
Saturday 23 December 2017

Mixed up Saturday


Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you aren't all rushing about getting your last minute shopping
getting those last few stocking fillers and food for Christmas , one thing that has been frustrating this year is there are no fresh Walnuts, in  fact there are hardly any, it's so annoying, My favourites are Brazil nuts.

I want to share a piece of Sophie's artwork , I personally think that it's fantastic and she will be setting the 'Bar' so very high for  the other candidates!
The picture was painted with Oil paints, this was her very first oil painting, I have already 'declared' an interest early, I would love this masterpiece on my wall!
The picture was copied from a photograph, the study was all about Photo Realism,
It really is stunning in real day light. I am a very proud Mummy 

Paul and I viewed another house yesterday, this one was very interesting, it was big enough for our furniture etc, the house is lovely, fantastic even, so, we have put our names down, so they will take the house off of the Market, it's £1500  


Margaret made the second and third photo this week,  She designed and created the pretty box, those boxes are amazing, I believe it was Janet who sent her the dies cuts, which is so very kind ?! Margaret has turned it into a stunning, tall, octagonal Box, that Margaret has tied a pretty ribbon too, it really doesn't need anything else, the box is beautiful on its own.

Margaret also has a pretty collection of stamped notelets, using different colours of
Ink and a variety of stamps to collections. Those cards are so pretty, bright and cheerful. They would make a great gift for anyone, all bundled up in that beautiful box.
(Photos up above)
Thank you so much Margaret for sharing your new creations.


Janet made this stunning number card for little Gacie-Leigh's second Birthday,  she has decorated the card with cute images of Piglet and Pooh Bear and Donkey, I love it Janet, thank you so much. XXX

Well ladies that's all for today, I hope you aren't all too busy to pop in tomorrow, If a brief trip into town is planned be prepared for a long wait times, it's ridiculous, so many people were struggling in supermarkets with two huge Shopping trolleys filled to the top with shopping, all because the shops are closed for ONE day!!!

Have a lovely day ladies,

Lots of love



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-the picture from Sophie is stunning, so lifelike.

    Margaret-love the gift box & the stamped cards.

    Janet-lovely Card,so cute.

    Up early as hubby been suffering with kidney stone pains during the night. Let’s hope this doesn’t get any worse.

    I’m off out to Tesco early to get the last few good items then on to the hairdressers. I’ll call at the butchers on the way home to collect our order then pop into the Chocolate shop (we have a handmade chocolate shop in the village) for a box of chocolates for my In Laws to take when we see them on Boxing Day.


    1. Hi Michele, hope hubby isn't in too much pain. Hope you get all your shopping done and the shops aren't too

    2. Thanks Michele, hope hubby feels better

    3. Hi Michele
      Hope your OH isn't in to much pain with his kidney stones. I'm assuming you were able to finish shopping and got your chocolates. Good job we haven't got one by us, I'm bad enough with chocolate anyway.

  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- the painting from SOPHIE is absolutely STUNNING. No wonder you have declared an interest. The bar has certainly been set on HIGH.

    MARGARET- thank you for sharing your box. I love what you have done with it. They really are a present in themselves. I also love your notelets.

    I would love to see any of the boxes you all made with the die cuts I sent.

    The card I've made for Gracie-Leigh is just a little bit of fun as she's madly in love with Pooh Bear and all his family. The template is one off the CD called 'Dazzling Dresses' by Dolly Dimples. I recommend this CD to anyone as it has so many useful sections. The number 2 template is also a 'heart' when opened up fully.

    It already feels odd as it's Saturday morning and I'm not going shopping, not even going out of the house.
    I'm also going to be lazy today too as I shall be doing the usual Sunday roast tomorrow and of course a Christmas Dinner on Monday.

    The CAFE is OPEN if anyone has the time to pop in for a quick cuppa. Light refreshments are available.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Lovely card Janet. Who doesn't like Pooh and friends.
      Enjoy your lazy day, you sound as though you're in for a busy few days.xx

    2. Thank you Val, these are soo easy to make up thank you for cutting out. I wanted a oresent for a friend & thought notelets a good idea & useful. Enjoy your lazy

    3. Hi Janet
      Love the card you've made for Gracie- Leigh. Love the Winnie the Pooh characters on it. Hope your enjoying your lazy day.

  3. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra wonderful news about the house I am soo pleased for you, it must be a weight of your mind. Sophie's oil painting is fantastic, she has soo much talent. Thank you for showing my box & cards, the box thanks to Janet. Have a good
    Janet lovely card for Gracie-Leigh she will love
    Just going to take Star out so will send hugs to all who need them particularly Lilian hope you had answers yesterday, love Margaret xxx

    1. Beautiful Margaret and the ribbon makes it look so special. Also very pretty notelets, beautifully stamped. Enjoy your

    2. Thanks Val, yes I was pleased with the ribbon. Hope the housework goes

    3. Hi Margaret
      Love the box, as everyone said it's a present in itself. Love the notelets as well.

    4. Thanks Pat & yes my card yesterday was a Pretty Quick die, I love them they are so useful for making quick

  4. Just lost a comment Stunning artwork SOPHIE I honestly thought it was a photograph
    Love the box MARGARET and the card for Gracie-Leigh is lovely Karenlotty

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Just a quick look in as we're trying to go shopping early.
    Sandra great news re the house. Love the painting. I think I had a sneak peak as it was on your dining room table when I came over the other week.
    Walnuts are loose in Lidl, well they were a couple of days ago.

    1. Hope the shopping went well Pat and you can relax for the rest of the

    2. Hi Val
      Shopping was a doddle today. Plenty of cars in the car park but not many people at the tills. I popped down town this afternoon to get some Kendal Mint Cake for Doreen, as she loves it. She asked Pete a few weeks ago when I was in Watford could they pop to Keswick to get some. Pete laughed as it an 8 hr round trip from here.

