
Wednesday 20 December 2017

A Sneak Peak......


Good Morning Ladies,

The first thing I want to say today is to Our Very Dear Michele,
We are all stood with you today my lovely, I hope that good sense prevails today, we all love you dearly xxxx

How is your week going ladies? I hope you have made good progress with your shopping and festive preparations.  
Have you all got your trees up and decorated?? How about Sharing a photo?? 

Now onto today's Card, it's a bit of a sneak peek at something coming up in the new Stampin'Up! Spring/Summer Catalogue, (ssshhhh)!!! 
It's a kit called 'Lots Of Happy Stamp Kit', it's a fantastic gift box packed full of everything you need to make some fantastic cards, for so many different occasions, you even get the stamp block, black ink and watercolor pencils! 
Not one to follow directions I took just a couple of the elements from the kit as added a some Whisper White card and card base, Stampin'Up! 'Garden Trellis' Embossing Folder, which I used to emboss my background, I then used a dry 'wet' wipe to add a tiny amount of Gilding Wax to the raised parts of the Embossed background, I then used a small piece of patterned card from the kit and added a mat of 'Berry Burst' card both with a hint of gilding wax swiped around the edges.
The floral sprays are from the kit, I coloured them with the Watercolour pencils in the kit, (Berry Burst & Old Olive).
The round tag is from the kit, i used one of the included stamps to stamp my sentiment in Versamark, added Gold Embossing powder and heat set, popped foam pads on the back and placed in centre of my decorative panel, i then took the coloured floral sprays and tucked them behind the sentiment, adding a little gilded sprig on top and behind i popped one of thd Vellum leaf sprays from the kit (brushed with gilding wax. (As you can see in the close up below)!
I do hope you like your sneak peek!! 

I had a lovely day with Sue yesterday, although we didn't get any crafting done, apart from making a quick gift bag at the end of the afternoon.   I really appreciated you sitting with me Sue, while i spoke to OT's, who i have to say were both Shocked and disgusted by our situation ! 
They have gone off to see what they can do to help. So fingers crossed ! 

Sending love and hugs to all of you, especially you Michele. X



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card, it’s really lovely.

    Thank you for the supportive message, I need it this morning!


    1. We will all be with you in spirit Michele, right is might.

    2. I hope it goes ok We’re all with you xx

    3. Thinking of you today Michele. Sending hugs.xx

    4. We are all behind you Michele, Love and prayers xxx

    5. Hi Michele
      We're with you in spirit. I hope you have a positive result. Gentle hugs coming your way.

    6. Hi Michele
      Sorry I'm late hope all went well for you & had a positive result we are all with you.
      Big Hug's coming your way xx

    7. Hi Michele. My words may be late but you have been in my thoughts all day. I do hope you got the result you rightly deserve x

  2. Good luck Michele we are with

  3. Morning Everyone
    MICHELE- Good Luck this morning. Remember we're all there holding your hand.

    SANDRA- a very pretty card which also fits this week's Challenge.

    Had a lovely lunch yesterday with all K&N and I'll not see them now until 16th January - seems years

    Today will be spent recovering from yesterday but I still have a birthday card to finish.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual and waiting for you all to pop in for a look. HUGS are winging their way to you all with extras for Michele.xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry I thought yesterday was Wednesday so good luck for tonight. Pleased Sue was with you when OT's were there, hope they can help. The card today is beautiful, must have a look at
    It is very dark out this moorning waiting to take Star out, shortest day tomorrow then it will start to be lighter once we get Christmas over.
    Wishing everyone a good day sending higs to all who need them love

    1. Hello Margaret thank you for your lovely Christmas card, it’s sitting with all my other special cards xx

    2. I have that trouble with days as well Margaret. Why does something cone along and pinch our days.

    3. Hi Margaret
      Haha I also thought it was Wednesday yesterday theses senior moments are getting more frequent. I keep thinking Friday is Christmas eav 🤣 Hug's xx

  5. That’s a very pretty card SANDRA I love how you “seated” the circular sentiment on top of a rectangle
    I do hope both you and MICHELE receive good news today
    Take care all xx

  6. Morning ladies,

    Pretty card Sandra with an interesting dry/wet wipe technique. Please tell us how you managed it.

    Good luck Michele, standing right beside you. Right will win every time.

    Christmas shopping today, I realised I need some more stretch velvet evening trousers when I found a small bald patch on my rear end. Hope Weston SM has a M&S there.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I hope you find some velvet evening trousers after finding a hole in your bum. Our minds boggle.

