
Wednesday 6 December 2017

Masculine Christmas Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, you need to be wrapping up warm as we are in for some much colder weather, after storm Caroline that is! 

Today's card is something very different to my usual style, it is my Challenge card for this week's Tic Tac Toe, I went for 
Categories: Black /Gold/Twine

 Here's how I made it:
I used the Stampin'Up! 'Winter Wonder' Embossing Folder, covering the side with the name on with Versamark clear Embossing ink which I applied with my brayer, I took a piece of black card and dusted it with an anti static bag, I then placed it in the embossing folder and ran it through Gemini.  I removed the piece of card and covered the card in Gold Embossing Powder, I dusted off the excess and heated the powder, watching it turn into what looks like liquid gold still fascinates me!  I die cut a mat of black card and stuck my gold embossed piece onto this black mat, I then took another piece of card 1/4 larger, added Versamark and gold embossing powder to each side and heat set, this became a gold mat that matched the front of my card, it's a great way of creating matching mat and layers when you don't have the right coloured card.
I added some black twine and a black die cut Snowflake to embellish my card.  The Sentiment is from 'Teeny Tiny Sentiments', I think it works perfectly with the masculine feel of the card.  I stamped it into black card and embossed with Gold Embossing Powder, I cut it with the label punch, added foam 'dimentionals' and popped it in the bottom corner of my card.

This card will be perfect for my Brother, who has a modern, minimalist style home.

Paul went to ask for an update on the house renovation work yesterday, apparently they are now so far behind its very unlikely that they will start on our house until after 6th January,  which is a both frustrating and a relief, I would prefer to have Paul here with me while they are doing the work, yet it's a relief that it's not being done so close to Christmas. The frustrating thing is if Paul hadn't gone to enquire we would have prepared for it to be done a week on Friday. 

I managed to sit and make a card later in the evening yesterday, I tried several times during the day but I just didn't have the energy, each time I tried I was hit with an episode of palpitations. I felt stronger than the previous day though which was positive.  Fingers crossed for a better day today! 

Have a fantastic day my lovely friends,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra, perfect for a minimalist Male.

    Glad you felt well enough to spend some time in your craft room yesterday. I had a play and made a couple of Christmas cards-still need to make a few special cards though.

    Yesterday at work was horrendously busy-we only went for lunch at 1:45 and we were still making treatments at 4:55. I was very glad to finish after that.


  2. Morning Everyone

    SANDRA- a very appropriate and minimalist card. So suitable for those pesky men in our lives.

    Shopping was successful yesterday so another present bought. The list is slowing getting leaner.
    Today I have to wrap present which are going across to the Netherlands so I have to wrap them as small as I can - postage just gets more and more every year.

    The CAFE is OPEN for you all so pop in for a cuppa and a chat. HUGS are on their way to you all with extras for SANDRA in the hope that you're feeling better today.xxxx

  3. Great card SANDRA I love the minimalist look It would suit a lot of my friends both male and female I hope you feel even better today and I hope SOPHIE’s appointment goes well
    I was sorry to hear your sad news VAL - take care xx
    I managed to make a MINION themed card for a work colleague I decided to try an intricate gatefold card Never ever made a gatefold before let alone an intricate one I’m quite pleased with the result I will try and send SANDRA a photo
    I’m so looking forward to the Watford meet up tomorrow I hope a few of you can make it Those that can’t I’ll miss you x

    1. Thanks Karen. Looking forward to seeing your

    2. Hi Karen
      Looking forward to seeing your Minion card.

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra great card today, hope you feel even better today. Good job Paul asked, annoying but at least you can enjoy Christmas in
    Val sorry to hear your sad
    Petanque again this morning so will send hugs to Sandra, Lilian, Lynda, Maria & anybody else that needs them love

    1. Thanks Margaret. Enjoy your petanque. Hope it's not too

  5. Hi Sandra
    Glad that your feeling a bit better. Love today's card and I hope my goodies arrive soon.
    Talking of putting things away and not being able to find them. Awhile ago I bought a paper pad from The Works that I thought would be good to go behind some parchment craft. Previously to that I'd put all my Groovi things in a bag that Sophie one of my granddaughters had given me. Well I've been searching high and low for this pad to no avail. But low and behold I found it yesterday in the groovi bag. The last place I'd thought to look in. I was only moving the bag and spied it. However, I have mislaid my small merry Christmas Die. I have some cut out from last year so I'm assuming I had one.