  6. Morning Sandra and all,
    Sandra what a stunning drawing. I honestly thought it was a photograph. What a talent, no wonder you're so prod.
    Good news about the house. Sounds just what you want. So happy for you.
    I have that horrid word Housework to do today. Just having a coffee before I start. Then just a couple of presents to wrap and I'm done.yeh.
    LILIAN hope everything went well with the Cardiologist yesterday and you SANDRA hope he sorted you
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

  7. Hello All, another grey damp day.

    Wow Wow what a marvellous painting Sophie has created, your right to feel very proud.
    Margaret love the box and note cards.

    Janet super card also, I have a Pooh cutting cartridge for my Cricut, which my grand children used to love on their cards.

    Yesterday appointment was almost a complete waste of time, very abrupt cardiologist, he’s one of the top ones so thinks he is god,wasn’t allowed to add anything only answer his questions. The outcome is that my heart rate is much too fast,( as if I didn’t know) and will not go back to normal rhythm, so have to double my tablets. Very dissatisfying out come after waiting 9months to see him.
    He almost said this is to be expected at my age.

    Enough of my moans, have a good day all, we are travelling to London tomorrow to have Christmas with the family, staying for a few days. Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Lilian how frustrating to be told something you already know, I really feel for you. Have a lovely Christmas with the family. Love & hugs Margaret

    2. I am so sorry your appointment was so frustrating, I didn't come out any the wiser, however I have to wear a monitor for a week, sometime in the new year to try and find the cause.
      This Consultant was young and very helpful and understanding, which makes a refreshing change these days!

    3. So glad you had a good reception, I’ve had one of those monitors, not that it helped a lot, seems it’s just my age, at least your young, so they can’t say that to you.

    4. Hi Lilian
      How frustrating that the Dr was rude and very unhelpful. Perhaps you could speak to your Dr re a minitor as I know Pete had one from ours. Not to sure why you can't have a pacemaker like Pete. I know his heart rate was very slow but surely it also applies to a heart beating to fast.
      Look it up on the internet Lilian. Pete is only 73 and he wasn't considered old by the Drs.
      Have a lovely time with your family and a very happy Christmas to you.

    5. Hi Lilian
      Sorry the hospital Dr wasn't very helpful how rude of him not letting ask questions Lillian quit a few years back I had bad palpitations & I wore a monitor for two weeks. They said I needed an Ablation operation as I had to many electric currents making the heart beat quickly. Hope you get it sorted soon. Hug's xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I love Sophie's oil painting, she really has a brilliant gift. It really does look like a photograph. Like you Sandra I would be putting in a bid for this one. Thank you Sophie for letting them share your beautiful work with us.

    MARGARET, your box is lovely, gift in itself. XX

    JANET, Gracie-Leigh will love her special birthday card with all of her favourite characters on. XX

    Sandra I'm so pleased do you like the house yesterday. I hope your bid will be accepted. XX

    We are off out on our last bit of Christmas shopping, it's only the turkey everything else has been organised, if we have forgotten anything - it's to late to worry about it!!!
    Hope everyone is having a good day.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Thanks Brenda. Good luck with the

    2. Hi Brenda
      Hope you managed to finish your shopping.

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Amazing painting by Sophie, she is so talanted.
    Margaret your box is lovely and Beautiful Notelets.
    Very sweet number card Janet, she will love the pictures.
    Loved the two cards you were showing you received yesterday Sandra. The cards still coming through the letter box :>) thank you so much to you all !
    Lilian- so sorry they not helped you very much. You might need to have a band to test your heart too for a day or so, do speak to them again. Sending you hugs.
    Good luck Sandra for this being the house for you. Keep us updated how it goes, hugs
    Hope all appointments and hospitals goes as well as they can do. Take care !
    Internet was down yesterday and this morning. The handle on my GC broke trying to make the B card for Sister-in-law and a mug of tea got knocked over the table in the lounge AAAAARG It was not the best of days I can tell you.
    OH and I went this morning down to Radlett for the last items for our Christmas lunch tomorrow. They got a special store there for food we like to have.
    Going to watch Viking's with the others now and then back to "the card" for SIL
    Hope you all have a nice day. Love Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Are you going to see if Spellbinders will replace the handle for you ?. I assume the Vikings is a film?

    2. Thanks Maria, hope you managed to get what you wanted. Enjoy your

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely painting of the girls done by Sophie. She has an amazing talent doesn't she.
    I'm pleased that the house is big enough for your furniture. Just the girls school to sort out and if that's ok, your sorted. Just a bit further for Paul to travel to work.
    Hopefully when your all sorted and moved, your palpatations will subside. Fingers crossed anyway that they do, or the monitor sorts out what's happening.
    Well the shops weren't to busy today. Apparently Sainsbury's were full to overflowing and manic yesterday. The car park was busy today, but the till queues were very small.

  11. Sandra OMG I have Just checked to see if my comment published well it did but on yesterday's comments How did that happen I haven't got a clue
    Sorry can't do it all again. So pop over to yesterday if you want to.xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I hope you, Terry and the dogs are doing ok. How funny that your comment today went onto yesterday's.

    2. Thanks Lynda, sounds as if you are going to have a busy time, hope you have a lovely

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight. A flying visit to say H to you all. Time has flown by today, can't believe it is past midnight already.
    Sophie's art work is beyond fantastic, I have seen this s piece in progress and like so much of her work it gives you goosebumps it so life-like.
    Mum, live your box and catfds, very pretty X
    I hope you are all ready now. Love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and all in need. Take care xx NJ

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