  7. Hi all, beautiful card Sandra. The background is lovely. Glad Sue was with you yesterday and hope there's a good outcome but pardon my ignorance can anyone tell me what OT stands for.
    Off to play crib later but have to catch up on some card making this morning. This will be the last crib until February for me and by that time one month of the new year will be gone already.
    PAT glad Pete is ok and well done on sorting out the parking.xx
    Enjoy your day everyone.
    Hugs to all and special ones for Sandra and Michele.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Occupational Therphies ( I know not spelt right)xxx

    2. Hi Val
      I had that trouble as well. I don't like abbreviations as it takes me an age to figure out what it's supposed to be. I've only just managed with OH, SIL. and DIL. Pete has to have some more surgery, but they couldn't do it today because he had his Radium treatment yesterday. The appointment ge now gas is for the 13th Feb. Same day as his Radium treatment so in theory as it's before his treatment he can have it done. Dermatology will ring the Nuclear Medicine Dept up to make sure.
      Hope Helen's problems have now been resolved.

  8. Hello from a very foggy Cornwall, still it’s not cold.

    Sandra love your card, I think I may have to get to get these to get me back to card making.

    Hope the viewing goes well and the house will be suitable for your new home.

    Going to go get a few bits for when we come home after Christmas, this morning.

    Hope you all have a good day, hugs Lilian

    1. Hello Lillian thank you so much for my Christmas card it really is beautiful xx

    2. Hi Lilian
      We had a bit of fog this morning. But what a difference going up to the hospital today with no schools. Took us 25 mins and normally takes us from 1hr to 1.25 hrs.

    3. Hi Lilian. Thank you for the beautiful card. I would be delighted if o could make cards even half as nice as yours, you are so talented x

  9. Hello Sandra latest,

    Oh Sandra I love this card, you have really made a lovely statement card from this new kit.

    Good luck with the house viewing will be thinking of you. I hope OT come up with some suggestions or solutions for you, it’s always good to have them on your side anyway.

    Must get on I still some Christmas bits to sort out.
    Hope you’re all having a good day, love and hugs Brenda XXX

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Thought I'd left a comment this morning. Must have been yesterday when we were up the hospital.
    Great card Sandra. I must use up the craft goodies I still have before I buy some more. I still have stamps for Cheryl to post off at sometime.

  11. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    SANDRA your card is so pretty l love it. I love the the colour's as well.
    Thank you Sandra for my beautiful card it arrived this morning ❤️It.
    Good luck with house viewing &I hope the OT's can help you.
    Had my hair cut & my high lights done this morning 💇So all posh for Christmas. Just got to pop to Tesco for few bits & post a couple of Christmas cards hoping they get then before Christmas. So better get a move on.
    Love & Hug's for all extra got Michele xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Had my hair cut this afternoon, didn't have and highlights done so I'm still grey.
      Tracey who cuts our hair pulled into the drive. Pete looked at her car and said you have a flat tyre. Oh dear I've driven all the way from Bladon, about 10 miles and I'm then have to go to Abingdon. Anyway Pete managed to change her tyre, but had to have a bit of help from Tracey and myself, by holding the wheel up.

  12. Afternoon Ladies

    Quick messaget to explain my situation. I was informed there was No Action to be taken against me & nothing on my records!!! Hallelujah. I’ve lost over a stone in weight since this trouble began and to be honest, I’ve not been able to eat properly or relax. Me & Hubby are walking down to the village to eat Fish & Chips later to celebrate.

    Thank you ALL. For your continued support and good wishes -your the best friends someone could have.


    1. Fantastic news Michele and glad that at last you have the best and only just outcome.
      Enjoy your fish and chips and you can now put it behind you and look forward to

    2. Fantastic news Michele. I'm glad that you can now put this horrible episode behind you. You've had this hanging over your head for far to long. Enjoy your fish and chip supper.

    3. Great news Michele, well done.

    4. Great news Michele, now you really can enjoy your fish & chips &

    5. Michele I'm thrilled for you & you can now relax & now enjoy Christmas It's been hanging over you far to long.
      Enjoy your Fish & chips
      Hug's xxx

    6. Fantastic news Michele, so happy for you. Sorry I didn't get in this morning but you have been on my mind all day. Have a lovely Christmas! hugs xx

    7. Michele you have made my day, that’s fantastic news. I have thinking of you and quietly praying all day. Hopefully you can now relax and enjoy your Christmas xxx

  13. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Very nice card Sandra, lovely colour. Glad you had support by our Sue when OT came over. Hope they can help.
    Has been a long day so I wish you all a good night and hope you all had a good day. Warm hugs to you all. xxx

  14. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight.
    Janet I have just been admiring your beautiful traditional cards that Sandra shared with us yesterday. I'm sure they will be thoroughly enjoyed by all. X
    I love today's card too Sandra. Card kits are usually a bit too bland and regimented but this one looks really good and has been carefully thought out what with having even the colouring pencils included. It's also a great way to try out Stamping Up goodies isn't it.
    I'm glad I was able to give you a bit of support yesterday my lovely. Both OT's were just about lost for words at the disgusting treatment you and Paul have received weren't they. I do hope they can help in some way.
    I've just finishing the last couple of family cards then my craft stuff will be tucked away until after Christmas.
    I do hope you are all ready for the big day. We have a few bits still to get on Friday then we will be done.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and all in need. Take care xx
