful cards and I can just imagine all the twinkling you have around. I'm so sorry that the house viewing didn't go well. There has to be a house just waiting for you.

    I'm off to do my last shopping before Christmas this morning so wish me well entering M&S food hall. If I don't comment tomorrow morning please send a rescue

    The CAFE is OPEN and we have all seasonal goodies just waiting for you.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with loads of extras to keep you all going.xxxx

    1. Hope the rescue party wasn't necessary Janet and all the shopping is now done.xx

    2. Had the rescue party on standby but never heard anything so I hope you found what you needed and are back home by now. Having a Irish coffee while waiting for some more ladies popping in, you are more then welcome to say Hi. Hugs for you and Jim xx

    3. Hi Janet
      Hopefully you didn't need a search party. But think of all the goodies you could eat while you were waiting to be rescued.

    4. Hi Janet
      I hope you didn't need the search party.but no body told them they are still looking 👀 for you & Jim 👀👀HaHa
      Hug's xx

  4. Morning ladies,

    Thank goodness your ordeal is over Michele and you have become the winner. Celebrate it with style.

    Thank you all so much for your beautiful cards, they are adorning my card tree so everyone can admire them.

    And a special thank you to Sandra, my envelope and bag boards have arrived along with an extra touch that I do appreciate so much....A lovely little 'Thank you' box filled with gorgeous goodies.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Hope you enjoy using your envelope and bag boards.

  5. I am so pleased that MICHELE won her case
    How disappointing for you SANDRA I agree with SUE their photos can be so misleading
    Two beautiful cards on display Mine are just as pretty (thank you ladies)
    Got home yesterday to discover no heating or hot water First available appt 26th! I explained I have diabetes and eventually decided it could be treated as an emergency So although the guy who came last night - no parts in van duh! It should be fixed today
    So I’ going into work to get warm this morning
    Take care all xx

    1. Oh dear Karen hope it all fixed today.xx

    2. Oh I hate being cold. Hope you got some heating and warm water back by now. Warm hugs xx

    3. Hi Karen
      I hope your hot water and heating has been fixed by now. Like Maria
      I hate the cold as well.

    4. Hi Karen hope you Have heating now.sending some Hot Hug's

  6. Hi everyone,
    Two lovely cards Sandra. No wonder you're DELIGHTED with them. Sorry your house viewing was a disappointment last night. I'm sure there's a lovely house just waiting for you. hugsxxx
    Many thanks BRENDA and MARIA for your lovely cards which have just been delivered.xx
    MICHELE bet you went into work with a big beam on your face this morning. So pleased for you.xx
    Just had coffee with my friend Pippa and exchanged cards and gifts. There was a lovely atmosphere in the bar. Christmas is definitely a magical time no matter how old you are.
    I'm learning the basics of quilling at the moment as after Christmas Wendy and I are going to a 10 week class to do quilling and eventually make a framed picture. I thought if I practiced the basic shapes I'd have an bit of an advantage. So that's this afternoon taken care of.
    Have a lovely rest of the day .
    See you tomorrow.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Ooh have fun and I’m sure WENDY can give a heads up after seeing her gorgeous quilling on her blog I look forward to seeing what you make

    2. Hi Karen yes Wendy is really good at quilling already an it'sh her that's kindly given me the quilling tool and papers to practice, bless

    3. Have fun learning something new. I have the tools and papers but haven't been brave enough to make anything yet Lol Hugs to you all xx

    4. Hi Val
      Enjoy practising your quilling. Glad you enjoy your meet up with Pippa.

    5. Hi Val hope you enjoy your quilling. I haven't tried yet perhaps you can share your expertise with us.
      Hug's xx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today
    Shame the house wasn't the right one but like Sue saying, everything crossed for you to find something suitable soon. Glad you liked the card (making cc's helped a lot)
    Card you got from Brenda is lovely !
    Had a trip to Tesco this morning and it wasn't too bad except for all the home shopping trolley's parked everywhere, they can be a bit annoying. Finished the neighbours cards so will deliver them tonight and two of them are my cc so will send them now to Sandra. Hope they are ok for it.
    Hope you day have been ok. Many hugs to you all and extras for anyone who need some, Maria xxox

    1. Hi Maria
      You did make me chuckle when you said you didn't like the cold, and your going to Zell Um Zee on holiday.

    2. Hi MARIA
      Your card for Sandra is gorgeous.
      Thank you for the card you sent me I love it ❤️Are you going away for Christmas. Hope your pain is playing nice & with less pain my friend Hug's xxxx

    3. Oh I know Pat tihi but the cold there is nothing like the one in the UK and I don't think it will be so cold as this year was. I'll be home for Christmas Lynda but we going away for a week to Zell am See in January. Struggling a bit just now so taking one day at time. Have not been for our walks for ages, just going out for coffee once a day so nor being stuck at home. Happy there are some lovely Christmas movies on tv at the moment.I like the little romantic ones and also Happy Feet and other Disney. I'm still a kid at heart even if the body disagree :-p Hope you both alright, hugs xxx

  8. Still no heating Ho hum Need yet another part Hopefully it’ll be fixed tomorrow morning The engineer did leave us a fan heater So we do have heat in a couple of rooms

    1. I do hope your heating is fixed tomorrow. Good of him to leave you a fan heater I guess.

    2. Karen I can't understand why they send people out & haven't got the parts on their van. What a joke. Hug's

  9. Hello All,

    Two lovely cards Sandra, I have loved all of the beautiful cards you my dear friends have sent me.

    Tomorrow I get to see the cardiologist after waiting 9months I’m hoping he will do something to get my heart back on track, not much faith but still must hope.

    Sandra sorry you house feeling wasn’t successful, I agree the descriptions estate agents give can be most misleading, I’m sure something good will come along soon.

    Dinners ready so I’d better go, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I do hope the cardiologist can sort you out tomorrow. Not to sure why it's taking so long for them to find out what the problem is. It's the worrying about it as well that doesn't help either. Fingers crossed for you.

    2. Will be with you tomorrow Lilian and hold your hand. Hope they can tell what's what and help you if anything is wrong. We are here for you xxx

  10. Hi Sandra
    Two lovely Christmas cards today.
    Lovely to see you today. Such a shame that the house you saw yesterday wasn't any good. Such a shame the one we saw on Woodstock Rd was already let. Shame they didn't take it off the website. Hopefully something will come along soon and not to far away,

  11. Hi Sandra & ladies,
    Sandra sorry I am late again, had dentist this afternoon, had 2 fillings, then this evening my dear son in law Chris took me to listen to a Male Voice Christmas Concert, a lovely evening.
    Sorry the house was not suitable, better luck next time. Your cards from Brenda & Maria are both
    Must get to bed so sendong hugs to all who need them love