  6. Morning Sandra and all.
    Beautiful card Sandra. Ideal man card. Good job Paul asked. What plonkers. Hope you get better day by day, just take it easy.
    The funeral is tomorrow at 5pm. It a two hour drive up to Javea. We can't remember where the crematorium is so we're leaving early.
    Off to play crib later.So cold here today so I hope we're playing inside.
    Hugs to all not feeling so good.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      We never think of it being cold in Spain. But our daughter said it wasn't to warm when they were in Benidorm last week.
      Enjoy your crib.
      Hope the funeral goes ok, well as well as funerals can. We also have a funeral to attend tomorrow and one on Saturday as well.

  7. Hello Sandra and Ladies,

    What a great card you are sharing with us today, it is really gorgeous, very modern and minimalist, great for a man. I can also visualise it in dark(ish) blue and silver. So pleased you were able to make it into the craft room.

    Well done Paul going to the site office. I suppose it’s to much trouble for the work force to keep the residents up to date with what’s happening. At least now you know you can get the Christmas tree up and enjoyed.

    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

  8. Hi everyone.
    Love the card you made for today's posting. Glad you managed to get into the craft room for a while so I hope you feeling well enough to come tomorrow. For you who can't join us, you be very much missed.
    Val- very sorry to hear about your friend. Sending you and Joan hugs and hope tomorrow goes as well as it can.
    Pat- hope you and Pete are taking it easy. Sorry to see he has more cancer to deal with. You take care.
    Margaret- thanks for the wave :>) hugs to you and Pop.
    Michele- hope today was a bit lighter at work, try to have a restful evening.
    Lynda- hope you are ok, hugs for you and Terry. How are the four paws liking the beach promenades ?
    OH is watching football so I'm going to finish some cards off and tidy up a bit in the kitchen. I'm sure we had some glitter in our dinner tonight Lol
    Have a nice evening everyone and wishing you all a good night. Love and hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  9. Hi All, Sandra lovely card you have for us today, love the colours.
    Hope you are feeling better after your nasty bug.
    Have loved all of the cards over the last few days, sorry not to post much, severely lacking in energy.
    Had my telephone consultation with my Dr yesterday seemed not to know anything about my stay in hospital and to be honest didn’t seem to care, so I’m back at square one.
    Hoping all who are in pain , will soon be on the mend, hugs Lilian

    1. Oh Lilian that's awful. Perhaps now you heed a face to face appointment. But I know how hard it is to get appointments with your own Dr. Perhaps you can just ask to see a dr asap, then perhaps you'll get more joy with another dr.

  10. Good evening Sandra & ladies
    Sandra gorgeous card glad you managed to get in craft room to make such a beautiful card especially as your not 100% x & thank you so much for your help yesterday xx Glad Paul found out that the builders won't be doing work till after Christmas so at least your decorations can now go up 🌲& you can now enjoy it
    VALso sorry about your friend sending you some Hug's. Hope all goes as well as can do tomorrow xx
    MARGARET thank you for your Hug's x sending you & Pop''s some
    Hug's back xx
    PAT sorry Pete has more cancer to deal with. How are you hope now sending gentle Hug's for you both.xx pleased you found your paper pad 👍
    MICHELE hope work was less busy for you today.
    I'm not sure where my day disappeared I had a 💉 Test this morning. Terry Took dogs 🐶 For a walk on the beach I can't walk on the sand so I sat on a bench it was warmer than yesterday so at least I got some fresh air.
    I posted some cards boy The postage over £11 7x7 cards won't go through the small slot so only 6 x 6 flat cards will. I've got more cards to make tomorrow so will be smaller now.
    MARIA thanks for your Hug's & hope you managed to get some cards made today

    Sorry so late comments wouldn't publish so left for a while third time lucky I hope
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Hope the blood test goes ok. Must be lovely to walk along the sea front as long as it's not to cold.
      Pete has a further 6 appointments this month, 2 just after Christmas. CT scan and a bone scan. The hospital rang this morning to say they want him in again in 2 weeks. So he has two appointments for the next 3 weeks.
