
Tuesday 19 December 2017

Janet's Vintage Christmas cards

Good Morning Ladies,

Today I am excited to share with you two of Janet's comissioned Christmas cards,  I have to say I love those 'Vintage' or traditional Christmas images, they remind me of the cards my parents used to receive when I was young. (Yes, all those years ago)!
The depict idyllic Christmas views, if only it was white like that on Christmas day, Janet you have framed those images so tastefully, the background takes nothing away from the focal point.  Just the minimum amount of embellishment needed for these cards.  
Absolutely stunning Janet, I bet your customer was over the moon, thank you so much for sharing them with us.

Well I tried to get in the festive spirit last night, the Christmas has stood bare since we tried it out a week or more ago, the girls have been badgering Paul to get their decorations down from the attic, so that's what he did, he dumped the three huge boxes of decorations by my tree to inspire me!  
After clicking through the TV after dinner the girls stopped and got excited that there was as 'Andre Rieu' Christmas concert in London on TV, so they flicked that on and the decorating started, I have to say that I am always surprised by the music knowledge, I didn't know the even knew who he was!  We decorated and swayed along to the Orchestra, it was good fun, although I did get seriously nagged because this year I refused to put any tinsel on the tree, I think it looks lovely without, Moore natural.  

Sue is coming over today so that will be fun, I am struggling a little with the long days without Paul coming home for lunch, those 30+ minutes really used to break the day up, but never he gets paid hourly now, so every hour is precious!! 

I posted all of my Christmas cards yesterday so yours will begin its way! 

We have arranged a viewing for a house on Wednesday evening, the the lady that owned it had mobility issues so when I mentioned the possibility of putting a stairlift in she said she used to have one, we will here back today as to whether her husband agrees too! Fingers crossed! 
In fact I had a very productive day, I made an OT appointment, a GP appointment, it's with my new GP so they will have to engrave me a new chair 😜😜, Lol !!! 

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs

xxxxx x


  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-two really lovely cards. I’m sure the person who ordered them was thrilled.

    Sandra-hope the house viewing goes well & you get confirmation that a stairlift can be added.

    Busy day yesterday do I just sat & read yesterday evening. I need to deliver some items to my Dad tonight that I ordered online for him. They’re Christmas presents for my brother & Sister in Law, then I think I’ll be reading again.


    1. Hi Michele
      Sounds like your having a busy run up to Christmas. I expect the hospital is trying to get all the patients done and sorted before Christmas.

  2. Morning Everyone
    I was surprised when I opened up this morning to see two of my Christmas Cards -these were two of the eight I made last week for my friend.

    The backing paper is from an 8x8 pad called 'The Promise' designed by KATIE PERTIET. The die I used to cut out the shape is a VERSO set from Tonic - VICTORIAN FRAME LAYERING SET (19 dies in the set)and the images are from a CD which I bought years ago -Joanna Sheen NOSTALGIA collection artwork by a Yorkshire Artist KEVIN WALSH. This is a two CD set one celebrating Leisure Pursuits and the other Christmas.

    I'm out this lunchtime for a Christmas Lunch with K&N at one of our locals.

    The CAFE is OPEN and everything is ready and waiting for you all to pop in during the day/evening.
    HUGS on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Lovely JANET I have gone for vintage scenes for my neighbours Nothing as detailed as yours Mine are just on Serif - find a card size - choose an image - write a sentiment- print (embarrassingly easy) Enjoy your lunch

    2. Hi Janet
      Two great cards from you today. Lovely to have a go to CD rom, for cards that you need in a hurry.
      I'm going to sit and have a cup of tea before the rounds of hospital visits start. Hope Jim is ok running his taxi service for your friend to and from the hospital.

  3. Morning ladies,

    Woke up this morning to a glorious sunrise with streaks of bubblegum pink and the most vivid of a paler blue sky. I've taken a couple of photos and just hope they show up the colours.

    Glad to hear there's a possibility you will be able to have peace with a new home found Sandra, just the Christmas present you need.

    I too love to receive traditional cards which sum up Christmasses past rather than the fun jokey ones that some people send. To me CHRIST belongs to this season not Xmas or risqué jokes.

    Busy day too for me, I am finally getting my dining room back. I have cleared a space next to my computer in the craftroom so that all the materials and costumes half finished can be stowed away until the New Year. And any rolls of material and sundry extras can go back to the Village Hall tomorrow. The skirts that took me 5-6 hours each to make have now come back as there are "too many panels and 5 need to be taken off" this after telling me there was not enough!!! I am heartedly fed up with it all now...Bah humbug!
    Calm down Cheryl, it is just another blip.

    Onwards and upwards then, see you all later.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. Two very pretty vintage style cards Scenes like These always remind me of that winter in the 60’s where I was young enough to play and enjoy it and not have the adult worries we have nowadays of traveling, getting stuck, falling over etc
    My living room looks like a bomb site with Christmas wrapping paper and bits lying around Wonderful!

