
Friday 22 December 2017

More Christmas cards for Festive Friday

Good Morning Ladies, 

Two more of my gorgeous Christmas cards today, these two were designed and created by Val and Margaret.
The first 'Cute Kitty' card was designed by Our Val, she used a super cute Cat topper which to me looks like a 'Chorus of Kitty Carol Singers', which she framed with an intricate die cut, a piece of matching kitty background paper framed in the same way creates a gorgeous backdrop for the topper.  Val added a pretty border along the bottom of the card and a delicate sentiment framed in the same red card.
We are a house of cat lovers so your card went down very well Val, thank you so much xxx

Margaret used a beautiful die cut Christmas scene to create this fantastic card, She die cut the scene in white and mounted it onto Red card, which highlights all of the intricate details of this gorgeous die. Margaret used a beautiful sentiment to finish my card, stamped in matching red ink and punched with a pretty label punch and then mounted onto a red SU 'Lots of Labels' die cut. 
I absolutely love this card, the die cut image is beautiful Margaret, thank you so much. XXX

Ooh we have a busy day today, we are viewing another house at 9:30 am, it's a rural location but a perfect house layout, I only hope my two dear friends will travel a bit further to visit me each week!!  
We were then having our hair cut but poor Freya is heavily pregnant and suffering so she had to cancel, the girls were a bit gutted but I'm not too worried. 
We then have to measure off to the JR hospital in Oxford where I am seeing a Cardiologist, so hopefully I will get some information about why my heart keeps racing and struggling to maintain its normal rhythm.  
Lilian,  I understand you are seeing your cardiologist too, I'm wishing you the very best of luck for a good outcome, my appointment is at 13:50, what time is yours Lilian ?? 

We also have to pop into bank for Paul to sign some papers, then a bit more Christmas shopping. 

I'm looking forward to spending the day with Paul I have to say, I really miss not seeing through the day. 

Karen, I hope your heating gets fixed before the weekend, we had two weeks in December without heating once, the bought us two tiny fan heaters, it was awful, I have everything crossed that you get your parts quickly XXX

Lilian, all the best for today's appointment, fingers crossed for positive outcome. XXX

I hope you all have a fantastic day my dear friends,

Love and hugs



  1. Two gorgeous cards today Sandra, hpe all goes well with house view, xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Two really lovely Christmas cards on display today, they’re beautiful gorgeous.

    Yesterday was busy at work then I went straight to Tesco (met hubby there)....oh boy, was it crazy busy!!! Got home about 7pm, unpacked the shopping then phoned my Dad. Collapsed in a heap after that. I haven’t slept much the last 2 nights so I’m looking forward to my 4 days off. Just today to get through first.

    Sandra-good Luck with the house viewing and the appointment to see the Specialist .

    Lilian-good luck with your hospital appointment to see the Specialist.


    1. Hi Michele
      Even though you were busy I bet you were smiling all day. Inside as well as outside.
      It always amazes me how people fill trolleys full of food for basically 1 day. I've seen people with 2 or 3 trolleys full to overflowing with food. Seems like their stocking up for a couple of months not a couple of days. Enjoy your 4 days off.

    2. Hi Michele
      Enjoy your four days off work Hope your Dad's ok now.
      Sending you & Hubby some Hug's xx

  3. Morning everyone,

    Love the Christmas cards Val and Margaret, festive red and white brings warm feelings.

    Not so busy day today except for wrapping up Joseph's new trackie bottoms, my candle arrangements for family and a couple of friends then a visit to my besties, couple of hours taking up the trousers I didn't get to do the other day and doing a favour for John our stage manager by sewing 4 new flats then machine well and truly away. and to top it all a visit to o Bridgwater Macmillan Theatre's production of The Wizard of Oz.

    However you are planning to spend your day, enjoy.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      My word you've made me dizzy with your not so busy day today. What on earth is a busy day like I wonder. As Janet said you'll meet yourself coming back.

  4. morning Everyone
    Well we have got the shortest day out of the way so the only way now is forward.

    SANDRA- two beautiful Christmas cards from VAL and MARGARET.

    Good luck with both appointments today.

    CHERYL- how can you say 'not so busy day today!!'
    I'm shattered after reading up to 'wrapping....... and then visiting'lol.
    Take care you don't meet yourself somewhere along the

    I'm afraid I now have to use a swear word 'Housework' for today. I've already got the washer on so that's one job out of the way for a while and then it's just carry on as usual for a Friday.

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all to pop in.
    HUGS are on their way with loads of extras today for SANDRA and LILIAN.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Cheryl made me feel dizzy with her not so busy day today. I just went to the chemist to make sure Pete got all his meds for Christmas. Walked home as Pete dropped me off on the way to go and see his friend and his wife. He's unwell and his wife is bedbound. Then we took Doreen to Chipping Norton to see Ellis's cousin whose husbands funeral we went to the other weekend. Now we're looking after Craig's children as they've gone up to friends for drinks and nibbles.

