
Monday 4 December 2017

Michele's Monday Tic Tac Toe csohallenge

Michele's Challenge Card

The Sketch

Good Morning Ladies,

I spent the evening on Friday, all Saturday comforting our Sophie who has had a terrible flu bug/virus, she's had sky high temperature, shivers, splitting headache, vomiting. Bless her she looked pitiful, all day Saturday I didn't feel right, which I put down to lack of sleep as usual but as it got closer to bed time I got the shivers, pins and needles that burnt, my throat was hurting etc, through the early ours I got worse to the point that I too was vomitting.  I can honestly say I can't remember the last time I felt this I'll. 
Consequently I couldn't stand unaided let alone sit in my craft room!  So I was panicking about today's blog, luckily Michele and I usually chat n messenger on Sundays, discussing the challenge etc, I just explained how unwell I was and I didn't even have to ask, Michele and just said "Do you want me to sort the challenge out"

Thank you so much Michele, you are so kind and thoughtful XXX

Here is Michele's description of her card, we looked at this Challenge last week and thought it was a good one, the 'Free' square means you can choose whatever you like for that one.  Have fun with it ladies x

Monday’s Challenge is another Tic Tac Toe. I chose the Circle/Free(die cutting)/White line for my card.
 I used a DL card, added Navy blue card & linen textured white card to it then diecut the word “thanks “ out from my Cuttlebug Alphabet set “Olivia” and 5 Circles from the Swirly Scribbles set. I used up some scraps of Blue card but this would look fine in any colour. I added the same sentiment inside the card. I kept the front of the card quite flat so it’s easy (& cheap) to post.

Thank you so much Michele,

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I really hope you managed to sleep last night & are feeling a bit better this morning.

    This weeks challenge is another Tic Tac Toe-Isn’t it a great one?? So many options especially if you use the Free square in the centre.

    I have a day off work today but I'm going to be busy-drop a parcel off then onto the craft shop inside Lady Green garden centre to buy some basics as I have a 20% off voucher. Then I’m going over to Aintree retail park to Hobbycraft
    & The Range for Christmas presents and maybe a few treats for myself..!! I’ll call in Marks + Spencer’s to look for food items as me & my brother are making up a hamper for Dad for Christmas.
    This afternoon I have the heating company coming out to service the boiler so as soon as he’s gone I’ll be heading for my craft room.


    1. Hi Michele
      Thanks for filling in while Sandra is unwell. I love seeing what everyone makes for Tic Tac Toe.
      Hope the shopping went well and the heating company didn't leave you a big bill for servicing your boiler.

  2. Morning Everyone
    I'm not sure whether it's morning or bedtime here as it's so dark

    SANDRA/MICHELE -good challenge for this week. Thinking cap on.

    MICHELE- good hunting today around all the shops. I have a trip to The Range planned for tomorrow.

    Mr Tesco morning and then after that I have another 5 Christmas card to make. I really cannot believe that I am 5 short. (well I suppose I can as sometimes I'm really not sure which earth I'm on at the moment. Durrrrrrrrrrr.) lol.

    The CAFE is OPEN and looks inviting as I've put the Christmas table cloths on with a few sprigs of Holly in vases. The tree will be going up later this week and if anyone wishes to help decorate it with their favourite bauble it would be lovely.

    HUGs are on their way to you all with EXTRAS for you SANDRA - hoping you feel better this morning. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Such a shame the weather is so hit and miss at the moment. It's qpgetting on the darkish side now here.
      We're off to Hailey Village Hall this evening for a Christmas Concert. We go every year and my friends kindly bought us the tickets this year as a present. Witney Town Silver Band play the music. Should be a good night, thanks for opening up again Janet the tables look lovely,

  3. A great challenge MICHELE, thank you I love your card, my style, my colours
    I do hope you’re feeling better SANDRA These winter bugs can be so nasty 🤢
    OH decided it was too miserable to go and choose glasses But we did go dancing in the afternoon with daughter, her fiancé and little Oscar A quick visit to my sister in law to collect MIL and then home
    Busy busy day at work today Will try and pop in later

  4. Morning Sandra and all.
    I hope you feeling a lot better this morning Sandra and be well enough for our meet up on Thursday. Sending you get well hugs.
    Thank you Michele to set this weeks cc, will try my best to make one this week. Well done at the fair !
    All yesterdays cards on show in the cafe' are wonderful, well done everyone. I especially loved Brenda's and Lilian, your flowers are gorgeous.Great idea Karen to twist your own Twine, hope you had lots of cuddles with Oscar. Sorry I didn't make one Sandra, I put a piece of blue paper on to a card base and that was it, my brain is all over the place and nothing gets done except for a amongest mess.
    Hubby needed a eye test so we popped in to Specsavers yesterday morning to make an appointment and was told if he could wait 10 minutes he would get seen, how great was that. In the meantime I went looking for some shoes, think you call them loafers but more for the winter season.Hate shoe shopping and can never find anything comfy enough so came out empty handed. It was so busy in the shops, so many people everywhere and hot so after we got back I felt quite tired and achy and never went on the lappi, just sat here with the others and tried to watch a film but kept falling asleep so missed most of it. Going for my shower now to see if that can wake me up so I can do some cards later, haven't even made the ones for abroad so best get a move on
    Sending many hugs to you all and well wishes for all who need some, Lynda, Lilian and Tracy, take extra care
    Love Maria xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and all
    Great cc this week Michele and Sandra especially.ially with the free square. Lovely card as well Michele.

    So sorry you're not feeling so good Sandra. It sounds like a nasty bug. Hope today is a better day for you and Sophie. Keep warm with plenty of hot drinks. Sending hugs

    Like Janet I've just realised I've 4 more Christmas cards to make so as soon as my window cleaner goes (we've been putting the world to rights over a cup of coffee) I'm off to my craft room.

    Meant to say yesterday ladies Lynn said thank you for the lovely comments about her snowman.

    Have a good day everyone. Xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    So sorry to read that both you and Sophie have had this nasty bug, I hope you are feeling better today, please take things easy, give your body time to recover, lots of warm drinks a blanket or duvet is the order of the day.xx

    MICHELE you really are a star, stepping in and taking the pressure of Sandra, I know she really appreciates your help, as we all do. YHANK YOU xx

    We (the royal we) are going to The Royal Marsden in Sutton for John’s check up. If all is well he won’t have to go for another six months - fingers crossed 🤞

    Have a good day everyone, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

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    1. Sorry about that I keep pressing publishing it was happening, still they say everything comes in threes! xxx

  9. Hi Sandra &Ladies
    Sandra sorry your not feeling well hope you & Sophie are feeling better very soon some healing Hug's on there way xx
    MICHELE great CC this week thank you for stepping in for Sandra x
    We went shopping for trainers yesterday I managed to get another pair of sketchers they are so comfortable with memory foam inside. Terry got some Skechers as well glad CU got some quickly he normally takes forever.
    Sending Hug's for everyone Special hug's for Tracy & Lilian xx
    Terry has gone painting again today so I'm going in craft room & Have count up & see how many more I need.And put insides in so
    Love Lynda xxx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I'm glad you both managed to find some trainers. Hope your both feeling better today,

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Sorry to hear you've a sore throat and have been sick. I hope you and Sophie are feeling a bit better this afternoon. Gentle hugs coming your way.
    Michele lovely of you to fill the breach while Sandra is unwell and doing the Tic Tac Toe.
    Tracey gentle hugs coming your way.