  5. Morning Sandra and all,
    Sandra, so hope the owners agree to the stair lift. It would be so good for you to enter the Christmas period knowing you have somewhere to move to. Fingers

    JANET love your two cards. I thought I knew these images as soon as I saw them as I too have the JS cd. I tend not to use my cds now as my printer is old and the colours all seem to have a red tinge. Bet your friend was delighted with the cards.
    It's raining lightly here today and Gracie and I got as far as the front gate before she wanted to get back home. Funny little dog.
    Just about to make Barrie some sandwiches for his flight home. I'm close to tears writing this as I really don't want him to go. Still I will see him in a month after our Egyptian holiday.
    Have a good day everyone. Will catch up on everyone's news of the past few days, later.
    Love Valxxx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Two lovely cards Janet. I have a couple of the traditional cards on the string we put up to show our cards off. Hope the person who ordered them was pleased.
    Sounds a bit more positive news re the house Sandra. Fingers crossed her husband agrees that a stair lift can be put in. Fingers crossed for you tomorrow.
    Hospital today 2 appointments today. A bit of a wait between the two. We'll go and see about Pete's parking permit, and ask where your supposed to park. Your supposed to park in the numerous visitors car park dotted around the Churchill. In the many years we've been going up I've never seen any. According to the blurb you can't park in the pay and display, nor the staff car park ( you had to park in the staff car parks before ).
    Well Jo my chripodist has just been to cut my toe nails. I now need to see one of my grandchildren to see if they can paint them before Christmas.
    Amy our eldest granddaughter popped a card for Pete through the letterbox, plus 2 pkts of Terry chocolate orange and a bar of Lindt chocolate orange. The front of the card says.
    Lots of Get Betterness coming your way. A good luck card for today. How lovely is that.

    1. Hope everything went ok today. What a lovely thought from Amy. Very

    2. Hi Val
      As far as we can tell at the moment everything went as expected. Amy whose 21 is a lovely thoughtful girl. So sensible as well for a 21 year old. Completely different from her 3 sisters.
      Have a special ticket to go in and out of the barrier car parks. Which are the normal pay and display.

  7. Hello All, it was lovely and sunny first thing, but it’s clouding over now.

    Janet two lovely cards, I have cds but forget to use them.

    Sandra do hope the house works out ok for you and the family, hope Paul’s new job is going well.

    Have just finished my last card, now have to clear away the mess on my table.

    Have a good day, hugs to all, Lilian

    1. Many thanks Lilian for your lovely card which arrived today. Hope you've managed to have a tidy up and so hope you're feeing a lot

    2. Hi Lilian
      Hope you manage to get your table cleared of all your crafting stuff. I started to clear mine up yesterday.

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra will have everything crossed for you this evening, I hope it works out. Andre Rieu is lovely to listen to & watch, plays lovely music. Good on you for making your
    Janet 2 lovely cards, you don't see enough of these
    Pat hope all went well at hospital
    Val hope Barrie got off ok, doesn't matter how old they are it is still nice to look after
    No Lynda we still have not tree up, week is diappearing
    Maria take care hope you are not in too much
    Lilian lovely to see you in most days
    I am writing this while Alan is in shop, didn't know what he fancied for tea.
    I will send hugs to all I haven't mentioned & too all who need them love

    1. Many thanks Margaret for you lovely card which came today. Hope you manage to get the tree

  9. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    SANDRA GOOD LUCK FOR TOMORROW I do hope the house works out for you & Paul tomorrow I have everything crossed for you.both xx
    JANET I love your Two vintage cards today they are really lovely.well done xx
    PAT hope Pete's hospital appointments went ok & you got free parking as well x
    LILIAN Glad you have finished your cards now. Hope your carft room isn't as messy as mine. I must go in there tomorrow & Tidy up. 😲.
    Well must go as dinner is ready
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      As far as we can tell Pete seems ok. To early to tell. And yes, we do have free parking now.

  10. Hi Sandra and all,
    hope you have had a good day whatever you have been up to.
    Gorgeous cards Janet, lovely to see the oldies with a lot of snow and real Christmessy feel.
    Sandra- hope everything goes the right way for you to get a new home, everything crossed. Tree without tinsel,noooooo ! not impressed hihihi I'm sure it look beautiful and something that came in the post today was a Beautiful card from you, thank you !
    Pat- hope all went as well as it could at the hospital and the waiting was not too long. Need to get hold of some Ansjovis (Ikea) for my dish Jansson's temptation, not a person :>) the ones in the supermarkets aren't the right ones so I go for a nose around tomorrow. hugs
    Val- sending you some extra hugs. Hope Barrie got home alright and just think ,you see him soon.
    Cheryl- hope you get some time off after all the alterations work you have to do. Take care
    A lot of bombsites around so I hope you had a productive day of tiding up, finishing the last cards etc. now put your feet up and enjoy some peace before bed.
    Warm hugs to you all, Maria Xoxx

  11. Hello Sandra and Ladies,
    I hope Sue managed to get to see you today and you had a productive day.
    It would be brilliant if you are allowed to install a stair lift in the property you are going to look at tomorrow, I hope the owners are understanding, fingers crossed.

    JANET lovely traditional cards you are sharing with us today. xx

    VAL I hope you are alright. Barrie will have returned back home feeling rested and relaxed after spending quality time with you. Sometimes it’s hard being a mum isn’t it. xx you never stop wanting to look after them. He knows that you are there for him.

    Today I have been trying to finish off some family cards and mak an 80th birthday card. I was getting nowhere fast. Ended up wrapping a few gifts by way of a distraction, tomorrow I must get the cards finished.
    Sandra, Mr Brown delivered my expected parcel, thank you.

    Sleep well everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx
