
Sunday 3 December 2017

Your Tic Tac Toe Challenge cards

Good Morning Ladies,

Our first Challenge of December, only three more to go before Christmas, that will bring us up to the day 23rd, I think that I may just give you the week off over Christmas, unless you all get bored of cooking and cleaning and want to escape to your craft rooms for a bit of peace! Maybe I'll set a mini challenge thats optional.  You never know, some of you might get Craft things that you can't wait to play with!!
Now lets get on with the main purpose of today's blog.....Your amazing Challenge cards........


Brenda, decided to really 'Challenge' herself and not go for the easy option, OMG Brenda, it was so worth the extra thought and effort, I love it and with your permission I would like to share it on my Stampin' Up' Pinterest and on FB group, as it is really inspirational, I have to say I haven't seen another like it.  The Stamp set is 'Star Of Light'
Brenda chose the categories:  One Layer/Yellow/Blue
A fantastic card Brenda, thank you, both for taking part and be so inspirational.


Karen has used Categories: Blue/Twine/Rectangle
Karen has used four different embossing folders to create this fantastic Christmas card, atleast one of them is not a Christmas themed folder either, Karen took a blue background and used the white layer to cut up and emboss in different folders and then piece back together leaving tiny spaces to let the blue show through, she made her own 'twine' by twisting two different embroidery threads and twisting them together.  That is a fantastic idea a great TIP! Particularly as you can usually buy a huge mixed bag of embroidery threads at places like the Range.  
The die Karen has used for her sentiment is a free die from a magazine last year.
An amazing card Karen, thank you so much for taking part.


Lilian has designed a beautiful Birthday card for this weeks Challenge, using Categories: Scallop/Bow/Stitching.
Such a pretty card Lilian, I love that Scallop Border die, Beautiful flowers and foliage, a flourish, a die cut sentiment topped with a bow, all finished with that lovely stitched edge, a recipe for a stunning birthday card.  
When you sit down to make a card it is always time well spent Lilian, your cards are beautiful, I hope seeing how beautiful this card is on the screen will be all the encouragement that you need to feel like sitting and crafting again, it is impossible to do when you feel unwell, but it can be therapeutic at the same time. 
Thank you so very much for taking part this week Lilian, I really do appreciate it.


Lynda has used Categories: Blue/Butterfly/Bow to create her beautiful challenge card this week,
Stunning die cut Sue Wilson Butterflies, on a pretty blue background, the sentiment is from the 'Beautiful You' SU stamp set, Lynda has stamped it onto the Pierced Flag die cuts, matted onto that beautiful teal blue card. Lynda has finished the card with a stunning pearl topped satin bow in matching teal blue.  Wow Lynda, such a gorgeous card.
Thank you so much for taking part my lovely.


Margaret has used the Stampin' Up! ''At Home with You'' stamp set to create this fab 'New Home' card. Using Categories Blue/Rectangles/one layer.
I know you have had a super busy week, so thank you for taking time to make a card for this weeks
challenge Margaret.


Michele has whisked us all away to somewhere hot and sunny for her challenge card this week.
She has used the categories:  Blue/Yellow/Rectangles to create this fantastic card, that could be used as a Get Well card, or a birthday card, or just a 'hello'. I send cards with this sentiment to my mum from time to time as she loves to receive a hand written letter as well as a phone call, I do too actually, its so nice to get something other than bills in the mail. 
Thank you so much for taking part Michele, I know that you managed to fit in making this card between setting up your Craft stall and going to the Fair on Friday evening. I am so very grateful.


Val, you have created an absolutely stunning Birthday card for this weeks challenge, you had used the Categories:  Blue/Rectangle/Twine, to create this beautiful card, I am pretty sure it won't stay on the shelf in the shop for very long . Who can resist a Flower Fairy?!
Thank you so much Val for taking part in this weeks challenge.

Thank you all so much for taking part again this week, you amaze me as always.
I hope that you all have a lovely, peaceful Sunday. (with a bit of crafting involved of course).
I will be in my craft room, of course thinking up tomorrow's challenge.

Sending Love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    A beautiful set of Challenge Cards this week making the CAFE look so inviting for all to pop in and have a look at what's happening.

    Had a very busy morning shopping yesterday and boy am I paying for it now. Never mind quite a bit of Christmas shopping done YEH.

    My Challengs cards must have been forgotten somewhere along the line as they were sent with the same email of the little gift bags. Never mind.

    The CAFE is OPEN and on today's menu is Roast Beef so get your order in early.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good Sunday.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I hope Sandra finds your card today and shows it tomorrow. Been out all day today so I'm now sat watching the snooker.

