
Tuesday 5 December 2017

Another 18th Birthday card

Good Morning Ladies,

I will start by apologising for the poor quality photograph of today's card, this was the rushed 18th card I was asked to make for Sophie and Lucy's friend Beth, I had virtually just finished the card and box and was tying a bow to finish the box when Sophie needed her hair braiding 'Now' so I left it to Lucy to take a photo!  That's all I am going to say! She has never had to photograph a card for a blog in her defence, so she can be forgiven.  
I will also add that Beth loved her card, apparently having it boxed really does make it special!

I used 'Fresh Florals' Designer series paper to make the card along with the "Number of Years' stamp set and it's matching dies.
I covered my 5x7 base card with one side of the DSP and then used it's pretty reverse side to add a centre panel, I edged this panel with Whisper White card using the 'Ribbon Border Punch'.
I then die cut a rectangle slightly smaller than my floral panel and die cut the numbers 18 out of the centre, I then used the stamp set to add 'Happy' to the centre of the 1 and the 'TH' beside the 8, I also used flower stamp from 'Bloomin Heart' stamp set to add detail to the topper. 
I used this floral stamp on the insert of the card too. 
It was quite a quick and simple design but I think it worked well, with a change of colours and detail stamp this card design would work for any age or gender.

Not much else to report as I have had another day frustratingly spent in my bed as I felt so unwell, the Hot/Cold sweats I can cope with but the vomitting is just too much, any small activity is leaving me totally breathless and light-headed, I think whatever this bug is it's affecting my heart palpitations, making them much worse and more frequent! 
Anyway enough whinging from me, there are people in a lot worse state! 

I hope that you are all ok, 

Sending my 'arms length' love and hugs, (to prevent germs) !!



  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra, really lovely. I hope you managed to get some sleep last night & are starting to feel better.

    I had a very productive day yesterday-didn’t purchase much so I’ll need to go online tonight. I had a great time in my craft room making Christmas cards-I’m taking my cards into work today to see if I can sell any more.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope you managed to sell some cards at work today. Must finish mine off and get them posted.

  2. Morning Everyone
    A lovely 18th card SANDRA. So delicate it's lovely.

    Off out this morning to visit the Range in the hope that we can get a little more shopping done and also hoping that it will not be as busy as it would have been at the week-end!! (who am I trying to convince).

    I managed to get 3 of the needed christmas cards done yesterday so at least I'm making

    The CAFE is OPEN and just waiting for you all to visit and have a chat and a cuppa.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with loads of extras for Dear Friends in need. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Hope the range wasn't to busy and you managed to get what you were after.

  3. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry you are still feeling poorly, sending healing hugs. Your card is lovely, pleased to hear the birthday girl appreciated it. I did comment late yesterday but it disappeared when I pressed publish, it was too late to comment
    Michele thank you for choosing CC, I have sent you an
    Must get on Petanque this morning, sending higs to all who need them love

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Sandra, I hope you are feeling a lot better today but I know Paul will be taking care of you so please take heed of Brenda's wise words about resting up and taking lots of liquids while snuggled under a blanket (until you get a hot flush) Sending you big gentle hugs my lovely. I love this quick card you made in a rush last week, it is so pretty and no surprise the young lady was delighted with it xx
    Michele, I love your Challenge card for this week, it is so good of you to sort it out for Sandra. I bet your work colleagues will be delighted to snap up some of your great cards today x
    I hope everyone has a bit more light in the sky than we do, it is another grey day here 😖
    I'm still trying to get my cards done but what with one thing and another it is taking so long, but I will get there in the end I'm sure. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Sandra,Mum, Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Sweet card for your daughters friend Sandra, amazing you got that and a box for it done so quickly.
    Hope you feeling better today and you are taking it easy.
    Another grey day here too Sue, seem to be all over. I know some of you don't like snow but it does make it lighter outside and I love a sunny day with crisp white snow on the ground.
    Michele, hope you managed to sell some more cards at work and you had a good day.
    Janet, did you find what you were looking for ? hope it wasn't too busy in the shops you went to today. Hope Jim is ok.
    Margaret, hope the petangue went well and you had a fun morning. Hope Pop is getting better but still taking it easy. hugs
    Quiet in the cafe' at the moment but I guess you all busy with one thing or other. Have you got your tree up and made any baking yet ?
    I tried to make some cards this morning and then went and lost the die, can't find it is a mystery because I had just used it so with that I lost the mojo and it is still gone, very frustrating.
    Warm hugs to you all, special ones for you who need some
    Love Maria xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    I hope your feeling a bit better day. Although I did message you this morning so I guess not as I didn't receive a reply. Such a shame you had to do Sophie's hair when your so under the weather. Great card though.
    Tracey gentle hugs coming your way.
    Lilian I hope your feeling better soon as well.
    Well Pete went to the Churchill today to see how his eyelid was going. The Dr was pleased with it, but found some more Cancer on his back. So that had to be operated on today, and stitched up. They also asked if they could take photos of parts of his back for research purposes. He goes back just after Christmas. They will ring tomorrow with an appointment as they'd just turned all the computers off as the whole department was going out for a Christmas lunch. Very odd sitting in a hospital dept with no patients in it.

  7. Hi Sandra and all
    Sorry you're still not feeling so good Sandra but bed in definitely the best place to you with lots of fluid. Hope you have a better night and feel a lot better tomorrow.

    Sorry I'm so late today. Got some bad news last night that a friend has died. He's the husband of my friend Joan who lives further north in Spain. Jon and I have been friends from school and the friend that died, Dirmid, worked with Allan in the police and when Joan and I were 19 we arranged a blind date for the pair of them. Of course they married and the four of us have been very good friends since. So feeling very sad and down.

    Hugs to all not feeling good. Love Valxxx

    1. Oh Val I am so sorry to hear your bad news Take care xxx

    2. So sorry to hear your sad news Val. Gentle hugs coming your way.

    3. Oh Val, sorry to hear your sad news, sending gentle hugs and prayers. Love Brenda xx

  8. What is happening with BLOGGER! I (again!) thought I’d left a comment this morning
    I hope you’re beginning to feel better SANDRA Something like that really takes it out of you
    I hope you’re ok to go to the hospital tomorrow
    I love the card - very pretty I think you need a stash of 18 cards as all their school friends will be celebrating! Talking from experience there as I all of a sudden got asked to make 30 year old cards
    I hope everyone’s day improved and you managed to sell your cards at work MICHELE

  9. Hello Sandra and Ladies,

    I left a message this morning but it seems to have gone AWOL. .... Grrrrr.

    Sandra I hope you have had a better day today and are getting over that awful bug. Please keep yourself warm and take lots of drinks.xx

    I love the card you made for Beth, it is so pretty and feminine. I need to make a card for a 40th birthday. If you don’t mind, I think a take on your card would be perfect.

    Sorry to be in so late, hope I didn’t wake anyone up!

    Sleep well, Love Brenda xxx