  5. I hope both appointments go well SANDRA and that yours does too LILIAN
    Still no heating I hope and pray that the engineer can fix it today
    Work this morning and then that’s me done until the New Year
    Should be seeing daughter today and Oscar for our mini photo shoot! Talk about last minute dot com!
    Then dancing tonight Daughter is teaching

    1. Hi Karen
      I hope your heating is fixed by now. Enjoy your dancing I'm very envious.

  6. Morning everyone,
    It's always a surprise when I see a card of mine When I'm least expecting it. Glad you liked the cats Sandra. Hope the house viewing goes. Well this morning. Fingers crossed. Also hope the hospital visit goes well and you get some answers. Xxx
    LILIAN Wishing you well at the hospital today. Hope you're sorted out. Xx
    MARGARET lovely Christmas card. Really cheery. Xxx

    Off to craft Club today. I'm taking chocolate biscuits and I know one of our ladies is taking mince pies so it will be more eating than crafting today I think.

    Have a good day whatever you're doing.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you had a lovely afternoon at Craft Club. Did you keep me a chocolate biscuit. You can keep the mince pies as I don't like them.

    2. Hi Val
      Hope craft class was good I will have Pat's mince pie as she doesn't like them. Please. Your card for Sandra is really lovely.
      Hug's xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    2 lovely cards today from Val and Margaret. I have the twin of Margaret's card, only it's been done as a tent card. I think it's one of the Pretty Quick set isn't it Margaret.
    Hope the house viewing went well today and that the cardiologist can give you some answers, I hope it's just stress related and not anything else.
    I hope you can get some answers as well Lilian. Fingers crossed for you both that The cardiologists have some answers for you both.

  8. Hello All, very gloomy weather today, but at least the shortest day has passed.

    Two lovely cards again today, I must a big thank you to you all for my wonderful cards, each and everyone is so different.

    Well hospital today, after a 9 month wait I hope something positive come out of it. Feeling very nervous, hope BP doesn’t shoot up.

    Sandra hope your appointments go well.

    Karen hope you get some heat soon.

    Must go, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I hope your appointment went well today and you'll have some light at the end of a very long tunnel.
      Take care my friend.

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing my card & thank you all for your kind comments. Hope both of your appointmemts went
    Val lovely card frpm you
    Lilian hope your appointment gave you some answers, sending
    Another busy day, at last we have tree up Sue helped Pop do it this afternoon, just needs decorating now.
    Sending hugs to all who n÷d them love

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely cards from VAL and MARGARET. I loved MARIE’s yesterday.

    Hope the viewing went well this morning and you got some answers at the hospital this afternoon 🤞xx Also hope LILLIAN you got some answers from your consultant xx

    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday, we went out early to go to our hairdresser friend and didn’t get back home until late, after eating we sat down to relax when a neighbour called . It was lovely to chat but after he left I was shattered.

    Have been out today to finish off our last minute Christmas shopping, the shops were crazy busy. Only the turkey to pick up now. Thank goodness.

    Goodnight dear friends, Love Brenda xxx

  11. Hello Sandra & Ladies
    Two lovely cards from Val Margaret like Pat I own the same card from Margaret it's lovely in real life.
    SANDRA HOPE THE HOUSE VIEWING was successful. And your Hospital appointment gave you some answers.
    I did try & comment this morning but when I pushed publish it kept freezing up.
    So had to give up as Margaret came at 11am she didn't leave till half four. Then I went to make my Challenge card & sent to Sandra. I manage to get the mag with the free embossing folder from Tesco it's lovely made my cc with wondering how many cc with same embossing folder this week lol bet they will all be different.
    LILLIAN I hope your hospital appointment went well &a you got some answers
    Sending Hug's xx
    Well I'm going now hopefully it will publish Love Lynda xx

  12. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Third time trying to comment started at finger crossed.
    WOW WOW Sophie your artwork is amazing your a very talented young lady.
    MARGARET love your box &your pretty note let's .xx
    JANET what a gorgeous no 2 card for your gorgeous granddaughter she will love it.xx
    SANDRA hope all goes well with the house & they except your offer.
    Terry asked me to make 2 cards quickly this morning for the lady & her mum he dose some work for. He kept saying have you finished yet well you can imagine they weren't my best both finished in half an hour.
    SUE thank you for your sweet card it came this morning love it.
    I would like to THANK everyone for all your beautiful cards I received
    I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. We go to my daughter's tomorrow afternoon. Then have Christmas Day out for dinner in the same pub as last year.
    Darren Sam Harry & Sam's two daughters are coming to Lisa's Boxing Day so I'm so looking foreword to all being together & seeing Harry open his presents.lm taking my I pad so try & pop in.
    Love & Hug's Lynda XX