  2. Morning ladies,

    Beautiful challenge cards yet again, you amaze me with your interpretations of the Tic Tac Toe arrangements.

    If one had to win this week I would have to vote for Brenda's stunning card. WOW!

    Spent over an hour at the Village hall yesterday waiting for the Dame to arrive so I could get the measurements I required. Now at last I can start putting his/her costumes together. The director wants them 'blinged up'. No matter how many times I tell her.... the wigs, shoes, tights, accessories and make up are the main focal areas for the Dame and whilst the costumes can be colourful to compliment the wigs...she still wants BLING! BLING! BLING! I have not got time at this late stage of waiting for the Dame to appear for rehearsals & fittings to rearrange my materials. Radi, the Dame, has been otherwise been involved with Bridgwater Carnival and concerts. I don't know if any of you have heard of it but I expect Pat might know. It is a big celebration of Guy Fawkes Night here with a cavalcade of floats depicting many themes lit up to the sky and squibbing afterwards outside the Town Hall just before the announcement of the winners. You can feel the heat as the floats go past.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. The Carnival sounds like fun. Have a good Sunday.xx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      What a pain having to wait for the Dame to arrive. And what's with the costumes being blunted up. Children love pantos and won't worry if the costumes are blinded up or not.
      Yes, Cheryl I've heard of the floats for Guy Fawkes night. My friends daughter takes her little girl and a couple of friends every year. She apparently was brought up near Bridgewater and go every year.

  3. Morning Ladies

    Another lovely selection of challenge cards. Mine was a “one layer “ card-you get the option to print out a Ready Made Card when using most of the Ella’s Design CD-ROM.. this image has been sitting on my craft desk waiting to be made into a card for months !
    I had a very successful Christmas Fair-all together over the two days I too just over £100! I’m really shocked at the amount as it didn’t seem very busy. My crazy friend stayed both days & we had a real laugh which was nice as I don’t often get to spend much time with her these days.
    We had a takeaway last night as I was too tired to cook & hubby has managed to pull a muscle in his back playing golf yesterday. He’s taking painkillers & clutching a hot water bottle this morning!


    1. Congratulations MICHELE It’s good to see.a little bit of a reward for our time and effort

    2. That's great Michele well done you.xx

    3. Congratulations on the amount of money raised at the craft fair. A really good result if as you say if it didn't seem very busy,
      Love the little bit of sunshine card you made.

    4. Meant to say I hope hubbies back improves.

  4. Morning Sandra and all,
    Lovely, lovely lovely. I do like Sundays. All beautiful cards again ladies.

    Out for lunch today, then calling on a friend to wish him a happy birthday.
    Then tidying my craft desk so Pip my window cleaner can actually get near the window tomorrow.

    Have a lovely Sunday everyone.

    1. Hope you enjoyed your lunch Val. Love the embossing folder you've used on your card. Perhaps you can pop over and give me a head start on tidying up my craft room. It needs a minor miracle worked on it.

  5. Another great selection of cards I always have a “wish I’d thought of that or why didn’t I think of that” moment
    I struggled this week I don’t know why and didn’t make my card until yesterday morning
    I don’t have a lot of twine and certainly no blue! As all of my craft stuff is in one room now I had a bit of a lightbulb moment and wondered if twisting embroidery thread would work I think it does and will do it again with other colour combos You’d have laughed watching me being very cackhanded at trying to get it to work AND stay twisted!
    Dancing was good last night although quite quiet The dj recognised us and we had a great time reminiscing about weekenders and holidays we’d been on
    I think we’re off shopping for new glasses for my husband (I’ve picked mine I hope they’re better than my current ones which I’ve never got on with) and hopefully dancing this afternoon and see Oscar
    Take care all xxx

    1. Hi Karen
      Great card today. Love how you've used the twisted thread. Hope hubby managed to find some frames he liked. Enjoy dancing and of course seeing Oscar,

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© today.
    Wonderful cc'd as usual. Like Karen I often look and think "I wish I had thought of that" 😊
    Michelle, congratulations on making so much at the Craft fair. I'm not surprised as you make beautiful cards just like the challenge card this week. What a cheerful card for brightening someone's day and great for many different occasions. And what an extra bonus of having time with your friend. I hope hubby's back improves over the day and you get to relax X
    Lynda, you have been busy making such a variety of lovely cards. I am always amazed at your fantastic backgrounds. I'm sorry you got poked and prodded on Friday, especially when you are stripped down to your undies! I always feel like asking the doc to strip off too so you feel as uncomfortable as each other 😊 I do hope they can do something to help your pain x
    Maria, Its so nice to hear that you and hubby had a lovely time on your special day. Fingers crossed that WW goes well for you today x
    Janet, I'm sorry to hear you are paying the price after your shopping trip yesterday. I hope you are able to relax today once you finish cooking my favourite roast. Please may I have some, but no horseradish for me though. I can still remember the smell when Grandma made her own. Boy did it make your eyes sting!!! Have a good day X
    Karen, I love your card and what a genius idea to use embroidery threads to make matching twine 😊 I'm glad you had a lovely time remanising with the DJ. Enjoy dancing and time with your lovely little Oscar X
    Lilian. As usual your card is gorgeous. I hope you are starting to feel better and up to crafting again x
    Mum, what a lovely shade of blue you have used and I love the little flower pots either side of the door, they are so pretty. I hope you have recovered from Friday. I bet you slept well that night 😊 Love and hugs to you and Pop xxxx
    Val, what a beautiful card, so pretty. I lived the cup Snowman Lynne made for the shop window. I may have to get the Beavers to make one, if Lynne doesn't mind. Sorry to hear it is getting colder for you too. Does Gracie mind wearing her coat? I hope your back is not as painful now x
    Brenda, wow, your card is stunning, I absolutely love it, and you have proved that you don't always need lots of layer to make gorgeous cards 😊 X
    Cheryl, we always repackage food for the freezer too, it saves so.kuch space, doesn't it. You will be glad when you have finished the panto costumes won't you. Your director needs to learn to listen to you as you have the experience to know what you are talking about. The carnival sounds like a wonderful event. It's a shame that not many places hold them any more as they are great fun, although there is an awful lot of work done beforehand isn't there. Have a good day X
    Pat, I assume you are going to Yarton garden centre with Pete and Doreen as usual. Enjoy using your new goodies when they arrive X
    Thank you for all of the kind words and hugs on Friday. It all went as well as a funeral can. Today is being spent at home with no visitors planned, at the moment anyway so crafting is the plan. Sending you all love and hugs with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing all our cards & setting yet again a great challenge. Hope you are allowed to spend the day in your craft
    I love all the cards but Brenda & Lilian's are both beautiful, well done to you
    Maria hope WW was good this morning, & hope excersises are still
    Lynda hope you are not in too much pain, hugs on
    Val enjoy your lunch out, hope it's not too
    Janet yes please to roast beek & all trimmings, as Sue said MIL used to make her own & boy was it strong!!xxx
    Karen glad you enjoyed dancing last night, hope your glasses are better this
    Michele well done on excellent result hope you are relaxing
    Cheryl hope you can finish off costumes
    Sue yes we had a lovely day, I was tired yesterday though. Pleased everything went as well as possible in circumstances. Love
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a beautiful display of cards, I have to say I enjoyed this challenge. My choice was out of my comfort zone and as Sandra said I challenged myself, because I do not do one layer cards.
    KAREN What fantastic idea to use different EF’s and creating rectangles within the rectangle.
    LILLIAN I always love your cards and this one is just beautiful.
    LYNDA Beautiful card from you, love those butterflies. Hope you are feeling some relief after yet another hospital trip. Take care.
    MARGARET Lovely rectangle card from you, how clever to use a rectangle stamp as well.
    MICHELE love your card, those papers are gorgeous. Didn’t you do well at the Christmas fare, you should be very proud of all your efforts. Hope OH is not in to much pain.
    VAL What a lovey image you have chosen as your focal point, Love that EF.

    Sandra please feel free to use my card however you choose. xx

    I started this comment about 11.30 Why is it when I want to do something for me LIFE keeps interrupting?

    Hope everyone is having a good Sunday whatever you are doing. xx

    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      What a stunning card you've done for the challenge. Great use of the stamps you have.

  9. Hi Sandra
    Lovely cards today as usual. Been out to lunch as usual. Took Olivia and Amber as well as Karen and Keith ( Mum and Dad ) are in Benidorm. They do have 2 older sisters who are keeping and eye on them. As they're 15 & 13 you can't say they're baby sitting them. Livy was looking Pro Cook as she wants to be a chef. Amber as usual looked around the pet shop. They don't sell animals, only things for them. Plus they looked round, Pavers, Peacocks and The Works.

  10. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Wow wow fantastic cards this week they are all gorgeous
    We had a lazy morning before going to Tesco but first getting CU some new shoes. On way home treated ourselves to a meal at the Hungry Horse. It was very enjoyable & i didn't kiss the floor like I did last time we were there.
    MARIA hope WW went well.
    TRACY sending you Big squiggly Hug's & Love ❤️ xx
    🀣🀣Terry has just made me a builders ☕️ tea
    Love Lynda xx
